#so i really need to see gojo sandwiched between sukuna and toji
merculuros · 8 months
i headcanon that satoru is into men who can actually kill him
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
How the Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Smell
A/N: Absolutely no one asked for this but I have thoughts and now yall have to hear them. Btw gonna put a keep reading because I’m trying to cover as many jjk characters as possible so it’s gonna get long.
Warnings: Spoilers if you’ve only seen the anime or haven’t read the manga up to the Shibuya Arc (relatively minor but you’ve been warned)
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He’s nowhere near the best smelling but his scent isn’t awful 
He sweats a lot so he takes showers a minimum of 2x a day
Overall his smell isn’t that bad, he just smells like outside 
5/10 points for effort but he always smells like he just got done rolling around in grass
Fushiguro smells like the suave ocean breeze body wash with an undertone of pen ink 
His smell is very nice, it’s not the most remarkable but it’s not stinky
Middle school Megumi was definitely a hot mess that smelled solely of axe body spray and other middle schoolers he beat up (Tsumiki tried her best but there was only so much he’d compromise on)
After he started attending the Tokyo school, Maki threw out his axe and made Gojo buy him actual cologne/scented body wash
7/10 smells like a friend (points reduced because he used to use 3 in 1 body wash)
Kugisaki is very much clean
She keeps up a beauty regimen and doesn’t play when it comes to upkeeping it
She has this light floral scent because of that; it varies between cucumbers and roses
Her body wash is also consistent with the smell of her beauty products
One thing about Kugisaki’s smell is that it does change completely depending on what products she’s using
Although, if she were to be completely clean with no scented products, she’d have a smell that’s a little bit metallic because of the nails and a little pumpkin-y
10/10 points because she sets the standard
Smells like the inside of a guys car
He smells like bergamot and cedarwood mixed with a hint of leather
Overall he smells nice and it’s frustrating because his scent lingers. It’s so distinct that even when he’s gone, his scent will stay behind just to taunt you
9/10 minus one point for being Gojo
She’s very particular about hygiene 
It mainly stems from 1) her upbringing and 2) the level of cleanliness needed to clean all the weapons she uses regularly
She smells of metal polish, lavender with a hint of patchouli, and a slight undertone of rust
10/10 overall very strong scent but it’s so uniquely her that it’s calming 
This makes no sense but I feel like Inumaki smells like the sandwich part of a deli
Specifically that fresh baked bread and sliced lettuce smell
It can be a bit nostalgic at times especially because the smell in general occurs in a lot of places 
10/10 because bread smells good
It’s canon that Panda smells like the sun but we can get more specific
Panda does smell like the sun but I think he smells like a freshly cleaned room with the curtains open
The smell is like air freshener mixed with the sun
The air fresheners he smells the most like are: morning and dew, wood, pine, pet odor eliminator
10/10 no explanation needed
Smells like teen spirit
Pre-jujutsu high (and before he was sent away to Africa); Yuta smelled like deodorant
He smelled like wayyy too much old spice, it was pretty bad
Post trip to Africa (idk which country he went to), Yuta smells of shea butter, frankincense, and charred wood
8/10 the crimes of pre jujutsu high Yuta will not be easily forgiven
He smells like the blue Ralph Polo Lauren cologne
No I will not take criticism
He also smells a bit like the wrinkle spray people use when ironing clothes
10/10 we been knew that Nanami looks good, smells good, and dresses good
I don’t even like that cologne but for him...
Love Shoko but her smell isn’t the most pleasant
Literally smells like cigarettes and alcohol with the sterile smell of cleaner to top it off
She’s an icon but her smell can be overwhelming at the best of times and suffocating at the worst
5/10 some people might like it but it is not for me
Her scent is very foresty, either pine or spruce, with an undertone of gree tea
Her scent is a bit muted too so you can only really smell it if she’s really close or if you’re hugging her
It’s not a bad scent though, it’s the type that immediately sets you on ease
10/10 smells like a warm hug
He’s a robot what’d you expect???
