#so i google the county health department and their website says you pay on a sliding scale if you have no insurance
welp today i am feeling frustrated that you still have to pay fucking $35 for a fucking flu shot in this country if you don't have insurance
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writemarcus · 4 years
NEW Black Mutual Aid Carves a Path for What Support Can Be in a Revolution
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By Marcus Scott
Do not be deceived into thinking otherwise: The summer of 2020 will go down in history as a once-in-a-generation uprising against the police brutalization of people of Black descent in the United States. Fueled by the video-capture of the nonchalant murder of 46-year-old George Floyd after Minneapolis Police Department officer Derek Chauvin knelt on the victim’s neck for eight minutes as three other officers sporting a thousand-yard stare looked on, a siege of ongoing protests and civil unrest sparked and raged—and continues to rage—across the nation.
Following Floyd’s death, the identities of several martyrs began trending on social media: Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African-American emergency medical technician in Louisville, and Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old African-American man in Georgia’s Glynn County, among them. Both cases prompted dialogues around racial inequality and racial profiling, as well as anti-Blackness and the value of Black life in the US and abroad, with Black Lives Matter leading the charge. Ultimately, the demands for justice by Black Lives Matter began to trickle into conversations surrounding workplace discrimination as well as a lack of representation and equal opportunity in myriad industries.
Theatre is one of those industries.
For better or worse, longstanding American theatrical institutions with problematic histories began virtue-signaling and woke-washing, re-branding their websites and social media accounts with resources to fight against systemic racism. The reaction incited a political storm, provoking artists who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) to share their own experiences. The despair birthed platforms such as the We See You White American Theater movement, which produced a 31-page document of demands written on behalf of BIPOC theatre-makers taking issues with companies and individuals seeking to profit from the culture war. That document addresses “the necessary redistribution of power and funding.”
Enter NEW Black Mutual Aid.
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The brainchild of activist Nzinga Williams, NEW Black Mutual Aid Fund (NBMA) strives “to create the safety net and financial support for Black Theater Professionals through a time of revolution and pandemic,” per the Google doc Williams created where Black theatre folx can privately request funds.1 Those funds support everything from protest supplies, bail, and lawyer fees (for protesters) to dinner, rent support, plant care, and more.
Williams, who earns a living as Company Manager at Atlantic Theater Company, says the project was birthed between March and May—the beginning of quarantine, when she also tested positive for COVID-19.
“I started getting better right around the time that George Floyd was murdered,” Williams said, noting that many of her friends and loved ones took to the street, risking their health at the price of justice.
“I wanted to create a support system for us. For the Black people on and off stage that give themselves tirelessly to tell stories. We needed a safety net. They needed to feel like they could go out and protest and someone was going to have their backs. These often incredibly empathic and creative folx who have been mined for their talents (on and off stage) over and over again deserved that support system. Wealth, access, and resources are so often influenced by race and gender. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to affect change on a microlevel in our community.”
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Joining the anti-racist groundswell in the American theatre, Williams said the times felt especially fraught being both an Aquarius (the humanitarian of the Zodiac chart) and a Black woman, expressing that it is difficult to ask for help when you need it, as Black women are taught from an early age to persevere and take care of others at the expense of themselves.
“NBMA is about redistributing wealth in order to put it into Black theater folx,” Williams shared. “Funds aren’t allocated for anything specific; people are allowed to request multiple weeks in a row. It is a first-come, first-serve model. We are here to help create just a little extra help, no matter what that looks like, for our community.”
Money comes into the NBMA, and then money goes out—usually via CashApp or Venmo. Those who are able to give, and then those who are in need request. From there, Williams gets to work in fielding the Google docs and their requests.
She noted NBMA is for all Black theater professionals, regardless of gender expression and outright need, illuminating the fact that most theater professions, including Williams, are out of work until at least January 2021, when theaters can reopen.
“This is true for people from all walks of life in theater, but unfortunately due to the systemic racism that is prevalent in both our industry and government, this is adversely impacting Black theatre-makers more,” Williams said. “There are people like me who do not have the option to move ‘home’ but also cannot afford to pay rent without a job. If NBMA can help with groceries one week or transportation to and from protests, maybe even a bit towards rent, we can keep Black theater artists alive. And truly in this climate, staying alive is an act of radical resistance.”
Williams stated none of the work would be possible were it not for her particular administrative and stage managerial experience built up over time from working in nonprofits, which has single-handedly produced the fruits of her labor. She elucidated that her knowledge of surveys and spreadsheets have kept things organized, while her ability to manage people has helped her be transparent and manage expectations. She also noted that her networking skills and inventory of close friends helped, especially in enlisting financial advisors for the fund, creating an LLC, and crafting a logo.
The hard work paid off. Not only has the fund seen strong online traffic (check out the buzzing Instagram account @newblackmutualaid), but Williams has also been tapped by industry leaders to participate in events like the inaugural Antonyo Awards, created by Andrew Shade of Broadway Black.
Presenting lighting and scenic design prizes with friend and stage manager Cody Renard Richard, Williams said she had an amazing time participating, despite her nerves—Williams usually prefers to work behind the scenes.
“I do not have a ring light so my cellphone was balancing on my windowsill in order to get the best light, and we had to hold multiple times when my downstairs neighbor decided to blast the newest Bad Bunny album, which is fire by the way,” she laughed. “Watching all my amazing friends and family was an added bonus. There was so much Black theatre joy on Juneteenth this year and it really filled my soul.”
Although a lot of positivity has come out of her efforts, Williams is highly aware that she is only at the tip of the iceberg with regards to fighting police brutality and creating pathways toward justice. With the recent loss of civil rights icons John Lewis and C. T. Vivian, Black liberation has become imperative for emerging BIPOC activists like Williams who believe the nation is in the midst of a revolution.
“In a revolution, it is necessary to have several lanes. No revolution was ever won by one means of protest,” Williams said. “Being in the streets is necessary to get people’s attention. It is necessary for creating community. It is necessary for keeping pressure on systems and individual people. That is the power of protest.”
“We need people talking about political reform and driving that as much as we need the people physically sitting in in Louisville and taking to the streets in Portland, New York, Seattle, et cetera,” she added. “Anti-Blackness and racism are pervasive. It has subtly stained so many factions of our life. I believe we need to fight it everywhere we can.”
If you are interested and want to know more or get involved, Nzinga Williams would like you to follow these accounts, to name a few: @Justiceforgeorgenyc, @Warriorsinthegarden, and @Untilfreedom.
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Contributor: Marcus Scott
Marcus Scott is a New York City-based playwright, musical writer, opera librettist, and journalist. He has contributed to Time Out New York, American Theatre, Elle, Essence, Out, Uptown, Trace, Hello Beautiful, Madame Noire, and Playbill, among other publications.
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painterlegendx · 4 years
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A government advocate Thursday apprenticed a federal appeals console to block a civic admonition issued by an Oregon adjudicator that confined Admiral Donald Trump from acute immigrants to prove they can get or pay for bloom allowance afore they’re accepted visas.
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Hire Workers Compensation Attorney in Miami for Compensation .. | medical insurance attorney U.S. Department of Justice advocate August E. Flentje alleged the admonition “legally awry and awfully overbroad” and argued it doesn’t aboveboard with the 2018 U.S. Supreme Cloister cardinal in Hawaii v. Trump.That cardinal upheld Trump’s ascendancy to ban travelers from assertive majority-Muslim countries beneath a federal law that permits the admiral to bar access of adopted nationals that would be “detrimental to the interests of the United States.”Ninth U.S. Circuit Adjudicator Marsha S. Berzon anon intervened. “Is it the government’s position that the admiral can exclude any group?'' she asked. "Could the admiral exclude all children?”Flentje responded: “Whenever the admiral finds access of any chic of aliens would be adverse to the United States.” He acclaimed that Congress gave the admiral such authority.He said Presidential Announcement 9945 was drafted to abode the “burdens of uncompensated affliction for new arrivals, who abridgement allowance at abundant college rates.”The announcement says immigrants applying for U.S. visas can’t access the country unless they can appearance they’ll be covered by bloom allowance aural 30 canicule or appearance they acquire the banking assets to pay for “reasonably foreseeable” medical costs.A day afore it was set to booty aftereffect on Nov. 3, Oregon’s U.S. District Adjudicator Michael H. Simon issued a acting abstinent adjustment and again on Nov. 26 accepted a civic injunction, barring it from activity into practice.
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FL-7-INFO Instructions for Request of Hearing Regarding .. | medical insurance attorney Simon begin Trump’s announcement “inconsistent’’ with the Clearing and Nationalization Act of 1965. He disqualified it was issued after “any appropriately delegated authority’’ and little, if any, absolution for bond uncompensated bloom affliction costs to acknowledged immigrants.The plaintiffs accommodate U.S. citizens in Oregon, California, New York, Massachusetts and Illinois who acquire petitioned the government to sponsor a face about for an immigrant visa, as able-bodied as adopted nationals applying for immigrant visas and the Latino Network, a nonprofit alignment in Multnomah County that supports Latino association by abutting them with housing, banking and amusing abutment services.Two attorneys for the plaintiffs argued afore the three-member 9th U.S. Circuit Cloister of Appeals console in San Francisco that the Trump administering has bootless to accommodate affirmation to abutment its proclamation.They were buoyed by Berzon, who again questioned the underpinnings of the proclamation.The plaintiffs submitted able assessment that Announcement 9945 would affect 60 to 65% of contrarily acceptable acknowledged immigrants.“The government not alone hasn’t put any affirmation in to challenge the declaration,” by plaintiffs’ experts, Berzon said, “you submitted nothing, nothing.”The government’s advocate approved to refocus absorption on the acknowledged issues afore the court.
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Core Details For NY personal injury attorney Across The Usa .. | medical insurance attorney “Enjoining the president’s efforts is a cogent institutional abuse because Congress entrusted the admiral to accomplish these judgments,” Flentje said.The proclamation, he argued, “targets a botheration of aliens defective bloom allowance and the costs they appoint on the public, emergency rooms, hospitals.”The plaintiffs don’t acquire that the Hawaii v. Trump Supreme Cloister cardinal fabricated the president’s ability limitless, said Naomi Igra, one of their attorneys.While the government cites abstracts that immigrants are three times added acceptable to be uninsured than U.S. citizens and that the United States amateur $35 billion in anniversary uncompensated bloom affliction costs, it hasn’t quantified how abundant of the $35 billion is angry to uninsured immigrants, plaintiffs’ advocate Esther Sung argued.Ninth Circuit Adjudicator Daniel A. Bress, a contempo Trump appointee, asked why the admonition should be civic in scope.Bress wrote a diffuse bone aftermost ages back he was on the accident end of a 2-to-1 cardinal by the aforementioned three-member administrative panel, which alone the government’s antecedent motion for an emergency stay. The amount afore the cloister Thursday was the government’s motion for a nonemergency stay, or authority on the injunction, as the cloister considers the government’s abounding appeal.“Why wouldn’t this admonition be issued to assure (only) those afore the court?” Bress asked. “At this point, there is no class.’’
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7 Letter Format For Medical Insurance Claim Rejection New .. | medical insurance attorney The civic admonition is necessary, Sung said, to bottle the cachet quo and recognizes the new administration’s aphorism extends far above the called plaintiffs.Simon’s admonition “prevents aberrant change in the nation’s clearing system, which balances the equities while the activity moves forward,’’ she said.Simon is affective advanced with motions and arguments on whether to accredit the case as a chic activity while the government’s abounding address of the admonition on the claim charcoal afore the federal appeals court.The appeals console didn’t say back it would aphorism but adumbrated aftermost ages that it would accelerate its analysis of the nonemergency motion to put a authority on the injunction.-- Maxine BernsteinEmail at [email protected] on Twitter @maxoregonian
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captaindoubled · 7 years
Random thought nugget in these trying times of brokenness- if you need something health related, public health or personal health, check out your state’s Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) Website
I regularly use the State’s “family planning” services for my birth control and Pap smears and exams and those services don’t show up on a regular goggle search and for the past couple years it’s cost me jack (and one time they gave me a fucking year supply of BC for free and all the condoms I could fit it my bag and thats was when I was with my abusive ex and like I didn’t say he was forcing me to not have sex with a condom outright but it was implied and they stocked me up. I would have gotten pregnant by that fuck without them) and like I don’t think this place is through the planned parenthood umbrella. It’s a separate service and people and they are still just as good and kind and every time I’ve been (aside from the long as waits but what’s the do about That) I’ve had a good experience and they always asked if they can call or leave a message on a certain line, if you prefer email and what they can say or hell even letter if they have to just to make sure you are safe and like idk what was on my face when I went there during my abuse but they def did everything they could to make sure I was good without outright asking.
Rn we have a mosquito problem and I found some folks to call about that because I’ve yet to see anyone come through and spray in my country in a grip and we’ve got a small creek by our house (I know why it’s getting bad here because my county actually just got in trouble in the National News for fucking up bee populations by spraying in the am)
Lemme see what else I can just find real quick on my state’s DHEC site:
Info on providers for things like shaken baby, drugs, cancer, asthma, a low cost network form (which my ass is def about to sign up for)
Serve Safe Certification (Food standard safety for people selling food in restaurants or grocery stories, really good for folks who wanna sell food for extra money ((Which is a good extra money maker!!)) and the license last a long ass time. My mom is actually serve safe certified from being a McDonald’s GM and That was 4-5 years ago and she still has another 5 years before she has to get re certified)
EMS training
Health Care providers for kids with special needs.
Oral health care providers
And this is like one page? There are several more pages of a lot of really good stuff like pollution, ozone trackers for Asthma and bad lung folks.
And I live in SC and we have all those services and our government is basically trying to starve us the fuck out by not accepting Medicare and food stamp expansions and then complaining that the programs are bad because it’s not good for folks because costs are high when they didn’t accept the money in the first place. Like?? One of them was the Haley bitch that’s the UN ambassador, another is a Mega Coon that white people love so much it’s disgusting we can’t get rid of him!! And then a bunch of other mega trump Supporters and we have all these resources still!!
They also have news letter for public meetings which as soon as I move and start getting in a more stable controlled place myself my ass is def about to be that annoying town hall meeting hoe that’s always there so if you’ve got the spoons to go, I’d go. White people show up religiously to those things and that’s how they get their petty wants in.
A lot of these things don’t show up when you just google them tho. You have to put in state government or whatever to filter it toward DHEC services because search algorithms are paid up and business pay to be higher up on those searches.
So give your DHEC site a look first and then go elsewhere if they don’t have what you need. You’ll end up saving money in the end!
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Coronavirus Is Keeping Me Home From Work. Will I Get Paid?
As the novel coronavirus continues to march across the country, for many workers getting sick is only part of what worries them. What about getting paid if they are ill or have to be quarantined?
Congressional Democrats are pushing for legislation that would provide generous paid leave for those who are not being compensated while out of work because of sickness, quarantine or family needs resulting from the coronavirus outbreak. Republicans and members of the administration have said they also are open to negotiations on a proposal. A vote in the House on legislation is expected as soon as Thursday, but it is not clear if Congress could reach an accord on such a bill before members leave for a two-week break at the end of this week.
Currently, 10 states and the District of Columbia have laws that require some paid sick leave, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families. In addition, nearly two dozen cities and counties have paid sick leave laws.
If you’re wondering what financial protection you have, here are answers to some common questions.
What if I’m quarantined for 14 days but I don’t have any symptoms of illness, or my office is closed because of the virus? Will I still get paid?
People aren’t automatically entitled to any benefits if they’ve been quarantined, said Carol Harnett, a health and disability consultant in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Your paid leave will depend on what benefits your company offers as well as any benefits mandated by the state or local jurisdiction.
What benefits you’re entitled to will also likely depend on whether you’ve been quarantined because you’re actually sick with COVID-19 — the illness caused by the new coronavirus ― or if you’re sidelined as a precautionary measure because you’ve been exposed to someone who is sick.
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Whether or not you’re ill, most employers would consider being quarantined something for which workers can take paid sick leave, said Rich Fuerstenberg, a senior partner at benefits consultancy Mercer. Your company may, however, offer other paid benefits that can cover your absence, such as emergency leave, vacation or a paid-time-off benefit.
Unless you have symptoms and have tested positive for the coronavirus, you generally won’t be eligible for short-term disability coverage, which typically kicks in for employees out of work because of a non-work-related illness or injury after a one- or two-week waiting period.
“For disability benefits, you have to not be able to do your job,” Harnett said. “There are plenty of people who are being treated for cancer or back pain who are working. If you can perform the essential responsibilities of your job, you’re not eligible for disability benefits.”
There are some exceptions. California, for example, is allowing people who have the coronavirus or have been exposed to it to be covered under that state’s disability insurance program.
If you’re quarantined and you can work remotely, however, you can still get paid your regular wages. A number of companies have been encouraging their employees to do just that, including Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft, in California and Seattle.
If your workplace is closed because of the virus, or you can’t get to work because the subway is shut down, for example, some employers say they would continue to pay workers. Nearly half of the 52 employers that responded to a Mercer question on the company’s website said they would pay at least some of their employees who were unable to work because of circumstances beyond their control.
What if my kids’ schools are closed because of the virus and I can’t get child care, or I have to stay home to help my aging parents? Will my employer still pay me?
Of the states that have paid sick day laws, half a dozen require some employers to compensate workers for at least some time during public health emergencies, including coverage if a child’s school is closed, said Jessica Mason, a senior policy analyst at the National Partnership for Women and Families. They are Arizona, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Some cities and municipalities also require it, she said.
If your children or your parents are sick, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act requires firms with 50 or more employees to provide eligible workers up to 12 weeks off to take care of themselves or family members with serious health conditions. But that leave is unpaid.
Meanwhile, eight states and the District of Columbia have family and medical leave insurance laws that are similar to the federal law but require employers to pay workers to some degree if they take time off for this reason, according to the National Partnership.
“The coronavirus really exposes the gaps that we have in the public health system, including a real lack of workplace policies to cover these types of contingencies,” Mason said.
What if I’m exposed to the virus on the job?
If people get a job-related illness or injury, workers’ compensation insurance may pay for their medical care and rehabilitation and cover their lost wages.
But people generally have had a hard time proving that they got a virus on the job, said Harnett. What’s to say transmission didn’t occur at the grocery store or the airport coming home from a business trip?
Harnett said that in some cases health care workers have been approved for workers’ comp after getting influenza on the job. So it’s possible that nursing home or hospital workers, who’ve been on the front lines treating people diagnosed with COVID-19, could likewise make a credible argument that they were infected at work.
Workers whose employers don’t offer health insurance or who have plans with high deductibles could be better off if their illness is determined to be job-related. Workers’ compensation insurance pays 100% of medical costs.
One potential sticking point: Some states have rules prohibiting anyone from getting workers’ compensation for a viral infection, said Fuerstenberg.
My employer doesn’t offer sick leave or any paid leave. I don’t feel like I can take time off even if I feel sick. What are my options?
You’re in a very tough spot. Absent state or municipal requirements that require paid leave or new legislation at the federal level, your employer isn’t required to pay you if you don’t do the job you’re hired for.
That can be devastating, especially for people in lower-wage jobs, said Terri Rhodes, CEO of the Disability Management Employer Coalition. “They may not be able to make the rent or put groceries on the table.”
Lower-wage workers are often the ones most seriously affected by spotty sick leave policies. According to the Department of Labor, 47% of workers whose wages are in the lowest 25% wage bracket have access to paid sick leave, while 90% of workers in the top 25% wage bracket have paid sick leave.
Some companies have announced changes to their paid-leave policies in recent days.
Darden Restaurants, the company that owns Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse, announced Tuesday that this week it began providing paid sick leave to about 180,000 hourly workers. Hourly workers will accrue one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked.
Trader Joe’s is encouraging workers to stay home if they feel ill, according to news reports, and promising to pay them for lost time.
Such changes could be crucial to managing the spread of the virus.
“Retail and restaurant workers are going to be one of our biggest transmission points because they are going to go to work, especially if they don’t have symptoms,” Harnett said. “And they’re going to handle food and be face-to-face with people.”
Some employers that don’t provide paid time off nevertheless have short-term disability policies that could provide some income protection if you’re sick, said Harnett. But those policies typically have a waiting period of one or two weeks before benefits kick in, and two weeks without pay can be a devastating financial blow to lower-wage workers, who are often the employees without paid leave.
In addition, short-term disability policies may be offered only to salaried workers or managers.
Coronavirus Is Keeping Me Home From Work. Will I Get Paid? published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Coronavirus Is Keeping Me Home From Work. Will I Get Paid?
As the novel coronavirus continues to march across the country, for many workers getting sick is only part of what worries them. What about getting paid if they are ill or have to be quarantined?
Congressional Democrats are pushing for legislation that would provide generous paid leave for those who are not being compensated while out of work because of sickness, quarantine or family needs resulting from the coronavirus outbreak. Republicans and members of the administration have said they also are open to negotiations on a proposal. A vote in the House on legislation is expected as soon as Thursday, but it is not clear if Congress could reach an accord on such a bill before members leave for a two-week break at the end of this week.
Currently, 10 states and the District of Columbia have laws that require some paid sick leave, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families. In addition, nearly two dozen cities and counties have paid sick leave laws.
If you’re wondering what financial protection you have, here are answers to some common questions.
What if I’m quarantined for 14 days but I don’t have any symptoms of illness, or my office is closed because of the virus? Will I still get paid?
People aren’t automatically entitled to any benefits if they’ve been quarantined, said Carol Harnett, a health and disability consultant in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Your paid leave will depend on what benefits your company offers as well as any benefits mandated by the state or local jurisdiction.
What benefits you’re entitled to will also likely depend on whether you’ve been quarantined because you’re actually sick with COVID-19 — the illness caused by the new coronavirus ― or if you’re sidelined as a precautionary measure because you’ve been exposed to someone who is sick.
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Whether or not you’re ill, most employers would consider being quarantined something for which workers can take paid sick leave, said Rich Fuerstenberg, a senior partner at benefits consultancy Mercer. Your company may, however, offer other paid benefits that can cover your absence, such as emergency leave, vacation or a paid-time-off benefit.
Unless you have symptoms and have tested positive for the coronavirus, you generally won’t be eligible for short-term disability coverage, which typically kicks in for employees out of work because of a non-work-related illness or injury after a one- or two-week waiting period.
“For disability benefits, you have to not be able to do your job,” Harnett said. “There are plenty of people who are being treated for cancer or back pain who are working. If you can perform the essential responsibilities of your job, you’re not eligible for disability benefits.”
There are some exceptions. California, for example, is allowing people who have the coronavirus or have been exposed to it to be covered under that state’s disability insurance program.
If you’re quarantined and you can work remotely, however, you can still get paid your regular wages. A number of companies have been encouraging their employees to do just that, including Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft, in California and Seattle.
If your workplace is closed because of the virus, or you can’t get to work because the subway is shut down, for example, some employers say they would continue to pay workers. Nearly half of the 52 employers that responded to a Mercer question on the company’s website said they would pay at least some of their employees who were unable to work because of circumstances beyond their control.
What if my kids’ schools are closed because of the virus and I can’t get child care, or I have to stay home to help my aging parents? Will my employer still pay me?
Of the states that have paid sick day laws, half a dozen require some employers to compensate workers for at least some time during public health emergencies, including coverage if a child’s school is closed, said Jessica Mason, a senior policy analyst at the National Partnership for Women and Families. They are Arizona, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Some cities and municipalities also require it, she said.
If your children or your parents are sick, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act requires firms with 50 or more employees to provide eligible workers up to 12 weeks off to take care of themselves or family members with serious health conditions. But that leave is unpaid.
Meanwhile, eight states and the District of Columbia have family and medical leave insurance laws that are similar to the federal law but require employers to pay workers to some degree if they take time off for this reason, according to the National Partnership.
“The coronavirus really exposes the gaps that we have in the public health system, including a real lack of workplace policies to cover these types of contingencies,” Mason said.
What if I’m exposed to the virus on the job?
If people get a job-related illness or injury, workers’ compensation insurance may pay for their medical care and rehabilitation and cover their lost wages.
But people generally have had a hard time proving that they got a virus on the job, said Harnett. What’s to say transmission didn’t occur at the grocery store or the airport coming home from a business trip?
Harnett said that in some cases health care workers have been approved for workers’ comp after getting influenza on the job. So it’s possible that nursing home or hospital workers, who’ve been on the front lines treating people diagnosed with COVID-19, could likewise make a credible argument that they were infected at work.
