#sneed x jack x belle x hetty
butcharondir · 9 months
the 19th century hospital polycule agenda is REAL and GOOD and RIGHTEOUS you can't stop us
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Episode eleven - New beginnings
Jack Dawkins x fem reader
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"Y/n! Let her go, please." Jack begged watching as Arthur dragged you across the factory floor.
"How would you like it done my Lord? A clean cut, or shall we beat her?" Arthur asked the Lord sitting at the table.
"Oh why not rough her up a bit." He chuckled finishing his apple, he threw it on the floor and stood.
"Just make sure it's done." He said, straightening his waistcoat.
"No, you struggle against him, finding your feet enough to push yourself upwards. You take a quick breath and jump, lifting your legs into the air and knocking Arthur the ground. He shouts and grabs you around the waist. His fist collides with your stomach and you fall to the ground.
Seeing your bravery Jack musters all the energy he has left in him and fights against the two men breaking free of their hold. He rushes forward, kicking Arthur. You manage to crawl away as the two men scuffle. The large wooden doors burst open and the redcoats surround you all.
"Jack!" You call out to him but he is lying on the floor, face in the dirt. You see Doctor Sneed rush to his side as Belle drops down beside you.
"Get them out of here!" Your father shouts. One of the soldiers pulls you up into his arms and you hold on to him. Occasionally turning to search for Jack. You see him being carried by two soldiers. Sneed seemed to be holding onto his chest as they hurried. They placed the two of you into a small cart, Sneed jumping between you.
"What is it? What happened to him?" You ask trying to pull the doctor's arm back.
"y/n, he has been stabbed in the chest, his lung is perforated." Sneed explains over his shoulder.
"We need to stop the bleeding and get air back into his lungs without killing him." A new realisation paints his face as he looked at you, "That's your blood isn't it?" He asks.
You glance down at your chest, only now realising the pain you were feeling.
"yea- yes I fear my stitches may have come undone." You breathe out. Sneed nods at you.
"Okay, alright sit very still. Belle can redo the stitches when we get back to the hospital." He uses one hand to squeeze your shoulder and guide you to lie back. You move your hand around him and find Jack's. It's limp and cold.
"Don't let him die Rainsford. Please you need to do everything you can to save him." You beg.
"I will, y/n I will do everything in my power."
The hospital comes quickly and you're lifted out, your blood smears over the soldier's coat as he carries you in. Belle ran alongside him.
"Hetty, get the surgery ready! It's Jack, and we need a second bed!" She calls to the head nurse. Hetty beckons her nurses to her side and gets to work grabbing the equipment.
Belle pushes all the equipment off the table in the preparation room and has the soldier lay you down. Turning your head you see them rushing into the theatre with Jack, through the window.
Belle stands above you with the either mask but you push her away.
"No, no just do it." You say, keeping your eyes on the man you loved. Rainsford was above him, tearing away Jack's shirt.
"Hetty, here hold this, come here!" He directs the nurse to hold the cloth to the wound grabbing the second ether bottle and pressing it to a cloth.
"How do I do this?" He asks the nurse.
"Put it over his face." She instructs.
"Okay, okay, Jack breathe in as much as you can." He said softly. More people were beginning to pile into the room. Your mother and youngest sister stood at your head. Professor McGregor and several nurses stood around, each of them ready to help if needed.
The scratching of the needle piercing your skin threatened to overtake you, but you were determined to stay awake. You needed to be awake when you Jack was done.
"Okay, here you're done. Do you feel okay?" Belle asks.
"yeah. I'm alright. Thank you."
"Fanny, stay with her I'll get a wheelchair." Belle ordered. Your mother comes up beside you.
"My darling, please don't shut me out anymore. I am so sorry" she presses a kiss to your hand, tears falling from her eyes.
"Mother, I forgive you, but stop holding on so tight. We're big girls." You say.
"It's done. I did it. Jack? Jack come on Jack, wake up!" Sneed taps Jack's face. There is a moment of silence as everyone holds their breaths.
Jack draws in a long breath and opens his eyes.
"Y/n?" He asks.
