#so I can't put an alarm on to signify the morning for me
al-ghoul ยท 1 year
I am a notoriously dumb fuck today, seems to me.
Have to collect some saliva for tests.
Was told to do this "Immediately After Waking Up If You Wait Ten Minutes It Won't Be Correct!!!1"
The next one goes in 30 minutes and the next one in 60. And then not to go back to sleep for the whole day, and then do one before going to sleep in the evening.
Chew on the cotton for 1-2 minutes, put it in the tube, write down the time. Simple, yes? No!
Woke up, tried to contemplate did I actually wake up or not yet, got scared it's taking too long, grabbed the cotton, start chewing on it like a good boi I am, took the phone to write the time - turned out I was sleeping for only two hours, it not the morning yet.
Freaked out that I fucked up the tube, went to frantically google where to buy a new one, while deciding should I just go for it and call it a morning, when came back to my senses turned out I was chewing on the cotton for 20 minutes now.
The test is for stress hormone. (ba dum tss)
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imonawholedifferentlevel ยท 2 years
๐—ฃ๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—”๐˜€๐˜€
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"๐—š๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐—ฒ ๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ธ ๐—บ๐˜† ๐˜€๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฑ๐˜‚๐—น๐—ฒ!"
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I LETย out a groan as I hear the sound of my irritating ass alarm clock going off that signifies a new day at school, encountering unfamiliar faces, and more challenges.
It is evident that I am not a social person, as I struggle with conversing with others. Whenever someone approaches me, it is usually to bother me.
In my perspective, my childhood was far from perfect. My life has always been overshadowed by my younger sister, Gabi, which has resulted in various instances of mental distress and anxiety.
I have experienced dark thoughts and faint voices urging me to harm my sister, leading to a brief stay in a mental institution.
Furthermore, I have had significant anger problems in the past, although they have subsided for the most part. They only resurface when someone manages to push the right buttons.
I am unsure of the origins of my anger issues, and I don't particularly care. My mother often claimed that I inherited them from my incarcerated uncle, who is currently serving time for involvement in illegal drug trade which made no fucking sense to me.
I groan louder and slam my hand against the button halting the irritating clock from beeping any further. I sit up in my bed with a disinterested yet fatigued expression on my face.
"Today is going to be the shittiest day ever," I mutter, cringing at the sound of my hoarse morning voice. I clear my throat and rise from the bed, heading towards the bathroom.
I open my cupboard and retrieve a towel, placing it on the seat of the toilet. Then, I turn on the shower and adjust it to a mildly warm temperature.
I tie my hair into a bun and proceed to undress. Stepping into the shower, I let out a contented sigh as the warmth of the water envelops my body.
After my shower, I step out and pick up the towel from the toilet seat, wrapping it around myself. I walk over to my dresser and take out some underwear and a sports bra. Releasing my grip on the towel, it falls from my body. I put on the undergarments and then proceed to search through my dresser for some clothes.
I selected a white t-shirt adorned with a cute little milk character and a pair of denim jean shorts. I put on the shirt and shorts, then return to my bed to put on some socks and shoes.
I adorn myself with hoop earrings and apply some lip gloss. I let my hair down and fashion it into a high ponytail.
I grab my bag and lazily sling it over my shoulder. I make my way downstairs, doing my best to ignore my family. However, luck is not on my side today, as I end up getting caught.
"Penelope Rivers, I know you are not attempting to leave this house without driving your younger sister, young lady," I roll my eyes and turn around to see my mom standing behind me with her arms folded.
I gazed at her with an expressionless face and responded with
"can't you simply drive her to school?" she shakes her head saying.
"Me and your father need to get to work if we take your sister, we would be late" I roll my eyes and groan in exasperation seeing they don't even care if I'm late I could literally go to Pluto, and they wouldn't take notice.
I seize the keys off the hook and say.
"Whatever just tell her to hurry up because as you can see, I'm already behind schedule for my first day so yea" I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me and strolled to my car getting into the driver's seat placing the keys into the car and starting the engine.
I hear the front door close, and the passenger seat open I turn my head and see that Gabby made it to the car
"took you long enough couldn't you have gone any faster" I informed her with a despising look she looked at me with a big smile and said, "I'll be quicker next time promise!"
I rolled my eyes and began to drive the car. I don't know why but that smile always made me sick mostly because it was the same smile I typically had before she was born, and I wasn't neglected.
When we arrived at Gaby's school, I basically pushed her out the car and sped off to my school. I was already late as it is, so I definitely was infuriated.
When I arrived at my school I sighedย 'let's just get this damn day over with'ย I pondered and I stepped out the car shutting the door and locking it after.
I stroll into the school and navigate my way to the front office. I pushed open the door to find a woman who appeared to be in her fifties, engrossed in painting her nails.
I ring the bell, causing her to look at me with irritation. In a monotone voice, she asks, "How can I assist you?" I hand her my freshly acquired note.