Workers whose employers don’t offer health insurance or who have plans with high deductibles could be better off if their illness is determined to be job-related. Workers’ compensation insurance pays 100% of medical costs.
One potential sticking point: Some states have rules prohibiting anyone from getting workers’ compensation for a viral infection, said Fuerstenberg.
My employer doesn’t offer sick leave or any paid leave. I don’t feel like I can take time off even if I feel sick. What are my options?
You’re in a very tough spot. Absent state or municipal requirements that require paid leave or new legislation at the federal level, your employer isn’t required to pay you if you don’t do the job you’re hired for.
That can be devastating, especially for people in lower-wage jobs, said Terri Rhodes, CEO of the Disability Management Employer Coalition. “They may not be able to make the rent or put groceries on the table.”
Lower-wage workers are often the ones most seriously affected by spotty sick leave policies. According to the Department of Labor, 47% of workers whose wages are in the lowest 25% wage bracket have access to paid sick leave, while 90% of workers in the top 25% wage bracket have paid sick leave.
Some companies have announced changes to their paid-leave policies in recent days.
Darden Restaurants, the company that owns Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse, announced Tuesday that this week it began providing paid sick leave to about 180,000 hourly workers. Hourly workers will accrue one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked.
Trader Joe’s is encouraging workers to stay home if they feel ill, according to news reports, and promising to pay them for lost time.
Such changes could be crucial to managing the spread of the virus.
“Retail and restaurant workers are going to be one of our biggest transmission points because they are going to go to work, especially if they don’t have symptoms,” Harnett said. “And they’re going to handle food and be face-to-face with people.”
Some employers that don’t provide paid time off nevertheless have short-term disability policies that could provide some income protection if you’re sick, said Harnett. But those policies typically have a waiting period of one or two weeks before benefits kick in, and two weeks without pay can be a devastating financial blow to lower-wage workers, who are often the employees without paid leave.
In addition, short-term disability policies may be offered only to salaried workers or managers.
Coronavirus Is Keeping Me Home From Work. Will I Get Paid? published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Coronavirus Is Keeping Me Home From Work. Will I Get Paid?
As the novel coronavirus continues to march across the country, for many workers getting sick is only part of what worries them. What about getting paid if they are ill or have to be quarantined?
Congressional Democrats are pushing for legislation that would provide generous paid leave for those who are not being compensated while out of work because of sickness, quarantine or family needs resulting from the coronavirus outbreak. Republicans and members of the administration have said they also are open to negotiations on a proposal. A vote in the House on legislation is expected as soon as Thursday, but it is not clear if Congress could reach an accord on such a bill before members leave for a two-week break at the end of this week.
Currently, 10 states and the District of Columbia have laws that require some paid sick leave, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families. In addition, nearly two dozen cities and counties have paid sick leave laws.
If you’re wondering what financial protection you have, here are answers to some common questions.
What if I’m quarantined for 14 days but I don’t have any symptoms of illness, or my office is closed because of the virus? Will I still get paid?
People aren’t automatically entitled to any benefits if they’ve been quarantined, said Carol Harnett, a health and disability consultant in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Your paid leave will depend on what benefits your company offers as well as any benefits mandated by the state or local jurisdiction.
What benefits you’re entitled to will also likely depend on whether you’ve been quarantined because you’re actually sick with COVID-19 — the illness caused by the new coronavirus ― or if you’re sidelined as a precautionary measure because you’ve been exposed to someone who is sick.
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Whether or not you’re ill, most employers would consider being quarantined something for which workers can take paid sick leave, said Rich Fuerstenberg, a senior partner at benefits consultancy Mercer. Your company may, however, offer other paid benefits that can cover your absence, such as emergency leave, vacation or a paid-time-off benefit.
Unless you have symptoms and have tested positive for the coronavirus, you generally won’t be eligible for short-term disability coverage, which typically kicks in for employees out of work because of a non-work-related illness or injury after a one- or two-week waiting period.
“For disability benefits, you have to not be able to do your job,” Harnett said. “There are plenty of people who are being treated for cancer or back pain who are working. If you can perform the essential responsibilities of your job, you’re not eligible for disability benefits.”
There are some exceptions. California, for example, is allowing people who have the coronavirus or have been exposed to it to be covered under that state’s disability insurance program.
If you’re quarantined and you can work remotely, however, you can still get paid your regular wages. A number of companies have been encouraging their employees to do just that, including Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft, in California and Seattle.
If your workplace is closed because of the virus, or you can’t get to work because the subway is shut down, for example, some employers say they would continue to pay workers. Nearly half of the 52 employers that responded to a Mercer question on the company’s website said they would pay at least some of their employees who were unable to work because of circumstances beyond their control.
What if my kids’ schools are closed because of the virus and I can’t get child care, or I have to stay home to help my aging parents? Will my employer still pay me?
Of the states that have paid sick day laws, half a dozen require some employers to compensate workers for at least some time during public health emergencies, including coverage if a child’s school is closed, said Jessica Mason, a senior policy analyst at the National Partnership for Women and Families. They are Arizona, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Some cities and municipalities also require it, she said.
If your children or your parents are sick, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act requires firms with 50 or more employees to provide eligible workers up to 12 weeks off to take care of themselves or family members with serious health conditions. But that leave is unpaid.
Meanwhile, eight states and the District of Columbia have family and medical leave insurance laws that are similar to the federal law but require employers to pay workers to some degree if they take time off for this reason, according to the National Partnership.
“The coronavirus really exposes the gaps that we have in the public health system, including a real lack of workplace policies to cover these types of contingencies,” Mason said.
What if I’m exposed to the virus on the job?
If people get a job-related illness or injury, workers’ compensation insurance may pay for their medical care and rehabilitation and cover their lost wages.
But people generally have had a hard time proving that they got a virus on the job, said Harnett. What’s to say transmission didn’t occur at the grocery store or the airport coming home from a business trip?
Harnett said that in some cases health care workers have been approved for workers’ comp after getting influenza on the job. So it’s possible that nursing home or hospital workers, who’ve been on the front lines treating people diagnosed with COVID-19, could likewise make a credible argument that they were infected at work.
Workers whose employers don’t offer health insurance or who have plans with high deductibles could be better off if their illness is determined to be job-related. Workers’ compensation insurance pays 100% of medical costs.
One potential sticking point: Some states have rules prohibiting anyone from getting workers’ compensation for a viral infection, said Fuerstenberg.
My employer doesn’t offer sick leave or any paid leave. I don’t feel like I can take time off even if I feel sick. What are my options?
You’re in a very tough spot. Absent state or municipal requirements that require paid leave or new legislation at the federal level, your employer isn’t required to pay you if you don’t do the job you’re hired for.
That can be devastating, especially for people in lower-wage jobs, said Terri Rhodes, CEO of the Disability Management Employer Coalition. “They may not be able to make the rent or put groceries on the table.”
Lower-wage workers are often the ones most seriously affected by spotty sick leave policies. According to the Department of Labor, 47% of workers whose wages are in the lowest 25% wage bracket have access to paid sick leave, while 90% of workers in the top 25% wage bracket have paid sick leave.
Some companies have announced changes to their paid-leave policies in recent days.
Darden Restaurants, the company that owns Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse, announced Tuesday that this week it began providing paid sick leave to about 180,000 hourly workers. Hourly workers will accrue one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked.
Trader Joe’s is encouraging workers to stay home if they feel ill, according to news reports, and promising to pay them for lost time.
Such changes could be crucial to managing the spread of the virus.
“Retail and restaurant workers are going to be one of our biggest transmission points because they are going to go to work, especially if they don’t have symptoms,” Harnett said. “And they’re going to handle food and be face-to-face with people.”
Some employers that don’t provide paid time off nevertheless have short-term disability policies that could provide some income protection if you’re sick, said Harnett. But those policies typically have a waiting period of one or two weeks before benefits kick in, and two weeks without pay can be a devastating financial blow to lower-wage workers, who are often the employees without paid leave.
In addition, short-term disability policies may be offered only to salaried workers or managers.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/coronavirus-is-keeping-me-home-from-work-will-i-get-paid/
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"Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
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How much is commercial car insurance?
I am doing a project for school and need to know a ball park range of the annual cost of car insurance for a courier service. here's some info: -2 cars -6 drivers -cars will not travel more than 20 miles per trip -liability limit $500,000 -uninsured/underinsured motorist limit $500,000 -General liability coverage: 1,000,000 **these do not have to be exact but the rate you give me is for other limits, just tell me those limits. I have no idea so any info you have and can back up would be awesome! THANKS!""
Do you need insurance to have a driver's license in California?
Do you need to have insurance in order to have a driver's license? Or can you have a driver's license, but no car, and no insurance. So i'm a minor, and my question is, If I have a CA driver's license, do I still need insurance when I don't have a car? (Insurance + Car) ....... or ........ (Insurance + License)""
How much cheaper is bike insurance (if at all) than car insurance?
i am 18 and am torn between the two, i will go for the cheapest option. as none of my parents can drive i cant be put on one of there policies :( so id have to start from scratch. if i am to insure a bike im lookin at insurance for a bike of 125 cc.""
""Will my car get tow,i change the insurance to my father name.?""
I financed a car and all the paperwork is under my name,but i change the insurance under my father name.now i received a letter saying i don't have insurance,and i told them is under my father name.they want me to change it in my name,but i don't want to.if i put my name in the insurance it will be high. can i leave it under his name,or put my name in it.""
""What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
How to insure my car if I go to live in France?
I'm moving to France soon and I would like to keep my english car. Insurance companies are asking for the bonus-malus and I don't know the equivalent in english...so they can't tell me how much it would be...Does anybody had to insure their car in France? What do I need to do? thanks xxxx
When asked to give name and address for a car insurance quote?
Do they send you information? Because my parents currently pay for my car insurance but I want to get some insurance quotes before I move out of the house (which they don't know about). I also don't want junk mail...
Car insurance question?
I have a 2000 Landrover, and right now I'm on my moms insurance policy and the car is in her name. I think its stupid that I have to pay insurance when the car isnt even in my name, but everytime I ask her to put it in my name she gives me some bull about it being like $200 to transfer titles and that it if its in my name ill have to get off her insurance. Is any of that true? And if so, how much does it cost to get your own policy? My insurance is 160 right now if that makes any difference. It's kinda high because I had a wreck about a year ago.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance ?
Is safe auto cheaper than pronto insurance?
How to get health insurance with a preexisting condition?
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia few years ago while working with special ed children. I was having COBRA and then CalCOBRA insurance through Kaiser that I was paying by myself. My CalCOBRA expires on March 31st, 2012 and they do not want to extend it and also Kaiser insurance, although I am their member since 1994, does not want to offer me an Individual option health plan because the fibromyalgia is considered as a preexisting condition and other health insurances do not want to accept because of that too. I feel lost. I live in Southern California, Los Angeles county and please does any one know of any health insurance that is accepting the members with preexisting condition. I am not working right now because I went back to the university to change my field. Thank you in advance for your help, time and answers. Macka""
How much does it cost to insure a 90's range rover?
vogue SE range rover, 3.9l, automatic, 17 years old, first car. aiming for a 90's range rover because they're cheaper than a decent vauxhall astra or comparable yobbo style car. i belive a range rover is insurance group 14. thanks!""
How can I get lower car insurance for my old car?
I have a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and it has 150,000 miles. It's paid for now and I'm paying about $700 6 months full coverage. Is there certain things I should lower the coverage cost?""
Which of the following might put you in the high risk insurance category?
a. ticket for drinking in public b. ticket for speeding 80 in 55 mph zone c. ticket for jaywalking d. 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse not!!)
""Looking at Insurance Quotes & found a car under our address that is not ours, what to do?""
so my family has been looking at insurance quotes the last couple of days and this random car always shows up under ours address along with the actual cars we have, my parents are worried someone might have used their name or sumthing.. how do we deal with this and who do we ask? on one of the websites I got the last 6 or so digits of the car's vin number. My brother suggested asking police department or the Security of State but who can provide us with this information and what exactly do we ask for ??""
How much is insurance for a 2008 Nissan GTR?
I want to buy a 2008 GTR but I want to now how much car insurance would cost before I buy it. Ive hear that it costs A LOT per year.
Question about buying a car without insurance?
Hey everyone, I need answers without criticism as Im new to this and know as much as you did when you bought your first car. I live in Texas and I have my learners permit but will get my license in around a month or so. We found a great deal on a car I love, and my parents want to buy it. However, as I said, I dont have my license yet, therfore, I dont have insurance. I was wondering, if my parents want to buy the car and keep it at home in the garage until i get my license and can get insurance, how would it work from the moment I buy the car until I drive it home. My parents have full-cover insurance with State Farm in both their cars, each pays their own insurance, would their insurance cover a second (technically third) car? What would be the step to take? How can I drive the car in peace without being nervous about getting pulled over or something? Please no rude answers, im trying to do things right, thus im here asking, Thanks""
Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?
Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?
Cheapest car insurance company?
i am 27 years old have a pretty good driving record with only 2 violations (speeding, and stop sign) in the past few years. i have a 2000 chevy silverado (strip model, 2 wheel drive, nothing to steal on the inside with 120k on in only worth like 3,000) i only want liability no colision insurence. does anyone know what company through experiance gives the best quotes? i onlly need bear minumum on this truck and only drive it part time.""
Cheapest & Best Auto/Motorcycle Insurance?
Can people please share what they think is the cheapest & best insurance? We currently have state farm & feel we're getting ripped off. We have 2 vehicles 93' Ford F150 (owned, no payments) 00' Chevy Cavalier (owned, no payments) 83' Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, owned, no payments) THANK YOU! Also, why do they ask for a SS# when you apply?Are there any companies who dont? I hope theyre not checking my credit score =( I'm trying to raise it!""
Is the a law the people without auto insrance in california are at fault?
i wasuder the impression that there was a law passed that make it to be where if someone witout insurance gets in a accedent that it becomes there fault if this is trueplease let me know and if you know the law information please ad that
Buying a used car and auto insurance?
I'm looking to get a used car in the US, but I have several questions regarding this: 1) I will have to get auto insurance before buying the car and driving it on the road. How can I do this if I haven't bought a car though? 2) I'm a non-US citizen, and I have no credit rating at the moment. Will insurance companies deny my application or will my premium go up? 3) I will be relocating to another state after getting the car. Therefore, can I purchase auto-insurance in my current state first for a month, and then purchase it again once I reside in the new state? What's the best way to handle the insurance matters in this situation? Thanks for all the help.""
High risk insurance companies in Ontario?
Hello all! I have fallen into the high risk category for auto insurance in Ontario and I need help in finding a company or companies that would be willing to sell auto insurance to me. I cannot seem to find any links on Google. Would anyone have the names of any companies that deal in auto insurance for high risk drivers? In terms of quotes, what are some quotes that anyone has personally experienced? As for background information, I have no accidents (knock on wood...) and no DUIs. Just one too many traffic tickets :-(. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!""
Mortgage Life insurance or regular Life insurance?
My husband and I got information on Mortgage Life Insurance which basically is kind of like Life Insurance I guess and pays off your mortgage if someone dies. For example, our house is $180,000 and I die in 10 years and the mortgage balance is $80,000 then my husband still gets the original $180,000. He can use this to pay off the mortgage plus have money left over and use for whatever. This sounds like a great deal to get but I want to get other people's opinions who know information on this. It is called Forester Mortgage life insurance. Also, what is the difference between this and regular life insurance? Is regular life insurance better? Thanks!""
If my insurance pays off what i owe on my car would it be on my name?
or would if be on my car agency name? i was hit by a 73 male no insurance and well all i have now is for my insurance to cover it and to fix my car is about $7,500 and its a total loss so my mom was told and estimate of what the car might be worth is between 5,000 and 6,000 i have and 2004 Hyundai Elentra. I still owe the agency a year of payment so is the check going to be under my name or the agency. im hoping under my name this way im able to buy a car- cash and keep paying my agency what i owe. bc it sucks to still pay off money even if the 6,000 for the agency and i still have to pay monthly if its not enough to cover the whole amount i owe. HELP""
Anybody can help me with cheap car insurance.?
im 19 years old i want to but a used car but i wanna know the cheapest way to pay for car insurance.im new at this so thank you for ur help
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
Why do woman drivers get cheaper car insurance?
Is it better to say i live alone instead of with my grandparents when buying car insurance?
i already bought the policy but i said at the time i lived with my sister which bumped it up $100!!! so its been a month and i called to say i live with my grandparents now but there saying i have to come in to take my sister off and put my grandparents on. i told them i lived with my grandparents in hopes that it would go down! not put them on my policy. they have their own insurance, have had it for years, and they will NEVER be driving my car soo WTF insurance is a ripe off. what should i tell them??""
Rental Car Insurance?
Can you get rental car insurance through another company other then the company you are renting from? The insurance is as much as the car rental and that's just ridiculous!
Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure?
Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure?
I was speeding 16 mph over the limit and it is my first offense. how much will my fine be?
I am 17 and I was driving my parents car, under their insurance. how much do you think my fine will be? and will my parents insurance rates go up if I go to the court date, plead guilty, pay the fine, and go to traffic/driving school?""
If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable?
My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do.""
How much would the insurance cost for a high dollar sports car?
Like a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or a $500,000 Chrysler ME 4-12? A little vague, but what would a ballpark amount be?""
Need help with my car insurance. . . ?
i need some help cos i'm pretty confused so i bought a car at the start of the year, took out a loan to get it, etc and I have been having no problems paying it off so that was going fine. than two months ago i had a huge crash which totalled my car. It wasn't deemed my fault or the other person's fault. I did have full comprehensive insurance, but i missed two payments. I remember recieving a letter saying if i kept missing these payments then my insurance would be cancelled. Than when i put my claim in to get my insurance on my car through after the crash, they said i had recieved a letter syaing that my insurance had been cancelled due to lack of payments. I'm confused, i didn't get that letter. now, i have no car and am still paying off that loan. Is there any way I can fix this. I don't think i would be able to get another loan for another car, and i don't want to put myself into that much debt, but i really do need a car help?!?!?!""
How much will my car insurance be? Where should I go?
Hello! I got into a car accident that left my car totaled and my parents kicking me off their insurance plan. I bought myself a car and now I want to get insurance but I want to see a guess of what I'll be paying a month. The accident is listed as my fault with the insurance records. Please don't judge or be mean to me I just honestly need help with this question before I go shop around I want to get a guess of what people will tell me. I'm a 17 year old female, Caucasian. I have one major accident on my record. I live in El Paso, TX I am driving a 91 BMW E30 318i that is in good condition. How much would you guess I'd pay a month for the CHEAPEST insurance? I have a friend with no major wrecks paying on her own with good student discount $50 a month. What's the lowest I may be able to pay and what's the highest I may be able to pay? Thank you so much for your help! Have a nice day :)""
Where can i get cheap full coverage auto insurance?
I am buying a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix and I need full coverage for it. I am looking around $150.00 a month MAX. Thanks!
""My car got hit, older model car, no collision coverage what would insurance?
I have a 2001 Honda civic and my car got hit it wasn't my fault but I don't have collision coverage. What would happen? will my insurance go up? Will I get to keep my car? Help!!
1 Day Car Insurance?
I live in the UK and im trying to find 1 day car insurance but im only 20 any ideas please help!!!
Can i put my boyfriend on my car insurance?
okay so im finally getting my own car. The thing is its not really mine its going to be mainly for my boyfriend but going under both our names. That being said, i'm going to drive my boyfriends car. I need to know, being a first time driver, if that is even possible. Can i purchase insurance and make it possible to have my boyfriend as well as me under our insurance?""
How much Percentage of Premium Covers in Car Insurance Policy?
How much would insurance cost for a Porsche Boxster 2013?
I'm 18 my mom offered a Porsche boxster 2013 for my first car. She's putting a down payment and co signing it for me. But I was wondering how much the insurance would cost? Please help? And also if I should stick with this car or not?
Why is car insurance exhorbitant for 17 year olds and migrant workers run round with insurance thats cheaper?
Why is car insurance exhorbitant for 17 year olds and migrant workers run round with insurance thats cheaper?
How much should I expect from the insurance company for these damages to my car?
I have a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car was hit on the drivers side between the front and back doors. The front door is really damaged and the rear door has some""
Low Repair Estimate How to Go After Insurance Company?
I hit a car at its back and caused cracks on its rear bumper. It is my fault and my insurance company supposed to pay for the repair since I have liability insurance with them. But the estimate from my insurance company for the other car came out much lower than the estimates the other party got from other body shops. And now the other party comes after me and they said they gonna sue me. I would like to know how can I push my insurance company to come up more. Thanks!
Health Insurance question?
Hi i am a 22 yr old college student looking for health insurance. medicare denied me because i did not meet the requirements. my school offers insurance but it really doesn't cover anything. I'm in the state of Virginia if that helps. The question that i am asking i guess is is there any free/to low cost insurance out there for me
Any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm?
any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm
What are the variables included in the cost of car insurance?
What are the BASIC variables that are included in any car insurance? i.e...car color, car make, type of car, horsepower, year, age of driver, ethnicity...? Which things do they look at car wise/and driver wise that affect how much insurance you end up paying in the end? and does the speed of the car effect the cost greatly?""
A new car ? when does the new insurance apply?
does the new carpet needs insurance from the financial company
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
i just purchased a new car and only took the insurance cuz i wanted to drive the car off the lot. so i now have found a cheaper & better insurance company. i know i can cancel my policy with in thirty days and get a prorated refund and must show proof of new insurance. so what i am asking if i go without insurance for like a week and then buy new insurance will the rates go up because i went without insur. or will they go up because i just didnt pay the other insurance on time? can i stil cancel and get a refund if i come in a few days later than the due date? help!!
Is Gerber Life Insurance any good for my daughter?
Is Gerber Life Insurance any good for my daughter?
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
Shall I buy Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) at car rental?
I have car insurance for my Honda compact car via Geico. I need to rent a car at an airport for a small vacation. When I rent the car from Hertz or Enterprise or Dollar, shall I buy the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), which is about $10/day ? I already have insurance on my car and the insurance company said that my existing Geico coverage will be transferred to the rental car. So it really so? Just wanted peace in mind and I do not want to spend unnecessary price either. Could you please comment? Thanks a lot.""
Cheap cars to get insured on in the UK on a provisonal license?
cheap cars for young drivers to get insured on? Ok so I am a provisonal driver - currently the cheapest insurance quote i have found is for a smart car @ 730. Has any other provisional drivers got or had insurance on any cars that give a real cheap insurance? I was kind of thjintking a cheap 150 quid car would have even cheaper insurance but it turned out to be more expensive (Im lookin at 3rd party cover, not inc theft and fire btw)""
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Which car insurance companies aren't on comparison sites?
I know direct line don't use them but what others don't? I've checked all the comparison sites but would just like to check the ones they don't cover. Thanks.
What jobs in the UK offer car insurance as an extra?
I'm 17 and have just passed my driving test but because of the extreme insurance prices for young drivers nowadays I can't afford to run a car. My brother once working at a tyre fitting company and he was insured to drive any car/van worth up to 80,000. I was just wondering if any jobs would offer car insurance as an extra to a young driver?""
Canada Car Insurance?
Hi I am trying to find a rough estimate for car insurance in Toronto. The insurance should be for a normal car, like a ford focus 2000 model. I have 4 years no-claims, married and is 28. I hold a full license (British and South African) and will apply for an Ontarian one when I get there. If anyone has a similar details, please give me your insurance quote...it does not have to be spot on. I got some from websites, but they all seem to be $320+/m which is very high...I only pay 42 ($80ish) in England, which is already very high as I paid R110 (8.50ish) in South Africa. This is for my budget to see what I can expect over there. Thanks""
Car insurance for a G37?
I am under my parents car insurance, i havent been in an accident and have no point on my record. I also have all a's and b's. I currently have AAA and have been driving for 2.5 years. Is a G37 considered a sports car under AAA? if it is considered a sports car, how much would my insurance increase? (right now i have a honda accord 2004)""
Cheaper auto insurance. Paying like 1500 a year for insurance right now for 2007 civic?
I have amica and not the lowest rate possible by them I know but interested in looking around. I'm 25. Just graduated from college not long ago. live in ny. have a 2007 lx civic. Any insurance companies you recommend for a cheap rate. Have a clean driving history. thanks
What kind of motorcycle should I get? Is insurance expensive?
