#so i shouldn't be surprised that she saw the link between brian's death and the beatles clinging to the maharishi as tied together
get-back-homeward · 2 years
The thread from the weekend of the Beatles’ 1967 Bangor trip and Brian’s death to the vultures descending and India...
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'He was like your father. I will be your father now.’
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I think John got particularly frightened.
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There was no one steering the ship.
...they were all there for the rich pickings called the Beatles. I thought it was a very sinister meeting.
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Well, no, I’m afraid not, Robert.
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They were able to fall back on what the Maharishi would advise...
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John wasn’t in good shape at that time...Paul took the lead in Brian’s absence.
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Brian’s death kind of opened the floodgates.
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The trouble with him dying at that moment was that it actually pushed them into the arms of the Maharishi, whereas if he hadn’t died, it would have blown over...The Beatles would not have gone to India and all these things would not have happened.
From Debbie Geller’s In My Life: The Brian Epstein Story (2000) [x]
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