#so here’s a lil info of this au bc having brainrot currently <3
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Spooky season doodle dump of doodles for my Supernatural Beings AU, bc it fits and I’ve been having brainrot so why not!!!!
More info about them and this au under the cut :)
(Read with caution as I will discuss things such as death and other ghosty stuff, nothing much, but still!)
Vampires and werewolves, in particular, have a cursed and mostly very dangerous type(???? If that’s what you can call it?) that instead of preying on humans alone, require the blood of other supernatural or undead beings to survive.
We’ll call these “dark vampires” or “dark werewolves” for the sake of the fact that they use darker magic than regular types, and are typically very evil :) (A regular vampire/werewolf can be turned into a dark type bc it’s basically like a curse)
We’ll call these “dark vampires” or “dark werewolves” for the sake of the fact that they use darker magic than regular types, and are typically very evil :) (A regular vampire/werewolf can be turned into a dark type bc it’s basically like a curse)
Tsunagu is a dark vampire. He’s a born vampire from both his mother and father, but was turned by an ✨evil ex-lover✨ and therefore he requires the blood of undead folk to stay alive, and is a lot more powerful than the regular vampire.
Shinya is a demon spirit. I’ll have to go a little more into detail for his, since it’s me so you’re not gonna get an easy explanation /lh
He was a guardian of his village, and died to protect it when they got ambushed. He died by almost losing his head and drowning in the river.
After this, he turned into a vengeful water ghost, haunting the river for many years and being very very hostile and aggressive, killing anyone who trespassed among the village or the river. He seemed revenge from those who killed him and his family, and eventually he got it! And should’ve been able to be at peace….but…
Instead of this, the spirits of the village were all freed and he basically transformed into a protective demon guardian spirit, manifesting a physical form as well as a ghosty form. And his lust for blood had subsided, leaving him to basically just be free to wander around as a ghost/demon spirit.
He is already dead, so cannot die, however in order to keep his physical form in tact he must consume human or undead souls. And if his physical form “dies” he must basically just be a ghost until he can form the energy to re-manifest it.
His vengeful spirit form did not entirely vanish however, and since he died by drowning, being submerged in water or in water of any kind will bring this side back out of him.
Basically this just makes him aggressive and have a more spooky appearance and also try to kill anyone around him. (Things such as reflections and mirrors will also show this side of him.)
But he can travel through things and possess things like normal ghosts when he’s in his ghosty form!!
The two of them met bc Shinya followed Tsunagu home after finding him “familiar” and decided “eh, I’ll just spook him and take his soul” and so he tried….only for Tsunagu to spook him back and he finds out that he’s a dark vampire and ends up just living in his house!
They end up getting used to each other’s presence and after a few different shenanigans and near-“death” (though the can’t die, they can still get hunted by hunters) experiences, they end up forming a bond with each other and treasuring each other dearly <3
That’s all I have for now, but if ya wanna know more about this au, please do ask!! There are plenty of other characters in this au with their own stories!!
(Here’s an old bonus -slightly old- doodle of Tsunagu trying to get Shinya to take a shower, bc <3):
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