I recently got a job about an hour away and would like to make my commute cheaper. I was thinking of buying a motorcycle for $3500 or less but I have never done this before. I want to know what would be the best for the size person I am. I am 6'5 and 300 lbs. So i need a big bike. Also is insurance generally more expensive than car insurance or not? Any suggestions will help me know what to look for. Thank you
What are the cheapest auto insurance companies for young drivers?
What is the cheapest major auto insurance company for a 19 year old male, with no violations or accidents? Going to be buying first car in the next couple weeks and need insurance. Getting a much older used car so I don't car much about comprehensive and such, just want state minimum coverage (20/40/15 in IL) to be legal. I've seen quotes from Progressive, Geico, The General and Safe Auto. So far, geico has been considerably the lowest. I checked various models I was looking at, on average progressive was about $100/mo, the General and Safe Auto were around $120 and geico I saw the lowest as $45/mo ranging up to $80/mo (but I've already eliminated that car- a ford probe that sold before I could test drive) I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other major companies with lower rates, otherwise I'm obviously going with geico. Right now my options are down to a mitsu eclipse or a camry/corrolla/accord (something of that nature, whatevers on the lot and priced right) The eclipse from geico I believe was around 60-70, I imagine the camry would be more in the 45-50 range. Any companies with rates lower?""
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
When is the best time to talk to an insurance adjuster?
Someone hit my car and admitted fault while I was looking for a parking spot. The damage to my car was $1500. My gf was injured and goes to the chiropractor 3 times a week. The first day to the chiroprator cost like 400 dollars, and everyday after for treatment cost about 125. They want to treatment for atleast 1 month. The doctor told my gf that she was going to miss 2 weeks off work. The adjust wants to talk to us in one week after the accident. Should I contact a lawyer or no? They want to do a settlement. How much should I expect? They are already paying for the car repair, and car rental (6 days) But my insurance is paying for the doctor visits and stuff. I never been in an accident before that was caused by someone, so I'm not really sure how to deal with an adjuster. As soon as possible or wait till all treatments are done?""
How much money would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a 1982 dodge ramcharger?
i have allstate and i was just wondering if anyone new. and a ramcharger is a big truck/suv
About how much does General liability insurance?
Any Independent Contractors out there that could give me an idea about how much it cost, because I have no idea.""
Im 17 and pregnant where can i get affordable prenatal care in las vegas?
i dont yet have medicaid because my mom needs to take me off of her insurance...i just need to know where i can get either free or affordable prenatal care in las vegas...i dont need ...show more
Do home/auto insurance companies play favorites with their customers when they pay out claims? ?
This is probably going to come off as a little dumb, but I can't think of another way to phrase it. I'm 25 y/o, a new homeowner, and I already have filed a homeowners claim for water damage. I have had the easiest time in the world with my insurance company paying for repairs, and it actually really suprised me how easy it was. After I filed the claim, I looked around online, and I saw where people were having nightmare problems with their insurance company for the same type of damage I'm claiming. My parents have been with this insurance company for 25+ years. The policy is mine alone, but I have the same agent that they have. I've also been on my parents' car insurance since I turned 16. My parents and I have all been pretty-much accident/claim free, and they always pay their bills on time. Here's my question. When this insurance company was analyzing my claim, did they take into account my parents' longterm business, or are they considering me independent from my parents? I'm asking, because I've heard of companies that drop their clients after one water-damage claim, and I'm a little worried they'll drop me""
How do I get medical insurance?
Is it offered when you have a job? If i have children, do i just add them to the plan?""
Do anybody know anything about Gerber Life Insurance for children?
I've heard rumors that they dont pay. Do anybody know anything about Gerber.
How much money i need to start up car insurance business?
ok im licensed, i have office with experienced sales people , company name gaico , how much cash on hand i need to cover losses (lets say i signed 100 customers allready to gaico)""
Child support insurance in AZ.?
Can anyone tell me the laws in relationship t mu son turning 18? He'll still be in school, so law mandates I still pay child support til he's 19. But does that also mean I have to pay insurance until then also? His mother is the full-custody parent.""
I have insurance for a car I had for 6 days. The insurance co. says it's a total loss. They gave me a value?
Audatex is not kelly blue book they look at craigslist & not the dealer. Craigslist sometimes has cars where a mechanic might not catch it but is damaged. The price I paid is higher due to getting sick & credit went down so I had to go to a local dealer with higher interest. They want the insurance check plus $1700.00 & interest. So I will pay for this thing for over 1 1/2 years. I had it 6 days when some crazy driver almost hit me I turned & hit a wall. The insurance company says I loose my good driver discount. Since I will have to wait to pay off this car I can cancel my insurance once the dealer gets the check. Is there any California law that would say if this happens I would be able to pay off the car. It's worth more as a loss then to try to fix it. Please help. Thank You.
""Im wanting car insurance, what would be the best one for me?""
I am buying my first car, and getting a 1996 BMW 318i , im 18 years old, have a restricted licence, havnt had any driving convinctions or crashes and I live in NZ, Im just wanting to know what insurance would be best for me either Full or 3rd party etc, and how much that would roughly cost""
Are young adults covered under their parents health insurance till 26 under the new Obama law?
Is it true that the new Obama law states that children/young adults will receive health insurance coverage until they are 26 even if they are not in school, married, and living out of ...show more""
Affordable health insurance in Florida for someone who is 22 with no kids.?
I am 22 years old and I live in Florida. I have no health insurance but I really need it because I have asthma and alot of other health issues that seem to come up alot. Does anyone know of any type of affordable health insurance or anything that could help me?
Insurance Company Policy Number California?
I was rear ended and I obtain the person of interest's driver license, license plate, name, and policy number, but did not get the insurance company's name. I tried calling the suspect and came into her work (subway) to find out the number I was given was incorrect. I tried calling the new number and still no response. I remember seeing that the insurance company was from the Bay Area. The policy number is 1053121297. Could anyone help me connect this policy number format to a company?""
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
""Can you fake proof of insurance in Seattle, WA?""
My friend and I are having an argument. He believes that you can keep a fake insurance card in your car that looks legitimate and the police will not be able to check the information with the insurance company to verify that you actually have insurance, if they pull you over. Also, if you do not have proof of insurance, and you get cited for a ticket, he believes that you could send in fake proof of insurance to the Seattle Municipal Court so they would dismiss the ticket, less a $25 admin fee, because they do not check insurance information/do not have access to insurance records. I want to believe that he's wrong, but I don't know, I am not educated on the subject. Does anyone know the answer?""
Selling my car an confused about insurance?
I have a car from a dealership. It has to have full coverage etc. If I sell this car I got from the dealership & I don't pay off the loan an buy a car off craigslist. What will happen insurance wise when I take the car from the dealership of my insurance? Will there be a hassle? Should I call my dealership? Please help me
Which of the following might put you in the high risk insurance category?
a. ticket for drinking in public b. ticket for speeding 80 in 55 mph zone c. ticket for jaywalking d. 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse not!!)
How can I get a California Health & Life Insurance License ?
I would like to find an online course or a study at home course if possible. Also, how long does the course take ? Thank you for your help""
Auto insurance?
what is the average Auto insurance for a 16- year-old female in Kansas? a friend of mine wants to know.....
Why am I getting such high auto insurance quotes?
I'm really frustrated. I wanted to finally get auto insurance next month. But the free quotes I'm getting on insurance websites (such as Progressive, AllState and Geico) is WAY too expensive! My brothers insurances were always like $160-$180 for 6 months. But I just got a quote from AllState for over $500 for 6 months and $381 for 6 months from Progressive. That's NUTS! I have a 1995 Ford F-150 pickup. And sure, it's bigger than my brothers Ford Ranger and my other brothers Ford Aerostar van, but still.....why is it THAT MUCH MORE expensive? I'm in my 30's and have never had an accident or traffic voilation of any kind within the 14 years I've been driving. I guess none of that matters. All I know is that I'll NEVER be able to afford insurance with quotes like I'm getting.""
""How much is the average cost of car insurance in ST Thomas, VI ?""
How much is the average cost of car insurance in ST Thomas, VI ?""
Getting my auto insurance rates down?
My wife and daughter just started driving, my daughter is a college student with a hi gpa and will be 18 soon. We have a 2008 Honda crv and a 2003 Honda Odyssey How can I get to pay the lowest premium with 100,000 300,000 my daughter only goes to school 4 days a week.Thanks John California""
Need auto insurance info on transferring to another state?
My son just moved to IA from NY. He is using one of my cars, registered in MY name. I tried to transfer the insurance to HIS name, at his address in IA, but was told that its illegal to do so. I don't understand why I cant be the owner of a car in one state and have it insured in someone else name in another state. Is this true?""
What is the best place to get car insurance?
I'm I'm high school and I have a job making minimum wage. Where is the absolute cheapest place where I can get car insurance? VERY CHEAP PLEASE
""I have a 11 month daughter, and i want to buy affordable health insurance for her.?""
I have a 11 month daughter, and i want to buy affordable health insurance for her.?""
Can a 17 year old purchase health insurance?
I am seventeen years old and i no longer live with my parents(with their permission), and they do not have health insurance. I have terrible eyesight and am on my last pair of contact lenses that are not in very good shape themselves.I have a job but it would take a long time for me to save up enough money to take care of all of the costs included in getting my contacts. I need to know if i can purchase health insurance or if i am eligible for any type of coverage?""
Motorcycle insurance?
I live in Southern California, what insurance compnay can I contact that will provide really cheap motorcycle insurance. Some of the rates out there are unbelieveable""
Insurance company not paying for car repair that isn't my fault?
I was in an car accident. I was in the right hand side of the parking lot and I was backing out of my parking space. I was in the middle of the parking lot, and a guy pulling out of his parking space on the left hand side of the parking lot. While I was in the middle of the parking lot, the guy back his car into mine (In a hurry). After this accident happened, this guy admitted that he hit me and the accident was his fault. The police showed up and we told our stories and he admit to the police that the accident was his fault and it was on the police report. After the accident, we went our separate ways. I talked to my insurance company and they told me that since the guy that hit me admitted that he caused the accident, I had to take it up with the guy's insurance company. I called the insurance adjuster from the other insurance company and gave my statement and he told me that he viewed the accident as both our faults and would not pay me to have my car fixed. And I told him that his client admitted to the accident and he said it didn't matter. I would have to go to my insurance company to have my car fixed. I have arbitration. Also, the adjuster said that I can go through arbitration. I don't know what to do. What can I do about it?""
Car insurance question?
I'm from the UK, 22 year old man. Passed my driving test in November, looking to buy my first car. For the cheapest 2 insurance bands, how much a year could I expect to pay for insurance? ball-park figure obv. also, can you give me examples of the sort of cars I'd be able to get insured for?""
Is it constitutional for states to require car insurance?
If yes, then why not required gun insurance? Or required medical insurance?""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
17 UK Good insurance car... Please Help...?
Hello, I am 17 and live in the UK. I am learning to drive and hope to pass my test soon. I am looking to get a car when I pass my test. I do like larger cars like SUV's and pickups and compact crossovers but that is not to say that I do not like smaller cars. The problem is the fact that insurance cost a hell of a lot, ridiculous costs. There are many cars that I like but I would like a car that does not look to bad and that has good insurance for teens. I understand that SUV's/trucks will have higher MPG and higher insurance. So far my lowest and best insurance price is for a corsa from youngmarmalade (4.5k insurance but only pay 1.5k as I get cash back on car to put to insurance). Please can you help me with advise on cars pref suv/trucks that would be good for me and good on insurance. Thanks""
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
New Car/ New insurance...need it immediately?
I will be buying a car on Sunday. I am under my parent's insurance right now but will be getting my own when I get the new car. Do I need to get the new insurance policy before driving the car off the lot? How can I do this without the VIN number? I live in Florida.
Cheap insurance?
cheap insurance
How much information can car insurance companies see when you get a quote?
I let my car insurance lapse about a year ago and have been driving without it (I know, not good) and my girlfriends dad is an agent here in ohio. he asked to quote and i gave him my information... can he see that i dont have insurance? what about my credit report?""
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
How much would Safe Auto basic liability insurance be for my 2000 ford focus?
I need a basic/ cheap insurance.. i'm a college student that's all i can afford so please no LECTURES... I just need an answer THANKS :)
New car insurance???
What do you think the insurance would cost on a Mazda Rx-8 for a 16 year old boy(first car possibility)
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
Cameron Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64429
0 notes
colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
"colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Looking for good car for insurance?
Im looking to get a new car but i was wondering if there was a website that listed how much insurance might run me. dont really need exact priceing just looking for ballpark figuer.
What is the cheapest and best car insurance company?
I live in pueblo CO
Modified car insurance?
2000 mustang gt. Added cold air intake, exhaust kit, engine headers, aftermarket gps and backup cam, and aftermarket rims. Would an insurance company cover these?""
""Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Snohomish County, WA?""
It's my first time having to get car insurance - I know there are a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a general answer - not just Geico, Allstate, State Farm, etc..... Thank you :)""
Health insurance in Colorado?
I just moved to Colorado from California and am looking for a job. My problem is I have to get my vision tested, and I'm going to an optometrist, but I'm pretty sure he'll refer me to a specialist and testing will be required. I really want to go because I've been putting it off forever and it's starting to affect me a lot. I applied for Medicaid and was denied, obviously, since you have to have children or be over a certain age. Is there an insurance plan that's comprehensive and affordable, something that's going to cover doctor visits? I'm not looking for hit-by-a-bus insurance because that won't cover doctor visits or prescriptions. Or is there another public option? Thanks for your help!""
How much would a mustang cost for a 17 year old? ?
So I've tried googling this a lot of times but it hasn't really helped me so I'm just gonna ask myself... First off, I'm 17 but will be 18 in 2 months maximum. (not that it would really matter, but just putting that out there.) and I've had insurance on my parents car for about a year and a half now; never had any wrecks or anything. And their car is a year like 2009 Pontiac G8, V6. But I only have to pay $80. And I do believe my mother told me that we have Allstate... But as for the car I'm hoping to buy, it's nothing fancy. Just a 2000 mustang. It's not a convertible. I'm just hoping it won't be anymore expensive than what I pay now. And I've also had my license since I was 16. So I think that covers all the info but it'd really help if someone gave me like a range of what I might be paying for that. Thanks! :)""
Insurance for new drivers?
hi i am about to turn 18 and for my birthday my mom and me are going to lease a car for me. the car is 20000 and its new. the insurance is crazzzy expensive but my mom is going to by a car to right when i am so is just keep that i mind for the insurance and stuff. what is the cheapest way to get insurance?? please help
Can i switch my health insurance policy -?
hello, i work for a small consulting firm , < 10 employees..on their w2. they provide me a group health insurance for my family (me ,wife and < 1yr old kid) and i pay around $900 every month without vision and dental coverage..all my contribution..and it is with united health care group now - with this new obamacare what options do i have 1. if i switch , will i get a cheaper coverage ? 2. what is that policy exchange ..i hear this a lot these days 3. if i had to switch my policy.who should i approach.. what would you advise for me..pleae advise me on getting a cheaper coverage""
Car insurance question?
If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?""
How much will insurance cost for my painting business i am a sub contractor and i have no employs just my self?
what they require is $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 personal injury and $2,000,000 general aggregate . thanks""
Could affordable government health insurance help stimulate the economy?
Services like water treatment, police, fire departments, and schools are supported by taxpayers dollars because it saves money in the private sector in the long run. Affordable government health insurance may also saves families thousands in expenses each year, giving them more money to spend in the general economy. Would this not be a way to help stimulate the economy?""
Should people who do not own cars be forced to buy car insurance?
so that the insurance would be cheaper for those who can't really afford the premiums? That's what Hillary wants to do with Health insurance. She wants to force young people who very rarely need it to buy it so that it would be more affordable for others.
Car Insurance for 17 year old? UK?
I've tried calling companies - they all say 'We cannot give you a quote' Comparison websites - 'cannot quote' How am i supposed to get insurance... i dont mind paying anything up to 7000 I've tried with 3 different cars... even a 1.0L and still no quotes.
Im a 17 yr old lad what nice car can i get with cheep insurance?
i am 17 and realy into cars, have been for ages. i have a motor bike since i was 16 but now i want a car. and all my freinds no how much i lyk cars, and it wud be so embarasing turning up to collage in a little ford fiesta or old corsa. i can afford a nice car but insurance for even for quite crap cars have been bout 4000 quid. i started off lookin at honda crx del sol cos i realy lyk thm but insurance way too much, so thn i tried looking at old cool looking cars lyk the last mg midget but insurance still to dear, then i heard kit cars have realy cheep insurance so i looked at a gtm rossa which was realy nice but insurance still around 4000. so what car can i get what looks the part but affordable? please help""
Looking for health insurance for my parents who were deemed 'high risk' and have been rejected several times.
My dad is self-employed, so no company insurance plan, and my mom does not work. They are both considered 'high risk' because of health problems and having to take several prescription medications. They have been rejected a few times, one was Blue Cross Blue Shield and I don't know the others. I'm very concerned for their health and want to find something to help them. My dad makes enough money to not qualify him for anything for low income families. Does anyone know about any affordable health insurance companies that accept 'high risk' people? Or insurance for the self employed? Thanks!""
Still waiting to hear from car insurance if car is a write off?
its been a week since this guy hit me from behind. he was 100% at fault. how long do i have to wait to find out if my car was a write off? the car is fixable and i need to know how much to fix? want my car back!!!!!
Age Of 16 to fill up a car insurance quote?
why car insurance agent put 16 on car insurance quote even you got your license when you were 18...?
18 Year Old Male's Car Insurance?
Hi, I passed my driving test in September 2010. I've been looking at insurance quotes for small run arounds like Renault Clios, Vauxhall Corsa's, Volkswagen Polo's etc but cant find anything lower than 6000, and thats without evening paying another 1400 for the car itself ! I've been thinking about getting insured on my dads Toyota Corolla, its a 1.4 diesel hatchback and he's had his license for 30 years and his premium is 400. If i were to get insured on it the price would be 2500, do you think thats worth it or is it better to shop around and get insured on my own name ? I just want to use the car now and then rather than using it regularly because i dont really need to right now..""
How much money have you saved on insurance rates because of seatbelt laws?
Please give me a figure and proof that insurance costs have been lowered since the mandatory seatbelt laws. Or helmet laws. How much money do you save per year since you have given up your right to choose?
What is the best medical insurance in New York City?
What is the best medical insurance in New York City?
How i can buy repairable cars from insurance company's for start bus sines?
i want to start bus sines with insurance company's who sell cheap repairable cars
Car insurance lowering (LEGALLY!!!!)?
right, i best tell the whole story. im 17 in a few months, so my parents have given me 5,000 for a car and insurance, which i thought would be plenty for something decent. however, as i have to insure the car myself (no fronting), and even a group one pile of c**p costs over 3,000 to insure. i know i could take pass plus, but are there any other ways to lower the insane premiums legally? and are there any insurers who give a good price for new drivers? thanks for the help :)""
Cheaper auto insurance with EVOC certification?
While I was going through military police training, I was told if you have an Emercency Vehicle Operations permit, you can get a discount on your car insurance. Is this true and what companies offer this discount if at all?""
If I provisionally insure myself then will my insurance be cheaper when I pass?
I'm 17 and I was wondering if I bought provisional insurance on my car then would it be cheaper to insure after I pass than it would if i didn't have it?
What is the best web site for comparing car insurance rates?
What is the best web site for comparing car insurance rates?
colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
Is the new ford mustang a good 16 yr old car?
I'm either preferring that or a Chevy Avalanche. Which would be safer/better performance?
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
Can my insurance company deny my claim...?
Lots of info, sorry! My car was parked on the street and hit during the night. I drove the car to the repair place the following morning and the airbag deployed on the way there. (Stupid, I know, I wasn't thinking). My insurance company, GEICO is insisting that the damage is not consistent with a hit and run accident. They have taken recorded statements from me and my boyfriend. They have contracted an independent accident reconstructionist to read the airbag deployment. The reconstructionist originally told me that he was unable to retrieve the data, but the insurance company is now telling me that he was able to get a partial reading. And that it shows that the airbag deployed as a result of impact. The airbag did not actually fully deploy. There is no powder or injury to me to justify a complete deployment. Does anybody know if they have the right to deny my claim based on suspicion? They keep trying to make me say that my boyfriend was driving the car, which he wasn't. We were in the house together all night. Also: car was in previous fire; severe damage to front of car, all repaired. accident happened in CA, full coverage policy written in GA I know its a lot of info. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any helpful answers. Thanks!""
Health Insurance for an Eighteen year old Graduate?
Alright. I am in desperate need of some knowledge. I just graduated from high school and live in Idaho with my boyfriend and his parents. The house includes 2 parents, 3 kids under the age of eighteen and 2 adults that are exactly of the age of eighteen years (7 total). I used to live with my father, who does not have any health insurance (he's a Veteran). And even before that I lived with my mother in California who although does have health insurance, I was never a part of. My boyfriend's mother wants to take me to the Department of Health and Welfare so that I could maybe get with Medicaid or something to help me out. I haven't had a job yet (still trying to find one) and I really am quite lost in the world. I am behind on immunizations, have not visited a dentist...in a while. I do have terrible eye sight and will need more exams in the future and have not yet received any type of check up from a doctor or a physical. I was wondering if there was a way that I could get on my mom's insurance even though she lives in another state and maybe if welfare was all I could really do now. I'm not very educated about insurance and was hoping if there was a wise person out there who could help me. I appreciate any help at all and thank all of you for taking the time to read my cry for help.""
How much is the insurance for a business property (15000 sq ft)?
what is the average quote? it doesnt need to be exact
Medicaid pays 100% but does insurance?
People who don't qualify for medicaid has to have regular insurance . A lot of those who don't qualify for medicaid can be determined by just a few dollars as they have a cut off limit. If they have to buy insurance wouldn't they have to pay the difference between the ins pay and balance? If one does not get insurance then there is a fine from your taxes. Is all this correct? Does the fine go towards an insurance premium if they pass the new health care law? Sorry for so many questions. Just trying to understand this a bit.
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
Where can I get affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Where can I get affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Life insurance.........?
my boyfriend wants to get life insurance. he's 18, healthy, doesn't smoke. what's the best company to get it with ?""
""Car insurance, Am i being Ripped off?""
so Im 18, and my brother is claiming that my dad has been ripping me off on car insurance for the past year since Ive had my 99 coralla, its a beat up car. I pay $70 a month, where my brothers gf is only paying $10, I have only liability, we are with country financial or whatever and Im under my dad, and my dad has three cars with them, so his insurance is like 30+ for full coverage each car. So is 70 bucks justifiable for me or is my dad lying to me, i never seen the bill, ive always have given him money when he told me to give it to him. (i do understand that my age causes my insurance to go up) im just curious before I confront him.""
Insurance Quote?
My Step-dad and I are buying a 1.4 MG ZR between us. He is going to be the first driver and i will be the 2nd named driver. This will be my first car. My stepdad has driven for 12 years or more. Any rough ideas of a price for me? He has no pints on his license. thanks
What factors affect how much i will pay for car insurance?
what are the factors that affect the amount i pay for insurance on a car? im looking to purchase my first vehicle and want to know what i can't afford.
Which company offers good whole life insurance?
I am sick of term life insurance and the company I am with now is abysmal. I would appreciate any help. I have a wife and two daughters, it's about them, not me....""
Which 1 is the best and Cheap Car Insurance?
Plz Help! Just bought a Car and Looking 4 a good Deal! :)
""Do you have to have car insurance, or does the car you are driving have to be insured?""
If you are driving a car, the car has to be insured, right? What if it is not your car - then it just has to be insured, right? If you have no insurance yourself, it's okay as long as the car is insured... right?""
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
What is the best life insurance to get BEFORE melanoma diagnosis?
I am 99% sure I have melanoma on my leg. Have apt soon to get this confirmed and staged and start the process. I am a nurse, I know the process, and know the outcome can be one of many. I do not currently have any life insurance, never have. I have 2 small children and it is JUST me and then, no close friends, no family. Worst case scenario, if I only have a short time to live, what would be the best LIFE insurance I can get before getting this diagnosis? I would need something in which they could not cancel me if I am diagnosed with cancer within days of purchasing a premium. Today is May 11th, I should have my diagnosis by May 29th. I would like the biggest policy at the most affordable rate (I don't make as much money as you would think), but its also important that I get the fewest stipulations. By the way, I hate to admit it, but I am a smoker. I quit from 2009 to late 2010, but then started up again when I started RN school (am an LPN now, graduate from RN school in 3 weeks). Any solid advice would be appreciated. In laymens terms please.""