Jkjk Pre-Shibuya he smells really sterile and clean due to his condition
His robots obviously smell like metal and wiring
Post-Shibuya arc(or yk during technically): He smells kind of like nothing
There's the slightest smell of sparks from his cursed technique and the hint of mojito’s smell lingering, but otherwise he smells like absolutely nothing
6/10 the lack of smell is a bit off putting
I can’t explain but I feel like Miwa smells like banana and vanilla
Like Mai and Momo tricked her and she ended up actually liking the smell
6/10 not the worst but not the best
Mai smells really heavily of metal and gunpowder
Obviously brcause of her cursed technique but she ever expected it to stck to her like it does
She doesn’t make any active effort to change it though because she thinks it makes her seem cool and mysterious
4/10 because while it DOES make her seem cool and mysterious, she scares locals
She definitely uses bath and body works perfume (tempted to say she uses the glittery versions but alas)
She loves using all the candles, lotions, and perfumes because of how girly they make her feel; has a collection that’s probably on a rotater
Definitely uses sweet pea above all
Tries to get Mai to try some of her fragrances but she has a 30/70 chance of getting her to agree
7/10 another scent that’s not for me
He has a really intense cleaning regimen and is never caught lackin in the smell department
He gets all the more embarrassed when Yuuji smells stinky next to him and will always make Yuuji shower if thr boy stinks
Other than that, he smelled of an ocean-y cologne before Takada-chan released her perfume collection
Now all he talks about is how he smells like the perfect husband for Takada
Takada’s perfume is really light a floral (along the lines of rose + vanilla) and if Todo runs out, he tries to steal it from Momo’s collection
9/10 minus a point for being a simp
Smells really clean except for when he’s using his cursed technique
On average, Noritoshi smells like the clean linen spray/ clean laundry
When he uses his technique, he smells like blood and when he uses his technique to “dope”, he smells like sweat
Usually he smells like clean laundry though, he’s very picky about how he smells and hates the smell he gets from using his technique
10/10 for keeping clean
If you think this man washes his ass...
Sorry but he’s a little too busy being a misogynist 
Naoya saw the term gooch grease and was like “wow someone gets it!”
-400/10 I’m sick of talking about the ways this man smells like a popped neck pimple
Only person that smells worse than Naoya
If Naoya smells like a popped neck pimple, Mahito smells like a literal sewer
He smells like sewage, garbage, rot and decay, melted plastic,etc.
Not only does Mojito’s body stink, his breath stinks, hair stinks, just everything stinks
Jogo and Hanami can’t tell since they don’t have noses but everytime Geto gets a whiff, he dies a little inside
-21982913293237932392379319210391090320323019/10 GET BACK. GET BACK. GET BACK.
Pre-death; he smelled like blood 9 times out of 10 
The other 10% of times he smelled like incense or jasmine but you’d never smell it for long
Post-death; stinky funky and rotten
I’m sorry but 1) he’s a mass murder who literally sits atop a mountain of skulls 2) he’s technically dead and only exists thriugh his fingers
If you think that man smells like anything other than rot and grave wax...
-2/10 be glad he got a higher score than Mahito
I love Choso with every ounce of my being 
That being said, he smells like a scab
Scabs don’t even have smells but somehow he smells like one 
Alright I’m done slandering him
3/10 because I didn’t have the heart to give him anything lower
Pre-Gojo angst: Geto was the best smelling sorcerer in the world
He was very meticulous about his grooming routine and showed Gojo how to care for himself w/o the aid of servants
A king of self care and personal grooming 10/10
Post-Gojo angst: Geto really stopped caring about his appearance
He’d keep clean to set a good example for his kids, but he didn’t really see the value of looking decent
Probably says “I refuse to use the technology of monkeys”
Even though Mahito smells worse, Geto does still hang around Mahito and that’s gonna rub off
2/10 take a shower man, sea water doesn’t count as cleaning yourself
Junpei smells like dandelions/picked grass and cigarettes
Cigarettes are obviously because his mom smokes them so frequently the smell sticks to him
The dandelions/ picked grass smell is because Junpei spends a lot of time outside 
Out of boredom or a need to keep his negative thoughts at bay, Junpei started picking at the grass
I do think he eventually started weaving flower crowns made of dandelions and strips of grass
6/10 because I feel bad for him
This man...
As much as I’d like to pretend he smells good, he has a drooling worm hanging off him and  probably owns like one outfit
That being said, he’s not as stinky as Naoya or Mahito (or even Sukuna), because he does clean himself when he has the chance
It’s just that he spends his money so quickly that he kinda forgets sometimes
Although he usually has no problem finding some woman who’d be more than willing to put him up in a hotel room
His smell is musky but it’s not funky
He smells like a guy right before they start to get stinky, it’s a delicate balance
4/10 he’s a lil funky but it kinda feeds his image
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