#snakey blu
blubushie · 1 year
Do you have any random headcanons for Jesse you'd be willing to share? She's super fun and I'd love to know more about her :]
A few!
Jesse can barely read. Is she dyslexic, ADHD, or just a bad reader? No clue, but leaning toward mild dyslexic who just gets very frustrated very easily. Everyone just thought she was dumb and didn't learn well, including her teachers who gave her passing grades with the goal of one day having one of their alumni make it to the MLB. No one finds out she actually has a learning disability until halfway through the story and it's not who you think it'd be (or maybe it is). Figuring it out unironically changes her life.
In complete denial about being bisexual. Still points out hot chicks for Mundy and then gets joke-mad at him for looking. He does the same thing, but only for chicks because blokes actually do make him jealous.
Craig Donovan was a great baseball player and for a little while he was her first crush. He ruined it, obviously. He ended up still being her first crush but in an entirely different context.
She talks in her sleep. The only one who is aware of this is Mundy. She also gets very handsy in her sleep. Wakey wakey hands off snakey. Mundy doesn't mind because he's arguably worse.
Has a sock monkey named Joe that her dad made for her before she was born. Originally she named it Poopy Joe after the monkey died but then she grew up and "just couldn't take the Poopy part seriously" so now it's just Joe. It was 2 years at BLU before she stopped sleeping with it every night but she still pulls it out from under the bed when she has a nightmare.
HATES SNAKES. No one knows why. She doesn't know why. That said she loves lizards. Her world is turned upside-down with the discovery of legless lizards.
Absolutely terrible cook to the point Mundy had to teach her to make fried eggs. Still uses too much salt but Mundy eats Vegemite so he's not whinging.
Stays levelheaded except when family is involved. See: Cindy and Craig Donovan, Cindy and Pete & Greg, Charles and Claw, etc. Will take a lot of shit about herself. Her family? Talk shit, get hit.
Charles killed an American Army General after Dom and Eddie were killed and no one knows. Jesse found out the morning before the Italy Incident and hasn't told a soul.
Cindy Knows. Fair go on what this means.
Was born 2 months premature with lungs that weren't fully developed. If she'd been only a week or two earlier she wouldn't have survived. Charles immediately gave up smoking because he was worried just the smell of smoke on his clothes would affect her. He remained clean for 10 months until the day he left in which he immediately bought a king size pack of cigarettes and chainsmoked the entire pack in one night out of stress.
On a similar note: after coming home from a three-week stay in NICU, the ONLY THING that could get baby Jesse to sleep was her father singing to her in Welsh. It was one particular lullaby (Suo Gahn) and despite Charles teaching it to Cindy, Jesse wouldn't sleep for her. At exactly 2am every night she'd wake up with a cat's cry and Charles would have to take her out of her bonnet, go into the lounge room, and fall asleep in his chair with her across his chest. This is the only way she could sleep for 10 months until Charles left. No one in the Evans household got any sleep for 3 months after Charles left. It had gotten to the point everyone in the household was waking up five minutes before she started to cry and waiting in the kitchen for the wailing. Mass panic the first night she didn't cry.
Coughed a lot as a baby due to underdeveloped lungs. Charles lost his 18-month-old-sister when he was 5 to whooping cough so this coughing scared him absolutely shitless.
Childhood asthmatic. She's grown out of it but any semblance of choking scares the shit out of her. Still rarely has attacks brought on solely by stress. Was intubated by Suki so many times in her first year at BLU that she now has zero gag reflex to physical stimulus. Still gags at gross tastes. Hasn't had an attack in 3 years, still keeps an inhaler just in case.
Can't count past 100. Not dumb, she just gets distracted and loses her place.
Windows XP shutdown sound when restrained. Really though, she has the sheep response to restraint. Pin her arms to her side and hug her and she calms down immediately.
Antithesis to Jeremy in parental relationships. Jeremy has not forgiven Spy in the slightest and feels he has to prove himself before he'll ever call him "dad." Jesse has forgiven Charles, doesn't care about the cold shoulder, and is just desperate to have a father after going so long without one. Neither of them approach Dad's Home in a healthy way.