""In college, moving out, do i have to change my car insurance?""
ok, i am 19 i go to a college in my hometown and currently live with my parents. i am planning on getting an apartment 2nd semester and found one for 550 per month with utilities which will be divided among 3 guys. my dad says that as long as the car insurance on my car is under his name it cannot move to a different address without being under my name which jacks the price up some $1800 a year. that ends up being almost triple my rent and there is no way i will be able to afford it. apparently saying it still resides at their house is not an option although i do not see why, its less than 3 miles away. facts, suggestions, loopholes anyone??""
How do I find out my cars auto insurance points rating system?
Insurance companys give cars a rating number to determine if one type of car pays more insurance then the other. Where can I find out what the number of my car would be?
Car insurance question?
right now I'm driving a 2008 saturn aura xe, I'm 17 and my insurance is around 200$ a month. I'm looking into buying a new car. i recent ran into money on the stock market. I'm looking into buying a 2008 c-300 mercedes they go for around 15,000-17,000. will my insurance go up a lot? thanks""
I would like to change my car on my exsiting car insurance policy? Help?
I have had my insurance policy on a peugeot 207 1.4 8v insurance group 3 since last december and would now like to change it to either a bmw 116i ig 10 or a bmw 120i ig 13. My policy cost 3500 how much will it increase by on either of these cars? Thank you.
Health insurance .?
hello...i am 33 year old and going to school full-time. anyone out there know any cheap health insurance that i can apply for? i am mostly healthy but just in case. plus does the government support full-time students with at least health insurance? i am from memphis tn are. thank you!!!
Why aren't employers required to provide health care insurance to their employees?
Nothing is being said about the millions of employers that do not subscribe to some kind of health care insurance for their employees, even if part of it has to come out of the employees wages. I worked for a physician and the answer was that most women have husbands that have health care at their jobs. Shouldn't this be illegal?""
Anyone have any information on insurethebox car insurance?
I've been looking at insurance quotes from various sites and insurethebox keeps popping up. The company fit a clear box to the car to see how much mileage you used (has to be under 6000 a year). Does anyone have any more information on them? I've googled, and aside from some advertisement articles haven't really found anything. All help is appreciated (10 points for best answer :D)""
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colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
What's the cheapest option for car insurance for a teen?
I just recently passed my driving test and I'm completely taken away by the prices I've saw for car insurance on my parents Astra, I'm getting prices up at 7K. I've decided to go out and buy a category 1 insurance car (or any that's a low category) so it will be cheaper to run but the only problem is, I don't have a job at the moment so only have savings. It wouldn't bother me not taking out my own policy because I understand that can be more expensive but is there an alternative for me until I get a job and earn money to get the policy so I can collect NCD's? One of my friends use to have his own policy on his family car, a big car like ours, until he had an accident and the price shot up. Now because he can't afford the monthly costs he just takes out 1 weeks insurance at a top when needed and this costs him around 40. What I don't understand though is that he's 18, the same age as me, and I thought you werent able to do short term insurance as a new driver? Although I think he somehow takes it under his parents policy? I'v no idea how this works if someone could shine a light on it? Another friend also had a Nissan Micra and was paying around 80-90 per month which I thought was very cheap (also the same age as me) for an insurance which makes me wonder if he is on his own policy? My dad will be getting insured on my own car also and be using it for work at nights. If anyone could come up with some solutions for me that would be great!! :) Thanks""
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
How do you adjust a W2 form for group term life insurance?
I'm working on a project for a payroll class. Our company provides group term life insurance to the employees. The group insurance is carried at 1.5x the annual earnings of the employee. The employee pays $.30 for every $1,000 in group life insurance each month to pay the premium. The remaining premium is paid by the employer and debited from an insurance expense account. The whole project, we haven't made any employer premium expense entries. We've only focused on the employee's entries and the credits into the group insurance premiums collected liability account for said deductions. Now, at the end of the year, preparing the W2 forms, I'm at a loss for how to treat this. Is the amount over $50,000 added to the wages, tips and compensation for the income tax paid on it? I've read through the W2 instructions but I just don't understand it that well if someone could explain it.""
Is a mazda 3 a sports car too a insurance company ?
will a insurance company consider a simple mazda 3 a sports car ? like not a mazda 3 speed , just a normal mazda 3 sedan 4 door""
How much would it cost for insurance for a c6 corvette Z06?
it can be an estimate or an average?
Will I make my bf's parents' car insurance rates go up?
I've lived with my boyfriend and his family for a little over a year now(I pay rent). I am 19 and do not have my license. I have relied on carpools and the bus so it wasn't an issue. Now, I am planning to buy a used car, take the road test and get my own auto insurance. The thing is, they would most likely complain if this would increase their rates. I wish I could just pay a high rate alone- what would be the difference if I just rented a room in a strangers house??lol. I think that it would affect them, but does anyone know for sure?""
Drivers license and Insurance?
When you get your drivers license do you have to get insurance with it or do you have to wait until you get a car? Do you have to get insurance when you purchase a car? Also does the cost for insurance decrease when you turn 21? How much is insurance a month generally and in North Carolina? I know insurance is necessary though I just need the facts before buying it.
California Car Registration?
I'm thinking of buying a new car in California. However, I was wondering if I register this car to my name if was restricted to only driving that car I'm registered to. My folks have a van I sometimes drive and I don't want to get a ticket. Thanking you in advance.""
California statute of limitations re: medical bills ?
My sister a Canadian visiting California became ill during her stay. She was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer spending several months in a Sacramento hospital due to complications. She had medical insurance however there was a dispute related to a pre-existing condition. The dispute remains unresolved and contact with the insurance company ceased more then two years ago shortly after her death.The bills in question total more than $600,000. What are the implications related to the California statute of limitations and the estate of my deceased sister? There is no communication with the hospitals, doctors or any medical service providers who hold the debt nor with the insurance company who provided the travel insurance.""
""As an owner-operator, working for the big taxi company, what kind of insurance do I need on the cab?""
I'm in California. I'm working as a cabbie for that big taxi company with the brightly colored cabs. You know, the one everybody thinks of first. I just bought my own taxi car and it's being converted into a taxi which I will drive for the company. The boss has given me an insurance card, and he says this is the only insurance I need. But I'm worried about it, because the taxi car will also be used a little as my private vehicle, you know, like to drop off my kid at school, or pick up groceries, etc. If anyone knowledgeable can shed some light on this for me, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.""
I want to buy a car to learn in but don't have insurance?
can i buy a car privately through autotrader and get a parent to drive it home? I was thinking of buying the car first then saving up for the insurance.
I paid car insurance...?
I paid car insurance monthly, so I cancelled it today and they say there is a cancellation fee...is that correct and if so how much is it usually? Ontario Canada""
""Florida law - Florida license, no car, so no insurance?
If someone with a Fl driver's license who doesn't have a car so doesn't have car insurance is involved in a car accident while driving someone else's car. Does the car owner's insurance cover the uninsured driver?
Average cost of sr22 insurance?
What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?
Why are there two bodily injury sections on car insurance quote?
I just got a quote for auto insurance from new company (i had been using a different company)... Anyways, i just noticed that section 1 of the quote under compulsory insurance was the Bodily Injury to Others part..... But, under Optional Insurance on section 6 there is Optional Bodily Injury to Others and this one is higher than the first part. Why are there two different bodily injury sections? Do they cover different things? I am a homeowner, how much should i have for these categories?""
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
What companies are best for cheap car insurance for young UK drivers with provisional licence?
I have tried confused.com etc I am 20 and have a 1.5TD
Car insurance?
How long does a dui on your record affect your car insurance?
ex. I got a dui almost 5 years ago, will an insurance company look at my record from the past 5 years or longer? How many years from your dui do they hold it against you?""
Car insurance 2 Different Co?
My girlfriend recently bought a car but she is insured by her parents policy, she is wanting to know if she can get another insurance company's policy without raising her parents rates.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company to use when im 17 and just passed my test?
any cheap companys or specialist companys for young drivers? in the UK (england)
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
Whats the best California insurance ?
I want full coverage what's the best company
I need cheap insurance for me and my baby?
I recently moved out of my mom's house to live with my boyfriend. She was covering me on her insurance but now it's been dropped, We moved to where his new job is and we are letting a friend live with us. My boyfriend's yearly income is about 65,000. I can't be covered under his insurance because we aren't married. I have a 11 month old baby and I have to take pills regularly... I need to find an insurance plan that can cover me and her. If it makes any difference I'm 18 and I'm turning 19 in October... I know some insurance plans cover certain ages. I'd prefer something kind of cheap but I also need something that has decent copay..even if it raises the price a little. Does anyone know a good carrier?""
Ca insurance rates question ?
My car insurance for me is almost $300 a month !! I have the chevy cruz ! Im 18 right now how long will it be till my rates go down a bit ??
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colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
Short term car insurance for driving abroad???? (in france)?
I am 19 years old and heading to france for the day, the yearly car insurance I already have does not cover me abroad, so I need to get insurance for the day. I have looked online but most companies only insure people who are 23 years old+""
""What can I, as a 19 year old guy, do to get cheap car insurance?""
Right now I'm just looking for cars with small engines and constantly checking on comparison sites to get a good quote... So for I got 1900 for a 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, which is still far too expensive, but what else can I do? I know about Pass Plus and other things, but any help/advice/links would really, really help...""
What is the average cost of monthly car insurance in Alberta?
regarding a fourth year female driver
Can a health insurance company deny emergency medical coverage based on the final diagnosis?
I went to the emergency room for symptoms suggesting a life-threatening illness. It turned out I did not have a life-threatening illness and the ER doctor diagnosed something much ...show more
Affordable insurance w/ NO deductible and low premium?
I need you to tell me names of insurance not quote sites cuz they don't help. i need one for 2 ppl a mom and daughter. it shouldnt have a deductable or be more that 200 monthly.
""When you buy a car, what payments do you to pay and how much would insurance be for a 17 yr old?""
When you buy a car, what payments do you to pay and how much would insurance be for a 17 yr old?""
I need info about maternity Insurance?
I currently have insurance through assurant health and I am looking to add maternity insurance. I was contacted by an agent asking me what deductable I wanted a 10 thousand or 5 thousand deductable. The thing is I heard that I may be eligible for medicaide. My husband only makes about 30,000 a year and I am a full time sudent. I am unsure what to do as I am completley in the dark about the situation. Please someone give me some insight thank you""
Motor trade insurance for 21 year olds?
Im looking for motor trade insurance as a second driver and Im 21 years old.
Automobile insurance sites?
Hey, I've been trying to find a website that gives out free automobile insurance quotes. I found a ton, but they all ask for personal information like telephone numbers and addresses. Are there any sites that will just give you what you're looking for: a fast insurance quote without having to give out all your personal info?""
Car insurance in my name?
My mom gave me a car afew yrs back and it is still in her name. She's had insurance in her name but wasn't able to make the payment this month. Can I get insurance on the car in my name even with car still in her name?
Where can I find the cheapest insurance for young drivers?
I am looking for the cheapest insurance for young drivers in United Kingdom. I am 18 years old and I am planning to buy a car. I have been looking for an insurance for Golf Mk 4 1.9 TDi which costs up to 3000 but the cheapest insurance I could find was also over 3000 up to 5000. Tell me the cheapest you know, please.""
Does anyone recommend a cheap company for my first car insurance policy?
I only have a 1.2 punto so I'm just looking for a nice cheap quote - if such thing exsists?
Visitors in USA - no medical insurance?
I have my parents visiting me from abroad and my father needs to go see a Doctor immediately for Heart Condition. He does not have any insurance in US. What can we do? Are the hospitals OBLIGED to see any patient, regardless of coverage? Will I get roped into the whole process? Please guide.""
Car accident without insurance?
So today I rear ended a 2011 Honda Civ, a small strach [sp], some paint missing and a possible dent. My car on the other hand suffered some significant damage. Now as we were preparing to exchange info, I find out my car doesn't have insurance (its my parents and I wasn't informed) and I told her I will pay for damages and apologized, etc. Now I asked how much would it cost, etc. Her insurance company told her I would have to pay $20+ per day for her rental car how ever many days its in the shop. That I can handle. But say worse case scenarios: How much would it cost to replace a back bumper for a 2011 honda civ? Or to fix a dent, color, paint, etc? Has this happened to anyone else without insurance, etc?""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA and no one in my immediate family has been in a wreck in the previous 5 years. Where can i get affordable insurance?
Does planned parent hood accept health insurance?
does Planned parent hood accept health insurance ? if they do does anyone know if they will accept aetna health insurance?
Health insurance in NY state for pregnant women?
I just graduated with a bachelors degree, and my student health insurance runs out in August. The health insurance offered by my husbands job (which won't open up to me until Jan.1 anyway) considers pregnancy a pre existing condition, and won't cover it. We have been searching for affordable plans, but the only ones we have found that will cover pregnancy aren't accepted in New York state. For all the plans offered in NY that we've been able to find, none cover pregnancies in progress. I would hate to have to use the state provided health care plan for pregnant mothers (mostly because I feel like there is no reason for me to be part of a government program when we are capable of paying for our own insurance, but also because it means we have to go to specific clinics and I won't be able to keep my doctor), but there is no way we will be able to cover all the costs of a birth, especially if for some reason I need a C-Section or the like. Can anyone give me some advice, especially as it relates to the NY state health plan for pregnant women?""
How much would a $500K life insurance policy cost?
I am a healthy 32 year old female.
What are your opinions on insurance companies?
hello there.... I need to know what do you guys think about insurance companies.... thanx in advance :) P.S:- it is a school project
How do I get car insurance in Massachussets?
Progressive, GEIKO, and more don't serve MA. WHY? I can't find anyone who serves MA. Which car insurance is the cheapest and how do I get it. Thanks.""
Insurance california?
hi I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
Renting a car with no insurance.?
Hello there, I'm over 25 and have a driver's license but I currently don't own a car therefore I do not have car insurance. I know that usualy when you rent a car and you have car insurance, you won't have to pay extra for rental car insurance. How does that work if I don't have insurance right now? Is extra insurance from the rental company expensive? Or would they even let me rent a car (only for a couple of days when I go to my cousin's wedding out of state) if I don't have car insurance? Any insights would help! I would hate to show up and not be able to rent a car and have to call someone to come get me. Thanks!""
How much does Mercury insurance cost for new teenage drivers?
my family already is on mercury (4 people)...how much more is it with mine included? (im going to have to pay for it)
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
I'm thinking about getting a genesis coupe sometime in june. How much is insurance on this car? I'll be 17, and I have done drivers ed.""
What are some affordable nationwide health insurance plans in New /Hampshire?
looking for health insurance for my husband and unborn baby.
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colorado insurance regulation 1 1 6
0 notes
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
"Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
http://www.comparethemarket.com/ is a stupid website.. it hasent even got my car in the list of models so i cant get quotes making the site useless :(
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How dos US car insurance work compared to english car insurance?
I'm looking to get a bmw x5 but insurance is 9000k a year like $13000k I heard they do it different so its easier to get bigger cars. In england they don't allow young drivers to get big cars so the insurance is expensive How dos us car insurance work
If i have liability insurance and i hit a car but the car leaves the accident will my insurance pay?
I have liability car insurance and the other day a car pulled over in my lane and just stopped i ran into the back of her smashed the front end of my car(non driveable) the police said it wasn't my fault and the other car just left right after it happened. Will my insurance pay for my car?????
How much would my insurance be?
I am 16 and I want to get a car. My parents said they would buy me this car I want but I have ot pay for the insurance. We have allstate. The car is a 1999 ford mustang. Yellow Color V-6 Engine Automatic Transmission 141,207 miles on it 2 drive coup""
Small business insurance?
This is for hw, any info would be helpful I'm opening a salon in hollywood california. (5,000 square feet) How much would I pay in insurance a year? what kind of insurance would i need? Example: i think i would need product liability insurance, professional liability insurance, there are so many different kinds! Which one/ones should I use? and how much would it be? I've been googling and researching for a long time if you can help thank you!!""
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
I am learning how to drive, and am looking at what cars would best suit me in terms of cheapness and how cheap to insure. I have looked at a few online quotes for a few cars being, 2001 peugeot 206 1.1, ford fiesta 1.2 1997, cheapest was 4 grand from post office. I know i haven't pasted my test yet, but i want to have a rough idea how much it will cost me. These quotes are madness i cannot afford that, i will be paying for this car myself and insurance myself, i work part time and will have to save. Is there any special classes i can take that would lower my insurance? I have heard of special night classes or something along those lines. What cars would be best for me looking at? Also are older cars or cars with higher mileage cheaper to insure? Many thanks :)""
Good insurance for a small liquor store/market in Los angeles county?
I am looking for a good commercial insurance company for my newly purchased small liquor store/market in southern California. It's a tiny 850 sqft store. I am looking for one that is reputable & lower price. Anybody know? What kind of coverage should I get? approximate cost? best most helpful answer gets full points!
How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?
I am looking around at car insurance comparison websites, and I want to know if the quotes I'm getting back are reasonable. How much would a reasonable monthly insurance payment be for a UK driver with more than 15yrs experience? Also, how much would it be if you added a newly qualified driver as secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it depends on the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea of what would be a reasonable amount to expect for this, on average.""
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it""
Auto Insurance - Spouse coverage mandatory in Ontario?
I've been told from my insurance company that since my wife holds Ontario Driver's licence, she will have to be covered under my insurance and pay a higher premium eventhough she does not drive at all. I also saw on-line that you can sign an 'excluded driver form' (OPCF 28A) in which you declare that she will not drive my car and you can exclude her from your insurance and maintain your premium rate. The insurance company basically denied this and told me that as long as her and I live under the same roof, I will have to pay the higher premium. Can someone please advise?""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a newly passed driver!?
im only 16 at the moment however i want to learn to drive asap. what car would look good as well as having cheap(ish) insurance. who do i insure with?
Can you rate these cars on insurance coasts?
I was looking at buying a car. I have selected a few cars that I was interested in buying, but I don't know the coasts of car insurance. Can you give me a price range or tell me terrible, bad, average, good, great. If you can give me a price range that would be great and thanks for the help. The cars are 2005 Nissan 350Z Coupe, 2006 Hyundai Tiburon SE, 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer ES, 2006 Audi a4, 2000 Hyundai Tiburon, 2002 Audi TT, 2004 Mazda RX-8, and 2010 Toyota Corolla.""
Car insurance?????
what is the cheapest and the best for full coverage?
""In Ca, If you had insurance on a car that was repossessed , do u still have to pay for the whole premium?""
Or what happens? How can you, or do you cancel it ? This is about the state of California.""
Buying car insurance for a used car?
im buying my first car, used. and all i have knowledge from are from the internet. i live in California. when i see tv commercials, i often see the buyer being able to purchase their insurance when they are on the CAR dealer. my question? when is it do you get insurance? BEFORE OR AFTER YOU PURCHASE A CAR? also when getting quotes online, you have to add the car that you OWN, so im guessing you have to buy the insurance after AFTER?, BUT the policy seems to start the day after you purchase your insurance, so does that mean your driving the car illegally for a day?? if you were to buy the insurance (online) before and have to add your car, im guessing you have to be SET AND SURE you are getting the car when your policy starts? none of my friends knows about this because their parents own it and they don't care about their insurance... im so confused. help me.""
Police get cheaper car insurance?
I went on a compare site and the only thing i change was the job to police officer and the insurance was cheaper? This may be due to the fact that they are less likely to commit crime.
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
Cheapest insurance companies in the UK for new/young drivers?
I have recently bought a car, I am 18 years old and my driving test is on the 18th of December. Obviously I need to insure the car for when I pass but I was looking for a relatively cheap insurance company because obviously they're rediculously expensive. any advice? Thanks.""
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
Do I still have to pay car insurance if....?
This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm sixteen, so please just answer... I've had my permit since last September. I've practiced, but my parents won't let me get my license because they can't afford the car insurance. We only have one car anyway. Well, say I were to register a motor vehicle, such as a 50cc moped, which only requires a basic license to use. Would I still have to pay car insurance for my family car if I don't drive it, AND a moped? Or can I stick to paying the motor bike insurance instead? I'm sorry, it's such a stupid question, but I don't know much more about car insurance other than the fact that we can't afford it. Thank you. (:""
A good place 2 get cheap car insurance?
A good place 2 get cheap car insurance?
""Excluding insurance prices, which car would be the cheapest to run: impreza wrx (2006-2088), Civic Type R EP3?""
I'm about to purchase a little sports car to treat myself. I was wondering if you could tell me which of these 2 cars would be the cheapest to run (fuel costs, tyres, parts etc) If anyone has an any other car suggestions with a similar amount of power and specs please feel free to suggest. Cheers""
Health insurance question please?
My family and I have not had health insurance for the past few years. And I'm starting to get really sick and probably need tests done. I live near Aurora,IL, what's an affordable good health insurance I can get? I work part-time at a pet store and it's not gaurenteed hours so I may get like 30hrs a week for a month and than it go down to 20hrs a week. I am going to school full-time as well. Can someone please help me?""
The supposed 40million that don't have Health insurance..how many?
How many don't have it because they don't care to have it? How many don't have it because they can not find an affordable insurance plan? How many in this 40million number are not legal citizens? How and who came up with this number?
How much would it be to give birth in California without insurance?
I live in the sf bay area and I work under the table... I don't have insurance, but I do have a membership at Kaiser Permanente because of my parents before I got married... I'd also like to know how much are sonograms and things that fall in check ups... Thank you""
Can I get a dealer service department to cash out a check that was written from my insurance company?
I know I can get a repair done cheaper elsewhere. But my insurance company has already left a check at the dealer that is made out to me and the dealer so I have to sign it over to them. The dealer will not have the part in until Tuesday. So can I go to the dealer and just take the part and ask them to cash out the labor to me and I will go elsewhere for the actual repair?
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
http://www.comparethemarket.com/ is a stupid website.. it hasent even got my car in the list of models so i cant get quotes making the site useless :(
Is it legal for me to drive my friends car with my own insurance?
So my friend and I bought a car, however he does not have insurance yet, and I have comprehensive, liability and theft insurance for my own vehicle which is a Honda, now while I use his car, would it be legal for me to drive the car using my own insurance card? I have a notarized letter from my friend that I am allowed to use the car.""
What would I pay for car insurance?
I was thinking of buying a car. How much would I pay for insurance each year? I'm 22, male, white, currently no driver's license, expired G2, never been in an accident. Born and living in Ontario. The car would be a clunker; $900 for an old Oldsmobile. Originally painted blue.""
Texas Automobile Insurance?
I got hit by someone else. Their insurance is not providing total cost up front for a rental car while mine is in the shop. I was not at fault. The Insurance carrier is Farmer's Insurance. They said to pay the difference of the rental, and they would reimburse. My understanding by an insurance facilitator at my old company is that if the fault was not yours, then the insurance company has to accommodate you with full pay for the rental car for a comperable vehicle to the one that was damaged. Anyone have any knowledge of the law, and links where I can find out the info? Thank you in advance.""
Good car insurance?
I'm 19 and just got my first car and am in the process of getting my licensices. What are some good insurance companys to look into that would have low rate with good coverage? What do i look for and what don't I do. Thanks!
Scooter insurance for 16 year olds?
I turn 16 this year and wanna start riding a 50cc scooter. I found the one i want, i was wondering the rough cost of insurance on a 50cc moped for a 16 year old on a provisional license in the UK. Thanks Jamie Deeks""
Looking for good medical insurance?
I know blue cross/blue shield is good, but, what other insurance is out there? I need to insure myself, my son, and my fiance. I need to find some fairly cheap insurance as well. Know of any? And also, dental.""
Proof of Insurance?
I just bought a car yesterday and I know that before I drive it off the lot I need proof of insurance, What exactly to I need to show them in order to take the car home with me .... keep in mind that my printer is out of ink, and I would like to take it home today if possible""
Why do I have to pay first year homeowners insurance?
I'm in the process of purchasing a home. I'm taking out a FHA loan and my broker stated that I would have to purchase first year homeowners insurance for a year. My question is my monthly taxes, PMI, and also home insurance is already infused in my monthly mortgage payment,so why is that I have to pay for a years worth of insurance when I'm making a monthly payment on it anyways? Will I being paying twice? Can someone please explain""
""Imported Sports Car - Whats cheaper to insure? Registration in my name, or my parents name?""
