#so anyhow how's yalls lives goin
axemetaphor · 2 years
managed to finally catch covid after dodging it for 2 years. not much has changed other than i leave my room even less (neither of my parents have it tho id swear my mom does and jsut got 2 false negatives, shes sicker than i am), my throat is itchy and i keep ramming my face into my coconut scented candle to make sure i still smell it (i do)
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iamknicole · 5 years
What's a Malone?
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Lainey had talked Charles into coming down to Savannah with her to see the kids and their family for the weekend. School was out so they didn't have to worry about Hanna and Caleb fussing about keeping her on her schedule when they took her out.
When the couple crept into her parents house, they found Cameron and Benny in the living room watching television (somewhat arguing). Lainey ran and jumped on them laughing, Charles strolled in behind her.
"You too damn heavy to be jumpin on people," Benny groaned pushing her legs off of him.
Cameron sucked his teeth pushing her as well. "You're ass almost got hit. I ain't know who you was."
"Who else would walk into Pop's house and jump on you? They're not crazy," Lainey laughed hugging them. "I miss y'all."
Benny smiled. "Miss you too. What's up, Chuck?"
"What's up, B, Cam?"
"I didn't miss your annoying ass," Cameron joked getting up to hug Lainey. "What's goin on, Charles? Treating my baby sis good?"
Charles laughed rubbing his hands together. "Yeah even though she yells at me asks hits me."
Lainey pushed him laughing, "Hush it up. You're alive, aren't you?"
"MAMA! I miss you!"
Lainey turned just in time to see Treasure let go off Hanna and Caleb's hands. She ran across the room hugging Lainey's legs. Picking her up, Lainey hugged the four year old tight and kissed her cheek.
"I missed you, T. Did you miss me?"
"Uhuh, I did. I drew you some pictures for the new house too, Mama."
Lainey smiled, "Ooh girl whaaat? Me and Chuck's room is gonna be poppin."
Treasure turned to get left hearing a familiar laugh. "Chuck! You're here too?"
"I sure am. Came to see my favorite girl," he gassed kissing her forehead. "Aaaaand I may or may not have a surprise with me."
"Is it nail polish? Cause I like that now. Me, Auntie CiCi, Auntie Lissa and Nana go get our nails and toes done." She told him flashing her glittery gold nails.
Charles laughed, "We'll just have to see now won't we?"
Treasure held her arms out for Charles to hug him. While Charles held her and talked to her brothers, Lainey went to speak to her parents.
"I missed y'all. How are yall?" She asked after hugging them.
Caleb rolled his eyes, "Like you don't know. You call ya mama ten times a day."
Lainey rolled her eyes playfully. "Anyhow, where's Diego? Him looked so big when we Facetimed the other day. And his cheeks are so chunky now."
"Cause Uncle Cam been feedin him good," Cameron called out.
Caleb sucked his teeth and looked at Hanna. "He's with Mitch. Treasure didn't wanna go. I'll have Luca bring him home."
Treasure got down from Charles' arms and skipped over to Lainey, pulling on her hand.
"Yes, T?"
"What's a Malone, Mama?" Treasure asked pushing her curls out of her face.
"Um, its you and your brother's last name. You got it from Daddy remember?"
Treasure sighed dramatically. "I know that, Mama. What's a Malone?
Lainey frowned kneeling to her daughter's height. "I don't understand, T. What are you asking me?"
"Me an' Daddy went to this big house, I sat in the car while he stood outside it talking to this man about $75. Aaaaand he said somethin' 'bout a hit," Treasure explained dramatically, "And then we went to see Uncle Vinny and Cousin Louie at a reseraunt. They drink what PopPop and my uncles drink. Cousin Louie say nobody messes with a Malone. So what's a Malone, Mama?"
Lainey gritted her teeth. Every time she gives Mitch a chance, he fucked it. Not only did he take their daughter to see about some stupid money, he took her to their families' bar.
"I'll be back yall."
Lainey tried to pass through her parents but they wouldn't budge.
"You're not going anywhere," Hanna said turning Lainey back around.
