goodlucksnez · 3 years
All//might & Ai//zawa snz fic
So after reading the latest manga chapter where all//might is standing in the rain for a long time I was like “ummm what if he got sick” so I wrote this
also poni really wanted to read this so i would have written more but its okay maybe another time
Enjoy 2100 words of y//agi//ai//zawa
“Shouta I’m back.” The lanky former symbol of piece said as he entered the small apartment of the underground hero. As he looked around at the dimly lit interior, he could not help but shudder as the cool air chilled his wet clothes from the rainstorm, he just found himself in. Now that he was retired, he had many hours on his hands and he had spent that time doing all he could in the war against the villains.
This last journey, he found himself back to the site of the battle of his successor and class 1A intending to check on the anti-hero supporters who refused to evacuate. It was raining, and the blonde was slowly getting drenched. However, the cold and numbness that normally came with the rain didn’t seem to bother him anymore, as if all of the feeling had drained from his body and he was left a void. As he looked around at the broken buildings and cobblestone of the street laid before him where the previous battle was held, he couldn’t help but see his statue. He remembered that statue…his signature phrase “I am here” engraved on the bottom in granite stone. He remembered meeting with the sculptor and posing for what seemed like hours.
‘Such a long time ago’ he thought to himself.
The smile that was carved into the stone was so perfect, however as he looked at the wide grin, he felt like he was looking in a fun house mirror. The man he saw portrayed in this stone wasn’t him. He vowed to make the world a better place but now that he reached his end, he saw he failed. The world has turned out even more broken after his retirement and he was unable to protect the one student he promised he would. He felt that he’s gone further away than heroism than anyone else. As tears slowly started to cloud his vision he blinked and saw a cardboard sign held up by a thin piece of rope around the statues neck written on it in red spray paint was “I am not here”. As a shudder passed through his body he was brought back to the current reality. He stepped inside leaving a trail of waterlogged foot prints as he made his way to the kitchen. On the cool stonework countertops, he found a yellow sticky note as he began to read the note, scribbled in messy handwriting, he heard the familiar click of the lock as he turned to face the entryway. He saw the familiar black hair of his partner. As he watched Shouta shook out the umbrella that he had in his hand he spoke up.
“I was just about to read your note.”
The underground hero jumped at the sudden noise and as his piercing eyes fixated on the source of the sound he quickly relaxed when he saw the gentle smile of the former Pro. As he stepped inside and put his key in the bowl, it echoed in the quiet hallway. Shouta then motioned to the multiple bags he was holding.
“Don’t think we want to eat Ramen for the rest of our lives do we? Might be a good idea to get some real food.” he said as he continues to carry them into the kitchen and put them down on the counter.
As he put the bags down, he looked over at the wisp of the man standing before him. His diminished stature had taken a toll on his health. Tired eyes sat in sunken-in-sockets. His normally vibrant school bus yellow hair had turned to a grayish yellow mustard color and even though he would never admit it, he saw the clump of hair in the trashcan every morning. He was dying. It was an unspoken truth in their relationship but the underground hero would do anything to make sure he was happy and healthy in the final years of his life. He deserved that after all didn’t, he?
As he began emptying the bags onto the counter, he couldn’t help but notice the puddle of water that seem to be growing larger under the thin man, however Yagi continue to shiver and shake too preoccupied reading a can of tuna. As Shouta reached for the can, he met the eyes and said in a gravelly voice.
“You should change out of those clothes don’t want you catching a cold now do we?”
The former pro simply smiled although it was hard to fully sell it as he turned his head and coughed violently into his soaking arm sleeve. Immediately Shouta furrowed his brow and when he met the gaze of him again, he was quickly put in his place.
“Shouta how many times do I have to tell you, my health isn’t a concern of mine…it’s an undeniable fact, besides you don’t actually get sick from the rain.”
Shouta quickly interjected. “No but you could get hypothermia,” he began to plead “come on will you change out of those clothes…for me.”
As the older man sighed there was a clear rasp in his voice before he nodded quietly and turned to leave, his shoes squeaking on the tile floor as he left the kitchen.
After all the food was put away Shouta turned on the tea kettle to warm some water knowing full well that even with the warmest clothes Yagi could never be warm. As he walked slowly down the hall passing the bathroom and the study, he found himself at the door of their bedroom. He could hear fabric rustling but before he could enter another sound echoed throughout the house.
