#so i can place gyms and hms n shit. so i know the structure
isaacathom · 7 years
I should be thinking about Zeke and his deal but instead im thinking about how i can fuck with all the gym leaders and have a bunch of them be my other characters.
for instance, all my ggs characters?? perfectly equipped to exist in Urica. considering Urica is victoria and ggs literally takes place in victoria. its a match made in heaven. i can also totally include Black, in an aesthetic sense - i can absolutely take her black with green highlight aesthetic and put it on like, a Dark type gym leader. i can imagine it
only issue is i diiid want the gym leaders to have some impact, to have some INPUT on the story as a whole. something like the ending of bw1 when all the gym leaders (except the triplets cause fuck em i guess?) showed up at the castle to help. but a lil more? include the e4 in on the scheme. the champion herself is 100% present and is even personally responsible for arresting Dante at the end. yknow. so having the gym leaders be a bunch of characters who shouldnt /really/ be there is sorta weird for that, a little counter intuitive. at least with the Black thing, its just her look, not actually her. mostly because Black is a straight up shadow monster. though, if its her aesthetic, shoooulllld the gym leader use a wheelchair too? that would complete the look. i feel like if there is a gym leader with a wheelchair, either they should have psychic pokemon (because that makes sense in a practical way) or theyre gym needs to be placed very precisely. if i want that gym leader to actually participate, their gym either needs to be the City gym (yknow, the one you can skip by fighting Rhia, though you’ll need to come back for it eventually) or one of the very close ones, orrrr they can be placed further away and removed from the story climax by saying ‘well, how did you really EXPECT them to get here???’. since, like.... if they need their wheelchair, they HAVE to travel manually. unless their pokemon, like a big fuck off bird, can have the leader on their back and the wheelchair in their claws?? but then how does the leader get on the back. also it has to be a Big Fucking Bird, like a gigantic bird, the biggest bird, the strongest bird. uh, one idea would be for the leader to actually stay in the chair and have them like, locked into a seat on the back? if that makes sense? but thats also logistically a pain. guess thats what a psychic pokemon would be for, huh? but if the bird wouldnt work, theres no other real way to get around beyond travelling by car or plane or whatever. so if their gym is aways, they cant get to the city on short notice.
it would actually kind of work if theyre the Eastern gym leader, from that town where Jun is from, where Rhia lives. it sorta fits the idea of that place being badly removed and poorly accessible due to a lack of like, provisions made to help it. so this gym leader is restricted solely to their community, helping with local problems, and can only really leave their town with a LOT of planning. a lot of effort has to go into them travelling a long distance. they cant just go west without help, its a goddamn mountain. 0/10 travel safety.
im not sure which of the options i prefer. having all 8 gym leaders + zeke + elliot + the elite 4 (possibly including that guy who is leaving???) + the champion is a lot of fucking people. so having a few of the gym leaders sit out makes sense? just to reduce clutter. so if a characters situation means it would make sense for them to not be present, why not capitalise? so having a wheelchair bound gym leader live on the other side of the mountain and thus have difficulty accessing the City works for that purpose. admittedly gym leaders can also be removed from the proceedings through the actions of the Team, by having a bunch of team members head to a few specific gyms and distract them.
thatd be fun. ok, so we can totally have a Black themed gym leader, wherever they might end up being in terms of the regions layout. they’d be one of 4 types - Dark, Ghost, Psychic, or Flying. the first two are thematic, the latter two are practical.