Lainey sucked her teeth. "Mama, no, I'm just gonna go talk to him."
"No, you're not," Caleb said with finality. "Cam, Benny, Charles, lets go."
Caleb was tired of having this same conversation with Mitch. He couldn't kill him because he was his grandkids' father but he could beat his ass.
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tommyquackson · 6 years
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Not My Gif (but its killing me)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You don’t like Peter Parker. Peter Parker doesn’t like you
Authors Note: The title sucks i know...im thinking about changing it. Anyway, new fic! i like the concept and i think yall will too. im not sure how many parts buts its gonna be quite a few cause this is a slowburn folks.
Peter Parker was the world biggest asshole. Okay, maybe that’s not true but for some unknown reason, he got under your skin. He always had something to say or correct you about. He thinks because he saved Queens from some flying villain, he’s a superhero.
You’ve tried your best to avoid him but everyone in the tower seemed to love him, especially Tony. You lived in the tower and had known everyone longer than Peter had, so why did they like him more? Because he wasn’t a weapon? Because he didn’t need to be taken care of and babied all the time?
You were like everyone’s child they felt like they had a responsibility to protect. You tried not to blame them too much because you understood. You came to the Avengers when you were only 13, you didn’t like talking about it much.
Nevertheless, everyone took it upon themselves to raise you, which was a blessing and a curse. Steve and Bucky were like your dads (Steve adopted you so you wouldn’t have to leave him). Thor and Sam were your fun uncles. Natasha, Clint and Bruce were the serious ones and Tony was like that one guy who always comes and gives you present whenever he sees you. Wanda was like your older sister and Fury was like your grandfather.
Now you’re 16 and no longer the only “baby” on the team. Though technically, Peter Parker isn’t on the team.
“Uncle Thor, please let me come to Asgard! I wanna see Uncle Loki, he hasn’t visited in weeks! I’ll try and talk to Jane for you, or I can clean your hammer? I’ll be good I promise! Please just take me with you!” You pleaded with the god.
“Why do you want to go so bad? Your father, Steve would kill me” He questions picking up his large hammer. You go to correct him when you’re interrupted.
“Why would Steve kill you?” Natasha asks walking into the living room with a bottle of water.
“Y/n wishes to return to Asgard with me”
“absolutely not” She says calmly as she usually is.
“You dont understand Nat! You don’t like it when I go to school!” You stomp your foot whining.
“I only want you safe and goin with Thor is dangerous” She says giving me the look.
“Ooh, what’s dangerous? I want in!” Sam says walking in with Steve behind him.
“Y/ns trying to go to Asgard with Thor” Natasha says.
“Thor! She’s just a child!” Steve scowls while Sam shouts dope while high fiving me.
“It was not I, she was begging me!” Thor points at me, making steve put his hands on his hips while lecturing me on the dangers of space travel.
“Friday? Call bucky to the living room” Steve says suddenly.
“Steve, no there’s no ne-“ I beg.
“Oohhhh, Y/ns in trouble!” Sam says like a child, resulting in everyone turning to scold him.
“What’s going on?” Bucky says entering the now full room.
“Y/n is trying to sneak away to Asgard with Thor!” Steve tells bucky.
“I was not! I just wanted-“
“Do you know how dangerous that is? Thor is a God, you’re a teenager-“ Bucky begins lecturing with Steve’s support and added input.
“FINE! It’s Peter! I don’t like him” I shout silencing everyone. Peter was coming to stay with us for a while because Tony thinks he could be an avenger or some shit.
“That’s extremely rude!” Steve says going back into dad mode.
Everyone begins adding their two cents and suddenly it’s too loud. Somewhere in the bumble, Thor left to Asgard and you stopped listening.
Suddenly, Tony walks in with Peter excitedly trailing behind him.
“WHATS GOING ON?” Tony silences the room.
“Nothing, Tony. What’s up?” You ask crossing your arms.
“That attitude, too much like me for my liking, Steve, Bionic Buck, Id watch that if I were you. Anyhow, I wanted to let you all know, Peter is here.” Tony says plopping down on a couch, stealing some chips from Sams hand. Peter awkwardly sits near him, his large duffel bag and metal case placed next to him.
