#so I guess as long as u know which lines are Magdalene’s then u should be okay?
kalloway · 5 years
Is it okay if I read some of the dialogue you've put into your crossover idea. The Camarilla, Anarchs and Sabbat are going to be confused on what's going on.
Oh for sure - I wouldn’t doubt it’d cause quite a bit of chaos tbh!
And sure Anon - just know it’s nothing special - mostly just ideas I had on how I could possibly introduce Magdalene into the mix tbh 😅
I’ll provide a bit of context/commentary, cuz I do literally write *just* dialogue lmao (fair warning: it’s p lengthy):
“What you’re asking me to do is an utmost crime, Sorcerer. I refuse.”
“Even if it means becoming more powerful? Heightening your Clan’s position?”
“I don’t care about that. First and foremost, I’m loyal to the Camarilla, and Diablerie is a capital crime - irreversible.”
“Your kind is already doomed to the Netherrealm. Why bother upholding such a masquerade?”
“Because I don’t see myself as a monster, and I don’t forget where I came from.”
(This is an isolated idea between Magdalene and possibly Shang Tsung, after the latter finds out about the concept of Diablerie - possibly from the Sabbat, but also possibly previous knowledge from the Moroi?)
“If what you’re suggesting is true, then we’ll need to take this to HQ. Can you be present tomorrow morning to meet?”
“That’s not possible. I’m a night person - I only conduct business after sundown.”
(Whispers to the other) “…telling you - vampire.”
“Very well. Tomorrow evening then?”
“Sure. But let’s keep it brief, alright? I can’t stay away for too long.”
(Just a goofy bit where one of the Kombat Kids (as I’ve heard Cassie, Jaqui, Takeda, and Kung Jin referred to), or maybe just another soldier in general, is super convinced she’s a ‘classic’ vampire, but no one else is buying it)
“Woah, woah! There’s not supposed to be civilians here!”
“What are you doing here?”
(Magdalene): “Investigating.” (She glances at their uniforms) “What’re the Special Forces doing in a dump like this?”
“Investigating. You really shouldn’t be here-“
“My superior begs to differ. This matter is of the utmost importance, and he’s sent me to look into it on his behalf. I’m not leaving.”
“Do you know anything about this incident then?”
“…not much. Probably about as much as you do: It’s a strange series of events leading up to this by some unknown and unseen party.”
“I’d call this a bit more than strange.”
“Whatever you call it, it’s a problem - obviously for the both of us. The sooner we find out what happened, the better.”
“You’re going to help us?”
“And you’re going to help me. If we’re after the same answers, why not make this whole situation mutually beneficial?”
“Well, we don’t really know anything about you. Plus, this is SF business, we can’t really release much information. Classified, you know.”
“My name is Magdalene Brandeis. You don’t know me or my superiors, but we’re on the same side for the moment.”
“‘For the moment’?”
“I have no say in their choices. Kinda what happens when you join in at a bad time.”
(i’m not really sure how I wanna write Mags, so she kinda jumps between super formal and more casual here - it’s her encountering the Kombat Kids while investigating an extremely suspicious incident that resulted in a lot of strange deaths in the building/area - definitely Sabbat work. Imo they grow much bolder after the turn of events leading to the news of new realms.)
“Hey Cass, I did some looking into that woman we were with at the scene of that incident, and got something really weird.”
“What do you mean ‘weird’? The whole thing was way outta wack.”
“Yeah but this is… weirder. I did a search on the name she gave and eventually got a match on a Missing Person’s report from over in Santa Monica, but… That Magdalene woman’s been missing for well over a decade now.”
“What? No way… what do you think it means?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know if I should bring it up to General Blade or not regarding the incident. She didn’t seem like she was involved in it at all.”
“She definitely seemed like she didn’t want to be seen there… like she was keeping a low profile. Maybe she was involved?”
“But she gave us that insight on those other incidents that match this one.”
“Probably ‘cause she knows about them. How would we know if she was involved? But it fits the alibi.”