A harsh sneeze echoed in the still apartment. ‘Even in his weakened state his sneeze is powerful’ Shouta thought to himself as he pushed on the door letting it slowly swing open. The image before him would startle anyone who knew All Might in his prime. The man had an oversized baggy red wool sweater in his hands. His silhouette illuminated by the ceiling light above seemed sickly and weak. The scar near his appendix which had a spider like web pattern that spread through his torso, as if venom was slowly poisoning his body was in full view. Yagi was bent at the waist and as he brought his other hand up to wipe that his nose Shouta could see small irritation tears had sprung to his eyes.
Shouta took a few steps forward and whispered a quiet bless you, a phrase his dear friend Mic had told him before his departure from this world.
Yagi quickly regained his posture and a slight blush crept into his sickly skin. He muttered a quick thank you before bunching up the wool sweater in a vain attempt to put it on. Shouta reached out his hands and slowly grasped the fabric and as the blonde bent forward, he quickly but diligently guided his his head through the hole in the sweater followed by both his arms.
Once the sweater was on the frail man’s body, he went to the nightstand which was stacked high with different medicines as well as vitamins and other health supplies and grabbed a travel pack size of tissues, before handing one to his partner.
In a voice gravelly but still soft and concerned he asked. “Did you catch a cold?”
All Might sighed his breathe with a distant wheeze could be heard, simply shook his head in agreement before sitting down on the chest at the end of the bed. He then put his head in his hands. ‘Why am I like this, he thought to himself ‘I have someone who generally cares about me and yet I hide, I know I failed as a hero but I have a failed him as a partner as well?’ He quickly turned his head to the side as a fearsome tickle demanded his attention.
ESH!... AhhhttTZZschhuw!...iyy-ih-ESH!"
The sneezes rack through his body leaving him panting slightly. As his lung struggled to breathe, he sniffed at the thick congestion and wiped his nose on the tissue that Shouta and handed him minutes before. As he looked up, he was surprised to find the room in front of him was oddly empty he called out in the voice louder than he intended.
“Sho where have you gone?”
A reply quickly followed “I’m making your favorite soup lay down in the bed will you…also bless you.”
He followed the order he was given and as he climbed into the black satin bed, he couldn’t help but shiver as his body demanded more heat. He found that he was always cold these days, no matter how much he bundled up. It was as if no heat could be retained in this frail body that he now called home. Within minutes Shouta entered the room but to his surprise with an assortment of things. He had a tray, one you would see in an old movie where the wife would dot on his husband, it was decorated in a sheer white tablecloth decorated with pink flowers. It had a bowl of a steaming liquid as well as two mugs and a vase full of sunflowers. As there are sickly sweet smell drifted in the room and Yagi couldn’t help but smile.
“You remembered, my favorite flowers.” He said with a voice thick with congestion. As Shouta sat the tray down over Yagi’s lap and climbed onto the bed, he smiled a slight blush sprung to his cheeks before he spoke.
“You told me a long time ago that you admired sunflowers for their optimism. You said it’s a form of gratitude because it honors the gift of life, always growing towards that bright sun,” his voice cracked as he spoke again “you told me that it turns its head to face the rising sun in the east and it follows the path across the sky throughout the day…. it’s that determination that you admired and that’s what I admire about you…even when you are being stupid.”
The two sat in silence for a few moments before the dull blonde turned to the side and harshly sneezed a triple.
“H-hhdihtt! Hhdddtschhhuww!!...hUDD’tschhuuuw!!”
 Shouta quickly handed him a tissue and began spooning the hot liquid onto the spoon he had brought.
“Open up Sunlight.” The blonde chuckled. “I’m not a child Sho I can feed myself.”
He replied “I know but I promised to take care of you, so just let me do this.”
“Very well” Yagi said as Shouta began to spoon feed the hot liquid into his mouth. The soup was warm and comforting, a hint chicken as well as carrots and other vegetables immediately filled the blonde’s mouth. It was delicious and he quickly swallowed as Shouta filled the spoon once more. But as he drew the steaming liquid closer to the blondes face the steam irritated his nose and he found himself pinching forward.
As he sneezed, he hit his head on the spoon causing the spoon to fall and land in the soup creating a splash and slightly scolding the skin of both of the pros. Yagi would’ve laughed himself if he wasn’t preoccupied continuing to sneeze.
