#so dear Dedan stan
cerise-on-top · 2 years
ah no! don't be afraid, it was more than i wanted, perfect!
and since you said it's alright to send in more requests,
may i request maybe the batter and possibly an elsen/elsens/whoever else you may be comfortable writing for with a reader who's able to shift, kinda like batter whenever he's bad batter? except with the reader they can shift their limbs into animal limbs,
for example, the reader could just- have cat ears/tail, paws, or cheetah legs so they run faster-
it seems like a cool concept xd-
Ahh, I'm so glad to hear that ;-; You know what they say, you're your own worst critic! And I agree, it is a really cool concept! I love powers that, in theory, would also allow for shapeshifting! Or shapeshifting in general! So, here you go! i hope it is to your liking!
Batter and Elsens With a Reader Who Can Shapeshift Their Limbs Into Those of an Animal
Batter sighed as he sat down on the seat of the railway. How long this ride was going to take you did not know, but judging by the small map you had seen of the infrastructure, you were certain you would be here with him for a few minutes. Unfortunately, Batter wasn’t the most talkative type, mostly just responding with whatever is necessary, barely showing any changes in expression, volume or pitch. But, why not try to get a rise out of him for once?
“Hey, hey, look at me!” And so he did. And there you were, posing with cat ears, paws and a tail. “As the Judge said, cats provide a simple but crucial service in making people happier.” You sat down next to him, feeling his stare on you the entire time.
Twitching your ear a bit, you nuzzled your cheek into his shoulder. Batter tensed up under your touch and when you looked up, he was watching you, suppressing any possible reaction he could have shown. Or at least he tried to, yet his goal was still so far away. The tiniest glint of delight shone through his eyes regardless. You got him right where you wanted him, but still felt playful enough to want to mess some more with him.
You raised one of your paws and lightly tapped him on the cheek, exclaiming “Bap!” as you did so. Unfortunately, the only response you got out of that was Batter grabbing your paw and putting it on his lap. Even so, him swallowing did not escape you. There was one last idea you still had.
It was simple, but probably as effective as it could get and something he likely would not have anticipated. So, you went ahead and gave him a little peck on the cheek. Lo and behold, his breath hitched. For some reason, he deemed the interior surrounding the two of you more interesting than you, a tiny blush creeping its way onto his cheek.
There was no way you couldn’t laugh at such an adorable reaction. “Batter! Meow, meow!” You could barely see his face with how much he had covered it with his cap.
“My Player, this appearance fits you very well.”
“Well, would you like to see it more often, then?”
As odd as this world may have been, in all its corruption and inevitable ruin, there still was some purity left in it. And that, to you, was found in its residents, the Elsens. Small and shy little beings, valuing safety and production above everything else, for the most part. You simply couldn’t help but be enamoured by them.
Although wary and afraid of you at first, they warmed up to you eventually. To them, you must have seemed trustworthy enough, after all, they gifted you your own tie so you could enter the residential area whenever you pleased. Making the best of their little token of trust, you changed your arms into wings to fly into said area in Bismark.
Once you had landed at the main square, the Elsen gathered around you. While they were aware you could shapeshift, they had never seen you with wings before. You had to admit, it was kind of cute how they scrutinised you, a little bit confused. You didn’t mind, anything to make them more comfortable.
One of them, a little braver than the rest, approached you. “U-um, (Y/N), you have, ah, n-nice… You have nice wings…” Soon enough, his shaky little legs had reached you and he reached out to touch the feathers. Unsure, he only stroked them with the back of his hand, as though an electric shock could hit him at any moment.
“Hhh, it’s nice… Th-thank you.” He nestled himself closer to you, revelling in the feeling. The other Elsens seemed to have noticed his contentment, moving closer towards you. “(Y/N), can I too?”, “Ah, so-sorry, I want to be safe too.” and all kinds of variations of that.
Of course, you simply had to give in to those cute little creatures, and so you had all of them get a turn to cuddle you.
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