#so anyways . have the biggest test in the school calendar tomorrow and im playing the sims
laurakinney · 3 years
in a silly goofy mood 😝😝🔫
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crownedbyluke · 6 years
Long Road Ahead (Chapter One)
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Estelle Finley has been friends with Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings for three years. When the boys bring her along on a jam-packed road trip to Cape Cod with the rest of the band, their adventures are just beginning. Through long hours driving, exploring cities, and hidden secrets, something more is bound to happen on this journey. How will this road trip change Estelle’s friendship with the friends she’s come to love so dearly?
Word Count: 3,480
Luke’s blue eyes and Ashton’s hazel eyes were staring at me. I was used to their weird looks, but there was something in them I hadn’t seen before.
“Whatever it is, you might as well tell me before your eyes burst out of your heads,” I said while walking over to my desk.
“What are you talking about?” Ashton asked, a hitch in his voice giving him away.
“You both are staring at me, which usually means you have to tell me something. So come on,” I said, looking through some of the papers that were out.
“I told you she’d know,” Luke said making me laugh.
“Ugh fine. Estelle, stop being in teacher mode” Ashton teased making me laugh more.
I raised my hands up in surrender before turning to face them. I met Luke’s eyes and a shiver ran through me. I should have been used to it, but no matter how many times it happened in the three years we’ve been friends, it still took me by surprise.
“We’re going on a road trip and you’re coming with us,” Ashton said taking my eyes off of Luke.
“What? No I’m not,” I said shaking my head.
“Yes you are. You’re coming with us, Mikey, Cal, and Crystal. Oh, and you should really start packing because we leave tomorrow at six in the morning,” Luke said, an unexpected confidence in his tone..
“What? No, you two are kidding,” I argued, not believing them for a second.
They loved playing pranks on me and if this was their latest one, I had every intention of making them regret it.
“We aren’t. Completely serious. No pranks and no jokes,” Ashton said, his eyes lit up.
“For how long?” I asked, turning back to look at my calendar.
As much as I wanted to agree and let them sweep me away, I had lesson plans to prepare.
“Well, it’ll take us fourteen days to get there and then we’ll be at our final destination for three weeks,” Ashton said, moving his fingers as if he was counting midair.
“Es, we’ll get you back in time to prep for school. I promise,” Luke reassured, his hands coming to rest on my shoulders.
There was a calm that came over me with his touch. It made it impossible to not give into them.
“And what am I supposed to pack?” I asked, tilting my head back to look at Luke.
The smile that lit up his face met those ocean eyes and I was sold on whatever we were doing.
“Lots of summer clothes, some swimsuits, but also a couple things that are warmer for nights,” Luke said quietly, his fingers squeezing my shoulders.
“Well if I know where we’re going, I could pack properly,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows at him.
“Nope. That’s a secret. Now, remember what Luke said, but put some nicer clothes in there too,” Ashton said, giving me his thousand watt smile.
I rolled my eyes at him before looking back up at Luke. There was something in his eyes that made me melt into his touch even more.
“Get to packing little dove. We’ll see you bright and early tomorrow,” he said, giving my shoulders another squeeze.
The blush came across my body from the pet name. It didn’t matter how many times he called me that, it still caused the same reaction. Ashton came over and gave me a quick hug. It felt like I was still in a trance when I heard them close my apartment door.
“Shit,” I mumbled before going to my hall closet door.
I pulled out my biggest suitcase and dragged it to my bedroom. The sound of my closet doors echoed against the walls. My wardrobe was still being transitioned to summer, but I had most of what I would need or at least, I hoped. My eyes wandered over the clothes before I pulled out my phone.
E: Crys, what the hell am I supposed to pack?
My fingers ghosted over my favorite white top, fond memories coming to mind. My phone buzzed in my pocket.
C: Plenty of shorts, tees and tanks, at least three swimsuits, some sundresses, some skirts, coverups, sneakers, sandals, and like one hoodie/sweater.
E: Oh my god. I’m guessing you won’t tell me where we’re going either?
C: Nope. Under strict instructions not to.
E: Damn it. Okay. I guess I’ll get packing then.
I sighed before tossing my phone onto my bed. I took the top I had been touching off the hanger and gently placed it on my shoulder.
