#so Katya doesn't really care about writing properly as long as she is understood
nopanamaman · 2 years
constantly pondering how katya would text it haunts my every moment. bc she SEEMS like the type to like. idk. type like she’s chronically online. BUT SHES NOT CHRONICALLY ONLINE IM PRETTY SURE theres no REASON she would be it makes ZERO SENSE. so i was like fuck would his 13 year old type with like actual grammar in casual texts thats horrifying. but the MORE i think about it how much would the zone even bother to teach i remember it being siad somewhere they were taught to read (i dunno about writing? i dont recall and im too lazy to check) but like. would they be taught actual like perfect grammar. how much would they even have to read to like actually get a grasp on how words r spelled. since mainly u figure out how their spelled through seeing and idont know if inhumane experiment zones have books for those subjects to read.
i assume not? either way, id assume she’d have been taught the basics, like punctuation and capital letters but probably not the intricacies of it and she wouldnt like. know how typing online works and how people dontlike proper grammar so now im imagining proper punctuation and capitalization from some hyper barely a teenager who cant spell half the words shes typing and i cant get over it.
please help my suffering how does kt type
you're asking the real questions anon
let's start with the fact that the facility wouldn't want to give its residents access to social media, and the list of websites they can visit in computer rooms is strictly curated. so Katya having any awareness of zoomerspeak or Internet slang is highly unlikely
she also isn't especially well read or educated, so her regular speech - and ESPECIALLY her written speech - is anything but grammatically correct. or rather, her speech sounds fine, but her punctuation and spelling are abysmal. Katya also absolutely butchers more complicated words, but tries to use them regardless because they are fancy.
and lots of emojis. Lots of em.
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