#so glad she took this screen shot because I checked the comments under the TikTok video
petrovna-zamo · 2 years
just another tweet that made my cry out of happiness for katya today :')
Oh my god thank you so much for sharing this!
Link here to the Tweet photo: x
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Link here to the TikTok video: x
Katya deserves everything and more and this was such a meaningful moment for her and I’m so glad she could share it with her parents. Everything we know about her family that she’s shared has told us that they’ve been nothing but loving and supportive and I’m so glad she’s had that in her life and they could see just how loved and how much she means to people. It truly warms my heart to know that they’ve always been there for her and believed in her. It’s so special that they could see their child reach such great heights. They know more than anyone just how much Katya’s been through and all she’s had to overcome to get to where’s she’s at so to see her celebrated in her hometown must feel very full circle. This isn’t the first time she’s said that she didn’t think she’d make it to 30 so to see her at 40 happy and healthy and thriving must be the best feeling in the world. I mean it when I say we’re so so lucky to still have her. Katya brings so much joy to others and is so beloved because of it and for good reason. I hope she feels nothing but love from this experience, I’m so so happy for her.
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