#so I was like okay just lmk what you're gonna do and he hasn't answered. like bro....
no-one-hears-me 1 year
broooo I hate when people can't just give a solid answer to plans
#my friend told me he was gonna stop by so I was like okay cool I'll be done in a bit#bc I made cookies and I was gonna give him some#so he texted me to ask if I was done and I said yes#and he's like I'm so tempted to come over.... okay???? so do it???? I literally invited him#so I was like okay just lmk what you're gonna do and he hasn't answered. like bro....#I kinda wanna go to bed soon but I'm gonna stay up if he's planning on coming over#PLUS he usually brings his one friend and like 馃憖 I want him to. but he said his friend isn't allowed at my house anymore#bc he wanted to hit on me. so what??? I'll flirt with him too he's a baddie#but if not. he'll prob bring a different friend and I wanna know who bc we have to be quiet and ik his friends are rambunctious#except for the one that isn't allowed to see me. he's very polite and quiet#it's so funny that he's not allowed at my house according to my friend bc like. he texts me now#if my friend wasn't so protective I would be hanging out with this guy with my friend there BUT now we're unsupervised#he still hasn't answered my text I'm gonna fight him#also I don't want him or any of his friends showing up to my house drunk. and I'm pretty sure they're drinking rn#idk why but alcohol is making me uncomfortable tn??? that's how I felt when I was younger but then I got over it and started drinking#like. I love alcohol why do I feel weird about being around it#who knows. maybe the trauma is coming back hard idk#but fr where is my friend#also he does this fairly often like dude 馃槶 just tell me what you're gonna do#he can just say he's busy and can't come over? I would like that better than waiting around for him#his parents are chill and he just doesn't understand that people with strict parents can't be as spontaneous as him#Sera
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itadorey 11 months
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饾悊饾悜饾悇饾悁饾悡 饾悅饾悗饾悓饾悘饾悁饾悕饾悩
pairing: gojo satoru x reader summary: shoko lets something slip to gojo and nanami loses a whole lot of money. genre: fluff, attempts at humor wc: ~1.2k warnings: mentions of alcohol, lmk if i missed any more very much a word dump, apologies.
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"stare any harder and you're going to burn holes into nanami's head."
shoko's words draw gojo's attention away from you, and he shoots her a glare over his sunglasses before turning away.
"i'm not staring," gojo mutters, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms. he does his best to ignore shoko's amused looks, which isn't hard when he hears your laughter from across the room. his eyes flit over to you, watching as you toss your head back and laugh, one hand on nanami's arm as he sits next to you. there's a barely visible smile on the blonde man's face, and gojo finds himself scowling at the sight.
"c'mon, don't be like that," shoko chides, holding back laughter as she watches gojo pout. "you know nanami is their best friend."
"but i wanna be their best friend," gojo whines, looking back at shoko when you turn your head in their direction. she waves when she notices your gaze, smiling when she sees your gaze linger on gojo.
"no you don't!" shoko proclaims, shooting gojo a knowing look. "best friends don't usually want to kiss each other, for your information."
"i do not want to kiss them," gojo cries out, hesitating when he sees the blank look on shoko's face. he cringes slightly, straightening up before scoffing lightly. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"sure you don't."
"wait," gojo's embarrassment fades as a wide grin spreads across his face. he fixes shoko with a victorious look, blue eyes boring into her as he leans in. "you said 'each other'."
"w-what?" shoko asks, freezing as she realizes she's fucked up. she fidgets with her drink, avoiding his gaze as much as she can. "no i didn't."
"yes, you did," gojo replies, reaching over and stealing her glass. he takes a sip of the drink, face twisting in disgust when he realizes it's straight liquor. "ew! what is that? actually, don't answer that. it doesn't matter. anyways, you said 'best friends don't usually want to kiss each other' which implies that they also want to kiss me!"
"so you admit you want to kiss them?"
"yes!" gojo says, chest puffing up with pride as he takes a sip of his own drink this time. shoko swears she can see the excess sugar swirling in the supersaturated liquid. "but only because now i know they like me."
"oh god, what have i done," shoko breathes, downing what was left of her drink. gojo send her an incredulous look when she doesn't flinch and she chooses to ignore it in favor of rubbing her temples.
