#so dont worry chances are he'd find your piracy and petty theft hilarious af and thats on complex character
This is a strange one, but I believe that we forget how dangerous Holmes is because of his vengefulness. From sending death threats to the KKK to threatening to slaughter a man had Watson died on the scene, he shows an eagerness in doing justice by his own hands that I don't see adapted often, even if that makes him more dynamic as a character. To him, morality isn't black and white and he believes you can do good even if you harm someone, if this someone does more wrong by remaining unharmed.
Think about it: he's not that different from the men he has condemned, he just differs from them in motivation. He can and will commit the same crimes he had people convicted for if he finds it justified, and sometimes his justification is as simple as "this person has harmed someone that I loved". On this case, it is not a statement for a client; it's revenge for his own sake and the sake of the person he cares about. Why does he let some people go? Because he sees himself in them.
What I'm trying to say is that he is a good man, but he's a really dangerous one.
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