#so his face gradually also became darker xd
mayspicer · 4 months
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Actual mini vs trying to take a photo of said mini.
(Still a WIP)
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capo-cino · 2 years
finished the thumbnail sketch last night i think it’s cool
also there’s a long fuckin description below so like, yeah its about the phobia pit
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it started out as me jotting down ideas for this concept but then it became a whole ass short story that is probably never going to be professionally written because i don’t like to write but basically:
i like to think that the pit doesn’t have an actual bottom, and when you think you’ve reached it, when the pit gradually gets narrower and you’re completely surrounded by darkness at that point, there’s a hole that you could fall through and when you do, you fall out of the entire pit itself and you don’t stop falling, ever. you’re surrounded by absolutely nothing, not sure if it’s darkness or a white void when you fall through, all i can say is that you’re falling within nothingness.
as for the pit itself i figured that the beginning or the top of the pit would have objects relating to the most common phobias, including those that may be prominent in some cultures but rarely seen in others, and as you go further down, the phobias would get weirder or just more obscure, and even further below, the surroundings become more dim and darker and the objects either gradually begin to disappear or scattered
but hey vex has glowing eyes and shit he and sackboy will be fine i think
jokes aside i imagine that vex is more excited about what lies at the near bottom of the pit; where from the top view, it’s a tiny black circle
i did kinda headcanon his one fear; nothingness, or specifically being surrounded by literally nothing you can see, hear or feel.
but that he still wants to venture below where it looks dark because hes expecting something to be there and he’ll be fine because his face literally glows. but lmao xd
sackboy on the other hand is cautious, but also fascinated by the clustered surroundings at the start of the pit; some objects resembling more obvious/common phobias may startle him, but seeing every other object representing more weirder/obscure phobias are still captivating to him.
at the very least, his surroundings at that point keep his eyes entertained and also, he’s not by himself.
vex is taking note of how absorbed sackboy is in the chaotic environment (and would use some of the objects to startle him for shits and giggles)
sackboy is also noticeably more distanced from vex while they’re still at the top of the pit
as they make their way further below, the objects begin to become more abstracted and/or confusing to look at. the environment becomes less vibrant; any color within it would be muted or dull. imagine the color palette for a lot of liminal space images.
speaking of space, even though the pit becomes narrower, the objects become more eerily spread out instead of being all clustered together and it doesn’t quite look or feel like the pit’s even gotten thinner. it’s the literal opposite if anything.
sackboy goes from mesmerized to visibly unsettled of how empty (and also dim) the surroundings become and clings onto vex a little more.
vex is confused and bewildered by how empty everything’s become. hes also mildly annoyed by how fast (to him) sackboy lost his sense of curiosity and is nudging at his cape, desperately signaling that they should go back
but sackers’ pleas are not listened to because he’s venturing with vex
everything below that liminal space point becomes more difficult (and eventually impossible) to see. vex’s glowing face heavily dims, and as soon as sackboy notices, he quickly climbs up vex and makes his way into one of the pockets on his vest. hes batshit terrified and his only comfort is feeling the fabric of the pocket surrounding him. it’s better than the cold hard ground amidst the darkness.
vex is actually disturbed now.
at this point he can’t see or feel anything else but the ground getting steeper and sackboy shaking like a leaf in one of his pockets. any light he tries to conjure (electric sparks, portals, etc.) don’t illuminate at all.
oh yeah remember that part about the hole at the very bottom of the pit that leads to absolutely nowhere and you would fall forever if you just fell through it
well vex falls down. almost. his hands just barely catch the edge of the ground, and in the few seconds that his legs were dangling and was startled to near death, he remembers he can fly.
so his literal flight response activates and he heads straight back upwards through the darkness. from how fast he was flying, it takes him around 20 seconds tops to reach the,, top.
the sun’s just starting to rise.
vex is on the soft ground, shaking.
sackboy slowly crawls out of the pocket and falls to the ground. before he crawls any further, vex quickly snatches sackboy close to his face with both hands, still shaking.
why did this need to be involved with saba? idk lol
side edit: i think its funny that if you told vex at the top of the pit that there was legitimately nothing at the bottom, he would just tell you to shut the fuck up and then he discovers, nearly possibly dying at doing so, that there is legitimately nothing and his one fear is just down there now. although if this were more canonical, the game would probably hint that he does have a single fear, but will just never tell you what
imma go eat some leftover steak yummm
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