#so i better see sylvie and matt and their children on the show's very last episode
brettsey-two-tts · 2 years
Brettsey Drabbles: Relaxed
As Matt walked back from Boden’s office, he saw Sylvie near his office door; her gaze was outwards to the bunk room with a very concerned look on her face. He tilted his head a bit at the sight, unsure of what might’ve prompted her expression, and approached her.
“Hey,” he greeted her.
She kept the same frown as she briefly met his gaze and replied, “Hi.”
“Everything okay?” he asked with knit brows.
She kept her lopsided frown. “At this rate, I might just have to sleep on the locker room bench.”
Matt turned towards the bunk room and saw that all of the bunks were taken, some by their own shift but mostly by another shift from a different firehouse. The other firehouse had severe water damage from the sudden flooding that had happened a week prior and needed other firehouses to accommodate them.
Sylvie chewed at her bottom lip at the thought and instinctively rolled her shoulders a bit. She was definitely not excited about the impending backaches she was going to get.
“Maybe the app floor will be comfier,” she dryly added. When she met Matt’s gaze again, they shared a smile.
“Why don’t you sleep in my bunk?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “And where would you be sleeping?”
He gave her a puzzled look. “Right beside you?”
She raised her eyebrows at that. “Wouldn’t that be unprofessional, especially when another firehouse is staying with us?”
He shrugged. “I’ve already cleared some things with Boden. He said some miscalculations happened and unfortunately his hands are tied. I also wouldn’t want my paramedics to get injured over a simple accommodation.” He affectionately bumped his shoulder against hers and continued, “Besides, it’s not like we’re hiding anything.” He flashed the gold band on his left hand that he vowed never to take off unless utterly necessary. Sylvie briefly beamed at the one on her left hand; she didn’t wear the actual wedding ring, but she wore a simple gold wedding band in its place. They’ve only been married for six months but the news seemed to travel fast as most of the Brass congratulated them in one way or another.
“That’s true,” she replied, still pondering his offer.
Before she could think about it any more, the bells rang out and called for Ambulance 61, leaving the blonde paramedic to relinquish all woes about her nightly accommodations.
She squeezed her husband’s shoulder. “I’ll let you know later? Thanks, Matt.”
“Of course.” He nodded as she started to walk towards the common room. “Be careful.” He saw her small promising smile and then disappeared behind the corner. Ever since they started dating, he’d tell her to be careful before she ran out to a call, assuming he was in the firehouse when they were called out. And she would remind him to refrain from doing any cowboy antics if possible. It became one of their things: a promise to come back to one another without saying it.
With ambulance 61 coming and going more often than the rigs, Matt didn’t see much of his wife; he saw her in the common room a couple of times but mostly to quickly get something to eat before they were called out again.
As the day winded down and neared midnight, he wondered if his wife really decided to sleep on the bench in the locker room or on the app floor. He told himself he’d check for her after he finished flipping through some of the furlough request forms.
Knock, knock.
He turned at the noise and happily smiled when he saw his wife. She looked exhausted and it was probably from all the running around.
“Hi,” he greeted her.
“Hi,” she replied before she covered a large yawn. “While I could definitely pass out on the bench or on the app floor at this point, I think my back would instantly regret it tomorrow morning. And I doubt you want to deal with a grumpy Sylvie Brett at home.”
He laughed and gestured to the bed. “I’ll join you in a minute.” He turned back to his desk and dimmed the lamp for her. He didn’t really need to because as soon as his wife climbed underneath the sheets and her head hit his pillow, she was out like a light. Sylvie wasn’t actually sure what made her fall asleep so fast; it was either her husband’s lingering scent on the pillow, the exhaustive shift, or maybe both. Either way, she fell asleep with a contented smile on her face.
When Matt finally finished his work, he shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack next to his wife’s paramedic jacket. He kicked off his shoes and slowly pulled back the sheets on his side. The bunk wasn’t exactly big enough for two adults, but they managed to make it work in the past through a lot of closeness and cuddling. When he slipped underneath the sheets beside Sylvie, it was like instinct took over because her body immediately scooted closer to his even though she was still sound asleep.
