#so i assume the empires members will be on hermitcraft for about a month as well
codgod-moved · 1 year
i’m so excited that we get both versions of the crossover they’re really giving us everything we want
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cosmogalaxy2 · 1 year
Updated mulitverse-Total 11 smps
I posted a mutiverse theory a couple months ago but this is the new and updated version. Now holding 11 smps from big ones like hermitcraft to smaller smps like Joey's one block series. Be warned over 2000 words long.
In resent times we have discovered the interconnectivity of a multitude of minecraft smp. There are multiple different ways the multiverse can be can connected however this is my version.
It is important to note the main two ways charaters can travel through smp's.
One is moving on after death or when a story has finished and is the main way we see characters switch between smp's. After most of these death's characters will go to what i call the inbetween a state inbetween servers where they wait for the next to start. In the inbetween most get their memories erased so they start the new smp with a clean slate. There are a few execptions from this however in the life series where characters seem to remember past lifes and events.
The second is through dreams. The first place i came across this directly was through Gem. Gem's lore on both empires season 2 and hermitcraft season 9 is that she is just playing minecraft with her friends and happens to be on both servers. Her interdimensional travel seems to occour via her bed in which she can go to  sleep in one server and wake up in another. Sausage in empires season 2 also displays this one time however his lore about interdimensional travel can be very confusing at times and often leads to him server hopping on accident. Still these 2 sources show us a second way for server travel.
Dispite some characters being able to hop between servers we can still get an idea of a constant time line of order of events. While some of the servers seem to happen similatiniosly some can beplaced in a specific order.
We start with Minecraft Evo. Here we learn about the watchers a pair of over arching detietes that whatch over all minecraft smp's creating each one for their entertainment. At the end of Evo they wish for Grian to join them as the watcher he didn't agree and continues to live among all the other mcyt's.
Next is 3rd life this is cononically linked as a death game created by the watchers we know this from Martyn's pov where the watchers are telling him to try and convince Grian to join them as the 3rd watcher. After 3rd life most of the people go into the inbetween they forget lots of what happens however there memories are recovered in other life series smp's.
Scott and Jimmy however never go to the inbetween they instead go to their own afterlife a perfect version of their hobbit home. They never get their memories wiped from 3rd life thats why we can see constent reference to them in later smps.
Soon after the members of 3rd life split to their new servers mainly hermitcraft and empires. I'm mainly going to focus on empires as it is a server i am more familiar with. Empires goes on as normal each emperor either running away or dying at the end. The ones we see die join the inbetween and all have their memories erased. The few we don't see die on screen can be assumed to have joined the inbetween as the watchers see no need for a server where its story has ended.
Sausage in empires season 1 collects lots of different version of his dog Bubbles a cannon character in every sever Sausage is a part of. All the Bubbles can communicate with eachother and almost seem to know the future off eaah server they're on. This connects lots of Sausage's single player worlds such as his 1.18 hardcore world.
An important note to consider is members like Gem who are on both hermitcraft and empires. Unlike Gem's lore that was previously mentioned in empires season 2 Gem in season 1 can be assumed to be different to her hermitcraft counterpart. We know this because of Sausage hopping back to empires season 1 where he mets Gem. If Wizard Gem were also a 'rolplayer' she would understand how Sausage could be similar to the on she knows but isn't however she dosn't.
Another rule brought in around this time, the fact that love seems to transend the memory wipe. We see this mainly in flower husbands and Lizzie and Joel. All members of the life series and empires know and remember Scott and Jimmy realtionship in 3rd life dispite all but the 2 of them having their memories wiped. The same with Lizzie and Joel everyone seems to remember their marriage. This can be furthered by ranchers after the hermitcraft and empires crossover.
The only exception to the inbetween and memory wipes is Pearl. Pearl from empires soon goes on to be offered the chance at godship after empires season 1 however she says she wants to take part in the other 2 seasons of the life series before taking her rightful place as a goddess.
Both last and double life take place now memories of 3rd life being recovered due to the similarity of all 3 servers. The watchers constently disappointed in Martyn for not making Grian the 3rd watcher yet.
After Pearl takes part in the life series her empires self takes to godhood while her hermit self continues in hermitcraft. Pearl dosn't seem to have the same element of power as the watchers but is still a goddess in her own right.
Now the memories of older love seems to fade. Memories of Lizzie and Joel being married aswell as Scott and Jimmy's time in the flower valley. It is a possiblity these kind of memories together do eventually fade with time because of the nature of how they continued to exist in the first place. Or maybe it is for another reason. We see in double life Joel and Etho fall in some kind of love it may not be as strong  as Joel was with Lizzie but something was there. However it is definitive that Jimmy and Tango fell in love during double life. Possibly this new love pushes away memories of the old. Not the feeling but the memories.