"She is here, just relax." Sneed tapes his colleague's shoulder. Your father wheels you through to him. Your eyes meet.
"you must be so excited?" Fanny asked standing in your newly decorated parlour.
"the first dinner in my new home, yes I am. Though I'm nervous." You admit. It had been two months since the ordeal and you were finally feeling well enough to host your family for a dinner. Fanny had spent most of her time with you, making sure you were always happy and well. Sneed had chosen to make Belle a doctor in training, so she had spent most of her time at the hospital.
The door bell rings and your butler answers for you, it's Jack.
"Lady Fanny, would you permit me a moment alone with y/n?" He asked. Fanny smiled wide and walked across the room, she takes a small box from her dress pocket.
"You may need this." She whispers. Jack looks down and sees the ring he had lost the night he was taken. He thanks your sister then crosses to you. Jack pulls an envelope from his coat.
"Belle read this to me."
"Oh." You whisper.
"You were going to give me all of your money. It would not have been compensation for your life." His eyebrows knit together as he speaks.
"Jack, my parents were awful to you. I wanted only to.gice you the opportunity to make your own way. With that money you could have gone to America and opened your own Hospital." You explain.
Jack shakes his head.
"I could never leave here. y/n, I am done playing Bachelor. We are both now regained our health and I will be returning to my full hours of work. You should know that as a head surgeon the days will be long and I may have to stay late, but I promise that I will always come home to you. Should I need to stay, I will send word to you and never leave you wondering, " he takes a breath and holds your hand in his, "I didn't know that anyone could feel the way I feel for you. In all the fairytales love seems the most fantastical of them all, unachievable until you. You have bewitched me with your beauty, captured my mind and soul with your humour and intelligence. I love you and I never want to be without you. You are already living in my house." He laughs.
"No let me finish. Y/n if you had died no amount of money could have persuaded me to leave. I would have sat at your grave until death came for me. Before everyone else gets here I want to ask you a question." Jack dropped to one knee, holding the ring in his hand, "Will you marry me? Your father already-"
"Yes!" You say falling into his arms and kissing him. Jack winces at the left over pain in his chest. He stood to his full height and slid the emerald onto your finger. He kissed you.
"Eeeeeee!" Fanny came charging into the room wrapping her arms around both of you.
"This is wonderful!" She squealed.
"Thank you Fanny, do you think you could let go?" You ask. She pulls back and runs out to greet the other guests as they begin to arrive. You and Jack cling to each other, your arm linked with his. Your mother, Belle, Sneed, Fagin, Rotty and Hetty made their way into the house. It would be strange without your father but he was travelling back to England. There he would give over the evidence for Oliver's arrest along with Lord Branwell's. The latter would be tried for attempted murder. Edmund would hopefully return with a new head of police.
Fanny wasted no time in telling them all of your engagement and though Lady Jane tries to hide her sneer she manages to congratulate you. Part way through dinner Rainsford began to speak
"Oh, I forgot my aunt Patuna is on her way here for an extended visit. My two cousins will be with her."
"How lovely, is that Gordon and William?" Lady Jane asks. Fanny leeks up at the names.
"Yes, wonderful young lads, Twins. William has recently finished his law training and Gordon is an officer in the army. We are hopeful he may wish to take a role amongst our growing police service here." He explains.
"They are older men?" Lady Jane asks.
"On the contrary, mother, both are barely five and twenty and unwed." Belle states, grinning towards Fanny.
"Oh how wonderful!" Fanny claps.
The rest of the evening is joyful, everyone enjoys each other's company. Your mother even has a civilised conversation with Fagin. At the end of the evening everyone returned home, leaving you and Jack alone.
"I start work again in two days. A scheduled operation for Mr Smithy."
"That's good. It will be wonderful to get back to normal." You agree. He reaches over and takes your hand in his.
"How are you feeling?" He asks pointing a finger to your chest.
"Much better, I had the world's greatest surgeon fix me." You laugh, "I'm tired, shall we go upstairs?" You ask.
"Upstairs. I grew up living in an attack with thirty other children and now I live in a three story house with servants. It's bizarre." Jack mused as you walked up the steps.
