#so i basically found out steven tyler (a musician I had looked up to for years) is a horrible person
thehueofdalan · 2 years
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Couple of TSP things I neglected to post! First is my design interp for 432/Timekeeper! Mainly went for a missing texture motif for them. Uses he/they/it pronouns. Other one is admittedly outdated, as I made this before I established a personal banlist of songs. I’ll explain why in the tags as to not clog up the main text post here. Aside from that, it’s Narry in his rockstar outfit walking along the Adventure Line.
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so Fucked Up Dream #3 is a thing that exists now ft. no spiders this time just lots of blues and Southern Zombie Musicals
I had a hell of a dream and I don't know if I could even properly describe it
so it starred this guy. middle age, wanted to be a recording artist, but wasn't very good at it.
had a habit of his agents disappearing on him. the last one got him this gig in florida (and if we want my dream symbology, this dream took place at my first florida house + all the woods surrounding it)
so guy arrives and it's just of... vacant. he drove this old beat up vw...  kind of one of the older models except rounder on top, but cubular. a mess already. so he kind of stumbles around for awhile and  I don't really remember how we got into the meat of the dream.
so he finds this group of people and somethings wrong and really the dream consists of this man having to fight all of these crazed locals + zombies and there are.... musical numbers.
so later on in he's still trying to escape and by THIS point local authorities are aware of his existence but they don't know the locals are evil so they're after him thinking he's a crazed killer on the loose
so he escapes this one large group of zombies by rigging a trap aimed at him to be used against them. it involved explosives and fire. it was set up in a way that would gather them into one area around a crashed vehicle that was leaking oil and the car would explode and kill them. I don't really know if it WORKED I assume it did because he was smart and just kept on running.
he almost got caught IN the explosion by this log setup that prevented him from going anywhere (it also had Confederate flag hung across it) but managed not to and dove under and shimmied his way through as the car exploded behind him
as he got through there, he came to a small open clearing (it was night by this time BTW) and found his vw there. and along with it a bunch of zombies. and one who looked like a zombie Steven Tyler. it WASNT him but it explains the next bit
so the zombies are lumbering toward him being led by that guy. so he climbed on the top of his vw and starts panicking all while this zombie guy starts singing to him about how he's messed up, he should have never come here, and suddenly he was up on the guys vw roof with him singing. he started singing about Nicaragua and drug cartels and how next time he needed to find a better agent. their weight is enough to start caving the roof of the car in, not that it was usable before due to all that had happened
and then the guy kicks the zombie off. and he starts jumping a bit to get the car smaller, and then he literally uses it to skateboard through the forest and evade all these zombies and get out and basically he comes out of the woods where my house used to sit (it's not there in this dream though)
so he leaves his smashed up car in the lake and runs outside the property and finds this tent
and there's this radio system in it and he overhears the local authorities trying to find him over this radio
and get this
so he starts rigging the radio system and taps in to general chat and asks someone for a "port to pandaria" and a mage that happened to be in the area swings by and gets him out of there
just as the police locate his car in the pond
and back to Present Time, apparently he was never found, because I was online reading all these reports about the crimes
but rumors and legends state that he's now a well known and famous blues musician
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