for others.... well. there has to be a water gym leader, who runs the gym out of the remains of the ‘Kingslake’ town. i dont really have a character who fits this, except for Ash from EC. which could work, but i dont think his design really fits. uh.... we could include one of the GGS characters, due to the urica/vic thing. of course, which one? by general ages, the only character who really fits is Katja, who would be..... uh..... uhm. hmm...... normal??? she’d essentially be whitney, if i think about it, which is also kinda boring. also i hate whitney and i wouldnt do that to anyone. steel COULD also work? which would place her later on, which works fine, since she doesnt live in the same suburb as the other ggs characters. being an Adult and all. she definitely lived close to melbourne, but for game balancing itd be totally acceptable to place her further away, like Geelong. the alternative is to have one of the younger ggs characters (Read: fucking all of them, theyre all like 16-18) be a really early on gym leader, like... Roxanne? or Cheren. definitely roxanne, at least. but for that, which one, and what type?? i feel like most of their types arent like, super good first gym material? Vivian would be fighting, Kay would be Ice, Sonya would bee... hold on. either electric or water, i suppose. and Isaac would be Psychic. Sonya could work, though i feel like if she is included, then Isaac should be as well?? theyre a duo??? which... hmm... actually, wait, fuck, Isaac and Sonya are both straight up adults, arent they. yea, fuck, theyre uni students. oh theyre totally golden, then. have Sonya be Electric or Water (or Flying, i guess?? or grass??? her power set is very.... broad) and have Isaac be the Psychic gym leader from the next town over. and also not be called Isaac because i already decided i wanted to change that??? besides i wanna have a fire type elite 4 named Isaac with a Ninetales because this is my game and im allowed to have myself be a goddamn elite 4, suckers.
if Sonya is water, that makes her the King Lake gym leader. which... yea, that works. isnt exact to her position in ggs, but it fits. making [Isaac] either the City gym leader (which si also like.... the 2nd or 3rd gym??? which feels too early for a psychic gym, but ill check) orr shes further north. beechworth might be too far north but theres plenty of space between kinglake and beechworth for a gym, i think. well... hmm. fantina is a ghost gym and she was third in platinum, which means its totally feasible to have a psychic gym be right up front. plus, hmmn, hold on. does the player go clockwise or counter clockwise? the region as i have it really roughly in my head is that its a rough loop, with some connecting points back to the city (think kalos but not shit cheers, no stupid black outs in this bitch). so when the player gets to the city, do they go north along the west side of the mountains? or south west down the coast towards geelong? i guess the issue is how you get across the mountains - you almost definitely need strength and rock smash to get through. but why would you get those hms in the west? suurely  the towns closest to the mountains would have this stuff? you could maybe justify Strength being elsewhere? that could be interesting. you could also have the Beechworth town be later, despite being a clockwise progression. maybe you need a specific hm to get that far north, you get there, then you get strength? idk.  sorta complex. but if i had both Sonya and [Isaac], id want them to be right after each other? though i suppose separating them by games progression but having them be physically close makes sense... and since the Kinglake town is ‘dangerous’ in Urica due to the bushfires, it makes sense to prevent you going directly to it from melbourne? so counter clockwise down the coast makes more sense then? sure. yea aight.
anybody else? thats 3 gym leaders. boi. boi fuck. well, there IS the EC crew, who are also perfectly open for these positions. the kids from RS, well, not so much, unless they were a gimmick trio like striaton. triple battles? fuck me dude imagine a triple battle gym battle, god, dude, holy shit, thatd be sick. /i/ wouldnt, but damn, imagine. god i wish the 3ds was powerful enough to handle triple battles without having a seizure. (in 3d anyway. iirc it ran fine with 2d? admit i didnt triple battle TOO much). so, no RS. EC can. uh... well.... Violet is available as a Fire leader, she’d be fun. Crystal could easily be there too, as aaaaa.... Grass? Grass gym? yea. which you’d want to be fairly early? well, 4th works too. would that make sense based on their surroundings, though. also, these are a lot of girls. i can include Skye as a flying type, but i cant include Will because he’s a dark type (unless i make the Black one a Ghost type, which is acceptable, certainly) but then thats an overwhelming number of character. thatd be 7, if i included 4 of the ec cast + two ggs + black. thats uh... thats too many? 3 might work better. maybe 5? like have it be black, [isaac], sonya, skye, and will? w/ skye probably changing his name to Not Be Shit, thanks, fuck. that leaves 3 original ocs. and Black can be any gender, and would essentially BE a new character, jsut with Black’s aesthetic. purely because i should stop trying to put Black in my stories. so, 4? two ggs and two ec? yea. Isaac as Psychic, and the 2nd gym (again, the skippable one). Sonya as Water, and the new guardian of [Kinglake]. [Skye] as Flying, likely further down the coast, maybe geelong? warnambool? any coastal city works if its got high enough cliffs, my guy. Will as Dark works fine for basically anywhere, but i think after Skye in progression. i like that.