“N’doe…hHHT! hhnnkkKSCCHHhhuw!! ESHHHUHhhh!! Can hhtt-hhHHh! Hiitt’usszhhuh!! Sto hh-h stop hHHh! Hiitt’usszhhuh!! ESHHHUHhhh!!
Shouta quickly slid the tray to the side table and gently straddled the former symbol of peace. As the blonde continue to sneeze Shouta commanded for him to lift his head. As Yagi did, Shouta pressed hard against the cupid bow of his upper lip and almost immediately then sensation of needing to sneeze dissipated and Yagi breathed a sigh of relief. As he sniffed, he opened his watery eyes to look at a Shouta whose face was determined.
He asked while sniffling back congestion “snf snff ugh what are you doing?”
Shouta smirked before replying “I’ve learned a few things in my day, such as there are certain pressure points in the face that aid in congestion for example.” As he moved his hands to the sunken in cheekbones of the thin man and Yagi, he could feel his sinuses drain and his sighed in relief again.
“Thank you” Yagi basically moaned as the underground hero retracted his hands.
“I’m afraid it won’t last, but for the moment you will stop sneezing which is an improvement on your health…also bless you like 15 times I think.” Shouta said with chuckle “Now how about we both lay down and head to bed.”
Yagi smiled and replied “I love that idea as much as I love you.”
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
E//rasermic Fic (Short)
E//rasermic allergy trouble i thought of this idea and then wrote it
Also if someone wants to draw or animate any of my wavs or fic you are more then welcome to just tag me. I cant draw otherwise i would but yea anyway ignore me rambling enjoy!!
The car hummed while Shouta sat stationary waiting for the call that would signal the end of his Husband's camping trip with Eri and Shinsou. When Hizashi left 3 days ago he was excited to spend time with his newly adopted children.
As Shouta sat staring at the forest in front of him and the time ticked by he started to worry that something had happened to them. He was shocked out of his thoughts when his phone started to ring.
He quickly answered. “Hello?”
A voice answered that both calmed and made Shouta groan “ sniff Hello sweetie sorry we had a little setback sniff and we are on the way to the parking lot now.”
Congestion could be heard in the Pro voice and naturally, the Pro became inquisitive. “What happened?”
The chirping of birds and the sound of twigs breaking could be heard over the muffled response of the Pro. “umm you see there was this cliff and Eri was curious and--
“Is Eri okay?” Shouta screamed panic began to fill his mind and body.
“Oh, yea! She is totally fine but I fell in order to save her…I was being heroic you should be proud!!” Shouta could imagine the pro smiling. “But I lost my pack which means my allergy meds.”
The pro tried to continue to talk but Shouta could hear the desperation in his voice “The kids …sniff kinda hhhh ugh sniff found this entertaining but ugh I think the forest ca hehh can’t survive this must more….god Hhhuh- Hhh-! Hehh-! He’EKSSHHHHh!! HHHrr’ESSHMMMpp!!
Shouta shook his end and turned off the car and stepped out into the musky parking lot. He then instructed Mic to stay where they are and Eraser would come to them. He could hear his husband relay the message to the kids and then promptly sniff back a flow of congestion. Luckily Eraser never left Mic to go anywhere without a tracker. This habit started after the great sleeping walking incident a few years back. As Eraser turned on the app, he saw he was only half a mile away and began walking.
As Eraser walked, he could hear the crunch of fresh pine needles and the chirping of birds. It was suddenly quiet and Shouta went on alert. He then was blown back with a thud as an eruption of sound crashed into him.
The sneeze had activated his voice quirk and soon Shouta could feel the blood dripping from his ears and he had to lean against a tree as the world spun around him. He thought of Hizashi along in the woods then suddenly remembered his kids. He ran until he found the clearing that was on his locator.
He scanned the clearing and thankfully he found Shinsou holding the small child and luckily, he had covered his ears so her ears were fine.
He then quickly found his husband. As he approached the scene, he had to hold back laughter as he imagined what happened. His husband was legs up in the air behind a log and Eraser chuckled at the thought of Hizashi sneezing himself off of the log he was sitting on and falling backward into a weed patch.
Eraser pulled the man to his feet and brushed the dirt and weeds from his face. “We should get out of here before the park ranger thinks an earthquake is happening.”
