#so I couldn't help but imagine Koichiro dragged Shuichi to an ice skating rink at the park
ahogedetective · 2 years
purple for a silly starter ( rosanimemuses )
{ Color-colored starters! }
purple for a silly starter!
@rosanimemuses !!!
“.............." Oh much Shuichi wanted to die right now, as he continues laying face-first onto the ice. How he even let Koichiro convince him to sneak out to the empty ice rink at this time of night, he doesn't know; nor why in the world he even agreed to this in the first place, with how comically bad he is at ice skating; or rather, could be great at it if he didn't panic so easily and make himself lose his balance.... which is what ended up happening and he started squirming so much that he tripped on his feet and fell. He couldn't even look at Koichiro, he was so embarrassed....
"ueeuuueee......" Quiet whining can be heard from him, before he finally goes to at least sit up. His face was flushed, mostly from cold it was due to smacking against the ice, and also from embarrassment. "I-I'm okay.... I think...."
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