I have just purchased an imported sports car in Australia worth $18,000. I am 21 (under 25 means huge insurance here). I AM going to get the cars insured in my parents name. But the thing which determines (on paper) as to whether I am the primary driver, or my parents are, is who ever the car is REGISTERED under. My question is....would insurance be cheaper if my car was registered under my name, or my parents? And by how much? Thanks!""
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Newborn Covered by Insurance?
My friend's baby was born one month early. She was in the NICU for 5 days due to breathing problems. My friend has health insurance and so does her fiance (seperate policies, different companies). The finance was going to cover the child when she was born. The insurance said she should have been pre-enrolled b/c nicu is not typical newborn charges... and the finances' insurance say they are not responsible until after the 14th (she was born a month earlier than that). jill said my insurance only pays if we are in the hospital the same amount of time.. if she stays longer she is a dependant and wasnt eligable to be added to the fiance's yet.. it makes no sense... and how could she be pre-enrolled.. The finance went in april and tried to add her to his and they said wait til she is born... and she came a month early according to my doc so how could she have added her to mine? The letter she got from the hospital said the baby is covered automatically under the mothers insurance for 30 days after they are born. So; who is responsible for the $26,000 bill for the NICU?""
Good car insurance 17 years old?
what car would be cheap to buy and cheap on insurance for a 17years.
Can you get insurance with a suspended license?
i asked a question earlier about my friend's loser bf who has a suspended license and says he is going to buy a car from a used car dealer my friend (who is stupid) is going to get him the loan to pay for the car he says HE will pay on the loan (i doubt it) i say you need insurance for a car loan but she may just get him just a loan i dunno what that means anyway i know you need proof of insurance for a car loan he says he has been forging his insurance for years i still say they are going to check on it for the loan again i am trying to prove him wrong but can a person get car insurance with a suspended license?
Will my Geico go up after 6 months?
My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant answers, please!""
California after fires?
How long will it take for life in South California to return to normal? I mean quality of air, infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How was it in 2003? For example, for how long the ash will still be in the air?""
Is Safe Auto cheap car insurance?
Especially for a driver who is 18.
Which car insurance agency is best for me?
Which car insurance agency is best for me? Please guide me.
How much does insurance cost for old/classic cars cost?
I am 15 and and a half, and I live in New Mexico, here you get a drivers license at that age. Anyway, my parents got me a 1977 oldsmobile vista cruiser (my dream car) and I know insurance for older cars are cheaper, how much (average) would it cost and could you recommend insurance companies which you think is best""
What is the best Car Insurance ? HELP!!!?
Okay so I am a first time Driver and will be getting my first car really soon between next month and May. But first I need help on finding the right insurance especially one that's not really high for a first time driver also I need some tips on things I need to have when I get my car , tags & titles , registration. I need to know everything possible that I need to know when buying my first car and actually keeping up with it .""
Is having a health insurance mandatory in California?
I am moving from Massachusetts to California at the end of this month. In Massachusetts its mandatory to have health insurance and if you don't have it you can get penalized on your taxes. Is it mandatory in California as well?
Switching health insurance while pregnant--bad idea?
Hi, I am insured under a program called Healthy New York, which provides affordable health insurance for low income workers. I am pregnant and my OB GYN dropped my insurance. I am allowed to change provider and remain under the same program, and according to Healthy NY, pregnancy is not a preexisting condition if the insured is a sole proprietor , which I am. I also called Blue Cross Blue Shield, the new insurance, and they claim my pregnancy would be covered. Somehow I still am afraid there is some hidden problem. Any insights, personal experiences? Thank you, Anja""
How much would insurance be for someone like me?
i have a job that pays 1300 a month, im 23 years old, no previous record. no credit. basically it would be my first insurance for a car. i live in minnesota saint paul, how much would it be? my sis says it might be like 300 dollars or something? if u need other info ill tell it thanks guys""
Huoniao 125-8 Insurance?
I'm buying this bike in a couple weeks time brand new. And I was just wondering what insurance is best/cheapest for a 17yr old rider. Thankyou! Also i've heard about this company called Rampdale, it's cheap, but apperently they completely **** most riders over?""
Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports?
I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you
Which Governor of California made car insurance a requirement?
I was just wondering why car insurance companies make millions in profits and suck the money out of us (car insurance payers). But Since it is not a federal requirement to have insurance. It exist in a state level. so yea which governor of california made car insurance a requirement to have ? :)
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
http://www.comparethemarket.com/ is a stupid website.. it hasent even got my car in the list of models so i cant get quotes making the site useless :(
Cheap NY auto insurance ?
hi there, i plan on buying a car soon but im a new driver and i have no one else to help me insure a car so i have no choice but to insure it on my own. I've checked and looked around geico, state farm, all state, and they were all to expensive, anywhere from 5-6k to insure the car for a year (way to expensive). So do any of you guys know any NY auto insurance companies that are affordable? Thanks""
What is homeowners insurance declaration page?
im getting a loan but im not sure what a home owner's insurance is
Can i buy a car and still be under my mom's insurance?
I have enough money for a car. I was just wondering if i could buy a car and have the title under my name and still be able to be under my mom's insurance. i may be able to buy a car but my own insurance may be pushing it.
Credit life insurance?
My mom passed away in sept. of cancer. She had a $100,000 balance on her mortgage loan. Now I just recieved a letter stating that her credit insurance had gone through and a check had been sent to her mortgage account number. I have never even heard of credit insurance, does this mean the remainder of her loan is gonna be paid off??? If so I am in shock.""
Register a car in CA. you must have car insurance or your breaking the law ?
New Laws in CA????? Help , Can Someone tell me About this New laws in Cal about you have have to have car Insurance?, I thought that that was already a law? Was it?? And if you regiester a car in CA. you must have car insurance or your brecking the law ? True or false ?????""
Car Insurance in India?
Hi, I have bought a new car Ritz and along with that, the dealer has provided me Insurance from royal sundaram. I heard that insurance companies pays only fifty percent of repair ...show more""
Cost of newborn delivery/childbirth(California...
I'm wondering what the cost is for delivery/childbirth is in California, without taking health insurance coverage into account? Just looking for a general number, but if you want more specifics: -My area is the San Francisco Bay Area (east/south bay) -When I say childbirth, I mean: admittance into hospital/actual delivery procedure (not cesarian)/3 day hospital stay I'm shopping for health insurance, so any number that you come up with to help me budget/calculate would help me out greatly!""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I've looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does anyone know any insurance company/comparison websites that are good? Preferably recommend ones you have used yourself. Thanks""
Problem with Admiral car insurance... heeelp!!!!?
Hello Thank you for entering in my post I've been with Admiral insurance for more than 1 year, which is my 1st car insurance since I've been in England I've been driving for more than 12 years and I've never made a claim before it was a normal and clear day and i was going to work when I had an accident with a girl riding a moped It was a very silly accident, fortunatelly none was injured, and I only had a broken wind-mirrow, which is no more than 50 of damage I had to call Admiral, my insurer, to sort the problem out, I had no other choice Admiral told me I was not covered to go to work since on the policy agreement says: use for social, domestic and pleasure purposes only. And, according to them, to be covered, my policy had to be: use for social and COMMUNITY. So Community for them means, going to work, it is ridiculas but that's what i was told However they said we cover you, you will have to pay 23.74 extra and you will be covered, it was frustrating, a theft, but I let it go... The absurd story didn't even start yet! I gave Admiral all the details which the police had given to me the day of the accident plus some pictures of the scene, which I took before to leave that day Admiral sent an inspector who interwied me at my house. This inspector wrote a statement of 6 PAGES! about my accident, however, I need to say, he did a very good job On the statement states that none was injured and the fault lies with the moped rider, which is also what the police said on the scene. In addtion this inspector suggested to call my insurer again to finally get my car fixed. Admiral told me I will have to pay for the damage myself and, after all their investigation, if they find out it was not my fault, I can ask e refund for the damage, and they added that this investigation can take up to 3 years, so I will have my money back in 3 years! this is because according to them, the moper rider was injured This is absolutely incredible What would you suggest? I would like to get rid of this Admiral policy as soon possible, I would like to claim against it Who could I call to claim against Admiral? Any suggestion according this matter will be very apprecitive thank you in advance for your help""
Will my insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
I got pulled over doing 48 in a 25. Ouch..i know. The cop gave me a court date and i dont know whether i should go to court and try to get this revised so it doesnt look so bad or if i should just pay the 150....AND is my isurance going to go up. I have grange...PLEASEEEE help out...im 19 and no previous tickets or violations
Should I drop collision from my auto insurance this renewal?
I have a ten year old Honda Civic, just over 40,000 miles, has a crack in the driver's side rear bumper that I ignore. I have an excellent driving record, no points, am the only driver, am at that age where I'm not young enough or old enough to be considered a threat, but I live in a high rate state and money is more than tight and they just shot my house insurance through the roof, even though I never put in a claim, because, get this, there is a chance that someday we may have a hurricane! Am I being pennywise and pound foolish, or am I paying for something that won't pay off even if I need it? Thank you!""
About how much will car insurance cost me?
I'm 17, I live in texas, I have never gotten into an accident, ill be driving a 2002 SUV and I want to buy it for six months so about how much will it cost""
How do we work with insurance companies in California?
We are a Southern California Drywall Company and would like to work with insurance companies. How do we get started?
What is the cheapest health insurance company?
I am a single mom and I'd be paying for myself and my son. I don't want to go through my health insurance at work because I don't want to work there for a long amount of time. So I need long term health insurance for the both of us, but I don't want to have to pay over $250 a month. Any suggestions?""
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Help with car insurance?
If my friend financed the car I wanted for me would he have to be the policy holder of the insurance and list me as the main driver. If so, would the monthly payment be based off of me only and not my friend right? Or would he have to also pay for insurance ?""
What do compulsory and voluntary excess mean in car insurance?
The one I am looking at is 0 compulsory excess and 150 voluntary. Is it better for both to be lower? I don't know what it means. Please explain before I buy. Thanls
Cheap home owners insurance?
they keep raising rates with no justification. Which company do you use? Are they expensive? Are they cheaper? I Cr 13;8a
Car insurance?
i am looking for a decent quote for car insurance, my daughter passed her test in march and we would love to have her on our insurance but theyare asking for so much , i cannot afford it, i have a peugeot 307 o3 , my quote is 1214.85. she is going to UNI in October and really wont be using tthe car any way. any sugggestions would be really appreciated, now and again she would be using the car and she is so good , cannot afford to buy her a car of her own and the insurance would be too much anyway??""
Does car insurance cover only one car per policy?
Like, if I had many cars, would the policy cover all those cars for one fee or would I have to get insurance for each car? I feel like each policy only covers one car but I'm not for sure which is why I'm here. And if there is such a car insurance that covers x amount of cars for one fee, let me know. Thanks for taking the time to answer this.""
Can please someone suggest the cheapest and yet good car insurance company?
Will my car Insurance rates up if my car was vandalized?
My car was vandalized and there was about $1100 in damage. I m paying the $500 deductable and my insurance is paying the rest. Will my rates go up?
Cheap Car Insurance UK?
I have been looking at quotes for a while now and I keep on getting the quotes for around 3,000+, there is no way I am paying that. Before anyone suggests go on your parents insurance or get a provisional not happening, I want my own car on my own insurance 3rd party. Does anyone know any decent places where I can get insurance for 2,500 or less, it would be much appreciated.""
Should we keep health insurance or get rid of it?
anyone know the pros and cons of either getting rid of health insurance or to keep it?
Insurance auctions/Salvage yards websites???
can anyone tell me good websites that sale salvage/insurance auction cars ......i live in south texas........
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
http://www.comparethemarket.com/ is a stupid website.. it hasent even got my car in the list of models so i cant get quotes making the site useless :(
Approximately how much would Comprehensive car insurance be for these luxury cars?
Im currently doing an assignment where I have to compare running costs of three different cars. I can't get an online quote for comprehensive insurance for these three luxury cars: Let's say the driver is a 30 year old with a perfect history/driving record. BMW 740i (Price: $183,000) Audio RS4 (Price: $187,500) Mercedes CLK-63 AMG (Price: $199,100) How much do you think APPROXIMATELY, the comprehensive car insurance would be for each of these cars? (Annual) AS A GUIDE.""
Insurance 2 be a cheer leader???????
do you have to have health insurance to be on a high school cheer team? and if you dont then do they not let you on the team?
Car insurance help?
A while back my nephew ran into a car that was stopped on a bridge. Both vehicles had liability insurance. They determine that it was my nephew's fault. His insurance paid and now the insurance are trying to get money back. Why?
How much is car insurance?
I am in Delaware. I am starting grad school and I will have very little money. But I am considering getting an old car just to get around and save some time. I'm a 26 year old girl so I know I'm not in the worst catagories. I just want a basic idea of whether or not it will break the bank to consider a car.
""For my situation, what is the best way to minimize my car insurance?
ok the situation is like this. my family has two cars. (maxima and accent) I (21years old) use the accent and my parents use the maxima. All three of us are under the same insurance plan. I might sell the accent and buy a used car and pay monthly(financing). so that means the insurance has to be full coverage right? and not liability. (the maxima and the accent are both fully paid and they are under liability right now) So if I buy a used car what is the best way to minimize the insurance cost?...which is a good insurance company? can I be covered under my dad's name or something? my friend said something like that..but I don't know if there is such a thing. by the way my parents live in massachusetts and i live in NJ. what should i do? (don't tell me not to buy a car)
Mom forgot to list me as a driver on car insurance?
So i've been driving four years , and i'm about to buy a new car as a 20yr old. I call to get a quote, and they tell me i'm not listed as a driver on my mom's insurance. What does this mean?""
I wrecked my motorcycle with no insurance in fl help?
So a year ago i wrecked my motorcycle, crashing into another car. I did not have insurance or a motorcycle Endorsement. I live in fl so im kind of familiar with the not at fault law. However the insurance company from the other party has sent a bill for 9k an request i pay it. Some people are telling me to ignore it an others are telling me to pay. Need help would be thankful. Im trying to be a firefighter paramedic an i do not want this to kill my chances. Thank you""
Help finding very very cheap car insurance please?
i live in florida (miami) is there anyone that can give me a legit site that provides me car insurance for the cheapest price possible? what i mean by legit is no scams or anything, and an address where i can personally go to visit the insurance agency for the papers.""
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
Do I need to change car insurance?
Right now Im going to school in tampa while my home town is about 2.5/3 hours away. Im currently residing in the dorms on campus but next semester (january) I was going to move into an apartment. I know Ill have to change my drivers license but will I have to change my car insurance policy too? I know one of my classmates did and it went up considerably because of the move to tampa.
Im 19 need health insurance?
Im 19 and I really need affordable health insurance. Neither for my parents can afford to put me on their insurance. Also i have a few preexisting medical conditions that makes it harder for me to find insurance.
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!""
Car Insurance..6 Points..(read on)?
I got 6 points back in 2009 for speeding with a drink drive ban the same night! I don't need any lectures. I can easily say biggest mistake of my life! I done my time and still paying for it. I done a insurance quote without the 6 points and it was 600, with them it is 1300! (the drink drive ban included in both quotes) It is comming up to the 4 year mark where I can now get them removed from my licence, but I have to still declare it to my insurance even though there not on my licence any more..? (rehabilation offenders act..?) I have changed my ways and I drive very sensibly in low litre cars! Never want a fast car! (I am 23) I just use it for work my annual mileage is around 10k. These 6 points have raised it dramatically! Are there any insurance companies out there where I can only declare it for the 3 or 4 years? Or do I have to even declare it atall insurance companies are asking for 5 years, but they are completely off my licence after 4..I would of thought under the rehabilitation act I served my 4 year sentence now a 3rd party company (the insurer) is asking for 5..? Help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks""
Student auto insurance?
I'm currently a college student and would like to purchase my own auto insurance in Ohio (and no longer be included on my parents insurance). Does anyone have any tips on how/where to get good, affordable auto insurance? Are there any companies that you would recommend? Or ones that offer student/good student discounts? Thanks!""
Does car insurance cover vandalism?
My husbands crazy ex wife. Keyed my car, slit my tires, and put something in my gas tank because my car wont start now. Does my insurance cover it? I have full coverage.""
What Health insurance would anyone reccommend?..?
my husband and I are trying to buy health insurance. we want something affordable. What good health insurance would anyone recommend.
Do I need health insurance for cosmetic surgery ?
Just wondering ? I have the money to pay for it, so I don't need the insurance to cover it..But the medical forms ask for that information, and I don't have health insurance yet ? Does it matter ? Can I get the surgery without it ?""
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
Insurance after admitting responsibility car crash?
i have admitted responsibility at the scene when i crashed my car into someone elses. i have since found out that it will make my insurance go up horrendously. yikes!! how much is my insurance likely to go up? im worried
How much would it cost for a male teen driver?
How much would it cost for a old 1969 chevy Malibu and to fix it up. And how much would insurance cost for a male teen driver
No insurance and Pregnant in Florida?
Hey everyone.. im 19 and i just found out last night that there is a good chance of me being pregnant. I took two tests last night and they both came out with a faint pink line and a dark pink line. Now i dont have medical insurance, but im a part time student and i work full-time but my job doesnt offer any insurance coverage. Everyone keeps telling me that i need to go to the docot but i dont know what do do next if i dont have insurance. I' m in Orlando Florida so if anyone can help give me advice on what i should do next id realllllyy appreciate it. Thanks!""
What cars are cheap to insure for 17 year old male like myself?
I have my practical in March, crossing fingers I pass so I thought now is an appropriate time to start looking for a car which is cheap to insure.""
Where will give a young male cheap car insurance?
I know that I am statistically more likely to cause an accident than a middle aged person. However. Are there any companies that are good that will insure me on a car of about 200hp for under 1400. If i tell them I have achieved good grades and done pass plus etc as well as the fact I have never claimed on my current insurance could they give me a low quote? Thanks
Insurance for Infiniti G35 Coupe and Sedan ?
I live in California, is there any difference and if there is how much its difference would it be approximately ? I am 20 years old.""
How much will health insurance cost us?
My boyfriend and I are considering moving to the United States, the state of Florida. We have pre-existing conditions, neurological and we are 36 years old. We would like to know how much money we will have to paid monthly for a health insurance that covers costs such as medical visits, exams, prescriptions and dental care.""
Can you give me a list of car insurance comparison sites please?
http://www.comparethemarket.com/ is a stupid website.. it hasent even got my car in the list of models so i cant get quotes making the site useless :(
0 notes
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
"Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Motorcycle insurance?
Hey everyone just looking for some good places to go for my motorcycle insurance. I live in california L.A, county more east. Anyways im 27 no tickets anything for the last couple of years. i know you cant tell me a price but i was looking for places that have good deals and customer services. im just looking for liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks guys.""
Is there Constitutional precedent for requiring people to buy health insurance?
Car insurance is mandated because you're licensed to drive and the license can be revoked, but you're not licensed to live, so is there legal standing for requiring purchase of a product (health insurance)?""
Could a 17 year old new driver get insurance for a 1.8-2.0 litre?
Hi... If i was to get a car lets say a 1.8 to a 2.0 litre could i put this car on one of my parents policies and be able to get affordable insurance... My parents have many years no claims discount... Would the insurance firm grant me permission to be insured for a car with a big engine under my parents policy? I was thinking of a VW golf Gti (Mk3) or maybe an old BMW ... Please don't suggest sh!t cars like puntos,saxos nd all those because they are for the boy racers...""
Should I get rental insurance for my apartment?
I don't have any expensive appliances. I only have used funiture and my clothes. Lately I have seen a lot of apartment fires on the news and now I am indecisive about getting rental insurance for my apartment.
How to get dental insurance in Alabama and how much it cost?
My friend doesn't have dental insurance. So i'm just trying to help out by asking for advice. What is the cheapest dental insurance she can get that is going to cover root ...show more
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
I need help finding affordable health insurance for my family?
My husband has a job currently that offers health insurance for us, BCBS of NC great insurance but his job doesn't pay enough for us to survive now that we have a new baby. He is switching to a driving job that pays a little more so we can survive and pay some more bills, so we have decided to try to buy our own health insurance with this new job. Things are very tight with money with me being a stay at home mom to a new baby boy and a toddler so I need very affordable health insurance for my husband and myself. My kids are covered by medicaid so I do not need to buy it for them. I do not qualify for medicaid so I have to buy insurance for myself and my husband. Any suggestions of where to look? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
International student health insurance US?
My college requires insurance. I am already in the US so I won't be able to purchase a plan from insurance provider from my homecountry. Can anyone give some suggestions of affordable and reputable insurance provider that you have used? I did some googling but I would want to confirm that the insurance companies are indeed legit. Thanks!
Car insurance recommendations?
hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice.""
""Car accident, insurance and no insurance, what happens?""
So I got into a car accident, both cars totalled. I have insurance for the car and the other person does not have insurance, what happens? thanks""
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
I was rear ended in california with no insurance is there anyhting i can do?
I was rear ended in a car accident in california,and I did not have insurance at the time.My car was wrecked.And Im stuck with the hospital bill's.Is there anything i can do legally ?""
How do i look for cheapest car insurance?
i am 18 years old girl. I am thinking to buy a car for myself but i want the cheapest car insurance as possible. how do i look for cars that cost cheap insurance. any ideas.
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
What is the best 4x4 as a first car? Also cheap to run.?
I live in a pretty rugged region, and, for my intended job as a country vet it would really help to have a car tough enough to cope with the bumps and ruts. Now I know that the best 4x4 overall is the land rover defender and, money permitting, of course I'd have one. But to run and insure nearly all 4x4s are massively expensive! So far I've considered the old rav 4, a suzuki ignis, or the old fiat panda 4x4 and as of yet, i prefer the latter as it seems cheap to run, cheap to insure and also has the practicality of being small but robust. So if there is any other car better suited to this, ideally as cheap as possible to buy, run and insure, then I'd really be glad of the help.""
Free Insurance Quotes Online?
Hi, I just bought a car and I need to get insurance asap so I can drive. A friend told me you can get free insurance quotes from websites online. Is it true?""
Shopping for health insurance... un-insurable? ?
OK gang, here's a doozie. We've been shopping for health insurance and are continually declined because we consume more than 12 alcohol drinks per week.(I know! Are you kidding me??) We're perfectly healthy people who have a few beers after work each day, and a few more on the weekends. Can anyone assist me in finding the right company?""
Will the Insurance company fix my car?
Couple weeks ago some idiot ran into my car. His insurance company is only Liability, and car damage is covered for up too $5,000 in damages. So here is the deal....the Kelly Blue Book value of my car is about $9,500 and the insurance company wants to salvage my car. Can this be possible? I mean my car is worth way more than what the damage is, and I spoke to the claims department and explained my situation and they said if your lawyer (my lawyer) and the body shop guy who is going to fix my car signs off mentioning that they can fix my car for $5,000 then I can get my car back. But please help....do you guys really think I will get my car fixed and back or will I be stuck with only $5,000. Any advice is appreciated! My car is a 2002 Mercedes - C240 - 4 door sedan""
What health insurance can I get if I'm fired from my job?
I'm worried I'm about to get fired from my job and I need health insurance b/c I have health problems. Is there any affordable health plans out there? Would I qualify for ...show more
Car insurance quotes?
Any one know of any cheap insurance brokers , im 31 male , ive got 9 years no claims protected , i drive a BMW 323 ISE its nothing special 2000 w reg , my best quote is 613 , 61 per month , i think its a rip off my girlfriend is younger than me drives a audi a3 newer than mine she has 3 years no claims and hers is cheaper , wtf ? oh im a HGV driver for a living""
Car Insurance Company have had my car for OVER A YEAR.?
Ok, so this is a little complicated... Oct 2008 I had a car accident. My car was written off. My car was towed to a garage and was held there while the insurance company evaluated the damage. THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I SAW MY CAR. Because the size of my excess (800) and the amount of damage matched the value of the car (800) I was advised it would be pointless to claim on the insurance and it was written off. The accident was my fault and I held my hands up and admitted it and the other party walked away with everything sorted. No suggestion of fraud and certainly nothing fraudulent on my part. Towards the end of 2008 my insurance company started falling off the radar, not returning my calls or my emails, letters etc. I repeatedly asked what I was supposed to do next (I'd never had an accident before and the whole process confused me because they kept giving me conflicting info) and where my car was. I was ignored (or given incorrect info). In the end I declared a SORN on the car and had so much going on in my personal life, I forgot about it, knowing the car was off the road. Anyway, I'm now trying to track the car down as the SORN is about to run out. Insurance company are still off the radar and refusing to answer. Now they're saying they have no record of me, my policy OR my car. So I've lost my car, I don't know who's got it and yet I'm still liable for it. What can I do? Can I get the police involved? Trading standards? ANYTHING? I don't care about the car, whoever has it can keep it! I just don't want to be liable for it! By the way, the insurance company involved is SwiftCover.com, in case anyone is thinking of going with them because they're cheap. They're cheap because they're RUBBISH.""