then this Ghosty Fan who probably shouldnt be the last gym leader...... hmm.... but then where?? they could be up near the desert, where the old team base is??? someone has to be that gym leader. why would they be dressed in black in the desert? thats a good goddamn question. maybe not. man, it depends on where the gym towns are as to where the ghost goes. the desert is not the place, though. 0/10 not a good place. certainly not with that outfit. like, ghost would ALMOST make sense for that location due to the team base, and it being tied to this idea of it being the Ghost of the team, or where Seren’s ‘ghost’ is located. notably, Elliot will not come with you to the desert town. he just wont. he wont do it, dude. he’ll meet you at the entrance and say ‘yea good luck’ and he wont come in with you. so ghost might be fitting for that alone? but with the physical design? nah. but they shouldnt be TOO far back, right? though, since Acerola is like.... uh.... 5-6th gym leader equivalent in terms of when her trial occurs, i dont see any reason i couldnt have a ghost gym appear later on. its just that those that exist so far are all far more forward, i guess. im down for that??? maybe beechworth, or, again, the eastern thingo. idk. im gonna have to like, plannnn the region out some more. OOH, fuck, i was gonna include phillip island/pseudo tasmania too, fuck, where the fuck does THAT slot into progression. fuuuuck. uuuuuuuh. shit. where DOES that fit. after skye???? like, you fight Skye over in Geelong or whatever, , you get surf, you go on a big surfing adventure? why would.... the flying gym leader..... give you surf.... like, ok, the Water gym leader cant give you surf, because shes busy and thatd be REALLY late in the game to get Surf. considering most gens are like, badge 3-5 for surf (as an out of battle move) which would place it at a gym betweeeeeen Isaac and Skye? since there likely is one??? hmm..... hmmmmmmm.........
im thinking either the island or the east should be post game. OR, OH FUCK, the elite 4 could be on the island, fuck, we solved it, fuckers we’ve done it, the island is the champions village. there are probably some other spots though. kinglake, for one. ooh, that’ll be neat. you start on the other side of the lake and you have to surf over and its all nice and then BAM everythings burnt to shit my guy. nice. i like it. see that works. means i can introduce Surf as a usable hm whenevvvver. or just attach it to Skye because who cares, honestly, and attach Fly to the desert one. ooh, and that could be fun. like, you fight that gym leader, they go ‘now you have my badge, you can use fly! do you have fly? oh, you dont? hmm. You’re hanging with Elliot, right? maybe ask him. I’d have asked him in advance but he doesn’t like coming to this town. bad memories, I’ve heard’ and thatd be like, your first really blatant hint that Elliots got a past. you could even ask him about it next time you see him, alongside asking if he knows where you can get the Fly Hm (he MIGHT have it, idk). and hed go ‘huh? oh, haha, you know, sometimes small events happen, and theyre nothing major, of course, but they stick in your head and they taint a place, huh?’ or something really obviously dodging. then later Rhia spills the juice. nice.
i feel like there should be other places to use surf, though. perhaps surf is required in the mountain to get to the East? i can see that. that basically works.
ok i gotta fuckign wrap up ive had this post opn for like 3.5 hours jesus fuck
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nvrfrgetu · 7 years
Zach Dempsey - A to Z
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): Well, that’s the thing, Zach can get turned on by almost everything, really. Like the way you’re biting your pen while looking at him, scratching his scalp during a small kiss or even just watching you train with the girls or even looking at you and finding you specially sexy that day. But his biggest, ever, turn on is when you’re sucking on his skin, just down his jawline, while gently scratching your fingernails on his nape. The boy loses his shit, a complete silence and embarrassed mess from being with the biggest boner in the middle of the bleachers during gym class or in the cafeteria.
You were still recovering from an ankle problem, acquired during the cheerleaders’ workouts, so that you were restricted in performing physical activities and released from PE class. Today was one of those days where the Coach was letting everyone be lazy, with only four groups taking turns playing volleyball. The rest of the students were either climbing the ropes in some sort of ridiculous competition or waiting their turn while walking around the gym. So it was in the bleachers you stood, calmly waiting for the end of the class, laying on your stomach with your backpack serving as a pillow. You were almost dozing off when someone decided to play in the bleachers, making the wood tremble. You were prepared to send the person to hell when someone leaned over you, soft and warm lips pressing into yours. You opened your eyes, shocked, until you relaxed with the familiar sight of your boyfriend's dark, warm eyes.