"this is great!" he says, swirling his cup around before offering it to shoko. she waves him off with a look of disgust. "so what is it that they like? my good looks? my strength? oh, i know! it has to be my charming personality!"
"gojo, please just shut up," shoko finally says, exasperation laced in her tone. "okay, fine. they like you. so what? it's not like you're gonna do anything about it."
she goes silent when gojo finishes off his drink, putting the glass down before dramatically slamming his palms on the table and standing up. there's a glint in his eye that makes shoko sigh, and she settles back into her seat, waving the waiter over and ordering double of whatever had been in her cup before.
there's a brief moment of confusion in nanami's eyes when gojo approaches the two of you, greeting you with a bright smile and merely sharing a head nod with him. gojo wastes no time in tilting his head towards the table shoko is still sitting at, sipping on her new drink as she watches the interaction unfolding in front of her.
"nanami! you need to go," gojo says, the smile on his face not leaving as he stares the blonde man down. "shoko needs you."
"she seems just fine on her own," nanami says coolly. he's noticed the way gojo hasn't stopped looking at you since you walked into the restaurant, and he definitely noticed the way his mood soured when you joined nanami for a drink at the bar. he can't help but push his senior's buttons even if it's just for a few minutes.
"no, no, no," gojo says, waving a finger in front of nanami's face. "she said she could outdrink you, and i couldn't just let her talk down on you like that! you need to go defend your honor."
there's a moment of silence as nanami stares blankly at gojo, blinking twice before letting out a deep sigh. he shares a confused glance before sliding off his seat, downing the rest of his drink before leaning in close to you.
"good luck with him."
he's gone before you can respond, and you watch him slip into gojo's old seat as the blue-eyed man takes the stool next to you. he waves the bartender over, ordering another round of drinks for you and a sugary soda for himself.
"how nice of you to defend nanami's honor," you say dryly, the smile on your face letting gojo know that you're not truly annoyed with his antics.
"well you know, i had to save you from those awful jokes of his."
"i dunno," you say, thanking the bartender when your drinks are placed in front of you. "i think nanami is hilarious. he's not bad company to keep."
gojo watches as you take a sip of your drink, blindly reaching for his own glass but not bringing it to his lips.
"but you're better."
those three words are enough to bring a soft smile to gojo's face, and he chuckles before taking the opportunity to lean in close to you.
"oh, am i now?"
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across the room, nanami and shoko watch as gojo tries to flirt with you.
"i bet you all the drinks it takes you to get drunk that he doesn't ask them out."
shoko gives nanami a dry look, her mouth twitching at the corners as she looks back to the bar. "you know what? i'll take the bet. something tells me it'll be different this time."
"you know something i don't," nanami says, his tone accusatory as he follows shoko's gaze. he's met with the sight of gojo's arm around your waist, a faint blush on his cheeks as you lean into him. nanami watches as gojo says something, his cheeks darkening even more as your eyes widen in surprise. there's a brief moment where time stands still, and it ends when you lean up and press a kiss wherever you can reach, which just so happens to be gojo's jaw.
"i might have let it slip to gojo that they like him," shoko admits, giving nanami a sly look. he scowls at her, shaking his head before letting out a soft sigh in resignation. shoko laughs at his reaction, already waving her hand to call the waiter over once more. there's only two glasses on the table so far, and nanami knows that shoko is no lightweight. he prepares himself for a long night as she turns to face him, a rare, mocking grin on her face.
"pay up, mr. salaryman."
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reblogs are appreciated <3
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taehyunsluvr 3 months
Baked goods
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Warnings: nsfw, afab!reader, sub!taehyun, meandom!reader (?), premature orgasm, oral (m receiving), not proof read, shitty plot, kinda brat taming if u squint real hard
Lmk if I missed any <3 !! MDNI !!
Summary: Your work friends have tried to help you succeed in your love life but it never seemed to work out. Until you meets your neighbor who's innocence intrigues you.
Word Count: about 2K
a/n: Ik this is shitty I've never written a fanfic before so I'll try doing different plots than basic ones like this (This isn't proof read so sorry for dumb mistakes lol)
You looked down at your buzzing phone. Is this why you always set 17 alarms? Because none of them could wake you up correctly? Either way you sighed deeply and flung your legs over the edge of the bed. The cold wood floor of your new apartment, the open window with a gentle breeze, everything about your new life was perfect. Except one thing. Every one of your friends, AND I MEAN EVERY ONE, had started getting into relationships, and here you were, in your apartment, alone. The only good part, was you had your options open. That was something only single people could do. Naturally. You sighed, got ready for work (which was one of the only things keeping you going at this point), and left your new apartment in a hurry. Sleeping through you alarms definitely didn't help with your time management.
