thingsmk1120sayz · 7 months
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Snowpearcer was left to decay
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ultrahamilham · 4 years
I aspire to be that old lady when I grow up 😌
And that's good to hear; you're my best friend now, deal with it ;-;
My test went good, with your blessing 🥺🥺
I LOVE your weird ideas and yes, you have a shy anon and indeed we are the sweetest of beans. sometimes I start typing out a message then I chicken out because I am a chicken ;-;
I'm happy to hear it when people take breaks! I feel like we all need one every once in a while! That's also crazy cause it is like 10am here (Indian Standard time) and time zones suck! Just saying. SNOWPIERCER. I've heard so much about that!! How is it? (if I talk too much please just ignore me okay thanks)
Ahh, I'm pre-med! I'm not really going to school, the tests are conducted online because my state has the highest infection rate in the country and over here we're still in complete lockdown and it's scary, but I'm staying safe for the sake of my family! Thank you so much for asking ;-; ;-;
My day has been... messy. I have an awful sleep schedule so I woke up at two am, I wrote replies to my rp partners (poor guys, dealing with my sleep deprived self) and then I fell asleep, woke up at five and studied for the test and I'm finally getting free! The test was really simple and (I'm taking the talk on for hours thing to heart, apparently) and you can post anything you want because being anon gives me a false sense of confidence so I can say the most insane things! Like... I think your hair is mega cool! HA. I could never say that out of anon! Yay!
You are loved and important 🥺🥺 and your mom 🥺🥺🥺🥺 omg🥺🥺 please don't bug her about someone as lowly as myself 🥺🥺🥺 I am but 🥺🥺🥺 a shy anon who doesn't deserve her approval 🥺🥺🥺
You can go on for hours about her! She is so incredibly talented! I only ship mainly Jamilton (They are my life) but BOY I still love everything she draws! Her art style is so unique and she's an amazing person, from what I've seen! Your love for her is more than justified and I'm SO happy both of you have each other 🥺
You physically cannot bug me, I love people just so frickin much and I would love to hear about all of that!
I hope you have a good night and the sweetest of dreams ;-;
-Shy anon (even if you know it's me at this point ;-;)
Long answer under the break, oops lmao
Horray for best friends! I’m alright with it, I will embrace it! Also I’m do glad your test went well, that’s great! Congrats <3 I knew you would do well!
You are absolutely adorable. That’s how I was when I first started to talk to Henni actually. It took a lot for me to talk to her. We started off as fans of one another then I made like a really emo freaking post on tumblr and she spoke to me and then we just... Clicked lmao
I like NEVER take breaks so it’s amazing that I chose to lmao I’m bad at self care when it comes to taking breaks. Oops... Also the show is amazing! You see a lot of naked Daveed and I can’t complain. The actual story is really interesting! It could be better of course, and it’s plot points are very obvious from the beginning but the acting makes it work out! Also no, I will not ignore you. I can GUARANTEE you can’t out talk me. My nickname used to be motor mouth so...
Oh my gosh! You must be really smart to be in pre-med! I did a program that required some basic medical courses but that’s about it. I know the basics, but I don’t have the stomach to learn more. I can barely look at a cut let alone help someone who needs stitches hahaha! Though I’m glad you’re doing it from online. I know it’s scary but things will be okay! It sucks that you have a lot of cases and that you have to be in quarantine. Here in Ontario Canada we are talking about another quarantine and it’s pretty scary, but I think it’s needed. If we can all do our part we can get through this! Things will be okay <3
I hear you about the messed up sleep, I only slept for 3 hours and I’m about to reply to my rps with Henni then watch more snowpearcer and survive off of coffee and pure spite hahah! Also thank you for that complement to my hair ;-; it’s about to go green when the dye comes in the mail! I will have to trim it again, but that’s fine! I did the style mostly myself and I maintain it now with shaving the sides and back, plus layering it every few months! It’s cheaper that way lol I’m glad you feel okay enough to express yourself!
Trust me, she wants me to. I won’t get into specifics, but she told me to talk her ear off about whatever I want. She wasn’t the best person growing up. She abused us all and when I came out as trans she told me to kill myself. She has since come around and is getting help for her mental issues that made her that way, but it’s a slow process. One way that she wants to make it up to us is for us to say whatever we want to her. I can talk about gay men fucking if I really wanted to, so I tell her all the plots to my jamilton fics and she actually thinks they’re great, which is a shocker to me. She’s a whole different person!
I have had the pleasure to watch her grow. I joined the zosan fandom around the time she did and I saw her art evolve and it’s amazing to me. I still have works from way back then and I still love them! She is such a talented person and I am SO lucky.
I love Jamilton, if you haven’t noticed lmao though I am a multishipper of course. Jamilton is higher on the list than some of my other ships of course hahahah
Well then we can agree to talk each other’s ears off! Because there is no way I can shut up now hahahahah!
I hope your day has been good and you’re getting some sleep!
Have a good day, my dear shy anon <3
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doctorbitchcraftphd · 5 years
I’m an extremophile, I only like Atlanta August type heat or January Iceland cold... I either like tornado like winds or stagnant air. If it’s raining, I want a month long thunderstorm, if it’s snowing I want windchills like it’s snowpearce
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thingsmk1120sayz · 2 months
Happy Snowpearcer to all who celebrate it
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thingsmk1120sayz · 2 years
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thingsmk1120sayz · 3 years
Pike started the fire im calling it
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