"You'll get used to it. We could always make it feel less large with the latter of tiny feet." You grin at him. Jack sighs,
"I...we should wait for your heart to grow stronger before we-"
Seeing the panic in his eyes you press a soft kiss to his lips, stopping his train of thought.
"Until you say it's the right time, then." You agree. Content and happy the two of you walk into your bedroom and close the door, unknowing of the men who stand at the window.
"It isn't the right time yet." Monks says.
"I narrowly got away because of him. I want to burn his world." Arthur Sikes growls.
@fandomfan-102 @darasloves @afalls14universe
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Episode six - Bully in the Alley
Jack Dawkins x fem reader
This is a long one
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"Do you think he'll like it? I should have packed more macaroons. Rainsford loves macaroons." Fanny chatted away as the three of you walked towards the stairs. You stop when you see the head nurse.
" Nurse Baggett, is Dr. Dawkins here?" You ask.
" On a Friday night? He's paying a house call on the Cat and Bagpipes." She laughs. Disappointed you turn back to your sisters who were already making their way up the stairs.
"Should I give Sneed a peek? What would you say to that?" Fanny said.
"Nothing really. Sneed isn't suited for you. His interest in us is purely political. He just wants to marry a governor's daughter and secure Head Surgeon. And he's already proposed to me." Belle rambled.
"Oh." Fanny stops walking.
"Fanny, he would've married any member of the family, including Father or the dog." Belle says.
"Belle, there is no need to be turt. Fanny, Sneed is not for you. He would not be attentive enough for you." You try to comfort her.
" So, when is your happy day?" She spits her words at Belle.
"The happy day was when I declined him." She replied.
"I should just fill my pocket with stones and walk into the sea." Fanny said.
"Sea's that way." Belle pointed.
"Belle, will you both stop this, now." You demand.
"So, just to clarify. Sneed's still available, then?" Fanny asks finally.
"For now." Belle agrees. The three of you walk into his private room. Fanny quickly delves into unpacking her basket of goodies.
"We've also got coconut macaroons, fruitcake, jam drops. Ooh, and this is pepper jelly. I made it myself to help with your recovery."
"How lovely. Lady Belle, are you well?" Sneed asks her, attempting to ignore Fanny.
"But it's quite peppery." Fanny continues.
"Better than someone who fought a pointless duel." They continued the back and fourth between the three of them. Your attention was held by the window you could hardly see through.
"Quickly. This way. Come on, quickly." You hear Hetty shouting. A Bell rings below. Running out of the room you see people clamouring all around.
"Cold compress on her. Splint that. Some doctors would be nice!" You see Hetty shouting. Jack stumbles in with a man's arm around his shoulders.
" Dr. Dawkins." You rush up to him.
" Lady y/n. Can you take him to the ward?" He hands the man over to you draping his arm over your shoulder.
"Are you even sober?" You ask.
"Three sheets to the wind. One sheet better than Prof usually is." He waves his arms. "Get your sister. I need her in the ward. Aputi, bring him in here." Jack walks away from you.
In the swirl of the chaos you do your best to help the nurses with bandaging and comforting the wounded people of Port Victory. Morning rose up without anyone really noticing. Seeing Jack standing beside the bed of one man you walked up to him.
"There's nothing more we could have done. Not with bleeding like that." He lets out a shaky breath, "Hetty, have you eaten anything at all?" He asks the nurse that looks set to fall down.
" No time." She replies.
Heavy footsteps stomp through the halls and you see your sister rushing up to Gaines.
" Captain Gaines, I will be speaking to my father!" She growls.
" Have you come to finish them off? Blinded in one eye, a fractured skull, and a ruptured femoral artery!" Jack's grits his teeth.
"All the results of resisting lawful execution of a warrant. And that's young Alfie Wilderkins if I'm not mistaken. This is a very good day indeed." Gaines grins and it churns your stomach.
" I want the men responsible court-martialled." You say.
"Well, that would be me. You'll need to tell the Governor his right hand is a criminal."
"Yes. That is a very good idea." You narrow your eyes at him.
" Arrest them. They're accomplices. All right. You, come with me." Gaines shouts and grabs one of the patients.
