#so hyperfixation took the wheel and produced this
yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
If you're plate isn't too full, can I request a couple of fluffy hc's about Albedo with a photographer! s/o? Like, his s/o enjoys taking pictures of the environment and etc, and even take pictures of Albedo whenever he just does stuff, and Albedo enjoys sketching then whenever they just do a whole picture spree- they even exchange pictures too
Yes, my plate is too full and I'm confused why you guys don't see the request closed thingy in my description. But does it look like I care? No, I miss writing for Albedo and you're getting Albedo NOW-
Sepia Times
Albedo with a Photographer!S/O headcanons/scenarios... (event masterlist)
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Ever since Fontaine released their newest device called Kamera, you had been so adamant in getting ahold of one that you ended up going on a travel spree to the said nation. Not even waiting for the shipment to Mondstadt, you left a quickly written note of your whereabouts before you left.
Spontaneous as ever, Albedo thought to himself as his grip on the note tightens with worry.
Luckily, three days later, you hailed from the Hydro Archon's land with your newest prized possession in hand. Triumphant and giddy, both of your lives changed drastically from there.
Albedo first and foremost, almost dismantled your Kamera. Actually he may have already done so behind your back, he was just caught the last time. He was really curious of its machinations and wanted to reverse engineer it.
He only ever lived because he was fast enough to reassemble it and show you that it still works. If not, you were already charging at him to throw hands. You did not travel for three days just for the Kamera to be broken. Whether he found what he was looking for or not, he's not allowed to touch it until he gets his own when the supply reaches Mondstadt.
Knowing your excitement, Albedo takes a sudden day off to accompany you in your Kamera spree, his own canvas and easel under his arm to also channel his artistic energy.
In just a day you managed to take 20 pictures, about to run out of film in just a day. Everytime you snap a picture, you gravitate to where Albedo is stationed to show off what you got like a crow and its shiny rocks. He finds it very endearing, stating his honest honey-covered opinion that makes you overjoyed enough to energize you to snap another, better picture.
The Alchemist sees the appeal of the Kamera and how immediate the replication of the image is. But he still glorifies the art of painting. He may not be able to capture constantly moving subjects but he can capture any detail he wants emphasized unlike the limited rasterization of a photo like that.
He watches you from afar as you skip over to different places and objects, face blooming with wonder as you position your device to snap. He dons a smile when you pull out the photo and wait for the image to materialize, and produce a chuckle when you sprint over to him to show the product. It's like your routine you developed in just a day.
So at times when he needs it the most, he will steal borrow your Kamera to snap a quick picture of something fast moving that he needs to observe immediately or wish to sketch/paint in detail in the future. One of the photos he had hidden for himself had a picture of you in your natural photographer environment as you dash around to look for a scene to capture while you wait.
What's it for? Well he made it into a more intricate painting during his spare time, presenting it to you with the little image taped at the top right corner. It was so beautiful that when outsiders were to see it after they were granted to access his office/laboratory, they always ask for the price for it. Something he adamantly refuses with the coldest glare the Alchemist can make. The negotiations usually end there.
Whenever he was far and you couldn't follow, like Dragonspine for example (the Kamera was still in development so cold temperatures might risk both the device and the processing), you always send him a picture for his thoughts. Either by asking Sucrose, Timaeus or the Traveler if they were en route to his camp, of course.
As you send one to him daily, Albedo started to look forward to your little mail every time. They range from very beautiful sights he hasn't seen before, images of the people of Mond who looks to be greeting him, or of you and the things that would remind him of you.
He keeps a haphazardly strewn journal for it, and in his camp was a board of his favorite picks, and all images of you are tacked on it. The Traveler enjoys watching his cold teal eyes light up whenever he brings the daily image, watching the picture board grow as Albedo tacks the latest one in with obvious pride and joy.
When he comes back to Mond, he brings with him his most beautiful piece from Dragonspine. You'd know it's special because everything is painted in detail, even the most unimportant parts of it. It's his gift for your little photo exchange and you have it put up on wall somewhere in your house.
When he gets his own Kamera, it was his turn to drag you to his photography spree. A little one-sided competition happens between you two where you try to one up the quality of his pictures, sometimes successful and sometimes you don't really... understand what he's doing, as he captures the strangest images.
Albedo uses his solar isotoma when you want to use it for better angles. Very supportive, as you'd hear a snap from beneath as you position your own Kamera.
The whole of Mond muses at both of your antics; as you two would most likely do the finger frame thingy impulsively when seeing something worth the attention, the people around you would chuckle at how cute you two looked, focused on your own little world.
He always gifts you extra films or anything related to photography when he can. Since he barely has time to go out sometimes, he has many backup gifts in bulk to whip out if ever he wants to pamper you with his material affection. Albedo is hyperaware of your hyperfixation and will always bring films the moment you run out, like foresight.
