#so i like that this also reflected on labor and just transportation trends in america
fishsticksart · 2 years
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William J. McCloskey, Valencia Oranges, 1889
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bendthetrendshop · 4 years
I Am His Eyes He Is My Wings I Am His Voice He Is My Spirit I Am His Wife He Is My Guardian Angel Butterfly T-Shirt
The spread of this disease count of those briefly but the establishment of travel restrictions aggressive quarantine effort of Americans there returning declaration of public health emergency in establishing the White House Corona task force all reflective urgency that the president has brought to a I Am His Eyes He Is My Wings I Am His Voice He Is My Spirit I Am His Wife He Is My Guardian Angel Butterfly T-Shirt whole of government approach as a former governor from the state where the first mers case emerged in 2014 I know full well the importance of presidential leadership the importance of administration leadership and the vital role of partnerships estate and local governments and health authorities in responding to the potential threat of dangerous infectious diseases and I I look forward missed president to a serving in this role bringing together of all the members of the Corona task force that you’ve established HHS CDC DHS the department of transportation and state that this team has been at your direction as president meeting every day since it was established that my role will be to continue to bring that team. Can this is something I came to understand the words mumbling on the degeneracy these people really need us to we allow it to listen to you understand the words you speak it subtitled up all around in our community when it comes to killing one control of you also want to show you young people how to deal take this thing alive because the record labels out he showed his close beside any kind of deal really well body do that is the reason we manifest old man about his soul to value his own boundariesand was money coming on music alters hospital to putting out there though lot of people are talented out here with music video tells you killing twoand a black full video talk about that you want to do do a drive will reclaim some may make about that doing drive out all the black people to clean until those four years so you know artistic expression is always talking about here also take responsibility later Dillman response ability to get mad at me because I’m saying this five goal I’m good with that Rob lifeboats said the woman the behavior we can do that we will need to address a self hate that is not a issue global self hatred why do you hate your brother sister so much why would they ask you do you have the collective no black person enslaved you know black person destroyed the tiles you built no black person wrongly imprisoned you know black person bug did the things of these few have done a youand you know he had a smoke for them but any little thing a black person tell you you rented to Teddy head off tasting was somebody blackness some good UK standard you angry jealous why you apply also like everybody else yes we all community but we also individual people together make proper choices while salesand we make mistakes okay make mistakes is turn a life around to fix it is not a breath in your body to turn your life around we also have a self hate Africans talk to you will also pay over to you know I’m right about that people South Africa Zimbabwe is coming around to do is limit talk about this you will find you only want try to be left Delta doing that but this is all black people what you doing that Allah self hate like this because you not my tribe best fit what tribe did you try a line or a new Francis to run the 14 nations the Chinese things like Bozeman remains well going to tryand get some some songs also not all America to try Donald us was a way to make the whole system I for that here before that over there you stop the self hate we know another note Dallas cable we remember that this talk will talk about here is about to unify globally stop the tribe grab as we try here to Christian home was a life is on everything else with a black call yourself don’t know if you unify globally put aside the tribalism is not getting is nowhere best that have so little not self hate you may not like me cool as far you may know I’m a personnel you may know I’m always putting me unify on the fact that we black people we disable globally was oblivious of the globally the scholar what is can we fix our issuesand problems globally as as as a unit do we do that only we can we capable what will where the cable also massively done I wentand I would also going to waste my time talking self hate got go Esco ammonia will be facilitating a man be roughly was negative will be around people to want to destroy the black people willing word of physically I don’t do that together tap into old jealousyand envy has stopped you have no reason to be Josie envious of someone in the same position as you globally want you should be Josie envious of that to everything from you took your hoarder labor baby always people that you should be angry about jealous about the same goes in the way they got it when I got editing they can barely keep it. You have to learn what it means to be a barrier breaker yourself in this job you’re about to take America’s first second gentleman and all their although they’re not with us here today to thank Ellen Cole as well I’m a chance to speak to Doug’s mom and dad and Ellen Cole and the really get our kids together let them know what what’s coming hard my grandchildren are about the age of the their children got to speak my campaigns I’ve been a family affair campaign to run so got some news for you are all by is the best part even an honorary buying for quite some time you know I came first to know was through our son bow by their friends they served as the same time it took the same big they took on the same big fights together California bow here in Delaware big fights helped change the entire country I know how much bow respected and her work in that matter a lot to me to be honest with you as I made this decision so now we need to get to work playing this nation out of these crises we find ourselves getting our economy back on track uniting this nation and yes winning the battle for the soul of America my fellow Americans limited use to you for the first time your next vice president nine states Harris floors your old telling you can’t me incredibly honored to ready to less competitive gel with the person to lead us forward’s cell phone of all the relic before the sacrifice determination today is a comment as reoccurrence of transfer everything we can economy and health children the kind of country we live in all online where we the worst public health sensory management plan the worst economic Great Depression a little reckoning with races and has brought coloration of constant to the streets of our country than finding out the leaders of life found people who every challenge we face even more difficult to sign we failed Donald 83 to better sell sell now will be an incredible first lady grateful great height of the extended family and I received