"They need medical care. I can't let you take these patients." You say putting your hands up across the ward door.
" They were never patients, Lady y/n. They're my prisoners. Stand aside." He moves close enough to you that you can smell the stink of his aftershave, "Your father indulges you. If you were my daughter..."
"I'd run away. Like your wife." You sneer at him. Gaines steps forward raising his hand ready to slap you but Jack catches him, wrenching him backward.
" Oi! Doc, you're needed over here." Fagin calls from the other side of the room. He drops Gaines' hand.
" Pity you didn't strike me, Dawkins." He growls at Jack before marching away.
"father can stop this!" You call to Belle.
"Where do you think I'm going?" She shouts back almost running from the hospital. You turn back to Jack.
"Are you alright?" He asks, you nod your head allowing him to take your hand.
"What do we do?" You ask.
"you've been here all night, go home and get some rest. Hetty you too. Neither of you are any good if you get sick as well." Hetty tries to protest but he shakes his head to her, "Go on, we'll be okay, come back later."
"Hold fire!" The Governor shouts as Belle wakes him by dropping. Heavy book onto the desk.
"Gaines has gone mad. People have lost their lives." Your sister tells him.
" No, surely not. I counselled moderation." He rebutes.
"Have you seen what's going on out there?" She asks.
"No, but... Oh, my word, that's lovely." He says taking a sip of congac.
" The hospital is overrun. Beaten by Gaines' men." She interrupts him.
"And I'm sorry you had to see that. The hospital really is no place for a lady. But I bear good news, Excellency." Gaines brushes past Belle. "Your operation has flushed out the notorious Kit Wilderkins."
" Oh, Gaines, that is wonderful news."your father chuckles.
" You ordered this, Father?" You ask storming into the room"
"Gaines is firm, darling, but there's a reason he kept our men alive in Africa."
"No, but he's maiming people. He's killing them." You protest.
" All regrettable incidents. Some were resisting arrest and attacking your men, Governor. I shall pray for their souls. Tell me, does your friend, Dr. Dawkins, ever cause a patient pain?" Gaines turns to you.
" Of course, in trying to help to... " You reply.
"Cure. Yes. And does Dr. Dawkins ever accidentally kill any of these patients?"
" Rarely." Belle interjects.
"And I'm sure he mourns it, as I do. You see, a colony is very much like a body..."
" Yes, I've read Hobbes." You cut him off.
"Then you will know that sometimes we must hurt in order to heal."
"A young man bled to death in the hospital overnight. What of his family?" You say.
"Ah, yes. Very sad. Alfie Wilderkins, only eighteen. Kit Wilderkins was his father. Together they held up the Murchings Bank stage coach last month, and killed three people. Corporal Hartmouth was begging for mercy when they shot him. Hartmouth had two dear little children, Rosie and William." Gaines pretended to feel remorse as he sat in a chair.
"Yes. Look, it's one thing to lose a man in battle, but to crime? It's hard to explain to the widow." The governor says.
"You see, my ladies, sometimes we need to cut a rotten part of the body politic in order to cure the whole." He speaks to you both.
"I know what part of the body politic I'd be removing." Belle bites back.
" Okay, thank you, Captain Gaines." The Governor dismisses his Captain before taking your and Belle's hands in his.
"Darlings... Darlings, I know you disapprove of Gaines and his methods. But I've been asked to turn a penal colony into a society. And I need men like him to make a prison into something better. Now, I'm not asking you to accept everything I do, but I am asking you both to support me and this family." He says.
"we will go back to the hospital and help." Belle says.
"No, we need to rest. Father, you should, perhaps put down your congac and take a good she's look at the people you surround yourself with. Come sister." You take her hand and lead her to the stairs.
"You're giving up?" She asks.
"No, Belle, Jack said we needed to sleep to rest, he sent Hetty away as well. He wants us at our best to help." You explain.
"And what will you do? Hold a few hands and get in the way?" She spat out the words.
You hold onto the emotions that threaten to spill out of your eyes.
"Belle, I may not be as smart as you are when it comes to medicine, but I am doing my best."
"You could be doing so much more, instead of wasting all your energy on a boy."