You finally got to work. Your once clean and put together hair was now disheveled. At work you don't have many friends, but the ones you did have were the best you could ask for. As soon as you walked to your desk, your two coworkers and best friends decided to talk to you. "Hey Y/N do you have a date to the wedding?" One of them says. You look up at them, "No I don't why do you ask?" Your other friend answers, "We were just curious cause the wedding is next week. We wanted to know if you were coming single."
The two of them sit down on the opposite side of you. You can't say no. They're both too sweet. But what you really don't understand is why they would assume that you're gonna show up single. It almost made you annoyed. "No. I'm not coming alone." you say, making both of them look at each other. "Then who are you bringing?"
You shrug, "I'm bringing my boyfriend. You've both met him before."
You can't believe yourself right now. You lied about having a boyfriend. You didn't even know that there was going to be a wedding. You think about retorting your lie, but you don't think that you can because they were way too excited. "I knew it! I told you she would have someone."
The blonde girl, Winter, says to the black haired boy, Huening Kai, Hyuka for short. "Yeah yeah. I'm just surprised that she hasn't told us anything about him yet." Winter puts her hand on your shoulder, "I can't wait to see the guy you bring. If hes not hot I'm kicking him out." "I want to meet him." Hyuka says as he stands up. You nod.
"Why did I do that.." You say to your self as soon as you leave work. They're probably not even going to believe you once they meet your 'boyfriend'. You don't know how but I have to come up with someone or something. Then literally just as you're thinking that, you crash into something tall and hard.
"What the hell..?" You say as you back up and look at the man you just bumped into. Is this a romcom? How is he so handsome? And how did you just happen to bump into him right now..
You pray to whatever god gave you this chance in your head.
"Watch where you're going." He says coldly. Maybe you weren't so lucky. He was a bitch. A brat. But you played it off. It didn't really matter how he acted. That wasn't important. You try your best to put on a nice face. "Oh no! I'm sorry. Are you okay?" You ask him. He steps back, dusting off his clothes. "I'm fine. But watch where you're going." "I'm so so sorry." You say, reaching out your hand to brush off his jacket. He looks at my hand, then back at me. "No, it's fine. Just watch out next time."
You nod and look him up and down. He's very attractive. You could definitely take him to the wedding. But what if he already has a girlfriend? There's so much to consider. "Um, are you still here?" He says, making you snap back from your thought. "Oh yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking." you reply, careful not to break your composure.
"So uh.. Would you mind giving me your number so we can keep in touch? I mean if you're okay with it." You say. Seriously? How fucking corny was that. He looks at me.
"Why would you want my number?" "Well because you're cute and I'd like to get to know you better." "Really?" He laughs but clearly is flustered. A slightly smile
"So would you be willing to give me your number?" "Yeah sure." He takes his phone out and types something on it. He hands it to you, "There you go." You add the number reading the name " Kang Taehyun" on his screen. You completely forgot to ask for his name before. You walk away and to head home. Was this a dream or real life. You can't believe you just asked someone for their number. If you didn't already tell Winter and Hyuka that you had a boyfriend you would have totally been bragging to them about this.
As you walk, you realize that you're both heading in the same direction. Is he stalking you or is it just a coincidence? Maybe getting his number really did raise your confidence a little but too much.
"Are you stalking me or something?" you say, laughing.
He turns his head, "No, I'm not. I'm just going to the same place as you. But thanks for the offer." You scoff. "I own the bakery down here."
You're slightly taken aback by the fact that HES a baker. You would have thought he was a personal trainer, a model, something like that. "Lets walk together then." You pull him by his arm to be closer to you. He doesn't move away. You get to the bakery's front steps, pausing before he invites you in awkwardly. "We're closed right now but I need someone to test some of our new recipes anyways. This was your chance. You could possibly make him fall for you so you could take him to the wedding. So you take the chance to ask him if he's in a relationship. "I'm guessing you don't have a girlfriend..?"