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it Cass - a woman that’s been missing and presumed dead for over ten years, suddenly shows up at the scene of one of the most horrific crimes in recent history, then starts talking about other similar instances we’d missed going back a few years? She’s definitely in on it.”
“But we have no evidence she’s an enemy-“
“And nothing to prove she’s an ally either, besides her word. Can you trust someone like that?”
“…I’m not sure.”
“I say we report it anyway. At worst, it’s a bad hunch, but at best we possibly nab the person responsible - or one of their lackeys, anyway.”
(I wanted a bit that touched on Mags’ prior involvement in VTMB, so this is just a small call-back to that)
“How did you get in here?”
“Through the front door, actually. I have information you might be interested in, General.”
“And why would we trust someone who waltzes into a military facility like they own the damn place?”
“Because if my superiors found out where I was and what I was going to say, I’d be dead ten times over by now.”
“…who’s your superior?”
“Let’s call them a Council, for simplicity’s sake. They keep a tight leash on their kind, but I’m not… exactly a normal case. Now do you want to hear what I have to say or not? I don’t have all night.”
“Why come at night?”
“It’s quiet at night. I prefer it.”
“Hm. So long as it’s relevant, we could use any help we could get.”
“What causes these incidents - these murders - isn’t like you or I, but something much more primal.”
“An animal?”
“A beast with a superiority complex, honestly.”
“And you think we’d believe that?”
“What else have you encountered could do something like that?”
“I could name a few things…”
“I believe it’s the work of the Sabbat.”
“…the what?”
“The Sabbat. I’ve been informed you’ve heard the term before-“
“Yeah, and it’s strictly SF information only. How’d you hear about it?”
“Everyone knows about it, where I come from. They’re a persistent problem that’s grown wildly out of hand, in recent nights. Do you know what the Sabbat are?”
“We deduce they’re a gang going around murdering innocent people with no rhyme or reason as to why they’re doing it.”
“Hmmm… not bad, not bad. But there IS a reason, and the rhyme may be… disturbing to you.”
“If you know what’s causing the murders and taking our attention away from other more stressing concerns, then by law you’re obligated to inform us.”
“The Sabbat, in essence, strive to be everything you are not: Inhuman. They reject the basic code we all as a society follow, for the most part. They’re arrogant, have no regard for life, and see themselves as higher beings than you. The Sabbat are dangerous, and we’ve been trying to keep them in check for years. Ever since we all found out about the other realms after that incident years ago, we’ve been unable to get a handle on them.”
“…so you’re saying you’ve let them get out of hand?”
“No. The Sabbat are like cockroaches - you can’t seem to ever get rid of them entirely. They’ve never been this persistent or problematic since Los Angeles.”
“What happened in Los Angeles?”
“…nothing worth noting, to you.”
“All I’m here to do, is inform you that these are not people. They are not reasonable, and they will kill every single person - human or not - that gets in their way.”
“So what are they, exactly, if they’re not human?”
(I’m not sure I really like this idea, but it was involving Magdalene going out of the way to try and p much stop these guys (Special Forces) from just waltzing to their dooms while also investigating the Sabbat instances. I liked the idea of them being aware of the name, but not aware of what they are. I never decided how to finish that up though, hence the dead-end here)
“The fact that we may very well be able to ascertain our own origins is an interesting premise, don’t you think? Poetic, even. We’ve spent so long in the dark, only to realize it was only *this* realm that held us back.”
(I typed this up after Beckett was mentioned in a previous ask - idk if it’s something he would say, but it’s a line of dialogue I kind of like so 🤷‍♀️)
Aaand that’s all I got, for now Anon! 
Sorry it’s not much - it takes me a long time to sorta piece ideas together or some up with a *coherent* plot of any sort 😂 (it’s why my in-progress fanfic is taking… so long….)
i’m juggling so many AU ideas rn, it’s not even funny. Idk how you writer types ever stay organized or on top of ur fics in reasonable order… I just wing it every time and hope for the best, ngl ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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