#so here's solas being virtually the same but with a super gay lavellan
shift-shaping · 7 years
I'm very sleepy, so apologies if you're not taking prompts.... But the female Solas post keeps popping up on my dash.... If you're up to it, would you perhaps write a bit with her perhaps meeting/flirting with someone of your choosing? (Bonus points if it's some weird version of the world where they know of the original Solas lol)
Glimpses: Lady Solas
Rating: G
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Female Solas x Lavellan because I guess we’re doing this now
Ellian had never been so obsessed with another woman before. 
Sure, there were dalliances in her clan, pretty girls she enjoyed time with just as much as the handsome boys, but no one that caught her eye like Solas. She was statuesque and stunning, with long legs and toned arms. Her eyes reminded Ellian of a cat’s, gleaming and wise and mischievous, but her demeanor was always calm and controlled. 
She was brilliant, too. Solas had something to say about everything Elvhen, and seemingly endless stores of information about the Fade. It was all absolutely fascinating, and Ellian hung on to her every word. Of course, all of that was made dangerously easier by her deep, painfully sexy voice. Ellian swore she could hear it in her dreams, or whenever she allowed her mind to wander. 
After spending enough time trying not to fawn over Solas in the field, Ellian finally decided to seek her out in Haven. There she was, barefoot but comfortable, hands held behind her back as she observed the Breach high overhead. As Ellian approached her Solas smiled very slightly, almost imperceptibly. “The Chosen of Andraste,” she cooed, with a curious expression that made Ellian’s heart drop. “A blessed hero sent to save us all.”
“Ah, yeah. I guess I’m riding in on a shining steed.”
“Mmm… I might have suggested a griffon, but sadly they’re extinct.” The thought made Solas purse her lips and shake her head. “Joking aside, posturing is necessary.” There was a slight lilt to her voice, an accent Ellian couldn’t place. It had a hint of her own voice, the Dalish tongue, but not quite. It was more refined, somehow, more tempered. 
Solas turned and Ellian followed. She saw how the taller elf’s brows knit together as she looked up at the Breach. “I’ve journeyed deep into the Fade in ancient ruins and battlefields to see the dreams of lost civilizations.” Ellian followed Solas’s gaze, looking up at the torn sky. “I’ve watched as hosts of spirits clashed to re-enact the bloody past in ancient wars both famous and forgotten.” Though she kept her tone light, Ellian couldn’t help but detect a note of somberness in it. Beautiful as it sounded, fascinating as she was sure such journeys were, there had to be difficulties as well. “Every great war has its heroes,” Solas said, eyes narrowing slightly as she looked at Ellian again. “I’m just curious what kind you’ll be.”
Ellian stiffened and tried to find words, but it was hard to think when such a gorgeous person was looking at her. “I… I’ve never of someone going so far into the Fade… that’s amazing.”
“Thank you, it’s not a common field of study, for obvious reasons.” She paused, smiling slightly, and held her arms behind her back again. “You are a mage, are you not? Tell me, what do you see when you dream?”
“I see…” She considered the question, not wanting to sound dumb or inexperienced. “Whatever is around me, usually. I can wander through the recent past of an area, speak to some of our ancestral spirits… things like that.
“Ah. Fascinating. Can you shape what you see there, in your dreams?”
“Not exactly, no… I can call things to me, sometimes, but only if they want to come.”
Solas nodded, looking away from her for a moment. “Dreaming is not as flashy as throwing fire or lightning, but the thrill of finding remnants of a thousand-year-old dream?” Her eyes flashed with interest, and Ellian was entranced by the wonder in her eyes. “I would not trade it for anything.” Solas paused suddenly and looked away, glancing out over Haven. “I will stay then. At least until the Breach is closed.”
Ellian blinked. “Was that in doubt?”
“I am apostate mage, surrounded by Chantry forces and unlike you,” she eyed Ellian’s hand. “I do not have a ‘divine mark’ protecting me. Cassandra has been accommodating, but… you understand my caution.”
“You came here to help, Solas,” Ellian replied, an edge to her voice even she wasn’t expecting. “I won’t let them use that against you.”