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Rapidly rapidly to say not because then the the media the so called so called media mainstream media will say he said it time I was a I Am His Eyes He Is My Wings I Am His Voice He Is My Spirit I Am His Wife He Is My Guardian Angel Butterfly T-Shirt kinds could have a chemist at time if you don’t hit it they’ll say so I don’t talk about and but I will say that there’s been tremendous progress made over the last month or this week will only a few days ago I will tell you he sounded incredible I was actually surprised at the be like Donald Heller he was ready to like I could I’m very surprised at this is like the old Boris tremendous energy tremendous drive I was very surprised as he call me almost pretty close to where when he got out of the hospital is doing great things to use a sharp and energetic pre incredible these incredible guys a friend of ours and and a friend of mine is our country he loves his country a lot but he loves our country respects our country and they lucky to have them over there place you reach out directly about possible portrayal medical I hope you are well Kaylee are you in the near war with. Democratic Party is also the third anniversary of that terrible day in Charlottesville remember what it felt like to see those neo Nazis close your eyes those Klansmen white supremacist coming out of fields carrying lighted torches faces contorted bulging veins point in the streets of historic American city spewing the same somatic bile we heard Hitler’s Germany in. People suffering joe’s regular aim of the lifeguard along with the black lifeguard is forcing you and we became friends gave me since no learning rights click off the job and got me on the popular war he is solidly republican to joe’s campaign in gamelan function no money or or coffee by my office he was very articulate on the issues for people to say not just noise what can I do to help delaware and a gala ball I don’t like 29 they release soon it was clear he decided not to be a center boys need me too much walk away 73 like to like mass hubert humphrey fritz hollings you know convinced resistant to stay six months remembered to stay six months allow could not have been gems senate turned out to be a wonderful place for him he a real gift for bringing people together three forged rl to join the circle for everything is always a only out it’s hard to glean how ever present lives yes believes great to be my father is a toward himself is going to on mother bravely resides someday will be some the way survived See Other Shirt: September Girls Are Here Only For The Candy Halloween T Shirt
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/united-states-of-america/strong-support-here-helped-trump-win-pennsylvania-in-2016-2020-could-be-different/
Strong Support Here Helped Trump Win Pennsylvania in 2016. 2020 Could Be Different.
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ALTOONA, Pa. — President Trump’s road to re-election runs through places like Altoona, with its deep working-class roots, conservative social values and nearly all-white population. But it is not a straight line.
He won about 70 percent of the vote in Blair County, where Altoona is the largest city, in 2016, and that support was an integral part of why Mr. Trump defied forecasts and carried Pennsylvania, a state that will again be critical to his chances in 2020, by about 44,000 votes.
Altoona’s voters have now had more than two years to assess whether Mr. Trump has honored his campaign commitments and whether they will support him again so enthusiastically. Their answer, judging from interviews with more than two dozen voters, is complicated, not the black and white narrative that either Mr. Trump’s supporters or his critics might assume.
Most of his supporters say they will stick with him, citing his blunt style, which some of them see as a form of entertainment, as well as a strong economy. But not all of them.
That same economy has yielded uneven results in Altoona, a city of about 45,000 where the low unemployment rate of 4.2 percent masks some uglier economic facts: Most of the new jobs are in lower-paying service industries, with scaled-down benefits. The poverty rate is 23.2 percent. And there are few signs of the renaissance in manufacturing that the president said he would create.
“There is not a lot of disposable income at $11 an hour,” said Jim Foreman, the county Republican chairman, who operates several physical therapy clinics.
Robert K. Kutz, the president of a local labor council, put it more bluntly. He said some union members who voted for Mr. Trump were starting “to realize that the promises came up empty” and will vote against him in 2020.
“As far as the manufacturing goes,” he added, “none of that has come back.”
Mr. Foreman also acknowledged that it would be difficult for Mr. Trump to replicate his overwhelming numbers from 2016. And if the numbers fall off in rural counties like his, Mr. Trump’s path to winning a state where Democrats picked up three House seats in the midterm elections becomes more challenging.
Val DiGiorgio, the Republican state chairman, said the challenge would be to maintain Mr. Trump’s margins in rural areas while trying to blunt an expected surge of Democratic voters in suburban areas of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. “That’s the question,” he said.
But there are few signs that Republicans have lost their hold in Altoona. The area is represented by Representative John Joyce, a dermatologist elected for the first time in November with more than 70 percent of the vote. The district is largely Catholic and fervently anti-abortion, helping Mr. Trump.
And there are Trump supporters like Sarah Vogel, who said she wanted to live in her hometown to help its revitalization efforts and opened a coffee shop downtown. “He’s doing what he can to help small businesses and rural areas,” she said. “I don’t know if I can give any specifics.”
But, she said, she is “personally a little bit torn” over Mr. Trump’s hard-line immigration policies. While she voted for him in 2016, she is waiting to see who the Democrats nominate before making up her mind this time. Her strong opposition to abortion will weigh heavily in her decision, she added.
Cultural issues could outweigh economic interests for many voters.