Hizashi rubbed his eyes which were red and puffy and sniffed “Yea just fuck again hold on. Mic turned away from his family and began to breathe erratically.
“hiih-hih hiih-hhhhh ”Hh’NsTCHH! ‘NsTCH’IEWW! ‘NstCH’IEWW! ‘NXGTCH’EH! Ngh.”
Thankfully they didn’t have the voice quirk activation but they seemed so strong the blond lost his balance and Eraser had to grab his husband. He could see this trip had taken a toll and he grunted as he picked up the sneezy pro carrying him fireman style his ass in his face.
“Come on kids”. They walked over and then the little voice of Eri spoke.
“Bless you daddy, those were some big sneezies, when I feel bad you tell me this can help.”  She then quickly scaled Eraser and hugged the blond man.
‘While this was very cute’ Eraser thought he could quickly see that her fair had a flower crown of mostly weeds and this was going to cause some problems. He motioned to Shinsou to take her and he did without saying anything as Mic's breath began to hitch.
“Tha-hihhh ugh sniff thanks, sweetie. Yea daddy not feel—hihhh so gr-hehh Huhh- haah...hAH! NsTC ’CHhhh!!”
Shouta shook with the forces of the allergy-ridden pro sneezes but didn’t lose him. He could see the parking lot and was thankful this adventure would soon be over as Mic geared up for another round, he thinks to himself ‘he loves his family.’
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
double trouble with deku? maybe some kiribakudeku if possible! glad you are feeling better ;)
Thank you for the nice words. here is tododeku
Having two casts on your arms makes a lot of things really hard to do. But is even harder is having 2 casts on your arms and having a really sneezing cold.
So here he was on the sofa in his living room surrounded by tissues and as much cold medicine, he could buy. He was watching the Hero statics channel a habit he picked up at UA, when he heard a soft knock at the door. This must be his food as he could not cook for himself. As he stood the pounding in his sinuses increased and he turned his head into his shoulder and sneezed his normal 3 “kittenish” sneezes.
“K’tschh! It’schh-shh! H’tschh-ih!”
As he sniffed the congestion back, he thought he heard a blessing but it was probably his mind playing tricks on him. As he got near the door, he tapped the automatic button for the door to unlock and open. What he was expecting was to see food what he didn’t expect to see was a dual hair Pro standing with a look of concern on his face.
“Bless you.” The man just replies and walked into his apartment.
Deku could hardly form a sentence so he just stammered out. “Wha-…how did you-….why?”
Todoroki simply smiled and guided Deku back to the sofa. “Easy there I don’t need you more injured, I’m here, okay.”
Deku just stands mouth agape but was quickly found himself sneezing down at his lap.
“Hh’tschh-shh! Ischh-shh! Kschh’ih!”
As he sniffled, he saw Todoroki place a tissue under his nose. “Blow, you will feel better.”
Deku turning bright red did as he was told and wrinkled his nose when he finished to which Todoroki simply remarked. “Feeling better bunny?”
He coughed before replying with a voice horse “I thought I was a kitten.”
“Either way you’re the cutest man I have ever seen, and your sick and injured will you allow me to help you?”
The curly man simply just nodded.
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
Hehe thought I would leave a request I’m in the mood some kirishimia x bakugou maybe I in plain sight: bakugou does everything to hide their cold. From the Drabble list
Btw hope you get better soon ^^
Aww poor bb thank you fo the get well wishes. enjoy
It was the beginning of the weekend and the dorms were oddly quiet. No yelling, no blaring TV, no nothing. Kirishima walked into the kitchen and shuddered at the silence. As he started the coffee maker he heard the snuffling of some feet and turned to see an odd sight.
Bakugou was wearing a winter coat as if he was going to be out in a snowstorm. And had a hat on top of his messy unkempt hair. He grumbled something along the lines of good morning and sat down at the table pulling out his phone and promptly ignoring Kirishima.
As the machine began to pour the steaming liquid Kirishima grapped a mug from the cabinet and tried to start a conversation.
“You tryin’ to start a new fashion trend Bakubro?”
The angry man simply huffed in annoyance and turned back to his phone wrinkling his nose. So Kirishima persited.
“You heading somewhere cold,man?”
Bakugou spoke as Kirishima started to pour the coffee into a mug. “No just cold this morning, leave it alone will you sniff shitty hair.”
