#so basically sleipnir is ******* ** while Barnabas ****** and ******** ** like a ****** *****
cryptictongues · 1 year
I just had the worst NSFW thought about Barnabas, Sleipnir, and yours truly I can’t do this rn
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year
What makes them worry about there S/o
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========Clive + jill============== -when you’re out for long periods by yourself This was briefly mentioned earlier but clive and(Mostly) Jill would feel uncomfortable leaving you to your own devices for longer periods far away from any safe spots like Martha’s rest. Both suggest to have someone to accompany you.
-when in battle It's not news that you'll have to draw weapons at someone but it's a event they wish you'd avoid. Battling is like playing a game with chance and skill so not even they would know if you'll make it out alive in a fight. Because of this, they wish you avoid conflict at all costs or let them help you solve the problem.
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=======Joshua + jote============= -when you and joshua by yourselves -jote is protective over both of you -yall’s safety is very important to her so having you guys out by yourselves makes her anxious -on the otherside joshua would be in the same situation if you and jote are out alone together -not only he fears of you both not returning when he’s bedridden he also fears of ultima who might get in contact with either one of you -unlike clive and jill, this worry would only stem if you are out with joshua or with jote for a extended period of time -for example; jote is shopping for medicine while both you and joshua are out and about shopping for useful items. When she returns to the inn/hotel/home and realized y'all haven't return, she begins to worry
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====Cid=============== -he’s not the biggest worry wart but he has his moments when he’s concern -you can be out for extended periods in time(like explorations long) -you could be traveling too close to odin's territory or hang around in the blight -what makes him worry the most is when you’re injured -getting hurt any sort of way makes his heart sink. -like who hurt you? What harmed you? -being hurt or you having a near death experience would traumatize him
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====Benedikta============ -based on canon she has some sort of abandonment issues(from my pov when i was playing) -so she worries i can even say fears that one day you’ll leave her -especially if you became almost a perfect replacement for that empty hole cid left within her -she does her best to become a good lover to you and would hide things from you if it means she’ll stay with you -if she cares enough for you,she’ll even put away some of her selfishness and try to accommodate to your needs -but this fear also explains her possessiveness and can be somewhat controlling of you -the last thing she wants is you to leave her alone
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======Dion + terence============== -most fears and worries come from Dion -boi has a lot going on and since he has a image to keep and responsibilities he does worry he’ll have little time to spend with you -Terence also has the same worries for he has to be by Dion’s side as his second in command -this worry of making you feel left out also stems from them being gone for long periods of time dealing with orders from Dion’s father,Sylvestre, casualty wanting a conquest -they also both worry if you’re caught in the crossfire of anything -be it monsters, akashic, or even if Dion has to use Bahamut on home turf -Dion dose worry about you getting hurt by him -Terence just worries if you get into any trouble without protection
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=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============ -barnabas dose fear about your death -although ultima’s ideals rain supreme, he does fear that he’ll lose the only think he cares about which is you -sleipnir holds similar worries and acts on these worries on barnabas’s behalf by granting you round the clock protection and advice so you wouldn't be turned akashic or end up parishing under any means -helicoptering you is just the side effect on having some power over odin -behind close doors barnabas truly worships you similarly to hugo -so you dying or having to be turned into basically a ether infused zombie is not something he looks forward to
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====Hugo============ -like barnabas, he worries of your untimely demise -hugo wouldn't go so far as to helicopter you but would often suggest guards to accompany you or him -he always worries if something were to happen to you like a major injury -if you do end up fighting someone and you end up hurt, if the person who assaulted you is alive he would kill them and there entire bloodline and anyone involved -you’re his prize possession and he refuses to have anything happen to you
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