#so I at least gave eichi a little gift! he can spend his special day with his beloved one
shiro-fanarts · 9 months
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lunareaped · 5 years
In truth, Eichi hadn't known what he should go about getting Rei. In the entire time they'd been dating, he's come to learn many things about vampire; tidbit infuriating as it was helpful. Simply put, Rei never asked for anything; and, the few times he had, it was hardly anything worth bragging about. Too nice, selfless, even on days where being selfish was encouraged! Gifts were placed upon bedding (a black and red teddy bear, a bag of what may be safe to call chocolate [he isn't the best cook
so no promise on its taste] and a five-page love letter), all neatly placed and without so much as a hair out of place! Now he can spend the rest of the day trying not to burn the kitchen down! 
█ * ✦ Rei’s sleep schedule was … difficult to say the least. He usually didn’t get to sleep till around 5-6 am and class started at 10 am, so rarely he got a lot of sleep but he had been gong about that for years now, it wasn’t anything new. Thankfully class was only two hours again before he had to wait several hours for his next two classes, it was a fantastic idea to take the late-night classes instead of the earlier in the day’s ones. Though because of this, he was often sleeping earlier in the morning when everyone else was starting to mill around. Such as the case now, though he stirred as he felt things placed on his bed, only catching a glimpse of who left it, instinct guiding him as he grabbed him, he wasn’t escaping so easily, no way !
█ * ✦ Eichi was pulled into the bed, yawn escaping rei’s lips as he started to pull himself up and keep eichi close to him, Eichi protesting only a little bit before settling against the other in defeat, He wasn’t going to get away from Rei, who had a soft smile on his face despite his sleepiness. It was Valentine’s day … So he can only imagine these gifts were for such an event.
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      ❛ Ku ~ My, I see I have been given gifts … How wonderful, Oh I’m filled with joy ! Stay with me while I read over this letter you have given me~ I can only imagine the love it’s going to fill me with, and if I have no one to give it too, I might just simply explode ❜
█ * ✦ He placed a kiss on the other boys cheek, before nuzzling him a bit, Finally he relaxed his grip on him, Eichi not moving from the spot, though shifting a bit to be comfortable as Rei took the teddy bear and sat it in Eichi’s lap, looked at the chocolates – Well, they seemed to at least be edible … that’s a good start ~ He’ll try them later when he wants something sweet (or possibly bitter if they were overdone), but the main thing he wanted to look over was the letter. He knew Eichi was quite good at putting his feelings down on paper, as he knew vaguely about the things he and Wataru exchanged … so to get one himself, oh it felt so special! He was unbelievably happy …
     ❛ I haven’t even started reading and I’m already happy ~ I feel so happy to get a love letter from you, Fufufu … I can’t imagine what you have written, Oh I’m gonna end up embarrassed ❜ 
█ * ✦ He knew he would, and so he didn’t waste any more time, he began to read the five-page long letter– He hadn’t expected it to be as long as it was, that was impressive but it was detailed and loving, detailing eichi’s feelings and their times together. His heart was beating out of his chest as he read it and his face turning red as he only made it through about three and a half pages before he just couldn’t read anymore, a laugh coming from eichi as he hid in the other boy’s shoulders. Eichi was so good with his words on paper, he couldn’t believe it, but the idea of Eichi getting embarrassed as he wrote the letter gave him some solace.
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     ❛ Uuu~ It’s so sweet and loving, I’m truly spoiled. I love you, fufu ~ I’ll have to spoil you to the ends of the earth later tonight, I hope you look forward to that ❜
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