As Kirishima put the pot into the sink to be washed he glanced over to see bakugou brows furrowed in concentration of pain. As Kirishima walked closer he could see his nose was tinted a deeper shade of red then normal.
As the blond winced his nose wrinkled and flared and he quickly shoved a hand under his nose and sniffed aggressively. When Kirishima sat down the blond refused to look him in his eyes and continue to scroll through his phone.
“Bro what’s going on?”
The blond without saying anything stood p and turned his back to Kirishima. His body jerked violently and then relaxed as he lout out a breath.
Kirishima was now concerned. What was that? He stood and as he reached out a hand to grab his fiend shoulder the blond inhaled and stumbled forward.
“Shit… haah...haH-HAH! “AhHH- AT’CHHHhhh!! aT’CHhhuu! Huhh- haah...hAH! AK’CHhhh!!”
As Kirishima recoiled he helped steady is wobbling friend and spoke.
“Come on lets go take care of that cold of yours, shall we?”
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
S/ero fic
I must have delated the ask but it said something like s/ero is sick and the b/akusquad helps. i only wrote b/aku cause idk i did I hope you enjoy this
Like any other day, Sero was hard at work in his Quirk. He had something in the works in terms of a special move. It was a simple concept if he vaulted his body out the window while staying anchored to a single point inside the building, he could gather speed and allow his attack to be stronger. An assortment of broken tape and measuring tools littered his desk and the wall was covered in his failed attempts rustling in the breeze from the window that was still open. Both on paper and written directly on the Pro himself were notes on how to improve. However, no matter how hard he worked the Pro could not get this new move to work. So, he found himself at another desk, hunched over as he took another look at the Physics book his friends got him.
“Let’s see… If I connect the Tape itself at a 45-degree angle inside of 90 then it would prevent the tape from splitting down the middle, but it might cause the tape to not have even coverage on the wall to secure and anchor…” mumbled and tapped his forehead with his pencil. The sound of the pitter-patter of a rainstorm interrupted his thoughts. While the Pro had fought in the rain before he never considered the risk of water interacting with his Quirk. Now that he was trying to make an effort to increase the power a simple experiment would be a good idea. He stood from the desk ignoring the dull pain of a headache and began to set up for his attempt. When he finished securing an anchor, he took a few breaths and then vaulted out of the window. As he flew through the air the rain soaked his t-shirt and he squinted his eyes as rain decorated his face. When he reached the end of his tape, he activated his quirk to yank himself back into the room. Whether it was the rain or something he did not account for he felt the beginning of a tear so he slowed his descent and when he reached the threshold the tape broke. He scrambled to grab the window ledge.
And now here he was hanging out of the window in the rain. Using the last bit of his energy he managed to pull himself up and into his room. He coughed into his fist before he shook his head like a dog to get the water off. He rubbed his throat, grimacing at the persistent scratchy feeling that had not left him since he woke up this morning, regardless of how much water he drank.
When the coughing subsided, Sero sat back against the still open window and sniffled. He looked towards the cage in the corner and saw his pet iguana was staring at him. “What?” The green-tailed reptile just gave him a pointed look, tail flicking when the Pro sneezed.
“Hh'TshShhHuuu! Hcksh’sh! Hacksh’uh! Hcksh’EW!”
“Don’t give me that look—” His voice caught in his throat, surprised by how hoarse he suddenly sounded.
“I’m fine,. There’s just… A lot of dust in the air, that’s all.”
Pompom was completely unconvinced, his tail swishing from side to side with what could either be agitation or annoyance. But it’s fine. He’s worrying over nothing.
Sero didn’t get sick. He didn’t. Sure, once in a blue moon he’d get a minor case of the sniffles, but they were never so bad as he had to stay in bed or take medicine. But he didn’t get sick.
Besides, he had work to do. He couldn’t get sick.
Sero cleared his throat and stood up. “Now, let’s get back to work, huh buddy?”
The scratchy feeling in his throat did not subside as the morning went on. If anything, it was worse now and it actually hurt, especially when he swallowed. It must be from all the coughing he’s done… He really ought to dust in here more often, since he clearly has developed an allergy.
Or maybe it’s hayfever… It is the time of year for it.
Either way, it’s nothing to worry about. It can all be explained… The coughing and sneezing were due to the dust, his sore throat due to the coughing, and the dull, throbbing pain in his head can be due to several things. So can that slightly sore feeling he has all over. He does a lot of heavy lifting, after all, it’d be weird if he weren’t stiff or sore sometimes. He’s fine.
