perennialsoft · 4 years
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Bingo Card! @sneezebingo
Birds & Allergies (But Not Allergies to Birds) / OC, oneshot / Dust/Mold Allergies / LINK
Soft Nights & Sore Throats / OC, oneshot / Sore Throat / LINK
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sneezebingo · 4 years
Welcome to the Sneeze Bingo Tumblr page! Here, you can request a bingo card filled with prompts centered around sneezing. You can find the list of prompts HERE. You can request a bingo card HERE.
If you have a question about a prompt, the process, what you can do with the Bingo cards, or anything else, ask. With the prompts, they are largely left up to whatever interpretation you desire, but if you’re confused you can ask about how I interpret them.
If you have any ideas for more prompts, PLEASE send them!
Once you have your bingo card, you can start filling right away! Writing, art, scenarios, wavs - whatever you want to create from these prompts, we welcome! If you tag your post with #sneezebingo, we’ll reblog them here. You can post your prompt creations anywhere (they’re your creations after all!). I do ask that if you repost the bingo card itself, you credit this blog.
EDIT: If you post something, please also tag the blog @sneezebingo! Tumblr tags are finicky and don’t always show up, and I don’t want to miss anything!
*This blog is inspired by bad/things/happen/bingo dot tumblr dot com. You’ll find their influences in things like the form, layout, and concept. I’m not tagging them since this is a kink space, but please know this blog would not exist without them!*
Despite sometimes using the pronoun “we,” this blog is run by a single mod: @perennialsoft (I will most likely be the one to submit your card to your blog). I use they/them pronouns and go by the name Yellow on here.
Since I, the only mod, am 18+, I’m restricting this blog to people who are over the age of 18. Even indirectly, I feel uncomfortable sharing a kink space with minors. If you’re a minor and want a bingo card, you can make your own if you like; I just ask you don’t tag this blog/interact with us.
**There are regular periods where I’m not online, so it may take a bit for your bingo card to come in once requested.
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perennialsoft · 4 years
OC Oneshot - Birds & Allergies (But Not Allergies to Birds)
Summary: When they take in an injured bird for rehabilitation, wildlife rescuers Nico and Akira also need to pick up her chicks for the ride. If only the nest’s cavern was a little less dusty...
This is my fill for “Dust/Mold Allergies” on my Sneeze Bingo card.
“Someone is going to have to climb down there.”
The two men met eyes. Akira cocked an eyebrow. Nico tilted his head. They stood in stalemate for several seconds. Akira broke it with a sigh. “You owe me,” he said, and handed over his backpack to a grinning Nico. 
“Yeah, yeah,” said Nico. “Get down there.”
Akira spared a half-hearted glare, then shuffled in. The floor was half a foot away, and he bent his knees as he landed. Nico beamed a light down with him, which along with Akira’s flashlight lit up the den. 
It was a small space; if he reached out both arms, his fingers would brush the walls. When he tried to stand straight, his head hit the ceiling, knocking loose dust and dirt. He cursed the ceiling, and cursed Nico, too, when he laughed. Grumbling, he lowered into a crouch and shuffled forward.
“Tilt the light more to the left,” Akira said. Nico obeyed, and the flashlight lit upon an indent several inches in and across. A pile of leaves formed a small nest in the groove. “Bingo,” Akira said. He sniffled and angled his own light to reveal three tiny birds nestled in the foliage. Two of the chicks shied from the light, while the other hopped up to inspect the intruder. 
Akira turned the light away, scratched his nose with his shoulder, and carefully backed up until he was directly below the opening again. He held out his hand and Nico passed down the carrier. Some maneuvering later, he was beside the nest again and the transport was propped open. He changed his work gloves to surgical gloves and lifted the whole nest up and into the carrier. The chicks chirped loudly, and the bravest fluttered threateningly, but Akira got them settled without issue. He closed the carrier and shifted back again, handing his cargo up. Nico took them and disappeared from view. He took the moment to strip his surgical gloves, rub his nose, and put his work gloves back on. 
When Nico returned, he offered a hand and hauled him out of the hole. He swayed for a moment in the sunlight, his vision sparking neon as he adjusted. When he got his feet under him, Akira opened his eyes, blinked away an itch, and took in his fill of fresh air. “All settled?” he asked. 
“Mama bird was ecstatic,” Nico confirmed. “She’s still annoyed with the splint, but she stopped screaming once her chicks were in reach.”
“Thank God,” Akira said. It was punctuated with a sniff, then another. He blinked furiously. “I was gonna go rage-mode soon.”
“You sure hate the sounds of nature for your career choice.” 