You can barely understand Albedo, despite the closeness you two had, he was still an enigma in most occasions. This was one of them. He had been binging on photography lately and everytime you look through the photos he captured, it didn't really make sense. The most random pictures that you wouldn't even dare use a film on strewn here and there, sometimes the photo is even cut off, and you'd think it was a mistake until he started organizing them in a system only he knows.
When you finally gathered up the courage to ask what all of it was about for, you were given a smile as cryptic as his album.
But as he pulls your hand with an excitement you've only seen when his chemical solution produces the expected buff, you somehow deduced that today would be the day you'd find out what the heck he was up to.
"It took longer than I expected it to be," he says as he starts unlocking a room in the Knights of Favonius HQ that you've never been in before, "but the end result was worth it."
Your confusion only grows as you were met with a face full of hanging pictures, most of it you recognize. Leaning over some and looking up on the higher ones, the amount of string and the confusing way they were set up, amazes you still with the amount of effort he had been using on such a big project.
Your untrained eyes loosely guess around 1000 films used for this.
The glass double doors that makes it way to the balcony opens loudly behind you. "Come here," you turn to see Albedo's silhouette open his arms against the setting sun behind him. "You're supposed to look at it from this distance." His arms engulfs you gently when you moved over, sending a gentle squeeze before he turns you back around to see the hanging pictures.
You gasp.
The depth and the splash of colors from this distance, aided with the sun, turned the hanging collage into an expertly placed collage as it shows you the bigger picture: a mold of your face of the first sketch Albedo made when you first met each other. The angles and colors measured to the dot to capture and replicate your beauty.
You feel his lips kiss the back of your head as you stared in awe.
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Impromptu Albedo fluff yey
@albaedhoe @struggljng @heisenwurst @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji
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messinwitheddie · 4 years
So I had been wondering this for a while and I just wanted to ask; how do female irkens produce silk? I've read from your works that they produce nests, webs, and clothes from silk but I was wondering how they were able to do so. 🤔 I absolutely adore your work and get so excited when you post something new! Keep up the wonderful work! 💕💕💕
Thank you for the encouragement ^^. I have plenty of hyperfixation left in me. You will see more Zim posts from me for sure.
As for the silk head canon, it was a way for me to write around the idea that planet Irk had less plant and animal life than earth. If there's no cotton, hemp or jute or anything, how did Irkens make cloth?
The answer I came up with; they are biologically capable of making their own.
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Yeet "My tallest, I'm so sorry for the short notice, but I need to take 48 hours of medical leave."
Purple "When?"
Yeet "Soon. NOW, if possible."
Purple "You look awful, smeetie. Are you alright?"
Yeet "I'm fine, my tallest, I just have...feminine issues to address."
Purple "I don't... I don't know what that-?"
Yeet *whispering* "I started to silk"
Purple "...?"
Yeet "My hormones cause a build up of protein that settles on my shmoopshmiz making the bottom spooch lining weak and tear open and-"
Purple *gags* "Stop!! Don't tell me anything else about your weird little female body! I don't want to know! Just...go take care of it, PLEASE. Hurry back, Yeet."
Yeet "Thank you, my tallest. I will."
Yeet [Up until the third era, fertile Irkens reguarly went through a reproductive silking cycle. Females and males both produce silk, but males produce very little silk if at all and the silk fibers spun from Irken males are not nearly as durable. From what I understand, human females go through a similar reproduction cycle that is equally uncomfortable.
Because modern Irkens are equipped with PAKs that normally block out our sex pheromones, the average Irken, even females, do not reguarly produce silk anymore. Our clothing and linen is made from synthetic fibers nowadays.
Our PAKs have a compartment that collects what little we do produce. You can still send your silk to the Massive as a donation after you empty it. The Tallest's wardrobe staff uses the silk to make imperial robes. Organic Irken silk is a Tallest's luxury now.
I don't donate all my silk usually; I keep enough to make dolls for myself. I produce a lot if silk for a modern female. My PAK has a slight glitch that doesn't stop my cycle like it should, so my compartment fills quickly. A medic had reset my PAK a few times to fix the glitch, but the cycle somehow always starts again after a few months, so I just deal with it. Sometimes I get silk on myself. It's embarrassing.
In earlier eras, before the Control Brain revolution, it was a civic duty of common drones to collect the silk protein their body secreted. The protein was sent to textile factories where loom drones would sort the samples, boil the protein, extract the fibers and collect them on a huge, industrial spinning wheel. The loom drones would then spin the fibers into cloth at their loom stations.
The strength and texture of the silk fibers depends on the health, age and fertility of an Irken so our silk can be spun into almost anything. Protien collected from females of peak smeet bearing years produced the softest, strongest silk; the kind used to make formal tallest robes. We've always been a communal, self sufficient species. I took a class on how to collect and spin the fibers myself. it's a long process, but everyone needs a hobby. I'm proud to be one of the few Irkens alive today able to make and spin silk, but I really wish I didn't cramp up and make a mess on myself every 56 days. That part SUCKS...
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