She snatches it from my grasp and checks me before entering something into the computer. After a few minutes, a piece of paper emerges from the printer. She retrieves it and hands it to me.
I take it from her, inspecting my schedule. She dismisses me with a wave, and I exit the office, perusing the paper to discover that I have a teacher named Mr. Leather.
I wander around until I finally locate the classroom. I open the door, but my own lack of awareness causes me to swing it open with more force than necessary, resulting in a loud thud as the door collides with the wall.
The entire class falls silent, their gazes turning towards me, their expressions a mix of confusion and slight surprise.
I gaze at the man in front and inquire, "Are you Mr. Leather?" while arching an eyebrow. He doesn't respond, instead simply staring at me.
My legs ache from standing for so long, and the awkward silence becomes unbearable. To break it, I snap my fingers in front of his face.
"Look, dude, my feet are killing me, and I desperately need to sit down. So, are you Mr. Leather or not?" I question.
He seems to snap out of his daze, taking my paper from my hands and examining it. He nods, a smile forming on his face. He returns the paper to me, replying, "Yes, and you must be Penelope Rivers?"
I corrected him, saying, "Penny, not Penelope."
He acknowledges and says, "indeed, my apologies. Welcome, Miss Rivers. You may have a seat next to Carol. Carol, would you kindly raise your hand?". I hear a groan from the rear of the classroom and a pale hand ascend into the air. I begin to navigate towards the hand, but I still notice the rest of the class fixated on me.
'Goodness, do the people in this damn school possess a tendency to gaze excessively?'ย I thought as I approached the hand, attempting to shield myself from the stares.
As I draw nearer to the back, I gradually discern the features of this person calledย 'Carol'.
She had light brownish hair that is parted in the middle, along with spectacles that are disproportionately large for her face. Nevertheless, she manages to carry off the appearance.
Beneath those spectacles lie dark brown eyes that narrow in my direction. She adorns a vibrant flannel shirt, paired with light blue denim and black combat boots. I must admit, she is a beautiful girl.
I also notice that she has something in her mouth, resembling a jawbreaker. Disrespectfully, she rests her long, slender legs on the desk.
I reach my designated seat and settle down next to her, causing her to slam her hand down on the desk rather forcefully.
I catch a glimpse of her glancing at me from the corner of my eye, prompting me to turn and meet her gaze. My high ponytail sways as my head moves.
"Do you also possess a thing for staring?" I inquire, wearing an expression of annoyance.
She rolled her eyes at me with a smirk and responded saying.
"Please looking at you is the last thing I want to do."
I presented her with an impassive expression and rolled my eyes "but you were just doing it 3 seconds ago idiot" I murmured quietly under my breath. Her head quickly turned towards me, and she appeared to lean closer.
"What did you say?!" she snapped. I remained silent but smirked and looked ahead. She huffed angrily and leaned back in her seat.
I glanced up at the clock and realized that we still had 40 minutes left of the class. I groaned and slumped back in my chair, tuning out everything around me. Suddenly, someone tapped my desk.
I turned to my left and saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.
She was wearing a pink and yellow striped shirt that was tucked into pink flared jeans. I raised an eyebrow at her and tilted my head slightly "yes, can I help you?" I asked. She smiled at me, revealing her braces.
"I was wondering if you had a pencil?" she inquired.
I said nothing and simply retrieved a pencil from my pencil case, which I pulled out from my backpack.
I handed it to her, causing her smile to widen, if that was even possible, and she nodded her head in gratitude "thank you!" I winced slightly at her high-pitched tone but nodded, nonetheless.
When the bell chimed, I breathed a sigh of relief and gathered my belongings. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see the same girl grinning at me, holding my pencil. She extended it towards me, and I accepted it from her hand.
"Thank you for letting me borrow it. By the way, I'm Rosalie!" she introduced herself.
"I'm Penelope, but please only call me Penny. Never use my full name, got it?" My sharp tone seemed to catch her off guard, but she nodded and left the room. I also left, examining my schedule for the next class.
However, as I searched for my next class, I felt my schedule being snatched from my hand by a familiar pale hand.
I looked up to see that it was Carol, the girl from my previous class. "Look what we've got here," she taunted. I attempted to retrieve it from her, but she quickly pulled away, preventing me from getting it.
I didn't even know this girl, yet she was already causing trouble for me. "Can you please give me back my schedule? I need to get to class," I requested. She smirked smugly and shook her head.
"Nah, I don't think I will." I took a deep breath, feeling my anger rise, but I tried to remain composed which didn't work.
"You have ten seconds to return my schedule before I knock those glasses right off your face!" I sneered, stepping closer to her. At that moment, I noticed our height difference - I was slightly taller than her by about 3 or 4 inches.
She glanced sideways and flicked her hand, causing my schedule to fly to the ground. "Whatever dipshit," she muttered before striding away down the corridor and disappearing around the corner.
I clicked my tongue in irritation and retrieved my timetable. I could already tell she was going to be a problem.
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