"No. Not at the moment."
"A handsome guy like you should have a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. Whatever you're into." You sit at the bar of the bakery crossing you arms while leaning on the cold table top. He has basically no reaction. Is this guy celibate or just extremely experienced to the point nothing effects him. "Thanks, but I'm not interested in dating anyone at the moment." You ask "Why not? You look to be around that age." "Because I don't want to. I'm only 22." He answers while sorting through the different options of baked goods. You hesitate. You want to act how you usually would around guys, but thinking back on your past experiences maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
"Why? No guy wants to be single."
He looks confused by what you meant. "So you've never gotten to third base in other words. I could tell by how many times you've checked me out." You threw the entire friendly girl act out the window, even though he invited you into his bakery out of his own 'kindness' after hours. "I- No I didn't.. Im just.." He says stopping his movement, tensing up while dodging your eyes, moving them to various objects around the shop.
"Give me a break. You're too obvious. At least try to be conspicuous about it." You run your fingers through your hair while teasing him. The dimly lit bakery almost seemed to help push the mood in the direction you were hoping for. You're enjoying this. Usually the guys you talked to before would start getting defensive and concerningly aggressive if you spoke to them this way. But he almost seemed to like the way you were talking down to him. "Take off your apron." You meant it to sound like a request but it ended up sounding like a full on demand.
He stayed silent and surprisingly complied. You raised an eyebrow. Did you misread him for a virgin? He gave in too easily. Either way, it didn't matter. Bringing him to the wedding wasn't your goal anymore. He slid off his apron, and you burst out in a laughter.
"I knew you were a pervert. You really are a virgin. This is too funny." You stood up and walked around the counter.
"Im not a pervert-" His words were cut short by the force of you hand on his hardness. He could barely form a sentence. His hips bucked shamelessly into your touch.
"How are you explaining this to me then? Use your words. I'll stop if you want, but I know you wanted this." He didn't even bother to respond. His head fell onto your shoulder, and you could feel his warm breath on your skin.
"No I... keep going.." He says between bated breaths. He let out a louder whimper as you gripped his cock. He leaned back up, his bangs messily covering his eyes. "Please.."
You stopped and unbuttoned his work trousers, they fell to pool around his ankles. He definitely wasn't small. You weren't confident you could fit it all but you had already left all your reasoning at the door as soon as you entered. You kneeled down, and without hesitation took his whole length down in one go.
As you slowly moved, you could sense how sensitive he was. His cock was begging for attention, twitching at every small movement you made. He was moaning softly, and breathing heavily. You pull your mouth off, teasing his tip with your tongue. You digged your tongue into his slit and swirled you tongue around his swollen glistening tip. He let out a strained moan. Even though you couldn't see him, you could already tell that he was a nervous wreck. You forced his length back down your throat, taking whatever you couldn't fit into your hands. You could feel his hands almost grabbing your hair, but as soon as he felt you slightly halt he moved them firmly to his sides. He shivered profusely. His whimpers grew louder.
"Wait I-" Without warning you feel his hot seamen spurt out onto your tongue-- and also practically all over your face. It was sweet, with a hint of saltiness. You could tell he took care of himself. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.." You wipe the bit that got on your face and stood up.
"Open your mouth."
"Huh? Why-" You pushed your fingers forcefully into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat. He gagged around your fingers and moaned lightly due to the sensation. You pulled them out slowly, wiping his saliva on his own shirt. His face glistening with sweat as it beaded on his forehead. His hair was sticking to it, but it somehow made him look cuter.
"You're so kinky for a virgin."
His eyes slightly widened on your judge of his character.
"Not at all! You just- it was so sudden.." His was still breathing heavily from his intense premature orgasm. You helped him pull his work pants back on. You couldn't believe you escalated the situation this far. The scent of the baked goods somehow managed to mask the lewd scent of cum that was usually so pertinent.
"So.. do you have any plans in the next two weeks?" "Not really.." He was still attempting to retrieve his composure. You could tell he wanted more, but you weren't seemingly willing to comply. "There's a wedding coming up and I want you to come with me. My coworkers are quite literally dying to meet you." "Why?" "They think we're dating." "And why would they think that? We just met today.."
"Because I told them we are.. and you should repay me. Even if you wasted my gift on that weak excuse for an ejaculation."
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