Everyone welcomes Peter. He looks at you smirking and you roll your eyes and retreat to your room. Why did everyone like him so much? He was irritating! Who did he think he was?
“Y/n, may I come in?” Steve says from outside your door. You groan and have friday open the door. You move over to your seat by the window where all your plants are. You use you powers to give them water and make the soil suitable for them. Sure you could just use your powers to grow the plants themselves but where’s the fun in that.
“I’m sorry everyone was yelling at you. You’re a teenager and you’re entitled to your feelings and opinions, but it may help if you discuss these feelings with someone” Steve speaks sitting down on your bed. “I’m always here to listen, everyone is really”. You roll your eyes at his words.
“Please stop reading parenting articles you find, Cap. I just- I don’t know. There’s something about Peter, we just don’t get along! Everytime we train he acts like i’m evil or something. Home is where i can be away from him and the drama but now he’s staying with us and possibly joining forever and it’s like my homes being invaded” You speak to Steve, creating fire and water in your hands while you do so.
Unbeknownst to you, Peter could hear your every word. He had asked Mr Stark where the bathroom was and had somehow mad his way to your room. He felt bad for listening but he wanted, no needed to know why you didn’t like him. Sure, he was a little bit more rude than May would approve of, but that was only in response to your coldness. Hearing you spill your heart to Captain, he felt bad about staying here, even if he was just listening to Mr. Stark.
“Please, y/n just try to accept him and be his friend. You go to school with him and he’s really a nice boy. Just please, and try to limit the use of fire” Steve begs, while also giving you his “I’m captain america so you have to listen to me or its considered treason” look. You roll your eyes playfully and give Stevie a hug before going back to the little plants. 
You sat thinking of how in the world you were going to try to get through Peter’s cold side without using your fire. Maybe if you’re just indifferent to him...YEA, that’ll work! If you just act like strangers. You don’t have to talk to him, it’ll probably make this week easy, push Peter away.
Little did you know Peter had come to the opposite conclusion. He had found the bathroom and after returning, he decided the only way to get to the bottom of your coldness, he had to dig deeper. Who knows, maybe you’ll even become friends.
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angelfiume · 6 years
Mouth Like A Sailor Part 3
Last part for tonight.  I will be back with more if yall like it!
The morning after our little night out, I wrote a note to Sophie and Jean and left as the were still sleeping.  I woulda walked back home, but Soph's house was a while from my place.  I took the trail into town and waited at the bus-station for the 7 AM.  The city was real quiet at this time in the morning, either everyone was just now waking up, or had just gone to sleep.  Nothing was even open yet, except for the 24/7 places at the plaza, but I wasn't in any rush to get a cup of old coffee that wasn't even hot.  I saw the bus come rolling down the hill, the sun was starting to rise.  I handed the driver 25 cents (you only had to pay from 10 PM till 8), and kept to myself the whole ride back to my neighborhood.    It was Saturday so Darry and Soda were getting ready for work and the rest of their outfit was probably gonna get to the house soon.  I accidently slammed the door on my way in- a habit Darry would probably be yelling at me for the rest of my life.  Steve, Soda's best friend, was lying on the couch having an awful loud conversation with Soda, who was in the shower.  We smiled at each other briefly and I went to my room at the back of the house.  I used to be real close to the whole gang when we were all younger, but it started getting awkward when I turned twelve and my mom gave me this long talk about how a "young lady" shouldn't be out late with "young men" and she went off the one day she walked in my old room and saw Dally and I just hanging out all innocent like.  After those lectures I started hanging out more just with girls and only really spent time with my brothers' friends when they were around.  It wasn't too heartbroken about it as Dal was the one I spent the most time with and he liked me a whole lot more than I liked him.  Even as a kid Dally was tough and harsh and his idea of a fun game was pulling my hair and taking play-fights way to serious.  He's not too bad now, now he just teases me relentlessly about my voice and tries to tell me I'm flat chested and even my ass makes me look like a boy.  Which is ridiculous because I know I'm a looker and so does the rest of Tulsa, he just thinks it's cute to hurt girls' feelings is all.  I got out of yesterday's clothes and cleaned off my makeup from last night.  Most of the things I owned used to be my mom's when she was in college, before she had four kids.  The other twenty-five percent of what I owned were actually hand-me downs from my brothers, a whole lot of that being their shoes from junior high, shirts, and a pair of soda's old 501s.  I got into my mom's old hip-huggers, a black blouse, and Pony's recently out-grown converse.  On my way into the kitchen for a cup of coffee I bumped into Soda who whipped around to look at me with a nervous expression, my stomach dropped, I was either in trouble or something real bad had happened overnight, Soda was rarely ever bothered.  