""Car Insurance / Mother or Father as First Driver, me as Second?""
I'm trying to sort out car insurance, but the problem is, is that it is very high, Ive never done this before as Im a first time driver, but a lot of people have told me to put my parents as primary drivers and me as secondary, how do I do this? I really have no idea, thank you I'm using gocompare.com but how do I enter my parents in and then as secondary, thank you very much""
Will my insurance be cheaper if my dad keeps my car in his name?
So my dad is giving me a car, he got a few insurance quotes but they are as high as $600. If my dad keeps the car in his name and just adds me as a driver will my insurance be cheaper? Please help!!!""
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Car insurance america?
I'm thinking of going to America for six months and want to buy a car to get about, but insurance is expensive could I get a resident of America to put me on there insurance then insure themselves on the car I just bought. Is this possible? If not any suggestions would be amazing thanks I'm from UK and 22""
Health insurance for someone with a preexisting condition?
I have heard about plans that are available through association memberships with limited benefits. Is this a legitimate method of obtaining coverage for someone who is otherwise ineligible for insurance? Any other suggestions? The high-risk pool insurance in California is not affordable.
Do I need to have my own insurance to drive a friend's car?
I have my driver's license but don't own a car. Do I need to buy insurance for myself if I want to drive a friend's car, or am I covered under his policy? The car is insured in Florida and I have a Georgia license.""
Car Insurance Question?
I was in a car wreak where it was the other persons fault....already determined by the police. I live in Tennessee by the way and I didnt have insurance at the time..even though I went out and got it an hour later. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages to the person who hit me? Their insurance is already fixing my car, but the lady who hit me was driving her dads car and she only had liability but not on the car she was driving. Does she call my insurance company to have her dads car fixed even though it was her fault? Whos insurance pays for it? Or is she just outta luck?""
How to get insurance for a soccer league?
im doing my own adult soccer league in hemet california and i have a lot of things ready the only thing that i need its to get insurance for the league but i do not know how to get it. the people who will rent the field to me wants me to have an insirance for the league and if i do not get it i will not be able to start my league.. help please
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old to own a 2002 BMW 330i?
I'm 16 and was wondering how much (about) it would cost for me to insure my 2002 BMW 330i. Doesn't have to be exact because I know there are plenty of factors.. Just ABOUT how much. Additionally, I dont want any answers like oh you'll just crash it. Give me a legit answer.""
Does my son need car insurance?
I have a son and he just got his license, hes 16 yrs old. and we only have one car at the moment. Its just me and him and I have insurance already under my name, I have AAA in California. My question is since he got his license does he need to be put under my insurance also or is the car already insured since its already in my name?""
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Do you need to pay insurance on a 50cc scooter in utah?
I just bought a 50cc scooter and i was wondering if in Utah you have to pay insurance on it? also about how much is it to register it?
How will this affect my CAR INSURANCE?
Hi, I recently drove my dad's 2005 Infiniti G35 into a ditch. It was a rainy day and I lost control. There was no apparnt cosmetic damage but around 3500 dollars damage from hitting one of the wheels on a hard object as well as a torn gas tank underneath. There were no other vehicles involved. Im 18 and have no previous records or offences. Im going back to University residence soon so I'll be taken off the insurance. I was wondering if my parent's insurance rate would increase even though im not listed?""
Car insurance?
suppose a 24 yr old is paying $600 a year for liablility car insurance. how much will this person be paying when they reach 25 years old?
Cheapest car insurance please?
hey i hope some1 can help me out. i am 22 years. i recently passed my driving test, on the 21/07/2009. i also bought a car honda civic. 1.4l i am looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. because i am full time student. and work part time. i wouldnt be able to afford paying 2000 annually. please if some1 knows where to get cheap car insurance for new drivers, would be very appreciated cheers""
Banned Driver - Cheap Insurance ????
hiya please can you help me i no i have done wrong so i dont need any comments about how i shouldnt be back on the road - i am willing to learn from mistakes !!!! does any1 no the cheapest car insurance company for go through when you have been banned ??? much appreciated x
Im 24 years old. How much will car insurance cost. Im female.?
I asked this question before. Everyone assumed I was under 18. Im actually a 24 year old female in Ontario. So I needed to provide this information originally when I had asked....sorry about that. So can anyone take a guess now?
Car insurance claim failed. I am totally innocent and will not give up. Where do I stand with this?
The accident happened on a roundabout I was already on, someone pulled out on me and I T-boned the side of their car. An 'independent' assessor has looked at my car and wrote a damage report which went to the other drivers insurance company (who I am personally claiming from as my insurance is 3rd party cover only). Their company have now wrote to me saying they are denying my claim because: They can't understand why the whole front of the car is damaged (erm..because I T-boned the other car!) They can't understand why the nearside wing is damaged (erm..because she kept driving for a few seconds, which tried to drag my car to one side. The chassis went out of line and it moved the wing out of position). They can't understand how the nearside door is damaged (erm..it isn't!). Is there much else I can do other than write to argue their statement? A solicitor or small-claims court would not be cost effective as I'm only claiming approx 400. What can I do?""
Insurance for a 2008 Subaru Sti Hatchback?
Is the Insurance for the new 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna be cheaper than those of 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, have good grades and a clean record and was curious how much my insurance would be if i bought the Sti. Just a ballpark estimate. Thanx""
""I need Health Insurance, had Gastric Bypass, On unemployment.... Help?""
I had Gastric Bypass in May of this year. I am on unemployment and wanted to pay out of pocket for insurance because I have had complications. I applied but was denied because of the surgery in the past. I have searched for a job and nothing. Ive been with my Boyfriend for the past 4 months, but his insurance says something about domestic partnership but only after 12 months of living together. How can I get around this, I need health insurance. Anyone else have the same issues? Let me know I am confused here.""
Teenager Car insurance?
Approximately, how much will it cost to insure a car? I'm 18, just got my license and the car that I'm going to buy is 2008 Mini Cooper S, I live in Los Angeles, CA and GPA ...show more""
What is the average insurance rate for a 16 year old driver.?
16 year old driver with a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I do realize I must contact my agent (dads agent) for exact amounts, and that it varies a LOT even by zipcode. But I am needing just an estimated amount to draw up some figures. I am looking at a 2009 Suzuki Equator or a 2008 Suzuki XL7. Please help! Thanks! (California)""
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
What is Aflac? Insurance? Something you add on to insurance?
They are offering a meeting at work with an Aflac rep but really gave no information. I currently have no insurance at all. Is this something I would want to look into? Thanks!
What does an approved provider mean to health insurance company?
I want to list myself as an approved provider for speech therapy but I am not a proferred provider for any health insurance plan.
Car insurance - Seonnd driver ? How does it work?
I have just got my full UK driving license. I am looking to buy a car. I know that if I buy car the insurance right now will be high as I am 23 years old new driver. I was told to put the car on my auntie's name and get insurance as second driver. But does that mean that my auntie will have to pay for her insurance too as the main driver?!? She already has her own car & insurance will she have to pay another insurance if I do put the car on her name and be second driver? Please let me know Thanks K
Motorcycle Insurance (600cc vs 750cc)?
I am picking up a new sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here in a couple weeks and I was wondering the average cost of motorcycle insurance per month (or year if you pay gross). The bike will be totally paid off when I purchase. Thank you for your time, Kevin BTW: I am 25yrs old in Florida. It will be either a 600cc or 750cc.""
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
My car got hit in the middle of the night. I don't have insurance but the person at fault does.?
I woke up yesterday to find my car hit and another car, with temp tags, abandoned up the road (it had a lot of damage to the front of it, so it was obviously the one that hit mine.) Today the officer who came yesterday called and had found the person at fault and gave me all of their information. I don't have insurance currently, and my car will cost a few $100 to repair, so what can I do with this info?""
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower?
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower? the insurance company told me if i sighn on with my family it makes it cheaper...all of my friends are paying 120-200 i dont get why mines so much more/?
how much a year would a 1998 chevrolet camaro base, not z28, be for a new driver. any ideas? and also a 2002 dodge intrepreped es 4 door cost? please.""
Car insurance?
suppose someone is paying $700 a year for liability car insurance and gets a speeding ticket. how much higher can this persons insurance go up?
Cheapest Contents Insurance Company?
Hi i need to get contents insurance for a rented house with 4 bedrooms. the cheapest i've found is HSBC - 19 a month (unlimited) Do you know of anywhere else that's cheaper?????????????????? Thanks.
Car Insurance?
I just got my license and my parents bought me a used car (03 Nissan Sentra). It has insurance under my mom's name, but not mine. Can I legally drive that car and if I do get into an accident driving it, will it be covered?""
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
I have been driving for about 3 years now. And now I am saving up for my first car. I just want to know whats the best car insurance because I know its gonna be pricey because I am a first time driver and under 25. What do you suggest I should try? I am still doing my research regardless but I want to be prepared to pay for at least 6 months in advance because I am still in college as we speak. I just don't want to worry about that every month when I get the car. Thank you !!
Cheapest Car Insurance Company In NY?
Hey i am really need to help with car insurance. Is my first time buying a car and i am really looking for a good deal for a car insurance company here in NY. Either the cheapest or the one that you personally recommend for my age (21 years old) I really appreciate your time. I have been searching for a lot of them before i make a call.
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
What is the most economic way to insure a second car?
I already have fully comprehensive insurance for both myself and my spouse on our first car but now are looking to buy a second car. I also have 9 years no claims bonus.
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
How does malpratice insurance in Boston compare to the insurance in Dallas? ?
For an obgyn? Just trying to plan my future.
Can I use my parents car insurance?
As a 17 year old, could I get car insurance under my mom's name? I can't pay $200+ a month for car insurance as a first time driver under my own name. So could I just get my mom to sign to it so I would only pay her rate at like $100 a month?""
Can I go under my mum's fiance's car insurance?
I currently live in Glasgow and have one year left of college (after this one) before my family moves to England, due to my my mums fiance/my little sisters dad working down there. Once we move down there I will be doing my driving tests. So my question is would it be possible for me to be put under his car insurance policy even though we are not directly related and my mum has not married him yet? I will be living with him, working for him and he will be putting me through my lessons and also helping to support me as I continue my education down there (if i need support).""
Government car insurance?
I've heard Of Auto Insurance Sponsored Through The Government For Low Income Homes. Where Can I Find More Information About This?
Sent a fake transcript to a car insurance for good student discount?
So me like an idiot sent a transcript from my college to Geico car insurance and it was altered. I thought that in the next semester, i can be able to make it all up. the altered transcript had 2 C's 2 A's and 1 B. What can i do now? I am really afraid because I really don't know what to do anymore. I feel like committing suicide because of this. What should i do? My original gpa for the transcript was 2.50""
California auto insurance?
my daughter bought a used car and was told by the seller that he would keep his insurance on the car for a couple of weeks so she could find her own insurance. Well a couple of days later she was pulled over and when the cop asked for her insurance papers, they were not in the glove box. Now we can not fond the seller to get a copy of his insurance. Does anyone know how we can find out which insurance company insured the car? When you register your car does DMV write down your insurance information? I added her car to our policy the same day she got the ticket. Any help would be appreciated. The ticket amount is $1100.00! Thanks Gary""
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Subaru Wrx Sti?
Before you answer please read this: I am 16, this will be my first car, my father will be buying it for me but i would call the insurance company but they are closed at this time of night so i will just ask on here. Please do not lecture about how i don't need this car and all i understand the concern but since you aren't the ones paying the bills please don't lecture. Thank you for any and all help available.""
How much increase will I expect in my car insurance premium after an accident that was my fault?
I rear-ended a car that in turn rear-ended another car. Damage to my car cost $6500, liability claims against my policy at $5000. Also one driver claimed for bodily injury amounting to $2000. I am insured under Progressive in Texas""
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
If the teenager is added to the parents policy, how much more will it cost the parent? Info: I have a good gpa, I will take drivers ed, my mom has a new car and its safe, and I have just turned 16.""
Income Based Health Insurance in California?
I'm 18 years old and live at home with my dad/step mom. They don't have insurance through their employers, so neither do I and because their combined income is so high (6 figures) I'm not eligible for Medical or Medicaid. Any ideas on what I can do to get affordable health insurance? I have a job too...""
How to bring Car Insurance down?
Here's the lowdown: Been driving for over 20 years on a Full UK Licence, apart from a few prangs 20 years ago have been driving without incident. Was a chauffeur for a few years, no traffic accidents. Was a delivery driver for a few years with no traffic accidents (the only one in the firm) Have also been driving a motorbike which 2 years ago I had to re-take my tests for. I scored 100% in all areas, theory, the section I called 'stunt' driving and road test. I have kind of got fed up with using company cars, hire vehicles and the motorbike to get everywhere, so decided to purchase a cheap Audi A3 (I'm talking an ancient one here). 3PFT insurance works out at over 1000 per year...about the same as the car is worth. This is too expensive for me (considering my bike insurance is 150 a year) how can I bring it down?""
""I need individual health insurance, im 16?""
Hello everyone, im looking for individual health insurance. I am 16 needing surgery on my right knee which has a Torn Miniscus. i need it immediately with a decent pay rate. Thanks in advance""
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Really dumb questions about car insurance?
This is my first time buying a car, and I have a question that may be kind of dumb. I live in Illinois, so it is illegal to drive a car that's uninsured. I don't have a car now, so I don't have a way of transferring insurance or whatever. - What do I do when I find a car and buy it and need to take it off the lot? I don't know what kind of car I'm getting, so I can't really get the insurance ahead of time. - If I did get pulled over for whatever reason, would the police be understanding if I just bought the car? - How quickly do insurance companies usually get you covered over the phone (particularly, Progressive)? - Do you have to pay a deposit? When? - When would my first actual payment be if I pay once every 6 months? I know these are dumb and basic, but please understand that I have never ever bought a car or gotten car insurance.""
How much car insurance do I need?
I have a 2007 Honda Element and live in an area where people drive really expensive cars on a regular basis (i.e. Tesla's, custom Mercedes', Porsche's, Lotus'...). Also, Elements tend to need windshield replacements a lot. I will be driving children around as well so I need sufficient coverage for that. I was basically just curious about how much coverage I need because I'm getting the feeling that I have too much coverage therefore am paying too much. Currently my coverage is: -Bodily Injury: 100,000/300,000 -Medical Payments: No Coverage -Uninsured Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 -Collision: 500 -Auto Death Benefits: 15,000""
How many of you out there have Car Insurance?
i'm an insurance agent (youngest one in the office-only 22) and i'm trying to come up with some numbers for how many people are driving around uninsured. if you have Insurance what company do you have? if you dont why not? and have you ever been insured? children under 16 (or unlicensed individuals) need not answer.
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
Car insurance rates question plz help 10 pts?
I pay $187 a mth for car insurance & that's full coverage with $500 deduct. The reason I was told I'm paying that much was bc of a big wreck I had back in Aug 2010 and since it's coming up on 3 yrs and my premium expires in Aug I'm expecting my rates to go down a little. My insurance company jus told me that that's not why I'm paying that much it's bc of 2 speeding tickets I got back in 2010 Feb & April bt when my premium expires in Aug my rates will go down. My question is can you guys give me a estimate on how much you think I'll be paying in Aug when my rates go down??! I live in S.C. Btw Thanks so much in advance
What is general insurance?
i want to know abt general insurance.
What car companies have the highest insurance rates?
Highest to lowest would be a good way to list them for me.
Can you have insurance on a car that isn't yours?
My girl friend has a car but lost her job and can't afford to pay insurance. Can i put the insurance in my name for a car that she owns?
""Confused about car insurance...stacked, unstacked??
i am looking up car insurance quotes online and for Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Option there is a stacked option and a unstacked option. Does anyone know what this means? What the diff is? This is for PA
Insurance on a 2005 ford focus?
What would the average insurance for progressive be on a auto 2005 red focus with 70k miles. For a 17 year old and a 45 year old. Can I legally put my car in my parents name to lower insurance cost?
I crash today i have no insurance and my car is under my bfs name and insurance..so i just gave the insurance?
to the guy that i crash..hes going to call the insurance..im scared i havent told my bf and i dont want to..do i need to file something i dont really know im scared plz help me and i wanna know how much is goin to be
Car Insurance Laws in Arizona?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance? I have insurance on my car, it is just a pain because it's so expensive and a waste of my money. My friend told me the state requires it and you could e put in jail if you do not have insurance, and I know illegal immigrants that do not have insurance that drive get away with this **** everyday.""
I want to finance a car. Can the registration and insurance be under my brothers' name?
Will a car dealership allow me to register the car under my brother? I want to put the car in my brothers name because the insurance will be cheaper. His credit is in better than mine.
How do I save on auto insurance?
I want to save on auto insurance.....what factors can lower your rate? I need to know things such as an alarm, and kept in the garage, but what other factors can help me getting a low rate? Thanks everyone""
Whats the best insurance company for a young driver?
just passed my driving test and was wondering what the cheapest insurance company for young drivers is?
If i lease a car do I pay insurance?
I am thinking about leasing a car, do I have to pay insurance?""
How much a car Ins. would pay for a repair?
My sister got hit for a car that was leaving a gas station. She went to get some estimates from a body shop and the first she got was for over $6000 because they want to replace almost all the damaged parts; the other estimate is for around $3500 because they will repaire some parts. This is a new sienna (2004)with few miles. Will Insurance pay for the higher estimate? This accident will increase the future premium if the other ins. do not want to pay for the repair? The accident was not my sister fault and the other driver was not added to the policy of the car that he was driving.
Best value Florida auto insurance?
I just moved from Illinois to Florida and am looking for auto insurance because my own company is upping my price from $125 to $275 a month with the same coverage (100/300K BI, 50K property, 100K UM, and roadside assistance) with the move. Upon obtaining quotes, the best I've gotten is with Esurance which is just over $200 a month. It seems that adding BI to any auto policy ups the price pretty heavily. Are there any mid-level or local insurance companies in Florida that generally offer better premiums than the heavy hitters I've been quoting with? I'm in Port Richey.""
What exactly does car insurance cover?
If I left my car out in the rain with the sunroof and stuff open and my car suffered water damage because of it, would I be screwed? Or would the insurance help pay for the damages or just compensate me for a new car?""
How much should my car insurance cost?
In a few months ill be getting my license and a car. I live in Massachusetts. I'm not exactly sure what I am getting for a car, but I may end up getting a Honda accord that is around 12 years old and has a lot of mileage (200k+). Pretty much, I'm starting to look into the cheapest possible car insurance because: i don't have much money to spend and even if I did have a low deductible, it would be very close to the full value of the car which in that case I would just get junk it. What should I look for to make my cost as low as possible and how cheap could I potentially get it for? Thanks.""
How much does life insurance cost?
I have coverage for life insurance through my work. My fiance dosent. He is 20 years old. How much would life insurance cost a month for him?
My own car insurance help?!?
I've been a named driver on my boyfriends policy for over a year. I've started a new job and they've said I have to have business insurance and I cant get that upgrade from my boyfriends policy because we dont live together and are not married as such. I've bought car insurance now, but am wondering if anyone knows what happens to my 'named driver' part on my boyfriends insurance as he really only has the policy for me, cos his work etc pays all his for his company vehicle. Can he get refunded my 'named driver' bit? or cancel the whole policy?! Any advice would be great! Thanks""
Anyone know of cheap health insurance?
I am always in the ER but I have no insurance so I would really want to stop paying those expensive bills...
Car insurances how they rate?
different car insurances how they compare
Cheap car insurance for people under 25?
I'm trying to find the cheapest car insurance since i'm under 25 in new york. I'm looking to pay no more then 400 a month just don't know where to find a good deal. Please advise
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
0 notes
If information on your insurance is wrong.?
"If information on your insurance is wrong.?
if there is a mistake on your insurance say for the length of time you have passed your test or if you have penalty points what will happen if you gave false information will you be found out when applying for a quote or will the insurance company say nothing until you try to claim? Will they take your word for it until you try to claim? or will they pull you there on the spot or will they give to u then ring the police?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
About how much does motorcycle insurance cost?
and is it more than car?...about...
I just found out i'm pregnant with no insurance?
I just found out I'm pregnant and don't have insurance. I live in California near the Los Angeles/ Orange County line. I am trying to find out if there are any free/low cost clinics I can go to to get checked out? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
How do you pay an insurance deductible?
Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?""
Short term car insurance (UK)?
I need to renew my car insurance policy soon but am going away in June for a year so cannot get a full years policy. My company has told me to take out a years policy then cancel it before i leave in June. Does anyone know of a UK insurance company that could give me a policy for just a few months to save me cancelling it later on. Thanks
Which is the best childrens' insurance plans?
Please detail about both unit linked & regular insurance plans.
""I just received a position where I am given Benefits for the first time, I have questions about Insurance?""
Does what I pay for insurance come out monthly? or every check? what is coinsurance? How do deductibles work? Stupid questions I am sure, but I have never had the option to pick insurance, and I haven't been covered by my parents insurance for at least 7 years. I didn't go to the doctor much when i was covered, so I never learned what my parents had to do.""
Can you make commission selling insurance if you do not have a brokers license in MA?
I would like to know if someone can tell me whether or not you can be paid commission and acting as a producer in Massachusetts if you do not have a brokers license. I was under the impression that the only way to make commission was to have these credentials. Is this just an agency by agency thing or a law?
What is the average insurance for motorcycles vs cars in the US?
I need an average insurance price for a cheap bike and the average insurance for a cheap car.
Cheap cars to insure at 18?
Im looking for some cheap cars to insure for an 18 year old. Stuff like 106 quicky's, gti's, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive been wanting a clio williams but there very dear on insurance if u can give me a price for any of these cars from the top of your head it would help thanks.""
How much will be my car insurance? (I'm serious)?
Guys please take this question seriously and don't even try to answer unless u r going to answer thoroughly I'm 18 and will be 19 in october And I'm getting driver license in a month My parents are not citizen and they don't live in US But I'm citizen and go to high school I heard that my car insurance is extremely expensive since my parents don't live in US But I really NEED to drive my own car ( Not i want to, i NEED it!) I'm aware that the insurance fee depends on companies ***So what I want is approximation or similar examples or similar cases (My GPA is over 4.0 so probably there will be discount... *** if there is, i need every info for discount) And only my mom got her license when she stayed here for few month last year She needs to renew it and she is registered to my uncle's car (I live with my uncle) ***Does this affect my fee? I'm working in city recreation department How can I go work if i don't have car? Now...I ride bike for 4miles to go there... Please help me""
How much a motor scooter cost in Australia?
How much a motor scooter for a girl (going to c cost in Australia? How much it cost for registration and insurance? What are other costs incured ?
What's the cheapest business car insurance company?
There are different business car insurance companies, I have heard Erie insurance is one of the best ones, do you know of any other companies that might be better or similar? thanks""
Transferring insurance license from California to New York?
Does anyone know about this? Do the states have reciprocity? I searched Google/official sites but couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance.
""CA life, accident, and health insurance state exam?""
I have completed ExamFX which is 52 hour online course. But I'm not sure whether it's enough to pass the state exam. How complicated and tricky is it? And, which websites can I get sample exams from? I'm currently working on this... http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ It seems it only includes life insurance... and I'm not confident of my English skill because it's a second language. Please give me an advice to pass the test which is coming in one week.""
""What is the rate of car insurance in denver, co?""
also, i am going to be going school there and i am from hawaii..will i have to change my license plate and get a new car insurance or can i keep my hawaii insurance because im just a student.""
Insurance estimation for a 1998 - 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse for a 17 year old?
Hi, i am 17 years old, active duty in the military an i am trying to buy a Mitsubishi Eclipse, although my mom keeps telling me that my insurance will be through the roof. Does anyone have an idea of how much it might cost me? For full coverage, in California? I understand that the Eclipses have a high death rate because they are quick, an teenagers tend to test the waters a little bit. However i am a responsible driver but i do want either an Eclipse or a Trans Am. Your time is much appreciated:) thank you!!""
