#so given how often i'd start up my ps4 and then get distracted i've probably heard that song hundreds of times in my life lmao
wrenhavenriver · 5 months
If you're still doing these can I ask top 5 songs from the Bloodborne OST?
absolutely you can!
the first hunter is on my "secret emotions" playlist for a reason. it's like, no matter how you feel about [redacted], you will be struck by a sense of regret and grief as you two fight to the death in this field of beautiful white flowers, the full moon looming meaningfully overhead, the hunter's dream burning to the ground in the distance,
lady maria of the astral clocktower. you ever search youtube for "lady maria fight no hud" and let the music and visuals wash over you and just marvel at how gotdamn cinematic it all is? y-yeah me neither. but seriously, it's such a fitting theme for her. the beginning is anxiety personified, heightening that feeling of "OH SHIT OH FUCK" you get from the cutscene and the transition into the boss fight where she's slowly advancing on you and you start to suspect you're about to get your ass handed to you. the bits with the choir are really powerful but also discordant and unsettling, especially with the sort of piercing wail you can hear over the top of it at parts. if you manage to time the fight so maria's phases/power ups sync up with the major turning points of the song it's just awesome in the original sense of the word. bone rattling and shiver inducing.
omen. i've seen the cinematic trailer/menu movie so many fucken times that if i put this song on i can pretty much just watch the cinematic behind my eyes. that moment when the hunter flicks open the saw cleaver and walks away with Purpose as the scene fades out? talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular,
ludwig the holy blade. i watch a lot of soulsborne speedruns and 9/10 times the streamer successfully blasts through the ludwig fight somebody in chat will be like "we didn't get to hear the music >(" and like. how can you argue with that. do the fight again but worse, streamer, 2:39 onward is the best part of the track!!
lullaby for mergo. what is it about music boxes that makes everything feel a hundred times more melancholy?? and this track is sad enough to begin with, associated with the loss of both child Great Ones (mergo) and human children (gascoigne's daughter(s), if you try and help them).
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