  "What?  Soda, Darry didn't check to see where I was last night, did he?"  I asked shakily, Darry didn't just sound scary, but he was real smart, he knew what to take away from me that I would get upset about.    
  "No, no but he's gonna get suspicious, Marli, you smell like you drank all night!"  He whispered back at me, "You better go brush your teeth and put some perfume on or something, hell just light a smoke."  
  "OK,OK, thanks Soda."  I ran back to my room to grab a cancer stick,  I hadn't even had much to drink last night, but Soda and Darry had this odd talent for smell, I remember last week I quickly got outta a fight with Darry with some bullshit lie when he smelled pot in my car I had smoked a month before.  I walked out puffing on a cigarette, which of course Darry wasn't gonna be too happy about, but rather that than alcohol.  I walked out to the porch to have it, luckily before Darry even turned around to see me walk out.  
  "Hey Marls, you look rough, man, what's the matter with you?"  A deep voice laughed from the concrete steps, "Musta been one helluva night."  
  "Shut-up Dal!  This door is most screen, you don't think Darry won't rip my head off if he suspects something?"  I snapped in a hushed voice.   
 Dally raised his eyebrows and took my cigarette, taking a long drag before handing it back, "Be cool, man, he's not gonna know you went all the way to that bar just cause of some smart-ass comment I made."   
 "Yeah?  Guess so.  How the hell did you even know where I was last night?  Doubt you have half the dough to leave this neighborhood anyhow."  
  "For some reason people around here seem to think you're a real cool broad, did ya know that?"  Dallas chuckled, looking up at me from the ground,          "Some socy girls were yappin at the drive-in about how that Sophie was goin' all the way to Oklahoma City to see some celebrity or something, and you weren't here last night, so where else would you be?" 
   "Hmm, well as long as that don't get within a miles radius of the Curtis Residence, I guess that's alright."  I sighed and took one last  drag before heading inside.     
 Darry was walking around looking as stressed-out as ever, with a piece of toast in his mouth, a cup of coffee in one hand and the other trying to tuck his shirt in.  Luckily, he didn't even give me half a glance, so I was pretty much in the clear.  Ponyboy was sitting on the couch next to Two-bit, looking surly as ever.  He was a real smart kid, but a little on the awkward side.  I could tell he wasn't too confident in his steps just yet, but I didn't judge him too hard on it, I'm still figuring my place out in the world.  Darry could get pissy at him a lot, and Steve wasn't too keen on him either.  I hate to think it's a girl thing, but I always held a special place in my heart for kids.  He was my kid brother, so he annoyed the shit outta me, but he was alright.  Soda came running through the living room, looking for his DX shirt, I just can't believe he refuses to set it out for himself the night before, as every damn morning he runs around like a scalded cat looking for the damn thing.  He pushed me outta his way and started around the rest of our small house.  I went in to get a coffee and saw that Dal had followed me into the kitchen.  I turned around to look at him, immediately my stomach did a little flip.  I had seen that look before at a lot of guys' faces and it never really made me feel all flattered at shit, just kinda uncomfortable.  But for Dally I changed a little, he and I had been so close as kids and even after that he hung on to our friendship more than the rest of the gang.  I didn't say anything, I just walked back to my room, what could I have said?  I sure as hell wouldn't be caught trying to chat him up, I knew better than that.  He wasn't necessarily a player, he's only had one girl at a time and always kept her close, but he was still a dick!  He didn't have a lot of respect for girls, he always did for me and the other girls he knew, but I'd like to know the guy I date doesn't embarrass girls on the street just for kicks.  