He beamed softly at the adorable gesture and draped his arm over his wife’s waist to pull her a little bit closer (and also to make sure she didn’t roll off the bed). She sighed comfortably against his chest and unknowingly nuzzled his collar. She slept with her hands resting between them and against his chest. With both their heads on his single pillow, he leaned in to press his lips against her forehead, silently and softly wishing her a good night’s sleep.
He wanted to laugh at the realization that their closeness was making his heart beat rapidly in his chest because after their two years of pining over each other, four years of dating, and a half a year of marriage, Sylvie Brett still had that effect on him.
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed on a shift. He knew most, if not all, of it was attributed to his wife sleeping beside him which made him wonder why they didn’t do it more often.
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carebear102279 · 6 years
waking up in vegas
Antonio walked into 51 to talk to gabby. Saw she was working chout. Nowhere was sylvie.
“Hi gabby, new ambulance partner?”
“Only for a week, while sylvie is on vacation.”
“So where did sylvie go?”
“With who?”
“Why do you want to know bro?”
“Dammit gabby.”
“Alright don’t shoot the messenger, but she went with kelly, kim and adam.”
“Are her and kelly dating?”
“This is really bugging you isn’t antonio. As far as I know they are just friends. But what does it matter it’s been over for both of you a long time.”
“She deserves better then kelly, sis.”
“First you say she deserves better then you, now she deserves better than kelly. In your eyes there will be no one good enough for her. Sylvie deserves to be happy. Even if it’s with kelly. So what if last time kelly went to vegas, he got married.”
“Gotta go sis.” He took off to his truck.
Gabby yelled “don’t do anything stupid antonio!!”
Antonio got on the next flight to vegas. After he took personal time off. He had no idea what he was going to do. He wasn’t thinking straight. Arriving in vegas, he looked down at the info he got from jay. The hotel they were staying at. Approaching sylvie’s room, antonio took a deep breath and knocked.
Opening the door, sylvie stood there shocked with her mouth wide open. “Antonio what the hell are you doing here?”
Antonio “Truthfully I don’t know. Why are you here with kelly?”
“Kelly is just a friend, not that’s any of your business.”
Antonio “can we talk sylvie?”
Sylvie let him in. “So you’re not sharing a room?”
Sylvie rolled her eyes “I told you kelly and I are just friends. We’ve been through alot this past year. Both of us losing people we love. Kelly losing anna. Me losing you. So we’re here to have fun.”
Sylvie “you still need to explain why you’re here.”
Antonio “can we get a drink and talk?”
Sylvie “fine. Just let me get dressed. She went into the bathroom to get dressed. I’m not getting dressed out here.”
Walking into the hotel bar. Kelly was there with stella. Adam and kim were together.
Sylvie “kidd, you finally made it!” She hugged her.
Kidd “I see you have company.”
Sylvie “He just showed up. So I’ve agreed to talk to him. Then he can go back home.”
Kelly “just hear him out sylvie.”
Sitting down at a table, just the two of them. “So antonio you’ve got 15 minutes to explain what the hell you’re doing here. I don’t have the energy to deal with jealous antonio. I know that’s why you’re here.”
Antonio “well you’re right about me being jealous. I guess the thought of you moving on with kelly. Well it just got to me. Maybe it’s because I still care about you. That I am in love with you. Letting you go was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life. My life without you has been hell. I’m so sorry I broke your heart, but I also broke my heart. Please give us another chance.”
Sylvie “antonio I do love you. But you hurt me. My heart can’t take you walking away again. Especially when it involves your ex wife. I can’t and won’t compete with laura for your attention. Your kids are a part of your life. I love your kids. Laura is just the mother of your children, you can’t let that woman dictate your life anymore. She’s your past. Your future is right here in front of you. I will never expect for you to put me first, your kids come first. Since I was adopted as a baby. I know the kids are an important part of who you are. I don’t need sympathy for being adopted. My parents are wonderful. But I will not put up with laura’s bitchy attitude. I’m not asking you to change overnight. But you need to stand up to her. Those are your kids too. If I’m going to be with you, laura has to realize that your kids are in my life too.”
Antonio “I’ll do my best to be the man that you deserve, if you’ll give me another chance.”
Sylvie “of course I’ll give you another chance. I love you.” She kissed him.
Antonio “I love you too.” He pulled her in for a kiss.
They continued to drink and laugh. Dancing and making out. They were definitely drunk. Before they knew it, they were getting married. Waking up together in bed, both of them hungover.