You push past her and storm up to your bedroom.
Three hours later you found yourself unable to sleep so you redressed in a simple cotton outfit, forgoing the hooped crinoline and opting for a smaller petticoat. You sneak back down stairs to the carriage that waited for you at the back of the house. Belle was already sat inside.
"took your time." She smiled. You say nothing, knocking on the carriage to signal the driver. Much to Belle's dismay you give her the cold shoulder all the way to the hospital. Choosing to keep your eyes on the trees going past.
She chased after you into the building when you arrived at the hospital.
"y/n please, I'm sorry." She calls after you. You ignore her finding Jack.
"What'd your father say? When's he going to stop this?" He asks you.
" Yes, I have spoken to my father. There are two sides to this. It's not as clear as..." you say walking through the corridors.
"He's dead. How much clearer could it be?" He almost shouts at you.
You stop and look at him for a moment, "Right, if you're to be like that, Jack..."
"I cannot believe you would give that man's story credence." He said. You turned once more marching god knows where as you spoke.
"I don't give a fig about Gaines, but I do trust my father's word on this."
"You can't agree with their methods?" He asked.
"Obviously not." You answered
" That boy bled to death in front of us."
"I know but, he was a bushranger, who killed one of Father's men."
"So they say."
" He's my father. He's many things, but he's not a liar. He's trying to bring peace to a colony you have to admit is out of control." You stomped through a closed door.
"Did you mean to walk into a cupboard?" Jack almost laughs.
" Obviously not!" You bit your lower lip to keep your emotions from bubbling over. "Gosh. You are incredibly irritating."
"So are you."
"'Cause you won't listen to anyone else's point of view. All I'm saying is it is not clear-cut."
"Look, you either want to be a help here, someone who cares for everybody, no matter how spotty their soul may be, or you are "milady," who gives six of the best to the peasants when we get uppity." He jibs you.
" Uppity? I know you had your past indiscretions, but these were bushrangers who killed three men, one a father." You reply.
" Some people need to thieve in order to eat." Jack sighs.
"And that can lead to death, too." It was getting harder to hold back your tears.
"Have you ever seen anybody dead on the streets from hunger?"
"No!" You agree.
"Have you ever paid for anything you've eaten? Or worn, or lived in?"
"That's a false syllogism." You say turning back toward the cupboard door. Jack runs up behind you.
"Whatever that is, it is not. If you can't see what is happening here, y/n, then you and I have big problems. This puts a wall between us." His arm is across You holding the door shut.
" You climbed it fine when you kissed me in the surgery." You say, a tear escaping down your face. Jack sighs, he knows he has pushed you too far. His tongue darts out to wet his lips.
"let me go, I should, I wish to leave." You whisper.
"I wish to leave."
You do not let any tears fall from your eyes until you reached your bedroom. Where you fling yourself upon your bed and cry until exhausted you fall asleep
The sound of Fagin's voice wakes you some time later and you tiptoe along behind him. With your arms crossed you wait at the door as he comes shuffling out of your father's office with a large Hessian bag.
"Stealing like a common thief again?" You say when he spots you.
"Yes, well only what was stolen from us in the first place." He raises his hands towards you in submission.
"Fine, take the lot. I no longer care."
"actually we could do with your help you know. Doc is getting your sister for an operation but you, you might be exactly what we need." His smile unnerved and intrigued you.
"Okay, take me there." You agree.
Belle and Dawkins come down the stairs discussing the procedure they are about to do. You pay them no mind as you step into the carriage.
"you're coming?" Jack asks hopeful.
"To help the people, not you." You say turning yourself away from them.
"Sorry about the pissing, Fagin, I just couldn't... Whoa! Hello, Your Majesty." Flashbang spoke when he saw you and Belle.
"Hello." You reply.
"Is this a criminal conspiracy?" Belle asks
"In a manner of speakin', yes."
"If you're going to the hospital, Belle, I'm coming to see Sneedy." Fanny pushes past Flashbang to get in beside Belle, forcing Jack to sit beside you. Fagin plonks himself on the luggage tray at the back and Flashbang hangs onto the side.