Not even that, but my brothers would think I'm just the dumbest little thing to walk the earth if we ever did become anything.  I remember last summer, I had a short-lived fling with this 22 year old in the Army on leave, and when I told Darry, he said "Marls, I don't wanna tell you how to live your life, but c'mon don't be just another greasy girl in our neighborhood who thinks she's hot shit for getting in with older men.  You're just being trashy."  Usually when my brothers say stuff like that to me I don't care, cause that's what siblings do, we are SUPPOSED to hate each other, but this time it was different.  He wasn't calling me trashy as an annoying older brother, he really meant it.    My brothers really care about me, Soda mostly just cause he cares about everybody.  But Darry will always just judge me before he stands up for me, same with Ponyboy,he can sure say a lot of shit about Darry, but at the end of the day those two are a lot more similar than Soda and I, and we're twins.  I'm probably overthinking it all anyways, maybe Dallas was just being an objective jerk, but that's not the first time, nor the mildest thing, that has happened between us.
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transient-tutor · 7 years
DEREK: -is jake hanging out in the infirmary right now? because the dad-in-law is stopping by. it's not unusual, he's been coming and going the past few days to see dirk but tonight he's here for jake. he knocks on the door to get his attention before just letting himself in.- Yo Jake.
JAKE: -MOST DEFINITELY HANGING OUT IN THE INFIRMARY. Jake is taking an uneasy doze in one of the visitor cots a small distance aways from the comatose patient room. Jake didn't want to be a cumbersome presence to any medical staff that might come in and check on Dirk's vitals from time to time. Plus, just sitting in there was making him incredibly sad.- 
JAKE: -At the sound of Derek's voice, Jake lifts his head up to squint. Feeling for his glasses and starting to roll to sit. Abeit with difficulty. The weariness wouldn't shake off his bones.- Derek? 
JAKE: Youre here? -blinks and sets gaze on his father-in-law, worried all over again.- Something the matter? Is it dirk?
DEREK: -ambles over, shaking his head and waving a bandaged hand in dismissal.- Dont worry. Nothins up. 
DEREK: -plops to take a seat beside him on the cot.- I stopped by to see you.
JAKE: -shoulders sag in relief and he sighs. The biggest dog sigh of them all. Eyeballs the bandaged hand.- Get into a scrum?
DEREK: -holds up his hand and sighs at it.- Yeah with a wall. 
DEREK: It was a lil one sided.
JAKE: Oh well... 
JAKE: Happens to the best of us. -And it does! Though Jake typically fought anything but a wall.- 
JAKE: Youre here at least... having it checked and what not. 
JAKE: Sos the responsibility. -rubs at his neck, making a bit of a face.- Bluh... 
JAKE: Sorry derek. Im... 
JAKE: A few gumptions short of a decent conversation. :(
DEREK: -claps a hand onto jake's shoulder and gives him a sympathetic pat.- No worries. Didnt really come here to conversate anyhow. 
DEREK: Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep but I wanted to get you outta here for a lil while.
JAKE: Oh uh... -It dawns on him that he's hardly spent any "family" time with Derek. As most affairs they cross paths in were in the company of other people. Also before that, Jake got entirely distracted by dating his son.- At this time of night? 
JAKE: Where would we go? -He asks this question but he lives the married family life, Derek. Understand him.-
DEREK: -he gets it. he's been there. but he also adamantly refuses to grow up in many regards, so the world remains his oyster.- Anywhere. 
DEREK: Life aint come to a screeching halt outside. If anything its bustling more than it has in who knows how long. 
DEREK: Figured we could hop in that jeep of yours and see whats goin down out there. You up to it?
JAKE: Well its not but... -looks onward, probably in the direction Dirk's room is. Whines internally. Whines eternally.-
DEREK: -sighs through his nose. yeah, he gets that too.- Just to take our minds off things for a lil while. 