Sylvie “antonio let’s use our quite voices this morning.”
Antonio “agreed. I haven’t been this hungover since I was a teenager.”
Sylvie “antonio dawson, I’m shocked you breaking the law. By underage drinking.”
Antonio “you’re so adorable when you’re trying to tease me.”
Sylvie “do you have any idea what happened last night? Besides the obvious.”
Antonio “no clue.”
Sylvie felt something on her left hand. Looking, it was a diamond ring on her finger. “Holy shit!!”
Antonio “what?” Sylvie grabbed his left hand. “Sylvie what the hell happened last night!!”
Sylvie “I’m beginning to figure it out. We aren’t ready for this.”
A knock at the door, it was room service. Complimentary breakfast for the newlywed couple. “Mr & Mrs Dawson congratulations. Here is your photo from last night, video and your marriage license. Wishing you a long happy marriage. Anything you need just ask. Again congratulations to both of you.”
Sylvie was sitting on the bed speechless. Antonio sat down next to her, taking her hand in his.
“Antonio what have we done?”
“Well mrs dawson it appears we got married.”
Sylvie smacked his chest “I know that you smart ass. What are we going to do? We aren’t ready for this. We could get an annulment.”
Antonio “no. I want to try and make this work. I love you, sure this wasn’t planned. But this is the kinda of crazy we need in our lives. So take a deep breath, it’ll be ok.”
Sylvie “I love you too. What about our living arrangements?”
Antonio “well we could live in your apartment or mine.”
Sylvie “well I live with cruz and otis, since my rent was raised. So I guess you can move in with us.” She had a gleam in her eyes.
Antonio “you’re so funny. I’d like you to move in with me. Oh god I just thought of something.”
Sylvie “what?”
Antonio “before I left 51, talking to gabby. When I found out you went to vegas with kelly. Gabby told me not to do anything stupid.”
Sylvie “well at least you didn’t beat up kelly. But our plane leaves this afternoon, what do you want to do in the meantime?”
Antonio “make love to my wife.” He picked her up and put her on the bed.
The three couples boarded the plane heading to chicago.
Antonio and sylvie looked at each other. Knowing their lives and the lives around them were going to change.
The first thing they did was drive over to gabby’s and matt’s place. Where his mom and kids were there visiting. Walking through the door. Everyone was sitting there waiting. His mom, dad, eva, Diego, matt and gabby.
Antonio “well you all know I went to vegas. Gabby I’m sure told you. Well we have something to tell.”
Gabby “you are back together.”
Sylvie “yes, but there’s more.”
Gabby “oh god more?”
Antonio “we got married in vegas.”
Sylvie “yes we got married.”
Gabby “have you two lost your minds.”
Antonio “well we were drunk. You figure it out. I love sylvie, we are both willing to make this work.”
Sylvie “yes, I love antonio very much. So I want to make my marriage work with antonio. So some support would be great.”
Diego “I’m happy both of you are back together.” He hugged both of them.
Eva “daddy I know sylvie makes you happy. That’s what matters.”
Gabby “of course I’m happy for both of you. This is just unexpected. Sylvie we’re sisters!”
Sylvie “I know, I’ve always wanted a sister.”
Camila “ Antonio and sylvie I wish both of you a lifetime of happiness.” Hugging both of them.
Diego “does mom know?”
Antonio “no, it doesn’t matter what she thinks. She is the mother of my children. For that I’ll always care about her, but only that. I’m thankful to have both my kids in my life. Laura is my past. My future is with my beautiful wife sylvie and my kids. We’re a blended family. Trust me kids sylvie isn’t the mean step mom type.”
Eva “we know that dad. Plus sylvie and I can share clothes.”
Sylvie “sure that sounds fun. But not all of my clothes. Like some of my dresses and tops.”
Antonio “agreed, eva some of sylvie’s clothes aren’t appropriate for your age. But we’ll figure things out.”
Camila “I have to get the kids back to laura’s. Unless you want to antonio. She should hear it from you that you got married.”
Antonio “you’re right ma.”
Sylvie “well I’m coming with. I need to get used to dealing with laura. We’re in this together antonio.”
Antonio and sylvie arrived at laura’s to drop of the kids. Laura was outside waiting for the kids.
Laura “so this is why your mom had them.” She glared at sylvie.