“Hey, Office Supplies!” His head throbbed even worse when Bakugou called out for him. “Close that damn window.”
“No can do Bro I’m working,” he shot back, mildly annoyed. He coughed into his fist and then cleared his throat. “Why does it matter?”
“It’s raining shit head all your shit is going to get ruined” Bakugou retorted. He then sauntered up to the Pro and used his shoulder as an armrest while he looked at his notes. “What’re you working on?”
“I’m drawing up blueprints for a new sniff move,” Sero answered. “This should allow me in a city dense area get from building-to-building quicker a—” He broke off into a sneezing fit.
“Heh… Heh… He-ISHtexxt! HeXXtsh! Heh… HehxXNTsh! HeSHHXt!
Thankfully it was short-lived, but oh, did it hurt. “And sniff act as a scout,” he paused again to wipe his nose on his sleeve.
Bakugou nodded. “That sounds a lot more efficient… And safer than what you normally do,” he frowned when Sero started sneezing again.
“Heh… HenxXTShh… HnhHXTShuh… Really that’s act- Heh heh so kind of y Heh you… HnnxTsh!!”
It did not sound good. When Sero was finished, and he sniffled with a groan, he asked, “Are you okay office supplies?”
“It’s dusty in here,” Sero told him dismissively.
Bakugou pressed his lips in a thin line. Dusty? The Pro may not be organized, having a similar sense of ‘organized chaos’ as Shitty Hair, but he was meticulous when it came to the room being clean and dust-free. He wordlessly removed one of his gloves and pushed up Sero bangs to press his palm to his forehead.
“You’re warm…” He hummed. “Okay, come on, you’re taking a break.”
“Wh—”Sero grabbed at the edge of his desk when Bakugou tried to pull him away. “I told you, I’m fine!”
“Well, I disagree!” Bakugou said nothing more and easily picked the Pro up in a fireman’s carry.
Sero’s world spun from the sudden movement and it made him feel nauseous, but he ignored it. “Put me down!”
“I will! In your bed! Where you will be taking a nap!”
Sero lied against the headboard, arms crossed with a pout on his face as Bakugou tucked him in with his blanket.
“This is unnecessary,Bro.”
“Come one, tape for brains, humor me, would ya?” Bakugou pleaded before fluffing his pillow. “Sit up.”
Sero rolled his eyes but did as he was told to allow Bakugou to place the pillow behind him. “You’re overreacting,” he leaned back against the plush pillow as he sneezed again.
“HhhH! Hha'TChhHew! Hh'TcHhh 'TchSHhh Hh'TshShhHuuu!”
Bakugou felt his forehead again and hummed. “I don’t think I am…” He looked at him with concern. “But, even if I am, just take today off, and if it turns out to be nothing you can rub it in my face.”
The last thing he remembers before falling asleep is the sound of a text being sent off and hushed voices talking.
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
If you're still taking sickfic prompt asks, what about by your side for Kiri or Kami?
I did a shinsou and denki thing hope that is okay.. if it isnt... im sorry
i just love those two and it easy to write about them.
Denki plopped on the bed next to the fever and bed ridden purple hair Pro and started to sort through the different medicine rambling about it as he went.
“You don’t need Mucinex right? No that’s for a straight up cough right?” The first box was tossed to the side.
“This says that it has Acetaminophen? That’s like Tylenol or Ibuprofen right? Doesn’t that help with it? I have no clue but Ibuprofen shouldn’t hurt… Here Hitoshi, take this.” He passed two little pills over to the other and tossed the boxed away. He wouldn’t need that again for a while.
Denki had been just about to get back up but was interrupted. He was going to go figure out how to make soup but Shinso had other plans. Hitoshi had reached out, looped his hands around Kaminari’s waist, and tugged the blonde into the covers with him. This was better.
Kaminari had made a move to get up, but the pitiful whine that had erupted from Shinso’s throat kept him frozen in place. He let out a light laugh and Hitoshi felt his heart skip a beat.
A head was pressed against Denki’s shoulder and soft breaths puffed out on his shoulder accompanied by little sniffles. Shinso’s eyes were drifting closed and he started going back to sleep. That was good at least, he could sleep off the fever.