DEREK: Itll be fun. Come on. -he's not above peer pressuring you, jake.-
JAKE: -It's easier to fold when Jake imagines that Derek is telling him to go, rather than suggesting they do.- Oh... 
JAKE: Alright.. 
JAKE: But lets not be long. -pries himself off the bed, again. Reluctantly.-
DEREK: -claps him on the back before hopping to his feet again.- Thats the spirit. 
DEREK: -takes the liberty of leading the way out the door. he doesn't really seem to be waiting around for him to catch up.-
JAKE: -Well that's fine... Jake knows where the Jeep is parked and is also the only one present with a key for it. He takes his time texting his friends in the infirmary about where he's heading off to. He meets up with Derek in the cargo bay.- Ill be frank... 
JAKE: I havent thought to set foot outside since... 
JAKE: My imprisonment i suppose.
DEREK: Thats reasonable. 
DEREK: Cant say Ive had much need to. -leans on the jeep nonchalantly. he wants to drive it... but he will have to ask for the keys. use your words, derek.- But I hear its safer out there. People just rebuildin their lives. 
DEREK: And thats cool. -holds out his hand.- Anyway gimme your keys to this thing. -he did it.-
JAKE: -There's a whole second Jake is reluctant to... before he passes them to Derek.- 
JAKE: ... 
JAKE: This was our wedding gift. -blurts. He can't help it. The associations are still there.- :(
DEREK: -snatches them up, then turns towards the vehicle.- ... Yeah. -HE BETTER NOT CRASH IT THEN. he's been known to do this with cars that don't belong to him.- 
DEREK: -gets into the driver's side.- Its a good one. John got it for you right?
JAKE: -climbs in and sits in the passenger side. The sad faces intensify.- Yes. :C
DEREK: -damn, this is gonna be harder than he thought. probably not gonna be the wild night he was hoping for, but he can improvise.- 
DEREK: -produces a six pack of booze from his sylladex and holds them out to him.- Have one. -yes, he's telling him to do this again.-
JAKE: Wh... 
JAKE: -suddenly taking booze in his lap.- Were not driving under any influences are we?
DEREK: -jesus CHRIST.- Im not gonna. -for now-
JAKE: I think id have to stop you if we were sir! Family statuses aside. -HUFFS.-
DEREK: -smirks a little at him as he starts up the jeep.- Good to know. 
DEREK: But I insist. You have at it. 
DEREK: -and with that he TAKES OFF. the ship is landed somewhere out in the wilderness, but not too far from the minneapolis area still. plenty of municipalities to check out, but instead derek is taking a scenic route.-
JAKE: -dont mind if he rolls down the window. He likes the feel of the wind in his hair and especially his mustache.- Well... 
JAKE: I watch plenty of television and im sure theres a law some place that reads there cant be open beverages in a moving vehicle! 
JAKE: So im sure wherever were going it can wait. -sets the boozes down at his feet. That's that.-
DEREK: Oh come on its basically lawless out here. 
 DEREK: Man youre a real goodie two shoes. -says so with a good natured snicker. he's just trying to loosen him up... what a shame it's failing. maybe it's not in the cards. he pauses, hesitant to say what he's thinking but he's derek so he'll say it anyhow.- 
DEREK: You must keep Dirk in line then huh?
JAKE: Shucks i wouldnt go that far. -feeling his face flushing in color. Absently, Jake fiddles with the ring on his finger.- Its just... 
JAKE: Second nature i suppose? Thinking and... 
JAKE: Doing my darndest to plan ahead. -he trails off. Feeling sad all over again.- But you dont want to hear this. We um. 
JAKE: Ought to focus ahead and all. Coming all this way.
DEREK: -glances at him- Well the plan was to take it easy. Sure. 
DEREK: But now I feel like talking about him too. 
DEREK: Its nice hearin this stuff. -sobers up rather suddenly.- 
DEREK: You know were not as close as Id like to be. Me and him. 