- "Zach! You scared me!” - You argued, pushing him lightly. He sent you one of those sweet smiles so characteristic of him in return. Moving to place a kiss on your cheek before sitting on your side.
- "What for? I just gave you a kiss."- He shrugged as he sat on the bleachers.
- "Exactly. Someone kissed me and I have a boyfriend." -  You tried to cast a disapproving look at him, but he had such a cute expression that you ended up smiling at him. His eyes seemed to burn for a second.
- "No one would dare steal a kiss from you. I would fight their asses. "- Zach was a Big Guy, completely capable of actually doing some real damage in a fight, with all those muscles that being an athlete since he was a child had assured him, but the possibility of this happening was laughable in a way that even the way he spoke the words was funny. But you did not say anything, just sent another smile at him as you rose from the stands to sit beside him, standing with one leg on each side of him, and placed your head on his shoulder, giving a small kiss to the warm skin discovered by the sleeveless shirt and then leaning back at his side comfortably, her legs lovingly embracing his body.
- "I'm sure you would, babe. Don’t worry."
But then Zach's body was really hot, in that way that made cling to him in one hug one of the most delicious things and soon your arms came to wrap around his trunk, but giving up when you realized he was too big and you would be uncomfortable, setting by just closing your hands on his shirt. He gave a little laugh at the way you had wrapped around him, turning his face to kiss your forehead. You smiled and looked at him, quickly struck by the urge to kiss him.
- "You're staring at my mouth." - He accused, drawing your foreheads together to force you to look deeply into his eyes. There was a convinced smile on his lips and although the look on Zach's face was carefree and confident, there was a nice blush tingling his cheeks.
- "Am I?" - You breathed, feigning ignorance though your eyes drifted to his delicious lips again. He smiled and you watched his lips part in that delicious smile, a line of perfectly white teeth appearing and suddenly you were thinking of wrong things. You smiled back, and then leaned up to kiss him, and though you had planned a chaste and caressing kiss, somehow your tongue traced his lower lip and you got lost in Zach's mouth when he granted you passage.
You wanted to blame the Gym and its structure or whatever, but it was Zach who had begun to make you hot. Your hands automatically clenched into fists on his shirt, and the hand in front of his body began to lightly trace his abs over his shirt, innocently but appreciatively.
Someone whistled from the court and you also heard some giggles approaching. You broke the kiss, annoyed, watching Justin on the edge of the court, hands around his mouth in encouraging shouts to Zach, while Jessica and Sherri were approaching. By your side, you felt Zach tightening up and quickly arranging something that you did not pay attention because you were busy flipping your friends. The Coach shouted at Justin and sent him back to the court and he rolled his eyes before obeying.
- "You seem to be healing well, Y/N." - Jessica mocked, Sherri agreeing with her, while both sat on the bench below where you and Zach were, Sherri patting Zach’s back in approval.
- "I'm glad to see that Zach is taking good care of you."
- "He was, and then you decided to interrupt my treatment." - You joked, frowning at them. Jessica just shrugged and Sherri laughed.
- "You were surpassing the acceptable level of PDA in physical education. Soon I and Justin would had to make out or you would steal our Liberty High It Couple title.”
- "All yours." - You spoke and raised your hands in mock surrender, but rolled your eyes to show that you did not give a shit about it. Beside you, Zach shifted, moving away from you.
- "Zach, are you ok?"
- "S-sure. I... I need to go, hm, my group is next." – He was fidgeting, but you didn’t read much into it.
- "Oh, okay, babe. See you at lunch."
- "Y-yeah." – He barely answered it while getting up. As Zach got up and practically jumped the rest of the stands, you and your friends looked at each other.
- "Is it me or was he weird?" - Jessica and Sherri just shrugged, and started talking about the adaptations in the new routine to keep you from getting hurt again in any of the jumps.
The day passed quietly and you did not have any more classes with your boyfriend, so you really only saw him when you entered the Cafeteria. It even had been funny, because even in the hallways you had not found him. Your friends only commented that they had seen him rushing to the next class. You knew he had biology today at some point, so you  just shrugged thinking he was reviewing. You were probably very lost in your thoughts, because while waiting in line to buy your lunch, Monty thought it necessary to shout your name and wave so you finally looked at their table.