“Shinso you’re going to get me sick,” Kaminari complained but it fell on sleeping ears. He attempted to wiggle out of the grip once more, but the arms around his waist were immovable. Instead, Denki just gave up and rested against the other.
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
C-can I request something too? Maybe "careful care" with dabi/hawks? Only if you're up to it, of course.-@onetrickponi
Sure thing!! Also, my ex-finance would rub my back when I was sick so it was kinda hard to write this but also it was kinda cathartic to write this.
Dabi did not need help. He didn’t need anyone. Everyone of his victims as well as his fellow members need this rule. No one questioned it…until he met an arrogant bird.
This Pro was always was nagging him to show weakness. Was this some ploy to annoy him or did he just want information. The damn bird was so hard to read, Dabi didn’t know what his end goal was. He worked for the ones he wanted to spill the blood of. He couldn’t be trusted. So, when the first mention of cold season he vowed he would not get sick, and he would die before he allowed that shitty bird to help him.
Skip forward to dabi, laying on the conch in some abandoned apartment complex, delirious with fever. When the sound of the sliding glass door alerted him, he had a visitor. He opened his eyes to see the figure slowly approaching. He had such little strength but he still light his hand in flames. It hurt the pain radiating to the back of his skull and the flame was quickly smothered when a cold towel was dropped on him.
“Calm down its just me, remember me.” Keigo spoke in a hushed voice, riddled with concern.
Dabi focused on the piercing eyes of the Pro before doubling over in a harsh coughing fit. Each racked his body and soon he was struggling to breathe.
The Pro acted with fast reflexes and sat the badly burnt man up and slowly rubbed circles on his back, in a slow rhythmic way. Also, Dabi would never admit it but it reminded him of her…He shook the Pro off of him and spit out a response.
“Get the fuck off, I don’t cough need anyone, get out, leave me.”
Hawks simply released his feathers and they began turning on the tap of the bathtub and began unzipping a bag he brought.
“Very well if that is what you want, I will leave but first let’s get the fever down so you can kill me someday at full health…okay?”
Dabi simply groans and lays back down. And as the cold towels began to adorn his body, he allowed himself just for a moment to relax and accept the help.
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goodlucksnez · 3 years
Could you do error 404 for Aizawa?
I wanted to put a little angst in this, sorry about that hope you enjoy anyway.
Shouta used to trust easily. It was his nature. It doesn’t make sense to him, why someone would pretend to be on your side only to let you fall in the end. He’s been reminded countless times to stop trusting people. It’ll only bring you down in the end. But Shouta keeps trusting people. Part of him needs to trust someone, needs someone to rely on, someone to lean on. This brings him pain in times of sickness. He wants that trust to allow himself to be vulnerable, but his line of work and the things he has seen in his life don’t allow him to act in his nature, so he hides. He hides everything behind broken and tired eyes. He hides behind dark cloths that hid the bruises and cuts. He hides his emotions behind stern glances and disapproving looks.
But he also hides in a place where no one can find him. A old tree house, wood planks scattered with old nails and other means of connecting it to tall bark of the elm. He hides shivering in a panic as a storm shakes the very wood he sits on. The rain pelts him from the storm above and he curls into himself more. In this moment he is safe from the screams, from the people he trusts, from himself. He is shaken from this protective huddle when sneezes rack his body and he find himself catching himself on a branch to steady himself.
“eh’tdjshihh!” huh-huh eh’tdjshihh!”
As he catches his breath his vision blurs and the last thing, he hears his the wind howling.
Mic runs. He has to run; his love had fled. He runs so hard and fast, he barely notices his heart beating like crazy, the wind whipping his hair, or the rain gathering on his glasses, he just runs. He rounds the corner of the old park his friends used to hang out. The old tree swaying in the wind, the old wooden boards creaking. He strains his eyes trying to find the figure of his love. As he climbs the wet wooden planks, he can only hear his own heartbeat and he is remined of the day, he lost his best friends. He pushes the thought out of his head as his eye find a slumped over dark-haired man shivering and shaking.
As lightning flashes above him, he climbs over to his lover and heaves his body into a upright potions and searching for signs of life.
The barley conscious man opens his eyes which are glazed over and he can hear the rasp in his voice.
“Mic…sto…..loud…“eh’tdjshihh!” huh-huh eh’tdjshihh!”
The sickly Pro cuddles against Mic as the storm carries on.
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