Still has nightmares about Sniper. On that note...
As much as she insists Sniper and Mundy are the same person, she completely backtracks on that both as a coping mechanism and because of how Mundy reacts at the reminder that he WAS probably in his right mind when he did what he did.
Devout Irish Catholic so long as you don't remind her that murder is a sin.
Gets misty-eyed whenever she hears the song Brandy. There are no restrictions for alcohol on base EXCEPT in the case of brandy, for which there's an unspoken agreement to never bring on base. Jesse's mother was an alcoholic. These things are all related.
Has such a high metabolism that she completely shuts down when unable to move around. The kind of person who's switching positions every half-hour at least. Most of her time captive was spent sleeping due to this.
Zero booksmarts. Incredible streetsmarts. She outclasses Mundy in some categories when it comes to reading people.
Dom was always kind of an arsehole to her and a part of her was glad when she found out he was drafted because it meant she wouldn't have to be around him. She wouldn't admit this on her deathbed. Still loves him, though.
Her relationship with Tommie is more strained than I let on and the truth about how she feels about him is first hinted at in one paragraph of chapter 11. They're the kind of siblings that get along better when they're apart. This comes to a head when she goes back to New York for a week.
On that note: Charles spills the beans. That's the only context you're getting. Feel free to hypothesise in the replies/reblogs.
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darwindanger · 1 year
( @emotionallyhurtsniper ) Oi ! Since When Are Ya Here , Mate ?
Was Wondering If Ye Saw Anyone Of The BLU Team . My Team Vanished A While Ago And . . . Been Lookin' For Them Since .
'ello BLU-y, got back on the grid a few days back- 'm sure ya know how it is. Sorry to hear about the other BLUs, but I think I've seen two? Dunno if they're the same ones you've been workin' with. One was a little rattle-snakey and the other was on ice. I'll have a butcher around, keep my eyes peeled an' all.
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docrotten · 3 years
RAZORBACK (1984) – Episode 193 – Decades of Horror 1980s
“Wakey, wakey. Hands off snakey!” Wait, what? Join your faithful Grue-Crew - Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr -  as they take a trip down under for Razorback (1984), some genuine, original, Ozploitation.
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 193 – Razorback (1984)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
As a vicious wild boar terrorizes the Australian outback, the husband of one of the victims is joined by a hunter and a farmer in a search for the beast.
  Director: Russell Mulcahy
Writer: Everett De Roche, Peter Brennan (based on the 1981 novel by)
Director of photography: Dean Semler
Film Editing: William M. Anderson 
Music: Iva Davies
Makeup & Special Makeup Effects created by: Bob McCarron
Selected Cast:
Gregory Harrison as Carl Winters
Arkie Whiteley as Sarah Cameron
Bill Kerr as Jake Cullen
Chris Haywood as Benny Baker
David Argue as Dicko Baker
Judy Morris as Beth Winters
John Ewart as Turner
John Howard as Danny
Razorback is Bill’s pick and he thinks it might have been the first VHS he rented after he got a player. He was expecting a giant pig running around killing people but what he got was a movie directed by a guy who directed all his favorite music videos. It’s very stylistic, beautiful, desolate, scary, and weird, and he likes it! Crystal didn’t know what to expect but she really enjoys Razorback. The performances are wonderful and she likes the clever way the boar sequences are edited as well as the amazing fog machine! Or was it fifty fog machines? Chad also rented Razorback and the style really grabbed him. It was apparent to him that Russell Mulcahy had done a lot of music videos. There was no reason for all the backlighting and fog but it looked cool as hell. Jeff absolutely loves Razorback, calling it a visual feast and a lot of fun.
Razorback is a must-see in the canon of Ozploitation films. At the time of this writing, it is available to rent from several streaming services and on physical media as a Blu-ray from Umbrella Entertainment.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Crystal, will be Ken Russell’s The Lair of the White Worm (1988), starring Amanda Donohoe and Hugh Grant. Mm-mmm.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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jans-daycare · 5 years
hello mister snakey. i spy a cutie * picks you up* - eli 🦊
Aww Eli... *blus lots*
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