Jack glances at you occasionally, you are sure he wants to talk to you but you keep your eyes turned away only replying to Fanny.
At the hospital you follow them all inside. It's agreed that you'll go to the prof and distract him whilst the others got Red's baby out safely. When you were satisfied that he was deep enough into the second bottle you went up to Red's room. Fagin taking your place. Jack stands at the door.
"How is it going?" You ask keeping a distance from the doctor.
"Well I think, I'm not allowed in." He replies.
"Belle is operating alone?"
"she is more than capable."
"Of course she is, Belle would run rings around any trained man." You sit down beside Tim. "Red is strong, she'll be alright." You comfort him.
Jack watches you talk with the man, how he seems instantly at ease with you. All the people in Port Victory did. You held an air of kindness that spread out to those you spoke to. He had to admit to himself that having you here, speaking with the patients and holding their hands eased them. It made the wards feel lighter, as if death was not hanging over their heads. Taking in a long breath Jack turned back to his work opening the door just enough to call in.
" Nearly... I have it now." Belle says from.inside.
"How is it in there? Do you have the head yet?" He called.
"Now, pull up and out." Jack guides her.
" Just one more cut.* Hetty says as they clamp the umbilical chord, " She's out. Come on, Belle."
" Please breathe." Belle encourages the baby with a rub to its chest. The new born cries and everyone sighs with relief.
" Now stitch her, fascia first." Jack reminds her. "Is Red all right?" Tim pushing his way into the room.
"She's breathing steady, Tim." Belle reassures him, handing the now swaddled infant. With them all in the room you chose to stay out, waiting for Gaines to appear.
They managed to sneak the woman and the baby out of the room and secret her away in Jack's room.
Belle is cleaning away her equipment when Jack walks back in.
"We did it. Hetty and I, we kept them both alive." She smiles.
" In time for your father to hang her." Jack snaps back. Belle is about to argue when the door opens and Aputi and Flash bring a large basket into the room. You follow them in as they place the covered body on the bed.
"Well done."
"No! You're body snatching!" Belle rrmarks.
"Pretty standard in our line of work." Jack comments.
" You can't be serious."
"Belle,This is the only way to save her." You say.
" Clearly pregnant. Very good." Jack says before pulling the sheet back, "Clearly not pregnant. This a man." He chastises them.
" Big Kit's all we had in the deadhouse, Dr. Jack." Aputi explained as they left the room.
"This is madness! It can't work! And it's a capital offence!" Belle snapped
" So is killing a mother before she's even put her own child to her breast." You snap back.
"So, what's more important, milady?"
You are the first to hear Gaines approaching and slip out of the room. Jack follows you closing the door behind him.
"Captain," you pretend to feel sadness. "I fear the mother and baby died on the table. How does one bear this sort of loss, Captain?" You put a hand on his chest, keeping him from moving further. "I have never seen it, but perhaps you were right, darkness cannot birth light I suppose." You say. He nods.
"Yes, lady y/n, it is awful when the innocent are tard by the guilty." He pushes your hand away and attempts to step past you.
"You can't go in. Her body's undressed. For shame. And you, a Godly man. Have you no decency?" You pour every bit of heartache you had into the words.
"I need to see the body." He tells you.
" What are you going to do, Captain? Hang her corpse?" You ask.
" Have the Professor bring me the death certificate." The Captain hisses.
"Dr. Dawkins can sign it."
"No! I would find it much more reliable if the Professor signs it." He walks away. Turning yourself round to Jack you look up at him.
"Thank you." He says.
"I didn't do it for you." You drop your eyes to the ground.
"y/n, I-" you shake your head, "I'll see to the patient." He lets you walk away from him, wishing he hadn't.
Knocking on the door you step into the room, Red sat on the small bed by the window.
"How are you?" You ask.
"Better now. You know you are nothing like the rest of your family. There's a little crime in you." Red said with a chuckle, "would you like to hold her?"
You nod and come forward, sitting on the end of the bed. You take the bundle into your arms and rock her.
"She's beautiful." You say a wide smile on your face.
"it's suits you." Tim states.
"What is it, why didn't you follow society? Why ain't you married?" Red asked.