Solas was quiet for a moment, studying the Herald. When she spoke again, her voice was low and hushed, with a depth that made Ellian shiver with excitement. “And how would you stop them?”
“However I had to.” And Ellian knew it was true.
Now it was Solas’s turn to be surprised, her dark brows raising. “Thank you.” It was obvious she wasn’t expecting that kind of devotion, and knowing she’d caught the other woman off guard made Ellian smile slightly. “For now,” Solas started again, smirking. “Let us hope either the mages or the templars have the power to seal the Breach.” 
“You sound disbelieving.”
“I do not have much cause to feel otherwise,” Solas said dryly. “Closing the Breach must remain our primary goal, but… I would hope we might also learn what means were used to create it. Any artifact of such power is dangerous. The destruction of the conclave proves that clearly.”
“I agree. We should recover it, if only to keep it out of the wrong hands.” 
Solas nodded, frowning again. “Leliana’s people have scoured the area near the blast and found nothing. Whatever the artifact was, it is no longer there.” She sighed. “My apologies, Herald. Did you need me for anything?”
“No, I just- I was curious. Am curious. About you.”
“Me? I cannot imagine why…” The sarcasm caught Ellian by surprise, and she let out a short laugh before quickly covering her mouth. “Is there a reason?”
“Do I… need one?”
“You must understand, I take great caution here, and I value my privacy. The future of this Inquisition is unclear, and I… cannot risk putting myself in further danger.”
“I mean, you don’t have to tell me, of course, I just meant… it’s not official business, Solas.”
“I am sorry,” she said, heaving a sigh. “There is so much… fear in the air. What would you know of me?”
The question somehow made Ellian’s excited state even worse. “Why study the Fade? What made you want to do that?”
“I grew up in a small village to the north. There was little to interest a young woman, especially one gifted with magic. But as I slept, spirits of the Fade showed me glimpses of wonders I had never imagined.” There was a note of sorrow now, and she paused before going on. “I treasured my dreams. Being awake, out of the Fade, became troublesome.”
“The spirits must have tried to tempt you.”
She shrugged. “No more than a brightly-colored fruit is deliberately tempting you to eat it. I learned how to defend myself from more aggressive spirits and how to interact safely with the rest. I learned how to control my reams with full consciousness… there was so much I wanted to explore. But eventually i was unable to find new areas in the Fade.”
“Two reasons. First, the Fade reflects the world around it. Unless I traveled, I would never find anything new. Second, the Fade reflects and is limited by our own imaginations. To find interesting areas,” she looked at Ellian again, eyes narrowing slightly, and the expression made her feel much warmer than the cold mountain air ought to allow. “One must be interesting.”
“That is… interesting.”
Solas smirked and looked away from her again, making Ellian curse her nerves. “I am glad you think so. In truth, I have enjoyed experiencing more of life to find more of the Fade.”
“How so?”
“As a mage, you train your will to control magic and withstand possession. Your… indomitable focus is an enjoyable side benefit.” The phrasing gave Ellian pause, and she raised an eyebrow as Solas went on. “You have chosen a path whose steps you do not dislike because it leads you to a destination you enjoy. As have I.”
“…indomitable focus?”
Solas smirked and shrugged, her tone casual. “Presumably. I have yet to see it dominated. I imagine the sight would be… fascinating.”
Ellian blushed vividly and laughed, looking away. “Well, uh… yes. I- perhaps.” Solas tilted her chin up, expression measured but mischievous. This was only making Ellian’s situation worse. “I… have not seen yours dominated either.”
Solas raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps you are not paying close enough attention. Many things have dominated my focus here. Just none that are so obvious to you.”
“What… what do you mean?”
She shrugged again, maddeningly. “If you watch carefully, you may see. Now then, Herald,” she looked over Ellian’s shoulder, and the smaller elf turned to see Cassandra walking towards her. “It appears you are needed elsewhere.” She winked and turned to leave. “Another time then, Ellian.”
“Right, yes…” She watched as Solas left, unable to tear her eyes from the woman’s backside. “Another time.”
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