#so hypocrite to ask the author to turn yona into a queen or hee development will be useless and then shitting on the othersđŸ˜Ș
beatrice000001 · 2 years
Writing this as my first and last post here
Stop generalizing on people just because a minority criticizes you fav.
This is YONA’s story and it follows her journey so reading it without liking her is pointless,but it doesn’t mean we are not allowed to like other characters more.
I’ve never seen a heroine as loved as Yona. She’s praised all the times by everyone. The author loves her dearly and is always careful enough to focus on her without wasting time on others like she said in an interview in 2019, link below if you want to read it. It’s in Japanese though.
We all love her even if not in the same way (some stan her, others just like her) and we all wish for her to be happy forever *still crying like a baby for that theory I recently read about her death at the end of the story*
Despite that, her writing is weird right now and to some degree very frustrating, especially because she is so so smart and mature for basically everything except for one aspect : yes, her romance, as soon as hak is around she turns into a teenager but for any other aspect she is a mature woman and I don’t understand why. I personally find it more frustrating than cute at this point of the story
I think everyone is allowed to report this when they review a chapter. We don’t have to worship every action of hers like some want to force us to do. Constructive criticism isn’t wrong and I have reported more than once unnecessary hate but this is not the case. The romance, which used to be in my opinion one of the most beautiful despite some minor flaws, is now underdeveloped and it’s starting to become a bit irritating (kisses and confessions but they still act awkward, it feels like their pre confession era) A lot of people, shippers and not, acknowledge that it hasn’t been properly developed,the difference is that some don’t care about it so don’t talk about it while others who hold it dear are voicing their frustration and it’s totally understandable after all this time.
Also, can you please stop mentioning Hak and Soo won stans in your long public essays? Feels like when we don’t fight each other then others include us in their rants lmao. The behaviors you are reporting come from SOME of them, not everyone. Stop throwing shit on all of us. I don’t want this to become a constant war between trio stans. I know many Yona fans who are annoying af (still traumatized by those who attacked Tohru wishing her death just because she was winning a poll on Twitter lol) but still don’t generalize on all of them because that would be unfair. Some are my friends and I get to have very nice conversations with them. It’s not their fault if some are immature, same goes for us. Loud minority doesn’t mean everyone and I can assure you that in yona’s case it’s really just a minority.
The story wouldn’t be the same without Hak or Soo won and it’s perfectly understandable why some are so attached to them. They are well written characters and add depth to the story. Soo won is affected by a fatal illness and faints all the time, while Hak, who is always injured, is still wishing to sacrifice himself for the others and this is something the author hasn’t shown any interest to explore (at least now, I hope it will be brought up in the future but I doubt it, it’s portrayed as an admirable quality) so yeah, that’s why we “complain” more than you (?) yet I think you should read what we write more carefully, you’ll notice that many points we bring up (speaking of both sides, Hak and Soo won fans) are valid
Sad that their fans have to be called toxic just because of some people. Toxicity comes from all the sides : Yona, Hak, Soo won, Dragons stans, everyone. I think we should learn to respect each other more instead of constantly accusing each other.
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