"oh, I.... I'm not well. I wouldn't make a man a widower or a child and orphan." You reply, keeping your eyes on the sleeping baby.
"Sorry." Red whispered. Not long after Fagin arrived and then Jack. At first you wanted to leave but you stayed at Tim's request. Jack poured you all a small glass of Fagin's stolen liqueur.
When at last Belle was done with her cleaning she came up to find you. Not wanting to speak to her you simply walked alongside to the carriage.
At home again you sat in your bed the blankets over knees when Belle and Fanny came giggling into her room. Belle climbed into the bed beside you and Fanny dropped her head to your lap.
"I shared my first kiss." She said looking UK at you.
"With Sneed?" You asked.
" And did you enjoy it?" Belle cuddled closer. "Mixed. At first, it was lovely. But then I think I hurt him rather badly. He was quite angry, actually." She screwed up her face.
"Someone'll sweep you off your feet when you least expect it in the most inconvenient of moments." You say brushing back her hair and stroking her face with the back of your hand.
" I had a thought." She said, flipping herself onto her stomach, "Considering your health, perhaps you and Dr. Dawkins could have a long, happily unconsummated love affair until he walks off, desolate, into the windswept moors..." she all but sings her fantasy, you feel a pang of gult.
"We don't have moors here." Belle reminded her.
"But yes, that is a nice thought." You agree. Your sisters cuddle into you and you all giggle over the day until your mother commands you all to bed.
Fagin and Dawkins sat at a table in the tavern, Rotty poured them both a drink I to the metal tankards.
"So, our old Cheekybones did well." Fagin grins. "Yeah. She did, didn't she?"
"And her sister, the older one, she is a boone, still, it's not really their world, is it? And you've got to remember, Dodge, theirs isn't yours." He reminded the younger man. Jack played with his cup and turned to the window. His heart leaps in his chest when he sees the nicest sight he had seen in days. Without saying a word to his companion, Jack walked outside.
"Milady. I must warn you I am a little bit drunk. In fact, I am approaching strutting pigeon."
You smile from below your cape, dropping the hood down. Reaching out you take the cup from his hand and swallow down the liquid.
" So am I, now." You smile, "The crime, it's not just for survival. You actually love it." You say.
"The worst parts of me do." Jack admits.
"well, I cannot say I did not enjoy getting one over on Gaines." You admit. Jack laughs.
" It's hopeless, isn't it?" You take a step toward him.
"Oh, yes. We are completely unsuited." He agrees matching your movement.
"We should really never see each other socially." You offer up words you don't believe.
"No, that wouldn't be right." He said moving close enough to slide his hand around your waist. Crashing his lips to yours. Your heart fluttered in your chest. You spin him round so his back hits the wall.
" Holy hell, we're in trouble." You whisper.
"So much trouble." Jack he replies placing his lips to yours and you feel all your resolve disappearing.
"I'm sorry I hurt you." Jack speaks between kisses.
Everything had changed in that few seconds. Your life would never be the same.
Episode seven
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The guest PT 13
Jack Dawkins x fem reader.
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"Did you mean to walk into a cupboard?" Jack asked having shit the door behind them
Belle looked back at him.
" Obviously not!" She says.
" Gosh. You are incredibly irritating." Jack stepped up to her.
"So are you. 'Cause you won't listen to anyone else's point of view. All I'm saying is it is not clear-cut." Belle fought.
"Look, you either want to be a doctor, who cares for everybody, no matter how spotty their soul may be, or you are "milady," who gives six of the best to the peasants when we get uppity."
" Uppity? I know you had your past indiscretions, but these were bushrangers who killed three men, one a father." Belle almost shouted.
"Some people need to thieve in order to eat."
" And that can lead to death, too." Belle scoffed.
" Have you ever seen anybody dead on the streets from hunger? No! Have you ever paid for anything you've eaten? Or worn, or lived in?"
She thought for a moment.
"That's a false syllogism." Belle grumbled and rushed for the door.
" Whatever that is, it is not.If you can't see what is happening here, Belle, then you and I have big problems. This puts a wall between us." Jack rounded her stopping her from opening the door
" You climbed it fine when you kissed me in the surgery."