Then is afterlife. Afterlife is an is an interesting case as it is not a smp in the same way the others are. Afterlife is instead as the name suggests an afterlife just a different manifestation of the inbetween. Its a game made it entertain the players while we wait for empires season 2 to be ready. This can explain the rapid death during the end of the smp. Once enough time has pasted in the empires cannon universe they can bring the emperors back into the real world however the watchers can't break the rules of their own game. So they make it more difficult to live, to finish the smp quicker.
It can also explain why players such as Oli and Lauren die slower because the watchers don't need them for empires season 2.
Sausage at the end of afterlife goes to god Pearl's home. This can expain why Sausage has messed up memories in empires season 1. Pearl struggles to bring herself to completly wipe Sausage's memories and allows him the ability to unlock them if he finds the right key. She gives him the ability to hop servers and time all he has to do is control it.
As we know Oli then - after missing sausage - runs out of afterlife and into Pearl's godly home. After a run in with her Pearl sends the man off into empires. Sausage is shown sleeping in Pearl's home explaining how Oli could leave afterlife after everyone else but arrive in empires first. Pearl rushes Oli out so fast so she can insure the timeline continues as expected she forgets to wipe his memories and he keeps them going into afterlife.
Now if empires season 2 taking place thousands of years after season 1. All of the emperor's - apart from Oli - have no memory of past servers.
Sausage after seeing a statue of Saint Pearl starts regaining memories from empires season 1 and later afterlife after meeting Oli. At first Sausage only sees flashbacks of past events we have seen before. For example the battle area with him and Pearl or his final death in afterlife but soon he is able to move around these world and comunicate with those with in. After the hermits crossover he can now take hermits with him on his adventures. However he can travel to previous seasons of hermitcraft with Bdubs and Ren aswell as to Gilded Helianthia with Pearl. All of the times he travels to previous hermitcraft seasons he travels at a time just before the end of the world. While when he travels to empires season 1 we can believe he travels to an alternate version of empires as it is the one we see evil Sausge get banished to at the end of the season. Evil Sausage speaks to Sausage during one of his travels to the previous season. Here Evil Sausage says about his wish to take over empires something that makes Sausage wish to never go back to empires.
Now we are going to tackel the hermitcraft and empires crossover. The rift is the main way of transfer between the two servers apart from Gem's previously mentioned bed travel. The rift has some phisical effects on people after travling through. These include Pearl changing into her empires season 1 outfit; Impulse loosing his beard; Jimmy growing again; Sausage gaining a crown aswell as many emperors loosing possesions such as hats.
In people on both servers like False; Gem and Pearl they all have very different cases. False is very clearly 2 different people. Both know of eachothers existence both conserned for the others intentions.
Gem is cannonicaly the same person on both servers able to travel between via beds. At first she tried to hide the fact she was on both servers from the emperors however this is no longer reasonable as the emperors move to hermitcraft.
Pearl is difficult in empires Pearl and hermitcraft Pearl were previously shown as different people due to the fact that empires Pearl is now a god. However now hermitcraft Pearl and empires Pearl are becoming more combined. Hermitcraft pearl and empires Pearl looked exactly the same on empires a physical representation of the change. Sausage bringing Pearl to Gilded Helienthia is also significant as previously Sausage had only traveled with people to a server they were a part of. Pearl also says on multiple occasions that she feels connected to Saint Pearl furthering the combination of the 2 versions of herself.
Memories are an interesting topic within the Hermitcraft and empires crossover. All of the Hermits bar Pearl and False remember/know the emperors making references to things like Youtube and other real world things references that would never canonicaly happen in empires normaly. Pearl and Gem only remembers Gem due to her being in hermitcraft.
Memories on the empires side are very inconsistent. Gem and Pix seem more connected with the hermits Gem for being on the server and Pix for doing the hermitcraft reacap. Players like Scott, Sausage, Lizzie, Shelby, Joey and Kathrine don't remember the hermits or at least not to the extent of the others. The rest of the emperors have almost imedent recognision of the hermits. This can be explained by the different method of sevr hoping. The rift is almost a broken way of moving through servers a cheat created by Grian and Grumbot. It breaks some of the rules of our timeline because of the nature of the transfer.
A few other small servers are linked into the multiverse.
One is rats smp. One day on rats tommy as a flying rat came and traded with the rats a Jimmy sherrif toy made by Joel in empires season 2.
We can link area unknown as Chromia Scott traded with Owen. Scott on the area unknown server is also a demon from the nether and reverneced Xornoth and blood sheep multiple times.
Another smp we can link is Joey's one block server as many empires characters join the server as guest apperences.
There are probaly lots of other smps we could link into the multiverse but these are the main ones.
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convexicalcrow · 2 years
rift rambles
so clearly something is going down today, which if I had planned this properly, wouldn't mean I was writing this so close to a flood of hc and empires eps dropping lmao but here we are.
i had planned a longer exposition about everything that's known and what's canon and how things might play out but idk I feel that would take too long and I have not enough time to do everything I need to do today so. I will ramble about this instead and we'll see what happens.