- "Relax Monty, I'm coming." - You said as you approached the table, putting the tray in front of Zach and bending down to give a kiss to his lips. He looked surprised, because his body trembled slightly and he was turning red from nowhere. You smiled at him, nudging his shoulder in teasing as you sat down.
- "Guess, I'm not the only one who's gonna hear that today." - Monty joked, casting a suggestive glance at the two of you as you sat down at the table. You just told him to fuck off and Zach resumed to show his middle finger to him.
As Monty laughed and started talking to Justin, you took the opportunity to discreetly lean on Zach, your nose nudging his arm covered by a sweatshirt to get his attention. He gave you a wary look, but there was a smile on the corner of his lips. You tried to hold back the smile that threatened to burst through your face, but the way Zach looked at you had always warmed you up and wanting to approach him. So you took the opportunity to sneak your hand around his arm and murmur a "come here." He bent down and you stole a small kiss on his lips again. You could keep track of how his blush spread quickly across his beautiful face, only getting worse when Monty started whistling and pointing at them. You sent him to hell again and then put one of your hands in your boyfriend's hair, so as to pull it and hide your face in the curve of his neck.
But then as the teasing died and the boys started to focus on other things, the way you had taken in that position looked wonderfully comfortable, especially with the delicious scent of his flooding your senses and his warm skin so close to your lips... You started stroking it with the tip of your nose. You felt the way he trembled slightly and it only encouraged you to lightly rest your lips on the skin of his neck. Zach literally froze and you let out a giggle before landing three more kisses and then cast a small glance around, checking that no one was paying attention to you and risking a little hickey just below his jawline.
Someone called Zach and you watched as he literally stuttered an answer to whatever the question they asked. A small laugh came and you pulled away from him in a disguise. Luckily, the bell rang. You started to get up and straightened your backpack while everyone began to do the same.
- “Hey, you're coming?” - Sherri asked, already close to the exit.
- “Sure. One moment.”  -You waved as you turned to see where Zach was. But he had not even got off the bench yet. In fact, he was not even looking up, just stared very hard at the table.
– “Sherri, I'll see you at class. Have to talk to Zach.” - Her friend just nodded and continued on. You approached your boyfriend, realizing now how red he was.
- “Hey, babe. Something wrong?”
- "Yes." - He hissed between clenched teeth, casting a nasty glare at you.
- “I did something wrong?”
- “Oh, yes. You know what you did.”
- “I don’t. What's going on Zach?” - You were really surprised. You tried to review the events that had happened during the day to find out what you could have done to make him be like that. Probably foreseeing you were imagining too much, he sighed and reached for your hand. Then he pulled you on his lap and the bulge pressing on your ass made the whole situation a lot clearer.
You waited a few seconds, feeling like a deep blush was spreading across your face, and, at the same time, you had to contain with all your strength the smile that wanted to radiate on your face. Your chest seemed to swell, your skin immediately hot, the mere thought of getting Zach excited so easy made you feel like a goddess.
-“Oh. My. God. Did I...?” - You risked, trying to control the happiness and surprise in your tone.
- “Yes.” - He hissed again, a judgmental look and in equal parts hot and angry. You could not even be embarrassed by how satisfied you were to be able to leave him that way with almost no effort.
- “Oh babe, I'm so sorry.” - You forced yourself to say, a small laugh restrained in your lips. He narrowed his eyes at you, pushing your waist so that you rose from his lap and did not make things worse, which you followed.
- “No, you're not. You're fucking proud of yourself." - He knew her too well not to know that. You let out the laughter you were holding, then bent to murmur close to his lips, an expression that had every intention of provoking him.
- “Ok... I am. Does this make me a bad girl?" - You murmured, your gaze running over his lips before looking him in the eye again.
- “Oh my god, you're not helping.” - He grunted, his tone warm and hard, mingled with clear frustration. You laughed and pulled away from him, beginning to walk backwards toward the door.
- “So... see you after class?” - You said as you walked away, your hand moving your hair in what you believed to be sexy.
- “Oh, you bet your pretty ass you’ll see me after class.” - She winked at him then, adding a more pronounced swag on her hips as she turned his back to him. You almost swore he had grunted again and your smile could tear your cheeks of so satisfied.
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