Antonio “Look laura, don’t start. However I have something to tell you. I want you to hear it from us. Before I tell you I will not tolerate you using our kids as pawns anymore. I have resources available to fight you, to ensure my rights as a father. Sylvie and I got married in vegas 2 days ago. I love my wife.
Sylvie "it’s true laura. We did get married in vegas. I love my husband with my whole heart. You are eva and diego’s mom, I’m never going to get in the way of that. But I’m married to their dad, so I’ll be a part of their lives as a step mom. I’m never going to try to replace you laura. You are their mom.”
Laura “well antonio you go from dating, breaking up, to married in vegas to this blonde. What kind of example does that show our kids. She’s to young for you.”
Antonio “Laura, stop. Her name is sylvie dawson, she’s my wife. I hope this shows our kids to follow their heart, because my heart led me back to my one true love. Sylvie isn’t to young for me. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. So you need to get over the fact that the sun doesn’t revolve around you. You are the mother of my children. That’s it. Sylvie is my wife, you will not come between us again. You will not use eva and diego against me. You will no longer dictate my life anymore laura. So we are going to resolve this custody issue between us like adults. I’m done playing games with you laura. So we’ll meet next Friday at the lawyers office and settle this once and for all. My new wife will be a part of this. So we’ll see you next Friday.”
Laura stood there speechless. As antonio and sylvie drove away. “Antonio I’m so proud of you. You stood up for yourself with laura. Plus you stood up for us. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Because I love you, I love your kids.”
Antonio “thanks baby. I love you, I love that you love my kids. One day in the future we’ll have our own kids to love together. Eventually I want to start a family with you. You will make a great mom.”
Sylvie “I’d like that too. I love you so much. Having our baby grow inside of me would make me so very happy.”
Antonio “we should go get your things.”
Sylvie “that way I can tell otis and cruz.”
Arriving at the apartment, sylvie unlocked the door. “Cruz, otis are you home? I don’t think they are home. So let’s get my things. Basically it’s my clothes, books and a few other things.”
They finished sealing the last box. When they were finishing, cruz and otis walked in.
Otis “hey brett welcome home. This place has fell apart in the week that you were gone.”
Sylvie walked out of her room, to face her roommates. She had a sad look on her face.
Cruz “I know that look sylvie, what’s wrong?”
Sylvie “well something happened in vegas. I did something that will definitely impact my life.”
Otis “you and kelly didn’t get married? Please say you didn’t pull a severide!!”
“Funny otis, brett’s not the type to do something that impulsive.” Cruz laughed.
Sylvie “well I didn’t marry kelly, but I did get married. Ok you can come out of the bedroom, I’m sure they won’t kill.”
Antonio appeared from the bedroom. “Well roommates this is the man I married in vegas. I think you’ve met antonio dawson.”
Otis “very funny brett. Stop joking around.”
Antonio “actually we did get married in vegas. No joke, sylvie is my wife.”
Sylvie “Look I know it’s shocking. Trust me we were shocked when we woke up hungover. I love antonio, we are going to make this work.”
Antonio “I love sylvie too. I want to make this work.”
Cruz “well antonio you better not break brett’s heart again. I’m not joking antonio.”
Antonio “Look cruz, I promise I’ll be the man she deserves. I won’t break her heart.”
Cruz “well then congratulations to the both of you.”
Otis “Congratulations. Now let us help with your boxes.”
Sylvie “thanks guys!!”