DEREK: Guess I can kinda live vicariously through all yall that are when you talk about that sorta thing. What all is goin on in your day to day. Shit like that.
JAKE: Why not? 
JAKE: The lack of closeness i mean.
DEREK: Well... -drums fingers on the steering wheel.- He dont like me too much. 
DEREK: Guess weve been working on that but its slow going. 
DEREK: I cant blame him anyways.
JAKE: Right... -If it helped Derek any, Jake had no reason to have hard feelings about him.- I cant imagine why. My impressions always been that youre as swell a fella as it gets! 
JAKE: Whats there more to say about it? -But no really, he's curious.-
DEREK: -goes quiet for a moment but it's fine, he just scoffs.- People tell me there aint nothin left to say anymore. 
DEREK: But I wasnt always a swell fella.
JAKE: Oh... -Truth be told, he had a hard time picturing anyone as totally a bad person. Jake glances at him, a glimmer of optimism for his father-in-law.- Its a dog eat dog world im told... 
JAKE: Some folks do whats best they think is needed for survival. -looks away then, watching the passing scenery. So dark out...- I know its true for me.
DEREK: That dont always make it right. 
DEREK: But that aint somethin you gotta worry about. Youre an indisputably good guy. 
DEREK: -decides to make a turn down some dirt road.- And a great dad.
JAKE: Good... golly. Gulp.  -if it's Derek's intention to make Jake blush again, it's working. Too much positivity in one sitting, his eyes are starting to water. Jake scrubs his face with the back of one hand. There they go, down some dirt road.-
DEREK: -IT ISNT EXACTLY, but he is making extra effort to be sincere with jake.- ... -glances at him.- 
DEREK: Its true. 
DEREK: Times like these really make or break a man. 
DEREK: ... And Ill be real with you it is shit like this which made me a bad guy. I let that happen. 
DEREK: Cuz I thought I had to do it alone. 
DEREK: -drums fingers on the steering wheel.- Just remember youre not alone alright?
JAKE: I know it. Its not... 
JAKE: Me im torn all over for. -swallows hard as it turns out his attempt to curb the water works failed. Jake sits there with tears dripping.-
DEREK: -frowns at the road ahead of him. he's not the best at expressing his sympathy, not always, but it's a little easier when some of that pain is shared. he reaches over to grip at jake's shoulder for a moment.- Yeah. I get it.
JAKE: -the simple gesture of squeezing his shoulder has Jake's heart wrenching even more. The most he can do is wring out a handkerchief to blow his nose into. Jake English doesn't go anywhere without it.-
DEREK: -this poor kid... he can't believe he carries around a handkerchief though. he clears his throat to suppress a chuckle about it and retracts his hand to place both back on the wheel.- 
DEREK: I dont wanna make promises that itll be alright but... Youve got me and Riley and Dave and the whole goddamn clan to make shit easier where we can.
JAKE: -sniffles again and focuses on folding the hankerchief away. He'll have to wash this later.- Oh i know i... 
JAKE: ... 
JAKE: I feel just awful... thinking to ask when i cant even be fucking bothered to hold my own. -seems to be telling himself this more than Derek.- Ive held worse. Ive... endured worse. 
JAKE: And so has everyone else. Its... -rests his elbow just outside the window, looking out again.- Magnanimously stupid of me. I shouldnt ask more of everyone.
DEREK: -brows knit as a familiar kind of pain wrenches at his insides. how does he even begin to explain how well he understands?- 
DEREK: I know. 
DEREK: When you wanna keep it together so nobody else has gotta add you to their long list of troubles. 
DEREK: Even when you feel like youre fallin apart. 
DEREK: Its frustratin. 
DEREK: Like fuck. You should be able to handle this. 
DEREK: You got to. -grips the steering wheel tight, but when he notices they've arrived at their impromptu destination, he loosens his hold and slows the vehicle to a stop next to one of the many lakes around here.- 
DEREK: -turns to look at jake.- Youre a strong person Jake. 
DEREK: I know you got this. 
DEREK: But I aint offerin my help cuz I think you need it. 
DEREK: Im doin it cuz youre family.
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