“Only like forty more to go,” I said, my hands falling to my hips before getting started.
The blaring sound of my alarm woke me from the peaceful slumber I was in. I hit the button and checked the time. The red numbers flashed five in the morning. I pushed myself from my bed and headed to the kitchen. My finger pushed the start button on my espresso machine after placing a mug underneath it. My feet carried me to the bathroom for the shower I desperately needed. After ten minutes, I stepped out and got dressed in my comfy clothes for the drive. I quickly put my hair into a fishtail braid and went back to the kitchen. I added milk and ice to finish my iced mocha. I glanced down to check my watch. 5:20 A.M. I went to the fridge and pulled out the vanilla greek yogurt. After chopping up a banana, I started eating as quickly as I could so I would be ready in time. I checked my watch again. 5:40 A.M. I cleaned my dishes and went to my front door. The suitcase and backpack that I packed last night already by the door. I pulled on my gold sandals and black wide brimmed hat. Just as I was clasping the last sandal, the buzzer sounded.
“Ready Es?” Ashton’s voice crackled over the speaker.
“Yep. Come on up,” I said, finger pressing to let him up.
The sun was starting to peek through the linen curtains. I cracked my door for Ash before walking over my balcony window. I snapped a quick picture, the calm of the view washing over me. There was a part of me that just wished I could stare at the sunrise for an infinite amount of time, before I was brought back to the world around me.
“Let’s go Es,” Ashton said from behind me.
I walked back over to him and grabbed my backpack.
“Still not telling me?” I asked while locking up.
“Nope,” he said, giving me a wink over the shoulder before heading down to the elevator.
We left my apartment building, a gray Range Rover idling by the curb when we walked out. Ashton hauled my suitcase into the back while I opened the door.
“Good morning little dove,” Luke said after I opened the door.
“Good morning giraffe,” I said, crawling in.
I found myself between the window and Luke with Calum on his other side. Ashton climbed into the single seat in the back.
“And we’re off!” Michael cheered from the driver’s seat.
Crystal cheered from the passenger seat to encourage him even though it was early. Her phone was hooked up to the aux, making her the DJ for the first portion of our trip.
“Mike and Crystal are driving until noon, then Cal and Ash will take over for three hours,” Luke said once we pulled away.
He was reading from a notebook that had different times written in it.
“Do I get to do any driving?” I asked, testing him.
His laugh rang in my ears before I saw his smile.
“Maybe later, but you don’t know where we’re going so you’re gonna have to wait,” he said, nudging my shoulder.
I groaned before looking out the window. California was passing by and it was hard to believe that I was really doing this with them. My ears caught the bassline of Move On by Mike Posner. My head bobbed along to the song before Calum and I looked at each other. We moved in sync with the bassline, both of us appreciating it for exactly what it was. I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up when Calum tried dancing along. Luke looked at us like we were crazy before joining us in the groove. I caught Ashton filming us and gave him a wink. We laughed once the song was over.
Time was flying by. Luke was driving and I had a sleeping Ashton on my shoulder, Crystal nodding off next to him. I still had no idea where we were headed, but now that it was dark, it was harder to tell anyways. No matter how hard I tried to get it out of everyone, they wouldn’t tell me. I knew we had been driving for awhile, but there was no indication for how much longer we were going to be. I caught Luke’s eye in the rearview mirror. It was simple, but it made everything I was feeling more complicated. I tried ignoring and figuring out how I felt about Luke so many times. Each time, I came up with no concrete answers. What it always came down to was that he was one of my best friends and to jeopardize that because of some feelings wasn’t something I would do. My thoughts faded away when I heard the guitar from I Was Made For Loving You by Tori Kelly and Ed Sheeran. My eyes met brown this time, a strange feeling of understanding between me and Calum flooded my senses.
“It’s Crystal’s turn,” Calum said, breaking the moment between us.
Luke nodded.
“Let me find a gas station,” he said, eyes searching the signs to find one.
I adjusted a little so Ashton’s head wasn’t digging into my shoulder.
“Well, Estelle is my co-pilot because you lot keep hogging the passenger seat,” Crystal said, making me laugh.
“Ash,” I whispered, gently squeezing his shoulder.
“Essie?” he asked, eyes still closed.