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tlk-nay-fan · 6 years
Harrison‘s revenge
Just a small role play drabble
Sylvie yawned as she walked into her apartment. After the whole situation with Hope, Sylvie thought it would be best to move out of the apartment she shared with Cruz and Otis. She knew that they were not mad at her but she kind of felt like the trust was gone. Everyone knew it was not her fault that Hope had shown her true colors in Chicago but she still felt very guilty. Of course living alone the only place she could afford was on the dangerous side of town like when she first came to Chicago. Her first night in the apartment she already did not feel safe. Sylvie heard a knock on her door and she jumped. Going to the door she looked in the peep hole and saw Harrison her ex fiancé. Hesitating she opened the door. “Harrison, what are you doing here and what do you want?” It was clear by her tone she was not happy to see him. “I just want to talk. About us. About our past. Please just let me in for half an hour so I can make things right.” Against her better judgment she did let him in. The apartment was still bare because she was still trying to unpack her furniture. Being a paramedic and being in the dangerous side of the city she decided to have a small room with medical supplies just in case anything was to happen to her. After a conversation between her and Harrison things started to get pretty aggressive. She rushed into the medical supply closet she had set up but he followed her. He grabbed her face and forced her to kiss him. Soon everything went black. Two months had passed and no one at firehouse 51 had heard from Sylvie. Nor had she contacted anybody. Everyone was extremely worried because it was not like her to just not show up or talk to anyone. Back with Harrison Sylvie was in a trance like state. It was almost as if she had been hypnotized. “Babe I’m home.” Harrison spoken coming in from work kissing his ‘wife’. He had spent the last six weeks brainwashing her into believing that she was his wife that she never left for Chicago. He manipulated her into believing it and that’s when her new life started. It had now been four months since Sylvie had disappeared. Harrison had brain washed her into believing they have been together for almost 7 years now. He came home from work to find the beautiful blonde crying at the kitchen table. ”Baby what’s wrong?” He asked softly. “I feel like somethings missing.” She spoke softly not wanting to anger him. Even in this ‘new life’ he was mentally abusive to her and constantly putting her down. Telling her she wasn’t good enough or smart enough to get a job whenever she asked if he would let her. She hated being stuck in the house all day and now to make matters worse she was pregnant. Another part of manipulation was him convincing her that they always wanted children. “Baby are you sure that’s all that’s bothering you? “He asked but she shook her head. “ The doctor confirmed that I’m about four weeks pregnant.” She smiled a bit as he kissed the side of her head. “That is great baby!!” He then kissed her lips. A few days had passed and Harrison decided to bring Sylvie to Chicago knowing that she had always wanted to visit it ‘in her new life’. He surprised her with a small home on the outskirts of the city and headed into work at his new job downtown. Sylvie decide to go to the grocery store to stock up on food so she could make him a delicious dinner. While at the store she bumped into Gabriella Dawson. Gabby asked Sylvie where she had been but of course being brainwashed Sylvie did not remember Gabriella. “I’m sorry but do I know you?” You could see the heartbreak on Gabriella’s face. “Sylvie...it’s me. Gabby...Dawson.” She sounded concerned when Sylvie again denied knowing her. “You work at firehouse 51 we are all so worried about you. Why did you just leave without saying goodbye.” Tears were starting to roll down her cheeks now when once again Sylvie expressed that she knew nothing that Gabriella was talking about. ”Just meet me here in two hours please I’ll show you what I’m talking about.” Gabriella spoke handing Sylvie the directions to firehouse 51. Two hours had passed and as promised Sylvie showed up at firehouse 51. Gabriella had already explained to the rest the firehouse to not crowd her because she didn’t know who they were. Of course no one really understood but they respected Gabriella’s wishes. Gabriella lead Sylvie to the wall where all the retired badges were in memory of those who had lost their lives on call. She then brought Sylvie to the ambulance hoping she would remember. Placing her fingertips over Shay’s memorial on the door Sylvie frowned. “I’m sorry you guys lost a friend.” She spoke softly but she had no idea what this had to do with her. “ when she died I didn’t think I’d ever have another friend like her… But then you came along and I know don’t remember but it’s true.” Gabby started to tear up again. “Sylvie you have to remember please.” Suddenly the alarm went off and the entire fire house cleared out. Sylvie seemed to snap out of whatever trance she had been in from the brainwashing. Watching the trucks and ambulance drive away she turned away from the doors. “Oh. My. God.” It was obvious she was terrified of whatever she was remembering. Everything came flooding back to her. Her job her friends her new life that did not involve Harrison. But she was remembering everything she had been through the last six months. Placing a hand over her stomach she started to cry. She quickly left the