#snif sniff can someone give me a list of every single episode that he’s in
achilleslyre · 1 year
y’all gotta stop putting geto in my feed i’m sooso srs he’s tempting meeeeee
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Since I decided the best way to make it through Our Skyy 2 with minimal damage was to drink my way through it, welcome to the FINAL round of
CockTails in the Skyy!
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This week's drink is Par-tea-g Ways because once I knew we were ending Our Skyy 2 with A Tale of Thousand Stars, I had to bring out all my favorites to celebrate that the best was saved for last:
tequila because my favorite liquor is meant for my favorite series in this lineup
black tea for those tea sachets that saved the village
chimoy and Tajín on the rim for that tiny 🔥🔥🔥 the Grinch and his husband bring with their eye stares
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I love tequila. I love tea. I love a simple cocktail, which is why I made a big glass of it. I love the Grinch and his husband. I love that they have jobs, so I know I'm going to love these episodes because I have everything I love in one sitting. It's already a 9.5/10 for me no matter what happens, and I'm going to love every single thing about this.
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Bottoms up!
Tian is not Pat. Pran needs to stop yelling at him like that.
The ways Phupha cares for Tian are very practical. He is a good man who would buy his guy tools and jumper cables for Christmas. A GOOD MAN!
Pran is not someone I would want to be lost in the forest with. Negative Nelly is pouting over here while the kid and the man with the heart problem are walking. You're better than this, Pran!
Even though they are fighting, Tian knows Phupha will do his job and rescue them because he is A GOOD MAN!
I feel bad for Phupha too. Pat is already having issues, so now he has to rescue FOUR people. Say it with me - A GOOD MAN!
Phupha is in full Chief mode, yet Pat is sniffing trees and making jokes to lighten the mood. Pran and Pat are extreme opposites out here, yet both are very unhelpful in this forest situation. They are made for each other.
Kampung does have a lot of energy like most tiny hustlers.
Tian to Phupha - What took you so long?!
Okay, I forgive him since Pat and Pran started fighting.
Kampung is just back there chillin' being the real adult in this situation.
Phupha gives Tian flower tea for good sleep. Kampung was trying to find ginger for Tian. My rural folks may not be outwardly affectionate, but they are givers of practical care. My people.
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Phupha gets no rest and NO PEACE with these people.
Pat, being practical now. He is a GOOD MAN! He can stay.
No, literally, babe. Someone needs to stay at the camp! Was nobody a scout?! Stay where you are! What if that child comes back and nobody is there?!
I feel so bad for Phupha this episode. This man earned his paycheck over these past few days.
Pran coming in with the self awareness. He can stay too!
Pat's positivity is good here. Don't sniff trees. Instead give people words of encouragement. This is where he excels.
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Kampung and Tian both being stubborn and worrying about the other one is cute!
The color exchange.
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Am I hearing a rooster during this touching scene between Tian and Phupha or is that the tequila? Well, I'm about to make another drink anyway, so no importa!
I made a pitcher of Par-tea-g Ways, so I don't even have to take a break to refill. ONWARD!
"He only sits like that because his back hurts." - Yeah, from carrying the weight of EVERYONE'S LIVES ON HIS SHOULDERS. Put some respect on Phupha's name!
I had to pause for the cellphone cover being the same as the doorknob hanger, and now I'm wondering if I really do remember Bad Buddy or not. Is this going to be like 2gether where I only vaguely remember the story? "There was . . . singing." That's all I got.
Pat and Pran got tea sachets and ginger! And Tian got the eye mask. Que cute.
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If Pat asked Phupha to rate him after sex, Phupha would give Pat a list of critiques. Pat could not handle Phupha. Phupha would even have timestamps: "A minute and thirty-two seconds in, you did that thing with your mouth. It wasn't good. Minus half a point." Phupha is me.
The colors.
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Last week, I wrote only Tian and Phupha got a warm waterfall, yet here they are, freezing.
The sound I just made when Phupha popped up from behind.
This scene is hitting just right with the tequila.
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I like that Mix does not take off his shirt. There is no need when we all can get lost in his beautiful eyes.
I tell ya that seeing Earth's tattoo is my favorite I Spy game. FAVORITE!
Phupha, a practical man, is putting in the effort to be more affectionate. He is A GOOD MAN, I say!
I'm going to start using "mosquito net" as code for sex.
I LOVE THIS EPISODE! The mosquito net scene gives me the EarthMix-don't-kiss-until-the-last-episode kiss, and this feels right!
We are going down Memory Lane, but everything is better. So much better!
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Give him a 9.5 Tian, just like I'm giving this episode. Nothing is perfect. There is always room for improvement, but give Phupha top honors. He gave him 11!
Phupha is hugging his man goodbye for the whole world to see. I love him so much.
Phupha taking pictures of his man taking pictures of his food is my dessert.
This whole date is giving me everything I never thought I'd get from them. Aof, I love you.
It's not a competition, but . . . the high schoolers
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The Wai x Korn agenda is alive and strong.
I feel that "we barely got this episode to happen" comment is from Aof about how GMMTV probably wasn't for the crossover, but GOTCHA SUCKERS!
The flowers are even red and blue.
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For all y'all hair haters out there, you don't deserve this ponytail.
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WHITE! I don't get you enough on my screen. Tell me when I'll see you again. Please!
I feel like the parents proposed to Phupha, and that's the way it should be.
For a person who does not believe in marriage, I'm a sucker for this proposal because I have always considered them the Grinch and his husband.
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Oh no! Now we really are going down Memory Lane! I NEED ANOTHER DRINK!
AND NOW THIS?! (Yod is their Pa)
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This was EVERYTHING to me. I got color coding. I got Pat's hair in a ponytail. I got Wai x Korn. I got InkPha. I got White! I got my Grinch and his (actual) husband for four episodes. I GOT THE THOUSANDTH STAR! And I got drunk.
But I didn't get Longtae, so . . .
9.5/10 CockTails for giving me everything, but one tiny cutie.
I'm so happy I got to revisit all of these shows to appreciate some in ways I didn't the first time around and have the chance to see the characters I love after their happy-ever-afters.
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Until next time
*plays that intro song that annoys all of y'all*
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