#so all my fallout 4 OCs are wastelanders or imported from another game
The reason that the Silver Canary is my only Pre-War OC is because I find it hard to write a likable and justifiable pre-war citizen without making them a radical, direct-action anticapitalist. 
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mensajeroseis · 4 years
do you have someplace where you talk about fallout 3 like a post or something cuz people gimme shit on saying fo3 is good even for all the hate it gets but my brain can never recall Why beyond like, Vibes
i recognize the criticisms but it’s still Good yknow and thats why i followed you cuz you Get It
I definitely do considering my years of fallout 3 posting lol, but also I do not have an actual tagging system on this blog outside of my art and ocs. So I will just write a new one, because it is somehow a talent of mine to dump my nuanced and very sexy opinion about fallout 3.
I will say that fallout bethesda haters are always going to exist and will want to shit on anyone’s positive opinions about fo3 or fo4 (i do not care for fo4 but somehow still have 1000+ hours in it) and yeah like you said there’s a lot to recognize in criticisms for fo3/4, and fnv as well. But people tend to be blinded when they like a video game with no analytical eye, thus reverting their evolution and making their brains smaller which means they lose all critical reasonings and civil sociality. anyways. I think the most important thing to even say to people like that is, that people’s opinions on media are subjective and then tell them they have very obvious insecurity problems to care so much about disregarding yours, and proceed to block them for a funny haha (optional). Or if anyone immediately changes topic to how fnv is better, when you simply post about appreciating fo3 ; also have issues and should be ignored lol
A lot of people’s initial reasonings for fo3 being a good game is it was their first fallout, or the first fallout to bring the series to mainstream triple A regard. And that’s certainly something to admire but really it doesn’t say anything about the game itself. Fallout 3 is very straight forward, and also has a lot of obvious christian tones to it in the main story lol (cringe). There isn’t much room for nuance in quests, and that can make it come off comical rather than realistic. Which it can be felt Bethesda wanted to get that quirky 50s vibe from like the pop culture of it, like corny 50s B movies almost. But I will however say, the emotional value that fallout 3′s quests have to them are stronger than any other game in the series. of course this can also be subjective to the type of person you are I feel, some people want a personal connection, others don’t care for it. Some people say fnv’s opening is personal because you’re mad a dude shot you, for the character of the courier sure. But for the player, it is literally a plot McGuffin of mystery to entice you so idk, my opinion tho. To each their own. It’s like the whole fo4 opening debacle. How can you care about your son if you spend 5 minutes with a babbling infant. At least in fo3, you get multiple scenes of growing up in the vault, and observing the interactions of everyone and general social climate of 101. And that’s a very obvious strength fo3 has imo over fo4. 
Okay I’m losing brain steam now but uh... I feel it’s pretty definitive that fo3 has the best post apocalyptic atmosphere out of all the fallout games (again this is subjective, i find staring at a desert to be very draining and i find the commonwealth to be repetitive. I just like Grey and Green lawl) Bethesda’s strength as a company is definitely environment building/level design. Also the OST Inon Zur made for fo3 makes me Cum. Uhhh also I would find that Fallout 3 runs inline with Fallout 1′s tone (on the same wavelength at least, very obvious with some things like Trouble On The Homefront etc etc), and FNV runs inline with FO2 tonally. Fallout as a series is like a chapter book of post apocalypse and post-post apocalypse stories, and you will merely pick which one you’d rather read more. You can flip flop, you may flip one day and flop another. 
Duhh UHHH hmm anyways I have beef with HBomberGuy’s fallout videos and I will never watch them because of how much he refuses to give any nuance to fo3 or fnv lmfao. You are not going to win anyone over by telling them they’re opinion over a game is shit, but you can have good enlightening conversation and opinion growth if you talk about things in a nuanced view, and even better talk about the shitty things of the entire fallout series as a whole. Because Fallout Sucks. It really does. Play Wasteland 3 instead. 
anyways hope everyone who somehow read thru all this has a nice night.
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