Akira sniffed, then pulled off a glove to rub at his nose. “Not just the sounds,” he said. “I think I knocked some dust loose back there.” He pinched his nose shut, closing his eyes, then released it with a breath.
“Please don’t tell me you’re allergic.” Akira blinked miserably at him. Nico sighed. “Great. We’re replacing the sounds of a terrified, injured bird with an allergic reaction. Exactly what I was hoping for.”
“I’m no-hh-t--” he held his breath, then released it in a cough. “Not sneezing yet.”
“Right,” said Nico. “Let’s get back to the reserve before that breaks, then, yeah?”
He followed him without protest. “We have allergy meds in the truck?”
“Not unless you put any in there,” Nico said, and laughed at Akira’s groan. “We should have some paper towels in the glove box.”
Akira grumbled unintelligibly the rest of the walk but stopped short of climbing in the passenger’s seat. He wavered, bracing a hand on the door, then ducked into his elbow. “H’tshEW!” When he straightened and climbed in, Nico handed him a roll of paper towels. A turn of the key later, they were driving. 
The first few minutes were spent silently. Nico focused on navigating the dirt road and Akira remained occupied with his nose, bent forward, nose buried in several paper towels, and breathing carefully. His breath shuddered intermittently, but each time he regained control. 
When they hit real pavement, Nico spared some attention to his partner. “Won’t it be better if you just sneeze? Get the allergens out, and all.”
Akira hummed a negative. When he spoke, his voice was heavy with congestion. “Reaction’ll go until I, um, ‘til I get meds. I’d r-ra-hh-ther n-nohh--” he pinched his nose shut, holding his breath. The irritation mounted, then receded. He sighed. “Sneezing is worse,” he finished. 
Nico grimaced in comminceration. “We’re an hour out. You think you can last that long?”
He half-laughed. “No,” he said, then tensed. “H’tskEW! H’shEW!” He hovered in uncertainty. When a third failed to appear, he slumped. “No,” he repeated, less humorously. 
Nico clapped his shoulder. “Saved some birdies today,” he offered.
Akira smiled behind the paper towel, already hitching. “Y-yeah. Wo-hh--HtCHEW! Worth i--ihh--HTSCHEW!” 
“Definitely not gonna last,” Nico laughed, squeezing his shoulder as he blew his nose. 
“Only an hour to go,” Akira said, half-groan and half-laugh. “This better or worse than mama bird?”
Nico’s hand brushed down his back, then returned to the steering wheel. “I’ll let you know in an hour.”
“You s-still o-oh-we me,” he said, and sneezed again. “Big time.”
“I’m sure we can figure out how to make it up to you.”
The only response he could muster was another sneeze. 
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perennialsoft · 4 years
Soft Nights & Sore Throats
This is my fill for the prompt “Sore Throat” on my sneeze bingo card.
Nico stirs for the first time in hours when Akira enters his driveway. He blinks sleepily and rubs his eyes with the back of his wrist, and despite himself, Akira is entranced. He watches Nico’s eyelashes flutter, the quick wetting of his lips, the way he tries to stretch while moving as little as possible. When he looks over, Akira doesn’t pretend he wasn’t watching. 
“Sleep well?” It’s dark outside, and Nico’s face is lit oddly by the car’s automatic lights. The world feels muggy, every edge softened by exhaustion. He speaks softly, unwilling to break the quiet.
Nico blinks and tilts his head. “Not really,” he says, then brings his hand to his throat with a wince.
Akira furrows his brows. “You sound bad,” he says. Nico’s lips quirk, and Akira fights a blush. “Are you okay?”
Nico shrugs. One hand massages his throat, and the other digs his phone from his jacket pocket. One-handed, he types: throat hurts. feel sick. i blame you.
Akira fights between a smile and a frown. “It’s not my fault you didn’t bring a raincoat.” He doesn’t bother arguing the science of it; for a vet, Nico’s always been one for superstitions. Not so much proper typing. 
Nico narrows his eyes. u volunteered us. supposed to be day off
The smile wins. “Being on call isn’t the same as a day off, dumbass.”
Nico types for several seconds, pauses, backspaces, then gives the phone over. dumbass.
He huffs a half-laugh. “Yeah, yeah. You gonna be okay? You can crash at mine if you need.”
He smiles, then tempers it with an unconvincing glare. go home to ur dogs and leave me to suffer in peace
Akira rolls his eyes. “Then get out of the car.” He pauses. “Dumbass.”
Nico’s finger is reply enough.
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sneezebingo · 3 years
aggedyann's Sneeze Bingo
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(@aggedyann, your submissions weren't open, so I'm doing it this way)
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