“I have to get up,” I said, threading my fingers through his hair.
“But you make such a good pillow,” he almost whined.
“I know. You can use my pillow if you want,” I offered, smiling down at him.
There was a fondness I felt for Ash in that moment. He looked so young and stress free when he was asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair one more time. Luke pulled into the gas station parking lot.
“Coffee Es?” Crystal asked while opening the door.
“You know it,” I said, getting out of my seat.
I put my pillow in Ashton’s lap and pressed a quick kiss to his temple. Crystal and I were the only ones that went inside.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom quick,” I said, heading to the back of the store.
I passed a rack of postcards making me stop instantly. Colorado landscapes and greetings from Colorado were everywhere. I went to the bathroom quick and picked one out. I grabbed a few snacks before heading back to the car. I put the postcard on the dash.
“We’re in Colorado,” I said getting Luke and Crystal’s attention.
“Shit. Okay, yeah,” Luke said, sighing a little now that his surprise was ruined.
“Luke, just tell her,” Crystal said, adjusting the seat a bit.
“Okay okay. Currently, we’re heading to St. Louis,” he said, a hint of relief in his tone.
“And I’m guessing that isn’t our final destination,” I said, taking a sip of the coffee Crystal got me.
“Nope. We’re in St. Louis for two days and then we’re off to Myrtle Beach for three days,” he said trailing off.
It was one of the many things Luke did when he wanted to keep things a surprise that drove me insane.
“Keep going,” I encouraged.
“Then in New York for four days,” he continued, the same trailing off happening.
“And then?” I asked, fully aware that there was more.
“We’re gonna be in Cape Cod for three weeks,” he said.
The excitement rushed through me causing me to turn around to look at Luke.
“You mean my number one place to visit?” I asked, thinking that I was dreaming.
“Yeah,” he said, a smirk on his face.
“Oh my god, Luke, this better not be a prank,” I said, my words coming out fast while I stared at him.
“Not a prank. I promise,” he said, holding out his pinkie.
I linked mine with his, the touch heating my skin. I turned back around, a giant grin on my face.
“DJ, please hit me with some jams,” Crystal joked, aux cord in hand.
“Well of course,” I responded, taking it from her and plugging my phone in.
It took me a moment before I found a song that fit the mood I was in. King Of the Clouds by Panic! At the Disco played through the speakers. I let the song wash over me, the words and vocals taking me away.
“I wanted to tell you when you texted yesterday, but Luke and Ash really wanted it to be a surprise,” Crystal said, bringing me back to reality.
“I’m glad it was a surprise though. It makes it that much better,” I said, unable to stop smiling.
“Look at them,” she whispered, turning the music down.
I looked in the rearview to see all of the boys asleep. Ashton had my pillow pressed against the window in the single seat while Luke, Calum, and Michael were lying on each other, their heads crooked into each other in different ways.
“They’ve gotta be used to sleeping in cars by now,” I said, looking over at her.
“You would think, but I know Mikey still struggles with falling asleep in cars. He always needs adjustment when he comes back,” she said, pushing her hair back.
“So does Luke. He usually stays at mine or makes me stay at his when he gets back because he hates being alone after tours,” I said, a small smile coming across my face.
“You sure that’s not because Luke has a thing for you?” she asked, taking me by surprise.
“What? Luke doesn’t have a thing for me,” I dismissed, waving my hand at her.
My heart had picked up when she said it, but I had to push it away.
“Estelle, you’re joking right? I’ve known that boy for awhile now. I’ve seen him go through love and heartbreak. I know when he’s into someone,” she said, her eyes glancing over at me.
“Crystal, I’m telling you, he isn’t into me. We’re best friends and that’s it. That’s all we are now and all we’re ever going to be,” I said, a hint of frustration in my voice.
I had already convinced myself of this. As much as I wanted to believe Crystal, I couldn’t. That road lead to far more hope and rejection than I was able to handle.
“But the way he looks at you-”
“He looks at me like he’s always looked at me. Besides, if he did, the feelings wouldn’t be mutual,” I lied.
The words felt like they were burning my tongue as I said them. I turned to look out the window, my head full of daydreams that the smallest part of me wished would come true.
“Okay Ash, overnight shift,” Calum said after pulling into a gas station.