"That. That was..."
"For y/n?" Belle whispers.
"she says you and I should..." Jack furrows his brows in thought.
"She says the same to me, but I-"
"Me either." They agree.
"You love her?" Belle asks. Jack swallows down the emotions that threaten to spill over. His eyes searched hers.
"So do you." He whispers. Belle casts her eyes down, "So does Sneed."
"Where is she?" Belle asks.
"I haven't seen her in a while." He admits. They nod to each other and leave the cupboard, both set on finding you. Belle darts off in one direction as Jack starts in the other. A hand grabs his shoulder pulling him back.
"Gaines has got Red."
You weren't sure why you had come up to Jack's room. You had needed a moment to gather your thoughts. Or maybe you needed to breathe. Was there a reason? Your feet had moved you without much thought from your mind. Looking around yourself it felt different, like recalling it from a dream.
A dream.
The dreams.
Was this a dream?
Was your body sitting on the side of the road somewhere?
You're alone now.
Maybe you could just lie down.
Just for a moment.
Jack threw his coat onto the end of the bed, wraps open his closet and begins to unbutton his waistcoat and shirt. The opens once more letting Fagin inside.
"Oh, good, the day improves." Jack quips.
"Hurtful." Fagin crossed the room sitting down in a wooden chair. His eyes briefly graze over your sleeping form, but not enough to acknowledge you therem, "Listen, that booze robbery of ours."
" Yes. The one I told you not to do." Jack asked.
" Wise insight on your part, but it appears Flashbang's still in a crate." Fagin answered
"Get him out." Jack laughed.
"Thank you, admirable solution. The thing is, Flashy's hid in a crate of top-shelf cognac, which the kitchen lad said is still in the Governor's study." Fagin explained.
"I don't have time. Y/n is missing and Red's having a baby. I'm trying to keep her alive." Both men look to the bed for a moment as if their minds knew something more than they did.
"What do you wanna do that for? Save the kid. It's not their fault. I'll take it under me wing. But she has been a blight on every single job we've ever done and she can't meddle if she's dead." Fagin grumbled.
" She's Tim's promise. She's carrying his child." Jack said.
The once more opened, "Jack? Baby's coming feet first and she's too far gone to turn it." Hetty states.
"She'll need a caesarean. And she'll die if we do that." Jack sighs.
"She might not if you did it." Hetty says hopefully.
"She won't let me touch her." Jack huffs.
"What about Princess Whatserface? If you talked her through, and I assisted?" Hetty suggested.
"She's not trained." Jack reminds her.
"What about y/n?" Hetty says pointing her hand towards you. The two men turn to the bed for the first time actually seeing you in the bed.
"was she always there?" Fagin asked. Jack couldn't be sure.
" No, hold up. Old Cheekybones is a very good notion. I'm starting to see there is a certain symmetry to our objectives here."
" Belle?"
" Flashbang?"
" Flashbang."
"Hetty can you look after y/n? Come on, you sack of bones!"
Hetty watched the two men leave before coming over to you, shaking your shoulder lightly until you woke.
"I visited my mother this morning. She gave me my uncle's journal. I'm worried for you." She says. You sit up
"What does it say?" You ask.
Hetty sighs.
"After the dreams started Lulu didn't have long. She started drifting even when she was awake. Like her body was between worlds. My uncle said there were times he knew she was with him but he couldn't see her or hear her..other times he could hear her but not see her." She paused for a moment looking to the door. " just now, Fagin and Jack were in here and they couldn't see you until I pointed you out."
You let out a shaky breath.
"My uncle wrote that Lulu would talk about a tether, needing something that would tie her to this world over all the others. A real connection to it." She reached out for your hand, "if you want to stay here then we can find one for you. A real tether."
"Thank you Hetty. I'd be lost if it wasn't for you." You say pulling her into a hug.
Downstairs in the main part of the hospital Red was chained to a bed her baby's life at risk.
"Do you know anything about childbirth?" Hetty asked.
"I'm not a midwife, but I know the fundamentals." You reply.
"okay that's better than none at all." Hetty grabs your hand and drags you down the stairs.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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