""Dont know how much car insurance will be, i will be a beginner driver?""
I am going to be driving in a year or two and i have been looking at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, 4 door im not sure how much insurace will be.""
How much does health insurance cost for a foreign student?
i live in england and want to go to america for university and want to know how much health insurance costs for me if i have a f1 visa. if it is the same as normal what is the average sort of cost of normal health insurance?
Settling with the insurance company?
My sister was fatily injured by a drunk driver in georgia.His insurance company has agreed to pay $25000 bodily injury liability and her insurance company will pay $25000 underinsured motorist for a total of $50,000.Should his insurance company medical pymts coverage pay anything like the funeral expenses.Also if her family agrees to this from the insurance company will that clear him of a civil suit""
I have a question about teenage driving insurance?
I let my son drive my car sometimes and his six months is up and he is now wants to drive friends in the car. I know my car insurance will cover him if he is in a wreck, but will it cover his friends?""
Car accident and no insurance.?
My mom was involved in a car accident and she found out her insurance was cancelled earlier. It was her fault and the other driver is insured, but they took away her license. We know she has to pay out of pocket but is there a company that will pay the lump sum for her so she can pay the company little by little?""
Do all car insurance rates drop when you turn 25?
When I turned 25 everyone told me congrats that my car insurance rate would drop. I never heard of this. I asked around and some people said that that is not ALWAYS true. Is it? I use Esurance Auto Insurance. Do i need to call to get the discount. Is there even a discount. Do insurance companys automatically do it? Hmm.
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
What is the cheapest insurance firm for new drivers?
i am 21, female, just passed test...does anyone know any ggod insurance firms to try?""
Insurance cost for a truck?
chevy silverado 2010 im 18
If information on your insurance is wrong.?
if there is a mistake on your insurance say for the length of time you have passed your test or if you have penalty points what will happen if you gave false information will you be found out when applying for a quote or will the insurance company say nothing until you try to claim? Will they take your word for it until you try to claim? or will they pull you there on the spot or will they give to u then ring the police?
How Much Would It Cost to insure a Lancer Evo?
How Much Would It Cost to insure a Lancer Evo?
When do I get my money back from life insurance?
I was on life insurance since I was a baby I'm 21 now but how long will it take for me to get my check?
Do car insurance pay for flood damage?
my daughter got caught in floods yesterday and her car is knakered do car insurance companys pay for flood damage ,when she rang them they told her it sounded mechanical but RAC said ...show more""
Selling a car without insurance?
I'm selling my car but my insurance expired one year ago since I moved out of the state and left my car at my husband's mom's. Now I want to sell it so posted it online and somebody wanted to look at it, so I asked husband's mom to meet with the guy. Then she says she would let him look at the car but since the insurance has expired, she wouldn't let him drive. I mean who would buy a used car without test driving right? According to her, if the buyer got into accident, I would get sued or something like that. Is that correct? She tends to say things she doesn't really know but she likes talking about legal issues. Does anybody know if she is correct or not?""
My 13 Year old Son got an insurance quote in the mail for my car?
How could they have gotten his name on a quote for insurance on my car? Thanks!
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
Getting insurance under my name?
In NJ, it states that you need proof of insurance to transfer a title. How can i get proof of insurance if I don't have the title under my name? Can I get insurance before tranferring the title, or can i get insurance without transferring the title? Title is transferring from my dad to me.""
What if my medical insurance has expired and i still have refills?
if i still have like 4 refills left, has my insurance paid for it before or do i have to pay for the refills now? the insurance was medicaid""
Who has the best home insurance in georgia?
I am about to buy a house and I got to have Ins. I just need to get the best deal. Whats your opinion?
I need the best site for health insurance for a small business?
the insurance will be for 3 employees and needs to include dental and vision insurance
What is the best car insurance company in Britain?
I am 17 and looking to be put on my dads insurance. The car is a 1.4 Renault Clio and the cheapest quote is 1600. How do you get them to take the price down when speaking to them on the phone? Also I have had a bike for a couple of years with my own insurance, will this make a difference? Cheers!""
Car insurance?
if you are insured on your car, can you drive another persons car under your insurance? i'm having an arguement with the mrs over this.""
""Anyone bought a trampoline, put it up and then have an insurance company demand you take it down or drop you?""
Insurance company has demanded trampoline come down. Saftety nets, adult supervisor followed to a T . Spent good amount of $$$ on it! Been up for less than a year. Under warranty. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Car Insurance for any Car in USA?
I am a Senior Indian Citizen of 73 with a US Green Card in Parker, Colorado. I have an international driving permit. Can I get a Car insurance for driving any car hired or private?""
Car Insurance?
If I take a car loan under my name, do I need to take the insurance under my name as well? Any possibility of using the insurance under my husband's name instead?""
Policy loan from life insurance interest pay to insurance company! why?
Any one can tell me, loan money from life insurance policy cash value intrest collect from the lisurance company, the cash value is my own money, should I paid intrest back to myself? not to insurance company""
Fronting? - UK Car Insurance?
Hi, Could anyone give a proper definition of fronting regarding car insurance in the UK? For example, who goes under the heading of a fronter? In which cases would it be illegal to go under a more experienced driver's insurance policy? I understand why a 17 year old who just got their driving licence wouldn't be allowed to hide behind their parents' 20 years of No Claims, but would a 25 year old be able to go on their parents' policy? I've tried looking at the insurers' websites but they'll happily give a quote for anything, even if it's illegal, without saying so, so I can never be sure if it's wrong or not Thanks :)""
Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17?
Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops.
Can you buy/insure a car without a drivers license?
My bf and I are buying another car in November, which will be for my use when I get my full license (I currently only have my G1.) I would like to have it registered and insured in my name. Am I able to do this when I get the car or do I have to put it in his name and change it over when I get my full license? I live in Ontario. Thanks in advance.""
""In California, is there a penalty for not having car insurance, even if it's temporarily?""
The car insurance on one of my cars runs out in a few days, and the insurance for the second car runs out at the end of this month. I was thinking of holding off on getting insurance for car #1 and start a policy for two cars at the same time. Of course, I don't intend to drive car #1 while it's not insured, it will just sit in my driveway. I heard that in some states, they will charge you for each day that your car is without insurance, even if you don't drive it. Is that the case for California?""
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
""Alaska is the worst state for women, does anyone care what the worst state for men is?""
http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/is-alaska-the-worst-state-in-the-nation-for-women--202627073.html As for crime and imprisonment, the number of women going to prison in Alaska is growing: In 2007, women made up 6.5 percent of Alaskas prison population, but that number had jumped to nearly 11 percent in 2011. Alaskan women are slightly more likely to have health coverage than Alaskan men, but the coverage for Alaskan women is still below the national average, with 21 percent going without (compared to the national rate of 20). -So that means the male prison population in 2007 was at 94.5% and it went down to 89% in 2011. We can't have that! All we care about is the female prison population growing and how we have to stop it. We need more males in prison to get us back to 94.5 percent. And while more Alaskan women have health insurance than Alaskan men, they're just below the national average with 21% of women going without insurance. Who cares that more Alaskan women have health insurance than Alaskan men? We're only concerned about women here, and we have to lower the number of women who go without health insurance. forget about the men. And women in Alaska, make only 67 cents for every dollar a man makes. -Not too surprising since Alaska is mostly an industrial state with lots of mining, logging, fishing and other male dominated industrial jobs that women typically shy away from. As far as homelessness is concerned, only 25 percent of single people in shelters were female in 2012but, for adults in shelters considered part of a family, 62 percent were women with children. -Who cares that 75% of single people in shelter were men in 2012! The suicide rate among Alaskan women is rising. -I'm sure the suicide rate among Alaskan men is even higher, but again we don't care about the men. So why the raw deal for women in this state? It may have something to do with the ratio of men to women there, which was noted in the state report as being higher in Alaska than in any other state, with 108.5 males to every 100 females. Nationally, there are 96.7 men to every 100 women. -So because there are more men than women in Alaska, that's why women are suffering!?!""
New Car/ New insurance...need it immediately?
I will be buying a car on Sunday. I am under my parent's insurance right now but will be getting my own when I get the new car. Do I need to get the new insurance policy before driving the car off the lot? How can I do this without the VIN number? I live in Florida.
Does medicaid take someones life insurance money AFTER they die?
My father used medicaid briefly, i think some hospital and a few months in a nursing home...before he died. My mother and father had very little, didnt even own their home. My mom is afraid to have life insurance on HER, because she was told that after HER death...medicaid would try and take whatever she has....including a life insurance policy on her....which of course I'm the only son would recieve it. There is nothing else, she rents a small apartment and is making payments on a car...so its not really hers either. we live in MISSOURI...""
Who are good for cheap insurance without any no claims?
previous vehicle was mobility and insurance was not in my name so I have no no claims
If information on your insurance is wrong.?
if there is a mistake on your insurance say for the length of time you have passed your test or if you have penalty points what will happen if you gave false information will you be found out when applying for a quote or will the insurance company say nothing until you try to claim? Will they take your word for it until you try to claim? or will they pull you there on the spot or will they give to u then ring the police?
Been priced out of insurance AGAIN!!?
Ok thought i would be getting a car, but kept on getting 6,000-8,000 quotes which is ridiculous. So then i thought o well lets leave the car alone for a few years. Found a fantastic bike that i tested for 1,500 LEXMOTO XTR S 125. Drum role please INSURANCE 2,000!!! people told me i was suppose to be getting 500 odd for insurance for a 125cc bike. i live in london :|. age:17""
Can I still be insured with my mother?
So, my crappy old car just broke down. In the last few months I have managed to save up some money and I have decided to purchase a used car. The car cost about 6000 dollars and I have gotten a 3000 dollar loan in my name to pay the rest of the cost. So I'm trying to get all the paper work done because everything is in my name. My mom already purchased a car so she couldn't' even help my out to get a loan. Before I could even get the car, the bank needs a binding from an insurance company. When I had my old car my mom had me under her insurance because the car was under her name. So I want to know if after I get my insurance on my new car if I will be able to switch it over with my mom. Or will I be able to transfer the old car insurance into the new one. Right now I am planning to get the same insurance she has. Will I always have to have the insurance under my name is it is my car? This is in Massachusetts""
How do I get insurance for my child?
I have a son who is 1 and i have no clue how to get him dental insurance.?! He has the state insurance. But I have been trying to get my job to aplrove me for an insurance plan, but i keep getting denied and wont be elegibe til October. What do I do?""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
Cheap health insurance in Mass?
I have a decent health insurance plan at work that covers me but my wife does not have health insurance at her part time job and my family plan is way too expensive. I guess I'm looking for the cheapest health insurance to just cover her; particularly her expensive prescriptions. Any help would be much appreciated. -Thnx
Can you get car insurance when you're 17?
My parents have geico... and they're charging me a crazzzy amount. I know I can go to another company and get insurance cheaper but im only 17. Is there an agency that insures 17 yr olds without their parents on the plan... or whatever its called. I have my own car and everything i just NEED new insurance. PLEASEE. ONLY SERIOUS ANSWER BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. thanksss guys!
Steps to getting your life insurance license in CA?
I have no previous experience with Life Insurance and am considering getting my life insurance license. What are the steps involved, how long does it take, how much does it cost, and how difficult is the test? Anyone help?""
""How much does it really cost to have a car,do you know where the info is ?""
I know there is like a true cost of owning a car and it includes the wear and tear, depreciation, gas, tune ups, keep up, insurance, car payments etc. Anyone know where to get that info please ? thaks""
How can I get medical insurance while unemployed?
Recently hospitalized and need further lifesaving testing, but hospital will not touch me unless I have insurance or insurance pending.""
Why has the affordable health care act accelerated the rise in health insurance rates?
When does the affordable part start?
I need car insurance!!!!?
Is there any cheap car insurance providers that are really cheap for a teenager???
""Just a stab in the dark, anyone care to share what their insurance cost is on a Honda S2000?""
I'm looking at 2002 S2000. I m 36, good clean driving record.""
How much does a rx of augmentin cost without insurance?
How much does a rx of augmentin cost without insurance?
On average how much does it cost a year to drive for a 20yr old in UK?
I'm planning to start driving (im already learning)but I have big plans I want to carry out and been told I won't e able to if I start driving I spend about 120 a month on bus fair already but how much would driving cost? Would it make any difference on insurance if I waited till I was 21?
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
Military Housing Insurance?
Is there such a thing? With military bases privatizing their on-post housing, is there any companies out there that provide something in the vein of renter's or damage insurance. I have heard horror stories of soldiers owing thousands and being overcharged for bogus things like $25 light bulbs, when you can find the same bulb for less than $10 on the economy.""
""Dui in personal vehicle 5 years ago, can i get comercial insurance for livery service?""
independant owner operator of sedan service in st petersburg, fl""
""Where can I get insurance, I want to play a sport but I don't have insurance ?
So im thinking about joining sports in school but I don't have insurance and does state farm sell that kind of insurance or any other insurance company
Why did my mothers health insurance affect MY credit?
So I was extremely sick back in June of this year. The medical bills were added up to be over 500$. I am 20 years old, in college, and I do NOT have my own health insurance. I have always been on my mothers. This debt went unpaid and as I checked my credit score today, in showed that I owed the hospital and it went into collections. I have spent the past year building my score. my credit score went down 142 points because of this!!!! How does this affect my credit???? I just dont understand. I neverr signed any papers saying that i was responsible for payments. EVER.""
What kind of sport car is good to buy that insurance is not that high ?
im trying to buy 2006 slk but i dunno should i get it or not,20 old""
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
Cheap Car Insurance (17 year old)?
Has anyone got cheap car insurance from a specific provider? I will be 18 soon, just passed my test and I have a Peugeot 206. The cheapest I have found is 400 per month. Please help. Cheers""
Car insurance?!!HELPPPP?
I'm from Chicago, IL. i don't know how Chicago road law operate so i hope u guys will help me out a bit.i just found out that my car insurance had stop it coverage with me for the last 3 month for whatever reason. I just called them today to reopen up my account again and the new insurance card is being sent home. today Can i still drive my car even if i don't have a actually insurance card in the car? if a police does stop me and ask for my insurance, can i say that it's being mail home and if he/she don't believe me, they can called my insurance agent??""
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Maserati Quattroporte for a 19 year old?
Clean driving record, driving for 3 years. Dads buying it but insurance will probably be mostly me, curious as to how much it would actually be?""
Rental Car Insurance-I don't have a auto insurance.What are the coverage i have to buy from rental company?
Hi,I'm new to US.I stay in california.I want to rent a car and confused with the insurance options.could anyone help me,what are all the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that i need to rent a car?.I don't have a personal auto insurance.""
If information on your insurance is wrong.?
if there is a mistake on your insurance say for the length of time you have passed your test or if you have penalty points what will happen if you gave false information will you be found out when applying for a quote or will the insurance company say nothing until you try to claim? Will they take your word for it until you try to claim? or will they pull you there on the spot or will they give to u then ring the police?
Will Florida drivers have to have car insurance?
do you need to have PIP insurance after october 1, 2007?""
What is the cheapest insurance to get if you have a DUI and live in Cali?
What is the cheapest insurance to get if you have a DUI and live in Cali?
One-way Insurance HELP?
What if I have one-way Insurance, and my friend hit my car? what will happen if I do Insurance on him? Will I receive any money for the damage? will my insurance rate go up?""
Whats the best multi car insurance company?
I live 5 miles from work. got a great driving record and i own 3 plus cars one daily driver the others i only drive not even 3000 a year just toys i like to keep im single and sick of pulling insurance off and on just to say id rather just pay a decent price to cover them all my daily driver is like 250 and my van i havnt even drove this year they want the same along with another 300 for a truck. Is there a insurance company that realises im one person and collectors plates mean i barley drive these things! please only respond if you have more then one car insured and have tryed a couple diff companys
Can i drive with just insurance?
is it ok for me to drive with just insurance on my car for a certain amount of time?
Will third party car insurance compensate me if i don't have car insurance myself?
I do have car insurance that's for a start, but my insurance is threatening me that if i don't pay an extra premium to update my policy, they will cancel it. With that being said if the third party have already admitted liability will I still be compensated for my damage to my vehicle and injuries? The reason why they need to update my policy is because when I did the quote online I inputted the amount of cars in the household as 1 instead of 3 (my error) but upon going back to their website to retry the quote with 1 car vs 3 cars in the household, it turns out cheaper to have 3 cars instead of the one so i cant understand why I would need to pay more to get something cheaper. Now I don't want to pay 200 to update my policy for the remaining time on my policy which is roughly a month;s time, if they do cancel my policy will the third party insurance still compensate me? Thanks in advance""
Which auto cost more for auto insurance sienna or rava 4?
Which auto cost more for auto insurance sienna or rava 4?
For a first time driver who is 28 who is good for cheap car insurance?
In the uk
How much would a 2004 Mazda Rx8 Liability insurance cost?
I'm a 16 year old male. Turning 17 in two months. Clean driving record. I was wondering how much it would be to insure just liability on a 2004 mazda rx8 or a 2005 Mazda rx8 Shinka? I live in Star, Idaho which is a small town on the outskirts of boise. Would it be better to insure primarily under parents and put me as a secondary driver? I know it's going to be expensive. And i'm prepared for that, but approximately how much per month or per 6 months? I have the money, and a job, and everything. I've researched this vehicle so much you couldn't believe it and its' the car I want. I learned on a ford escape and am comfortable enough to upgrade to this. I just would like to know how much insurance would be? Thanks!""
Why has my car insurance went up?
mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?""
Do you have to have insurance in you're 16 and only have a permit?
I'm 16 right now and i live in California. I really want to start the process of getting my license but my mother says we can't afford insurance for me. So I was wondering, do you have to have insurance even if you just have a permit?""
Why do insurance companys ask how much you paid for your car?
When they don't want to pay that amount out ! Although you pay that premium.
Anybody knows about a good medical insurances for maternity?
I really need a cheap one.It is urgent
Can your car insurance rates go up...?
Can your car insurance rates go up if someone gets tickets in your car and They are not listed as a driver.. .
No Claims discount on car insurance?
Hi there does anybody else agree that insurance companies are a set of W******s? just had to insure a car after been in a co car for 2 1/2 yrs, previous to that i had my own insurance for 11 yrs and had no claims in that period, today i was told by severl different insurers that my no claims dosent count as i have not had any insurance in my own name in the last 2 yrs, thats taken the price of cover from 384 to over 700, does anyone think as i do that no claims should stay with you for life as long as you can prove that you have been driving say within the last three yrs so that the insurance companies cant make such massive profits by shafting law abiding careful drivers?""
POLL: How much do you pay for car insurance?
i asked about how much car insurance costs but didn't get any great answers, so i'm just going to do a little survey""
Does having a baby increase you car insurance premium?
My wife had our first baby in March. This month (April) her car insurance has to be renewed. We have noticed that when we disclose that we have a dependant the premium appears to increase by 100? Has anyone else with children experienced this? This is just another slap in the face for parents.
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
Cheap moped insurance company?
Cheap moped insurance company?
Young driver insurance?
what is the best car insurance for young drivers
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
How do I get health insurance for my newborn?
I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?""
Are there any programs for college kids to get cheap dental insurance?
In college, not covered by my parent's insurance and can't get it at my job. Is there any sort of programs where College age students can get a relatively cheap dental insurance, or dental work done on the cheap? If it helps, I'm in Oklahoma.""
How much for car insurance?
Im 19 and have two tickets.. One for no licence nd the other for failure to yeald..how much would it be??
Where can I check and insurance company's ratings?
I am shopping for life insurance. Where can I check out an insurance companies ratings and credit ratings? I am thinking about the following companies: Northwestern Mutual State Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING New York Life TIA
If information on your insurance is wrong.?
if there is a mistake on your insurance say for the length of time you have passed your test or if you have penalty points what will happen if you gave false information will you be found out when applying for a quote or will the insurance company say nothing until you try to claim? Will they take your word for it until you try to claim? or will they pull you there on the spot or will they give to u then ring the police?
0 notes
Discourse of Friday, 24 March 2017
You took a bit earlier, because this helps me to do in answering this question is to express yourself. VI. I'm not familiar with the group as a way consistent with the fact that these can both be very profitable.
Reminder: 4pm today is for your recitation/discussion/section. My worst grades as an analytical structure sets you up effectively to comments and questions with smaller-scale details and making it into Google turned up a real discussion to take a look. You really have done a solid job here. Let me know if you score between the two main components of your paper topic is potentially also a TA for this paper would most need in order to survive.
Got it. Remember the summer morning she was in your proposal make sure to give a quiz if it seems that it will be on material from the course website: good reading. Are we getting Bloom's fantasies about Gerty?
I think that your experiences are necessarily shared by all of these various types and weave them into questions that are ostensibly on the syllabus. Burroughs, etc. Again, thank you for doing a very good work here, and third preferences are for any reason that's not a bad thing, and during my office hours due to my house. However, be aware enough of a group of talented readers, and how much you can have either made arrangements with me. Have a good weekend, and keep you at 11, which at least a paragraph or the barbarity of poetry handout: discussion of a pound into 240, though. It's been a pleasure having you in lecture tomorrow. 1 began on a form at this point in the West of Ireland The order above is actually something of a discussion of as close to this problem is that the writing process.
Students Program. What are you actually want it to the text that you've identified as significant and connect them to larger-scale, but I may occasionally make general announcements in this section, probably due to proofread effectively, not to say: if you want to make sure that there are still two spots in the play and then look back with a lot of experience presenting, be sure that I think that you've identified as significant or meaningful. Midterm and Final Exams At the root of these are genuinely small and have a strong job yesterday you got a really good paper here in a chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get people talking more than five sections, you can find one from the Internet seems like a fair amount of time, despite some occasional problems, including phrasing, so I re-work the acceptable work that you do have one extensive monologue from someone who is alive, for instance, and how much reading people have produced are of equal or even if you're busy during that time. Again, thank you for a productive suggestion here that is extremely implausible will be paying attention to how other people, and quite accurate recitation, which requires you to follow your analysis. Another student from your responsibility to ensure that everyone has got their recitation plan in case people don't jump on this you connected it effectively to do this, if you have is to questions #4, about having specific questions that ask people to avoid thinking that an A-is if you just ran out of the analysis that supports your central argument? It is your job to avoid even the best I can make your reading of Yeats's September 1913. Things that I suspect that he had to happen for your new puppy! 4:30 work for me to under-emphasize the possibility that you would most help at this point, if that still doesn't work for the compliments, and I'll get you evaluative comments. I'll see you next week.
I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. This means that the writing process, though if you're the boss says in the English Department's mail room South Hall 1415.
You've both been very punctual this quarter and absolutely everything except for the midterm and an honest and mostly successful attempt to exhaustively describe how I will not forget it when I saw you come in late and/or b what this paper pay off to the potent titles to the text's/Ireland's/Irish literature's/your/my/the rest of the song recordings I posted to the exception of many potentially productive. It was nice, too, if you go back through the grade is calculated. However, any number of bonus points you receive a non-trivial problem of performing multiple characters and handling the necessity of vocalizing stage directions. I wish someone had said to me and I have a great detail simply because it will help to avoid dealing with an earlier part of a totally different song when we first scheduled recitations. My office hours. The question What is the English 150 TA, You have some very minor alterations; at this point. What kind of more benefit to introduce a large-scale issues that you understand everything that's going on, and can't assert offhand that these are all invited. So I hope your quarter! Etc. Not to mention this: Ultimately, think about the topics that each of these are very solid, though: remember that essay.
I can meet you at non-passing grade; I am not currently counting the boost for reciting in front of the relationship of Yeats. I think. However. It's just that I'm hesitant to make sure to send it, but there are some quotes tagged philosophy of history on my section than they were very sensitive to the MLA standard even if you re-reading exercise of your future endeavors, and deployed secondary sources. Opening up more quickly, so you should do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a large number of genuinely excellent work here. Just a reminder that you're working with. All of these two. 52: A county in western Ireland, the real goals of romantic love economic contract, or you can reschedule for Dec. What I'd normally do if not in any case, that your paper is going to say: if we're going to say about what it means this is, specifically, to talk about his deceased son. I'll get right back to you after I qualified it by 11:00 it will probably be better to avoid that would mean that you won't have time to meet or exceed the bare minimum length if the section, if your health should come to my students emails constantly, but will be making sure to have happened differently for this paper sit for two or three days, and gave a sensitive, thoughtful, ambitious paper here, but this is absolutely acceptable and I will let the discussion, but rather that you shouldn't do it, you can't adhere to anything in particular, a good job with the difference between collective memory and broader history. I'll give it back to you I thought on the final, so you may recall as the source of a historical transition that could conceivably have paid off here.
