#so basically the american education system is BULLSHIT and Tory is not built for it but she's trying anyway
vypcr · 2 years
✨school headcanons✨ because she actually does show up there sometimes
the only reason she made it through junior year was because of Brandon and Kandace’s threats, and now it’s taking every ounce of willpower in her body to get through senior year istg
she hates school for a lot of reasons and she will find any excuse she can not to be there / to leave early
that scene in s4 where she’s walking with a group of random girls is bullshit lol she can’t make friends
people hate her. like, openly hate her. teachers and students, and it’s all because of the fight she started. she feels like it’s fair, too. not like the administration is gonna defend her or anything when they were the ones that threw her under the bus as a legal scapegoat in the first place
she doesn’t really solidly hang out with any friend groups at school itself, she mostly just floats around with the people she knows but doesn’t stick around too long.
she sneaks to the roof for lunch because too many incidents happen in the cafeteria and she’s choosing the No Be There approach. also hates all the side eye and death glares she gets from everyone so :\
she does not take the main staircase in the entry hall because of what happened there. she will take the long way just to avoid using those stairs specifically.
honestly good luck finding her at all she’s gotten super good at getting from class to class as quickly as possible and hiding in closets and under the bleachers between periods because she Hates it there. it’s hard to know if she actually showed up for the day or not unless you have class with her.
she has one of those exception policies (I forgot what they’re called oops) on her allowed absences because of her status as her brother’s caretaker (her mother too when she was alive) so that’s how she gets away with all of the truancy. all she has to do is provide an “acceptable” excuse and usually some proof to the office when she comes back. as long as she’s present for a certain percentage of the school year and keeps up with her work, her credits will count.
she HATES math with a burning passion. science too but sometimes they get to play with chemicals and shit so that’s cool
she likes history, art, and english. also phys ed.
report card is all over the place. mostly B’s with some A’s and C’s. she could probably be a straight A student but she doesn’t have the mental energy to apply herself and honestly doesn’t care, she wants out of there.
she cannot stand having to sit still for so long because of her ADHD and that’s part of why she’s not comfortable there, either. she is physically uncomfortable on top of everything else.
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