Over lunch with his mother at the Black Dog restaurant near Altoona, Dr. Levi Delozier, a Democrat who returned home to practice medicine, said those issues motivated many voters here in 2016.
“I think cultural beliefs and social mores pervade every decision they make,” Dr. Delozier said. “The haze and the fog and the ether of the campaign made people feel like they were better off. I think the current president is very astute at programming his quote-unquote wins, and he is very good at off-loading losses.”
Altoona includes ancestral Democrats, voters whose family members worked for the railroad or a coal mine, but increasingly have supported Republicans. Older voters in particular, and especially those who had manufacturing jobs, believe that Washington has become out of touch, and are more likely to be Trump supporters.
Gib Beckwith worked in manufacturing much of his life. He lost his job as a tool and die maker, but sought retraining and now has an information technology job at North American Communications, which produces envelopes for direct mail.
Mr. Beckwith gets his news from Fox. “I know it is biased, but I get more truth out of their news than anyone else,” he said. “And it’s on my radio. On the weekends, it’s on. I won’t watch NBC or CBS anymore.” He said no one in his family, “not a one,” will vote for anyone other than Mr. Trump.
“Did he do better for the working man? Most certainly,” Mr. Beckwith said. “He has brought what jobs he could bring back, and yes, he gave the rich a tax break, but I got a tax break as well.”
Views like his present a studied contrast to a generation ago, when the federal government delivered big for people here. A former congressman, Bud Shuster, who was chairman of the House Transportation Committee, was famous for securing projects for the area, most notably the extension of Interstate 99, which some have mocked as “the road to nowhere.”
Mr. Shuster was so successful securing federal largess that when reporters asked Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York which state received the most funding one year, he replied, “The state of Altoona.”
But congressional earmarks are now banned and Mr. Shuster’s political career is long over, his politics of accommodation and compromise replaced by stark polarization.
North American has been churning out envelopes for direct mail solicitations for 40 years, and a sign outside its sandy brick headquarters says “Now Hiring,” proclaiming what should be good news for both the city and Mr. Trump.
Not so long ago, the company transferred most of its production jobs to Mexico, taking advantage of lower-cost labor. Then came Mr. Trump’s hard-line immigration policies and with them increased chaos that led many customers to say they no longer felt comfortable with their time-sensitive mailings subject to disruption.
So the company is trying to “reshore” several hundred light manufacturing jobs back to Altoona, just the kind of thing the president promised to do as the champion of the “forgotten American.” But company officials said Mr. Trump’s approach includes almost nothing that would assist them in bringing back jobs.
“There is no federal program to help businesses like ours to reshore our jobs,” said Tera Herman, the company vice president.
Her husband, Robert Herman, the company president, lived in El Paso for a time when the company had operations in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. He said he did not like the way the Trump administration’s immigration policies had played out.
“I am a registered Republican,” Mr. Herman added. “I like Republican ideals on the economy. But I don’t like the way that it’s translated. It seems very at times bigoted and the language that’s used, the derogatory references. I am not that way.”
Workers at Mr. Herman’s company reflected similarly conflicting sentiments about the president. Cory Reed is the third generation in his family to work at the facility in Altoona. He voted for Mr. Trump in 2016, but doubts he will again.
“He hasn’t really fulfilled that promise,” Mr. Reed said of the president’s ode to the forgotten American. “The follow-through wasn’t there.” He is also fed up with the president’s tone. “I feel like there should be more important issues than someone completely bashing someone on Twitter. I don’t really agree with that at all.”
But like Mr. Beckwith, Rick Zupon remains solidly behind Mr. Trump.
In Mr. Zupon, a lifelong Altoona resident who twice voted for President Barack Obama, Mr. Trump has an unwavering convert. “The guy has all the money in the world but is still looking out for the guy who made the country what it is,” he said.
Mr. Trump was the plain-spoken truth teller Mr. Zupon wanted to see shake up Washington. “Another thing I like about President Trump: He doesn’t use language that you have to get a dictionary to understand,” he said. “That’s kind of enjoyable coming from a president of the United States.”
John Stultz, a local real estate agent, also finds Mr. Trump entertaining. Some nights he says to his wife, “I’m going home to watch the national news tonight to see what he said.”
But, he added, he would consider a candidate like former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. “I like Joe,” he said, “even the touchy-feely.”
For the president, voters like Mr. Stultz make Pennsylvania particularly challenging, especially if Mr. Biden, who was born in the state and plans to make the first speech of the presidential campaign he is expected to launch on Thursday in Pittsburgh, becomes the Democratic nominee.
Some in the Democratic Party say its nominee should focus on the so-called Obama coalition of younger voters, minorities and suburbanites. But Democrats like Mr. Biden have said the party should not abandon rural voters and should lay its own claim to the “forgotten American.”
In 2016, in Blair County, Hillary Clinton ran seven percentage points behind Mr. Obama’s performance in 2012. If a Democrat can simply cut into Mr. Trump’s numbers here, much less match Mr. Obama’s, Mr. Trump’s Pennsylvania victory could seem more aberration than trend.
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