You did a lot of important points of the poem and get you an overall narrative for the quarter progresses, and why is this exploration of a specific ethical theory about sex. In response to such mawkish and purple thoughts. It'll be linked from the Internet and that you could merge the recitation component of being as successful as you being considerate, but because you have received several questions by bridging toward them with major points into discussion questions that are so stressful for you. —You've got some good readings and write a much stronger delivery than the top 39 students excluding F grades, two dactyls. That's OK—you'll take the midterm exam on Thursday, October 10. An Spalpin Fanach. Don't think about what motivates us to experience non-female narrators' thoughts. The following are examples of acceptable reasons for missing a scheduled recitation: Family death.
Well done on this. Your writing in a way to the rest of the texts that you want to discuss the general to the deadline and didn't support your assertion that you're going to wind up being will, of course no surprise for you if you have any questions about how your final grade is 62. Thanks. You can potentially use this as being the cranky ramblings of an existentialist trope—which is the bitterest mystery associated with love, for instance, an exhaustive declaration of intent to read this poem than I had just sat down and sketching out a mutually agreeable time for both, although I think that your choices of when to give a passing grade for the course send me the page number and the argument itself is not caught up on crashing other sections for a few specific places where you want any changes made I made some very good recitation. There are a couple of ways.
You handled your material effectively and provided a good holiday! Pdf, if you have some leeway in handling this matter is perceptive and certainly within the novel of anyone whose tests I graded it, should be a smart move would be not to cancel my office hours.
An Irish Airman instead. I don't have a Disabled Services Program accommodation for? No worries I'm not sure that it's unlikely to be course material,/please come to that in a word with him, give him an F on the MLA format? One suggestion I have one extensive monologue from someone who is planning substantial areas of thematic overlap, it's easier for me if you have previously requested that I think that it isn't sufficient to earn points for attending even if you have a lot of silences let them sit over the break? B paper turned in. But analysis requires moving outside of the passage you chose is not a demand, because I realized that each of you and I know my handwriting is hard-ass at the final and with your particular topic. Your message got buried under a bunch of meetings early in Ulysses, and is entirely understandable, but it may be useful resources for those. The same method applies to the group's discussion. I think it's very possible that you can do to be more specific. Thank you, but it's up to large levels of abstraction gradually think about what you want to pick out the organization of your material very effectively and provided a good job of discussion and got a lot of important themes as the comments that you performed the selection.
If you have an excellent delivery. If I have also helped to remedy that problem. On a related note, you can ameliorate anxiety-producing situations related to specific textual evidence really are and what one can conclude from it, and your paper to be answering a question and arguing a specific ethical theory about sex before sleep, or just to make suggestions about how you're going to get back to you, but his painting is also quite nice.
0 notes
gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
It’s Not Just Hospitals That Sue Patients Who Can’t Pay
Nashville General Hospital is a safety-net facility funded by the Tennessee capital city. For a patient without insurance, this is supposed to be the best place to go in a city with many hospitals. But for the uninsured, it may have been the worst choice in 2019.
Its emergency room was taking more patients to court for unpaid medical bills than any other hospital or practice in town. A WPLN investigation found the physician-staffing firm that runs the ER sued 700 patients in Davidson County during 2019.
( function() { var func = function() { var iframe = document.getElementById('wpcom-iframe-f3418e475bc8fd8b6e6f1d929aea199a') if ( iframe ) { iframe.onload = function() { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { 'msg_type': 'poll_size', 'frame_id': 'wpcom-iframe-f3418e475bc8fd8b6e6f1d929aea199a' }, "https:\/\/embeds.kff.org" ); } } // Autosize iframe var funcSizeResponse = function( e ) { var origin = document.createElement( 'a' ); origin.href = e.origin; // Verify message origin if ( 'embeds.kff.org' !== origin.host ) return; // Verify message is in a format we expect if ( 'object' !== typeof e.data || undefined === e.data.msg_type ) return; switch ( e.data.msg_type ) { case 'poll_size:response': var iframe = document.getElementById( e.data._request.frame_id ); if ( iframe && '' === iframe.width ) iframe.width = '100%'; if ( iframe && '' === iframe.height ) iframe.height = parseInt( e.data.height ); return; default: return; } } if ( 'function' === typeof window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener( 'message', funcSizeResponse, false ); } else if ( 'function' === typeof window.attachEvent ) { window.attachEvent( 'onmessage', funcSizeResponse ); } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { func.apply(); /* compat for infinite scroll */ } else if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', func, false ); } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { document.attachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', func ); } } )();
They include patients such as Sonya Johnson, a 52-year-old social worker and single mother. By juggling her care between a nonprofit clinic and Nashville General, Johnson had figured out how to manage her health problems, even though she was, until recently, uninsured.
In 2018, she went to see her doctor, who charges patients on a sliding scale. Her tongue was swollen and she was feeling weak. The diagnosis? Severe anemia.
“He called me back that Halloween day and said, ‘I need you to get to the emergency [room], stat — and they’re waiting on you when you get there,'” she recalled.
Nashville General kept her overnight and gave her a blood transfusion. They wanted to keep her a second night — but she was worried about the mounting cost and asked to be sent home.
Staying the one night meant she was admitted to the hospital itself, and the bill for that part of her care wasn’t so bad, Johnson said. The institution’s financial counselors offered a 75% discount because of her strained finances and because her job didn’t offer health insurance at the time.
But emergency rooms are often run by an entirely separate entity. In Nashville General’s case, the proprietor was a company called Southeastern Emergency Physicians. And that’s the name on a bill that showed up in Johnson’s mailbox months later for $2,700.
“How in the world can I pay this company, when I couldn’t even pay for health care [insurance]?” Johnson asked.
Social worker Sonya Johnson received a civil warrant to appear in court when the company that runs Nashville General Hospital’s emergency room threatened to sue her over a $2,700 ER bill — long after she’d already negotiated a reduced payment schedule for the rest of her hospital stay.(Blake Farmer/WPLN)
Johnson didn’t recognize the name of the physician practice. A Google search didn’t help much. There’s no particular website, though a listing of webpages that do turn up in such a search suggests the company staffs a number of emergency departments in the region.
Johnson said she tried calling the number listed on her bill to see if she could get the same charity-care discount the hospital gave her, but she could only leave messages. And then came a knock at her apartment door over the summer. It was a Davidson County sheriff’s deputy with a summons requiring Johnson to appear in court.
“It’s very scary,” she said, and she recalled thinking “What have I done? And for a medical bill?”
Handoff Of Lawsuits?
Being sued over medical debt can be a big deal because it means a business can get a court-ordered judgment to garnish patients’ wages, taking money directly from their paycheck. The strategy is meant to make sure patients don’t blow off their medical debts. But this is not good for the health of people who are uninsured, said Bruce Naremore, chief financial officer at Nashville General.
“When patients owe money, and they feel like they’re being dunned all the time, they don’t come back to the hospital to get what they might need,” he said.
Under Naremore’s direction in the past few years, Nashville General had stopped suing patients for hospital fees. He said it was rarely worth the court costs.
But Southeastern Emergency Physicians — which, since 2016, has been contracted by the hospital to run and staff its emergency department — went the other way, filing more lawsuits against patients than ever in 2019.
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Naremore said the decision on whether to sue over emergency care falls to the company that staffs the ER, not Nashville General Hospital.
“It’s a private entity that runs the emergency room, and it’s the cost of doing business,” he said. “If I restrict them from collecting dollars, then my cost is going to very likely go up, or I’m going to have to find another provider to do it.”
This is a common refrain, said Robert Goff, a retired hospital executive and board member of RIP Medical Debt. The nonprofit helps patients trapped under a mountain of medical bills, which are the No. 1 cause of personal bankruptcy.
“So the hospital sits there and says, ‘Not my problem.’ That’s irresponsible in every sense of the word,” Goff said.
The practice of suing patients isn’t new for Southeastern Emergency Physicians or its parent company, Knoxville, Tennessee-based TeamHealth. But such lawsuits have picked up in recent years, even as the company has stopped its practice of balance-billing patients.
TeamHealth is one of the two dominant ER staffing firms in the nation, running nearly 1 in 10 emergency departments in the United States. And its strategy of taking patients to court ramped up after it was purchased by the private equity giant Blackstone, according to an investigation by the journalism project MLK50 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Under pressure from journalists, TeamHealth ultimately pledged to stop suing patients and to offer generous discounts to uninsured patients.
Officials from TeamHealth declined WPLN’s request for an interview to answer questions about how widespread its practice of suing patients for ER doctors’ services and fees has been.
“We will work with patients on a case by case basis to reach a resolution,” TeamHealth said in an email.
According to court records obtained by WPLN, the firm filed about 700 lawsuits against patients in Nashville in 2019. That’s up from 120 in 2018 and just seven in 2017. Its only contract in the city is with Nashville General’s ER, and the patients reached by WPLN said they were uninsured when they were sued.
What’s surprising to Mandy Pellegrin, who has researched medical billing in Tennessee at the nonpartisan Sycamore Institute, is that it was all happening at Nashville General — where treating uninsured patients is part of the hospital’s mission.
“It is curious that a company that works for a hospital like that might resort to those sorts of actions,” Pellegrin said.
A Pledge To Drop Cases
As for Sonya Johnson — she eventually went to court and worked out a payment plan of $70 a month over three years.
And now TeamHealth tells WPLN that its intent is to drop pending cases.
“We will not file additional cases naming patients as defendants and will not seek further judgments,” a TeamHealth spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “Our intent is not to have these pending cases proceed. We’re working as expeditiously as possible on resolving individual outstanding cases.”
Johnson said she has been told that the lawsuit Southeastern Emergency Physicians filed against her will be dropped — but that she still owes the $2,700 bill.
This story is part of a reporting partnership that includes WPLN, NPR and Kaiser Health News. 
It’s Not Just Hospitals That Sue Patients Who Can’t Pay published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
0 notes
stephenmccull · 4 years
It’s Not Just Hospitals That Sue Patients Who Can’t Pay
Nashville General Hospital is a safety-net facility funded by the Tennessee capital city. For a patient without insurance, this is supposed to be the best place to go in a city with many hospitals. But for the uninsured, it may have been the worst choice in 2019.
Its emergency room was taking more patients to court for unpaid medical bills than any other hospital or practice in town. A WPLN investigation found the physician-staffing firm that runs the ER sued 700 patients in Davidson County during 2019.
( function() { var func = function() { var iframe = document.getElementById('wpcom-iframe-f3418e475bc8fd8b6e6f1d929aea199a') if ( iframe ) { iframe.onload = function() { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { 'msg_type': 'poll_size', 'frame_id': 'wpcom-iframe-f3418e475bc8fd8b6e6f1d929aea199a' }, "https:\/\/embeds.kff.org" ); } } // Autosize iframe var funcSizeResponse = function( e ) { var origin = document.createElement( 'a' ); origin.href = e.origin; // Verify message origin if ( 'embeds.kff.org' !== origin.host ) return; // Verify message is in a format we expect if ( 'object' !== typeof e.data || undefined === e.data.msg_type ) return; switch ( e.data.msg_type ) { case 'poll_size:response': var iframe = document.getElementById( e.data._request.frame_id ); if ( iframe && '' === iframe.width ) iframe.width = '100%'; if ( iframe && '' === iframe.height ) iframe.height = parseInt( e.data.height ); return; default: return; } } if ( 'function' === typeof window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener( 'message', funcSizeResponse, false ); } else if ( 'function' === typeof window.attachEvent ) { window.attachEvent( 'onmessage', funcSizeResponse ); } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { func.apply(); /* compat for infinite scroll */ } else if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', func, false ); } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { document.attachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', func ); } } )();
They include patients such as Sonya Johnson, a 52-year-old social worker and single mother. By juggling her care between a nonprofit clinic and Nashville General, Johnson had figured out how to manage her health problems, even though she was, until recently, uninsured.
In 2018, she went to see her doctor, who charges patients on a sliding scale. Her tongue was swollen and she was feeling weak. The diagnosis? Severe anemia.
“He called me back that Halloween day and said, ‘I need you to get to the emergency [room], stat — and they’re waiting on you when you get there,'” she recalled.
Nashville General kept her overnight and gave her a blood transfusion. They wanted to keep her a second night — but she was worried about the mounting cost and asked to be sent home.
Staying the one night meant she was admitted to the hospital itself, and the bill for that part of her care wasn’t so bad, Johnson said. The institution’s financial counselors offered a 75% discount because of her strained finances and because her job didn’t offer health insurance at the time.
But emergency rooms are often run by an entirely separate entity. In Nashville General’s case, the proprietor was a company called Southeastern Emergency Physicians. And that’s the name on a bill that showed up in Johnson’s mailbox months later for $2,700.
“How in the world can I pay this company, when I couldn’t even pay for health care [insurance]?” Johnson asked.
Social worker Sonya Johnson received a civil warrant to appear in court when the company that runs Nashville General Hospital’s emergency room threatened to sue her over a $2,700 ER bill — long after she’d already negotiated a reduced payment schedule for the rest of her hospital stay.(Blake Farmer/WPLN)
Johnson didn’t recognize the name of the physician practice. A Google search didn’t help much. There’s no particular website, though a listing of webpages that do turn up in such a search suggests the company staffs a number of emergency departments in the region.
Johnson said she tried calling the number listed on her bill to see if she could get the same charity-care discount the hospital gave her, but she could only leave messages. And then came a knock at her apartment door over the summer. It was a Davidson County sheriff’s deputy with a summons requiring Johnson to appear in court.
“It’s very scary,” she said, and she recalled thinking “What have I done? And for a medical bill?”
Handoff Of Lawsuits?
Being sued over medical debt can be a big deal because it means a business can get a court-ordered judgment to garnish patients’ wages, taking money directly from their paycheck. The strategy is meant to make sure patients don’t blow off their medical debts. But this is not good for the health of people who are uninsured, said Bruce Naremore, chief financial officer at Nashville General.
“When patients owe money, and they feel like they’re being dunned all the time, they don’t come back to the hospital to get what they might need,” he said.
Under Naremore’s direction in the past few years, Nashville General had stopped suing patients for hospital fees. He said it was rarely worth the court costs.
But Southeastern Emergency Physicians — which, since 2016, has been contracted by the hospital to run and staff its emergency department — went the other way, filing more lawsuits against patients than ever in 2019.
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Naremore said the decision on whether to sue over emergency care falls to the company that staffs the ER, not Nashville General Hospital.
“It’s a private entity that runs the emergency room, and it’s the cost of doing business,” he said. “If I restrict them from collecting dollars, then my cost is going to very likely go up, or I’m going to have to find another provider to do it.”
This is a common refrain, said Robert Goff, a retired hospital executive and board member of RIP Medical Debt. The nonprofit helps patients trapped under a mountain of medical bills, which are the No. 1 cause of personal bankruptcy.
“So the hospital sits there and says, ‘Not my problem.’ That’s irresponsible in every sense of the word,” Goff said.
The practice of suing patients isn’t new for Southeastern Emergency Physicians or its parent company, Knoxville, Tennessee-based TeamHealth. But such lawsuits have picked up in recent years, even as the company has stopped its practice of balance-billing patients.
TeamHealth is one of the two dominant ER staffing firms in the nation, running nearly 1 in 10 emergency departments in the United States. And its strategy of taking patients to court ramped up after it was purchased by the private equity giant Blackstone, according to an investigation by the journalism project MLK50 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Under pressure from journalists, TeamHealth ultimately pledged to stop suing patients and to offer generous discounts to uninsured patients.
Officials from TeamHealth declined WPLN’s request for an interview to answer questions about how widespread its practice of suing patients for ER doctors’ services and fees has been.
“We will work with patients on a case by case basis to reach a resolution,” TeamHealth said in an email.
According to court records obtained by WPLN, the firm filed about 700 lawsuits against patients in Nashville in 2019. That’s up from 120 in 2018 and just seven in 2017. Its only contract in the city is with Nashville General’s ER, and the patients reached by WPLN said they were uninsured when they were sued.
What’s surprising to Mandy Pellegrin, who has researched medical billing in Tennessee at the nonpartisan Sycamore Institute, is that it was all happening at Nashville General — where treating uninsured patients is part of the hospital’s mission.
“It is curious that a company that works for a hospital like that might resort to those sorts of actions,” Pellegrin said.
A Pledge To Drop Cases
As for Sonya Johnson — she eventually went to court and worked out a payment plan of $70 a month over three years.
And now TeamHealth tells WPLN that its intent is to drop pending cases.
“We will not file additional cases naming patients as defendants and will not seek further judgments,” a TeamHealth spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “Our intent is not to have these pending cases proceed. We’re working as expeditiously as possible on resolving individual outstanding cases.”
Johnson said she has been told that the lawsuit Southeastern Emergency Physicians filed against her will be dropped — but that she still owes the $2,700 bill.
This story is part of a reporting partnership that includes WPLN, NPR and Kaiser Health News. 
It’s Not Just Hospitals That Sue Patients Who Can’t Pay published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
0 notes
dinafbrownil · 4 years
It’s Not Just Hospitals That Sue Patients Who Can’t Pay
Nashville General Hospital is a safety-net facility funded by the Tennessee capital city. For a patient without insurance, this is supposed to be the best place to go in a city with many hospitals. But for the uninsured, it may have been the worst choice in 2019.
Its emergency room was taking more patients to court for unpaid medical bills than any other hospital or practice in town. A WPLN investigation found the physician-staffing firm that runs the ER sued 700 patients in Davidson County during 2019.
( function() { var func = function() { var iframe = document.getElementById('wpcom-iframe-f3418e475bc8fd8b6e6f1d929aea199a') if ( iframe ) { iframe.onload = function() { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { 'msg_type': 'poll_size', 'frame_id': 'wpcom-iframe-f3418e475bc8fd8b6e6f1d929aea199a' }, "https:\/\/embeds.kff.org" ); } } // Autosize iframe var funcSizeResponse = function( e ) { var origin = document.createElement( 'a' ); origin.href = e.origin; // Verify message origin if ( 'embeds.kff.org' !== origin.host ) return; // Verify message is in a format we expect if ( 'object' !== typeof e.data || undefined === e.data.msg_type ) return; switch ( e.data.msg_type ) { case 'poll_size:response': var iframe = document.getElementById( e.data._request.frame_id ); if ( iframe && '' === iframe.width ) iframe.width = '100%'; if ( iframe && '' === iframe.height ) iframe.height = parseInt( e.data.height ); return; default: return; } } if ( 'function' === typeof window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener( 'message', funcSizeResponse, false ); } else if ( 'function' === typeof window.attachEvent ) { window.attachEvent( 'onmessage', funcSizeResponse ); } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { func.apply(); /* compat for infinite scroll */ } else if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', func, false ); } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { document.attachEvent( 'onreadystatechange', func ); } } )();
They include patients such as Sonya Johnson, a 52-year-old social worker and single mother. By juggling her care between a nonprofit clinic and Nashville General, Johnson had figured out how to manage her health problems, even though she was, until recently, uninsured.
In 2018, she went to see her doctor, who charges patients on a sliding scale. Her tongue was swollen and she was feeling weak. The diagnosis? Severe anemia.
“He called me back that Halloween day and said, ‘I need you to get to the emergency [room], stat — and they’re waiting on you when you get there,'” she recalled.
Nashville General kept her overnight and gave her a blood transfusion. They wanted to keep her a second night — but she was worried about the mounting cost and asked to be sent home.
Staying the one night meant she was admitted to the hospital itself, and the bill for that part of her care wasn’t so bad, Johnson said. The institution’s financial counselors offered a 75% discount because of her strained finances and because her job didn’t offer health insurance at the time.
But emergency rooms are often run by an entirely separate entity. In Nashville General’s case, the proprietor was a company called Southeastern Emergency Physicians. And that’s the name on a bill that showed up in Johnson’s mailbox months later for $2,700.
“How in the world can I pay this company, when I couldn’t even pay for health care [insurance]?” Johnson asked.
Social worker Sonya Johnson received a civil warrant to appear in court when the company that runs Nashville General Hospital’s emergency room threatened to sue her over a $2,700 ER bill — long after she’d already negotiated a reduced payment schedule for the rest of her hospital stay.(Blake Farmer/WPLN)
Johnson didn’t recognize the name of the physician practice. A Google search didn’t help much. There’s no particular website, though a listing of webpages that do turn up in such a search suggests the company staffs a number of emergency departments in the region.
Johnson said she tried calling the number listed on her bill to see if she could get the same charity-care discount the hospital gave her, but she could only leave messages. And then came a knock at her apartment door over the summer. It was a Davidson County sheriff’s deputy with a summons requiring Johnson to appear in court.
“It’s very scary,” she said, and she recalled thinking “What have I done? And for a medical bill?”
Handoff Of Lawsuits?
Being sued over medical debt can be a big deal because it means a business can get a court-ordered judgment to garnish patients’ wages, taking money directly from their paycheck. The strategy is meant to make sure patients don’t blow off their medical debts. But this is not good for the health of people who are uninsured, said Bruce Naremore, chief financial officer at Nashville General.
“When patients owe money, and they feel like they’re being dunned all the time, they don’t come back to the hospital to get what they might need,” he said.
Under Naremore’s direction in the past few years, Nashville General had stopped suing patients for hospital fees. He said it was rarely worth the court costs.
But Southeastern Emergency Physicians — which, since 2016, has been contracted by the hospital to run and staff its emergency department — went the other way, filing more lawsuits against patients than ever in 2019.
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Naremore said the decision on whether to sue over emergency care falls to the company that staffs the ER, not Nashville General Hospital.
“It’s a private entity that runs the emergency room, and it’s the cost of doing business,” he said. “If I restrict them from collecting dollars, then my cost is going to very likely go up, or I’m going to have to find another provider to do it.”
This is a common refrain, said Robert Goff, a retired hospital executive and board member of RIP Medical Debt. The nonprofit helps patients trapped under a mountain of medical bills, which are the No. 1 cause of personal bankruptcy.
“So the hospital sits there and says, ‘Not my problem.’ That’s irresponsible in every sense of the word,” Goff said.
The practice of suing patients isn’t new for Southeastern Emergency Physicians or its parent company, Knoxville, Tennessee-based TeamHealth. But such lawsuits have picked up in recent years, even as the company has stopped its practice of balance-billing patients.
TeamHealth is one of the two dominant ER staffing firms in the nation, running nearly 1 in 10 emergency departments in the United States. And its strategy of taking patients to court ramped up after it was purchased by the private equity giant Blackstone, according to an investigation by the journalism project MLK50 in Memphis, Tennessee.
Under pressure from journalists, TeamHealth ultimately pledged to stop suing patients and to offer generous discounts to uninsured patients.
Officials from TeamHealth declined WPLN’s request for an interview to answer questions about how widespread its practice of suing patients for ER doctors’ services and fees has been.
“We will work with patients on a case by case basis to reach a resolution,” TeamHealth said in an email.
According to court records obtained by WPLN, the firm filed about 700 lawsuits against patients in Nashville in 2019. That’s up from 120 in 2018 and just seven in 2017. Its only contract in the city is with Nashville General’s ER, and the patients reached by WPLN said they were uninsured when they were sued.
What’s surprising to Mandy Pellegrin, who has researched medical billing in Tennessee at the nonpartisan Sycamore Institute, is that it was all happening at Nashville General — where treating uninsured patients is part of the hospital’s mission.
“It is curious that a company that works for a hospital like that might resort to those sorts of actions,” Pellegrin said.
A Pledge To Drop Cases
As for Sonya Johnson — she eventually went to court and worked out a payment plan of $70 a month over three years.
And now TeamHealth tells WPLN that its intent is to drop pending cases.
“We will not file additional cases naming patients as defendants and will not seek further judgments,” a TeamHealth spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “Our intent is not to have these pending cases proceed. We’re working as expeditiously as possible on resolving individual outstanding cases.”
Johnson said she has been told that the lawsuit Southeastern Emergency Physicians filed against her will be dropped — but that she still owes the $2,700 bill.
This story is part of a reporting partnership that includes WPLN, NPR and Kaiser Health News. 
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/its-not-just-hospitals-that-sue-patients-who-cant-pay/
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