firehouse and went back to her small home with Harrison. She slammed the door angrily and fell to her knees crying even harder. After calming down she decided to play along with her ‘new life’. She made a beautiful dinner, set the table nicely and lit some candles. She rubbed her stomach feeling a bit sick from everything that had happened that day and the morning sickness. She heard the front door shut followed by her husband’s voice. “Baby, I’m home.” Sylvie smiled and walked over to Harrison gently kissing his lips. “I made dinner.” She smiled sitting down with him. After they finish dinner she knew she had to confront him. “ I know the truth. About what you did to me. The people you made me forget and the job you made me forget. I know everything. I was at the grocery store and Gabriella was there. She asked me where I had been and I didn’t remember her. She asked me to come to the firehouse so I did. As soon as that alarm went off I remembered everything. I remembered the alarm, the ambulance, and my family at the firehouse. How could you do that to me! How could you destroy my life that way!!” Tears filled her eyes as he walked towards her pulling her close. He forced kiss on her lips. “Baby you must have been dreaming that’s crazy talk. You’re not smart enough to be working at a fire house you would never make it you’re not strong enough.” He said with a devious smile. She quickly pushed him away. “NO! That’s just what you want me to think. That’s why I never married in the first place. That’s why I left for Chicago the first time. You have taken that life from me and I’m going to get it back. You cannot stop me!” When he followed her she quickly picked up a gun from her purse and aimed at him. She knew what he was capable of and she was afraid. She started to cry when he took a step toward her. She screamed “DON’T MOVE!!” She aimed the gun at him and she would pull the trigger if she had to. He knocked out of her hand and quickly picked it up aiming it at her. Fear filled her body and she started to shake as he put his finger on the trigger. “You wouldn’t shoot me when I’m carrying your child would you...” she stuttered as a devilish smile crossed his lips. He pulled the trigger she quickly dodged the bullet but it hit her shoulder. A split-second another gunshot went off. Within 10 minutes sirens were heard outside. The neighbor said called the police after hearing two gunshots. Sylvie was crying holding her bleeding shoulder as police swarmed inside the apartment and quickly arrested Harrison. Gabriella and Stella happened to be the paramedics on call and they rushed to her side. “Hold on sweetie.” Stella frowned helping into the ambulance. Once at the hospital Dr. Natalie Manning noticed the second bullet wound in her stomach. Sylvie had not even felt that gunshot wound because her mind was focused on her shoulder which had made her lightheaded from the amount of blood loss. Though now she knew it was double blood loss. “I am so sorry but the baby didn’t make it.” Natalie spoke apologetically to Sylvie. Nodding through her tears she closed her eyes. She would have to wait at least three months before returning back to her old life at least for work. Stella decided that she was going to ask Sylvie be her roommate so that she knew she’d always be safe. Sylvie gladly accepted and the two headed to their new apartment near Gabby and Matt’s apartment building. “Hey Brett. You doing okay?” Gabby asked gently at the hospital knowing Brett was taking this call pretty hard. “It has been almost 3 months. How long is it going to take before I feel like my old self again?” Tears filled her eyes. “I want my life back. I want to not be upset about losing a baby I didn’t even want! He forced me!” She started crying harder. “I can’t do it anymore! I don’t...I don’t even want to live!” She yelled as Natalie looked over along with Sarah and Daniel Charles. Gabby felt her heart breaking for her best friend. After hearing her Dr. Reese and Dr. Charles brought Sylvie into a room so they could speak to her. “Sylvie...do you want to talk about it?” Sarah frowned as Daniel rubbed her back gently. “I want to die...” she sniffled as Gabby tried to hold back her tears. “I have to get back but I will let Boden know.” She spoke to Maggie who nodded. She was good friends with Sylvie and was so worried about her. After a few weeks of therapy Sylvie was feeling better and was cleared for work again. Six months had passed and Sylvie was doing so much better she was happy and bubbly once again. Sylvie yawned rolling over in her bed at the station and rubbed her eyes. It was about 7 am and she could smell breakfast cooking. “good morning everybody. “She smiled as everyone said good morning back. “Sleep well?” Gabby asked as Sylvie nodded. “I did Actually.” She smiled as Gabby returned the smile. From time to time she still had nightmares but for the most part she seemed to be herself again. “Boden thinks it’s gonna be a busy day because the lakes are starting to freeze and kids are going to be falling through thin ice most likely.” Kelly groaned. “Fun. I’m so sick of these freezing cold winters it’s ridiculous I want to move south.” She laughed as Cruz raised his hand. “I second that!!” Everyone laughed they were all so happy to have Sylvie back. A/N: Did this mobile so please bear with me for any typos! Also if you roleplay and are on the site www.roleplayer.me can see the story with the photos that I used http://www.roleplayer.me/view_profile.php?member_id=914720
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