Also I am the kind of person who works quite closely from canon, so there's no super wild speculation here. Just extrapolation from what we know and what we've been told, and where that might lead.
So as someone who watches everyone on hermitcraft and everyone on empires I've been subjected to ALL THE RIFT LORE things going on. I will also be subjected to SO MANY VIDEOS in my sub box when all the rift stuff drops lmao pray for me. XD But at least it's given me a complete picture of everything that's been going on.
Things that interest me about Grumbot and the portal stuff:
if things can go INTO the portal from the Hermitcraft side and not be scrambled, but this doesn't work coming back from the other side/end of the portal (I am not assuming it will always lead to Empires, Grumbot suggests it can link to any world with a Grumbot), what does this mean about how the Hermits may get back without scrambling themselves.
If Empires wasn't originally in Grumbot Prime's database bc there wasn't a Grumbot, this necessarily suggests that the world he came from had a network of worlds hooked up by Grumbots that would allow travel between them.
If Empires does not have a Grumbot, is that why messages going through to Hermitcraft get scrambled? No Grumbot to keep the bits and pieces in order before being sent?
Grumbot Prime clearly controls the rift and can change the world that the portal links to. It might be that he opened the rift to Hermitcraft originally so he could come through to this universe for some as yet unspecifed reason. Perhaps seeking out Grian specifically? If so, why? Establishing a Grumbot on Hermitcraft to allow travel between this server and the world he came from? Again, if so why? Also what led Grumbot Prime to have these kinds of powers and abilities? He was simply programmed to make Mumbo mayor, and seems to have done that, but there's a unspoken creepiness about him and the world he came from. Like that world went wrong somehow, or is darker, or resulted in something very bad happening either with the Mayorship or with Grumbot himself that made him turn on his dads.
There is established multiverse lore on both Hermitcraft and Empires via Ren's lore mostly for this season, but also previous seasons have elaborated on this too, and Mythical Sausage does an awful lot with multiverses as well and has done in both his Empires series and Afterlife. Oli's entire Empires s2 lore is all about coming from Afterlife to Empires and not knowing he's on Empires until he finds other people. Grian bringing in a Grumbot from another universe adds to this. So it's clearly a big theme that's being tied together, not necesarily by everyone, but it's percolating. Which is why, to me anyway, linking Empires and Hermitcraft like this can lore-wise make sense at this time. There are other connections between the two servers ofc, and they seem to be pretty friendly with each other as well as sharing members in Gem and False (and Pearl last season).
Incidentally, Pearl and Gem were my gateway to Hermitcraft. I started watching them on Empires and so when they started on Hermitcraft a month later, I thought I'd give it a watch, and here I am, rambling about multiverse lore on tumblr lol.
Also all the teaser tweets over the past day or so have been, quite frankly, infuriating. XD
The question we won't know until the vids drop is the purpose of linking them together, and what that's going to serve to do, lore-wise, and also for them as two servers. Obvs ppl will include as much or as little rift lore into their seasons as they wish, but it's hard to ignore for big server-wide events like this.
I had a brief thought that maybe this was a Hallowe'en collab, bc of the timing ofc, but I don't know if that's just coincidental. It may be. I would be an awesome thing to do for Hallowe'en, to have Hermits stuck in another server and have to make their way back home somehow. Maybe they have to build a Grumbot to get home, so then they won't get scrambled. That's lore-consistent with what's in Grian's vid, so that may work. The question then is what having a Grumbot on Empires might do, and what lore that brings into their server.
Obviously the two Gems and two Falses (and potentially two Pearls, though I suspect there'll only be one) are going to be interesting, to see what happens with that. I am pretty sure False went through, but Gem definitely hesitated. And Gem heard herself through the portal and I am assuming she is involved in this somehow, but she might be going in late and perhaps doing her own thing.
Scar put some sounds at the end of his last ep, some speculated they sounded like cogs or machinery and maybe he ends up in Cogsmeade. Sausage also included the sound of what seemed like around 13 people coming through the portal at the end of his last ep, and his tweets have very heavily suggested Hermits coming to Empires, and perhaps not the other way around (yet???), and that was before Grian's last ep dropped which showed the Hermits going through first.
Which makes me think even more about what the story is here and why it involves literally going to another server with a big group of people. I'm used to Sausage doing multiverse stuff on his own that doesn't really impact other ppl. So to have a huge group involved is definitely a step up and I'm excited to see what happens next.
I may add other thoughts to this later maybe. I have so much to do to day so I may leave this here for now and go back to waiting for all the eps to drop. It'll be like 10pm my time so good luck to me getting through them all and getting to bed at a reasonable hour lmao. XD
Anyway, if anyone has further thoughts, plz share. <3
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