Calum’s voice woke me up, causing me to move my head off of Luke’s shoulder.
“Who’s my co-pilot?” he asked while getting out of the car.
“I’ll do it Ash,” I said, tying my hair into a loose bun.
“Essie, you were asleep,” he argued, staring at me.
“I’m awake now. Give me a coffee and I’ll be good,” I said getting out of the car.
“Fine. Let’s go get some snack too. It’s you and me for six hours so we should stock up,” he said, leading me into the gas station.
“I’ll get snacks. You get refreshments,” I said before we high fived and split up.
I grabbed chips, granola bars, some candy, and a couple sandwiches. Ash and I met at the counter, his arms full of drinks. He grabbed plenty of flavored water for me and soda for himself.
“I’m grabbing two coffees quick,” he said to the cashier.
He ran back and gave the short brunette the thousand watt smile. She blushed under his gaze. We took the bags from her and went back to the car.
“You are ridiculous,” I said while we settled in the car.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he laughed.
“Oh please. You flirt with everything that has a pulse,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Excuse you, but that’s Luke. I didn’t mean to flirt with her, but she was cute,” Ashton said, laughing again before pulling away from the gas station.
“You’re right, Luke does do that a lot,” I said, picking up my phone.
“Is that some jealousy I’m hearing?” he teased.
“No,” I said, hitting play on Nintendo Game by Alessia Cara.
“I’m kidding Essie,” he said.
“Yeah I know. Why did you guys pick Cape Cod?” I asked, taking the subject off me and Luke.
I opened a bag of cheddar sour cream chips and took a sip of the coffee Ashton got me. The bittersweetness ran over my tongue, just the way I liked it. Ashton always made sure the coffee he got me tasted just right.
“Well, I was personally tired of the same California beaches every summer and Cal wanted some place that was warm, but still pretty chill. Luke pitched Cape Cod and we all agreed,” he said with a shrug.
He made it sound so simple and easy, like it was just a walk in the park for them. Then again, the boys were always like this and it was always an adjustment at first, but I had found myself getting used to it.
“Who’s idea was it to bring me?” I asked, quickly eating a chip so he wouldn’t sense the nerves I had about the situation.
“Luke’s. He remembered how badly you wanted to go,” Ashton said like it was obvious.
“Yeah. It’s been my number one since high school,” I said quietly.
“I don’t get why you never went,” he said, taking a swig of his cream soda.
“My parents never wanted to and then during college, I just never got the chance or there wasn’t time. Now, yeah my career allows for vacation, but I didn’t think anyone would want to go,” I said shrugging it off.
“Well now you got us,” Ashton said giving me a smile.
“Yeah I do,” I said returning the smile.
“Ash, your shift is over. You two need some sleep,” Luke called from the back.
Ashton got off at the next exit. Despite my best efforts, I was exhausted. I climbed into the middle seat while Luke and Crystal took over. Ashton climbed in next to me.
“Get some sleep Essie,” he whispered before pressing a kiss to my temple.
I adjusted slightly until my head was on Ashton’s shoulder. A nudging woke me up a few hours later. I slowly sat up, my eyes adjusting to the new light.
“Welcome to St. Louis little dove,” Luke said, our eyes meeting in the rearview yet again.
I looked out the window immediately. A gasp escaped my mouth as I took in the view. There was water shining in the sun and the big arch took over the sky. Brick buildings and greenery were everywhere. It was absolutely breathtaking and one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen. Luke parked in front of a brick building with two arches framing the doors.
“We’re here,” he said, eyes gleaming as he looked at the building.
“This is where we’re staying?” I asked while following everyone else’s lead at getting out.
“Yeah,” Ashton said handing me my suitcase.
We walked into the condo, the white walls taking me by surprise.
“Luke and I will take the double beds,” Ashton said.
I stopped in front of a single room with a gorgeous view of the city. I could see the water from the window and there was something about the way the arch was reflecting on it that made me smile.
“Estelle’s got this one!” Luke called after following Ashton.
I slowly walked into it, my breath gone again.
“Well, I guess this is real now,” I whispered, my fingers ghosting over the soft bed sheets.
It had felt like a dream until this moment, but everything about it still felt like I needed to be pinched. If it was all a dream, I never wanted to wake up.
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