#so i was one of those people who took one of her headcanons and jumpstarted.
elvisabutler · 2 years
what are your favorite austin/priscilla actress!reader headcanons??
Oh anon, first off loved this ask, you are my favorite anon for it. But also, oh dear I'm so sorry about the monster you unleashed. TW: Angst, what can be seen as creepy/possessive behavior ( but not really ). Vague sexual mentions. I have a whole separate set of NSFW favorite headcanons and stuff not on this post.
Priscilla Actress Reader x Austin Butler Headcanons 
Austin tries to make sure you've fallen asleep before he goes to sleep. It started during the quarantine when the two of you would be talking over whatsapp because one of you has an android and the other has an iPhone and once you moved in together he just never stops. The one time he doesn’t is when he’s in the hospital after filming Elvis.
He buys a ring for you, an almost exact replica of Priscilla's, about a week after you first film the scene. It stays in his closet hidden. You only find it when leaving Australia. 
Y'all start dating during the shutdown of the film, originally you wanted a friends with benefits, maybe just a daddy/baby girl situation because that's what you're used to.
Having his number kind of shot that idea in the foot. You found you actually liked Austin as a person as you got to know him. It made his whole vibe make more sense.
The apartment's wifi is called the nest. Throughout everything that happens between you two that is the one thing that stays constant. You think it's silly and have told him as much but he still keeps it under that title. 
During the Shutdown of the Filming you and Austin end up trying to keep a normal schedule. You both try and keep everything normal with the exception of you fully becoming his sub. His little dove in your little nest. 
In going with that theme, both you and Austin start dressing and sounding like Elvis and Priscilla. You toyed with dying your hair Priscilla’s current red before deciding that black for both you and Austin was for the best. Instead of sweatpants, he’s in slacks with gold watches and rings. You’re dresses and skirts and jumpsuits if you’re feeling like making Daddy work for it. It makes it easier to look natural in the costumes when filming finally restarts. Catherine loves you two for it. Later on she realizes maybe she shouldn’t have encouraged it. 
Austin calls you by a lot of nicknames: Little Dove, Dove, baby girl, baby, darling.
You never let him call you Birdie after he accidentally did one time during filming. It sent such a chill through your bones that you couldn’t stand hearing it for fear of feeling that again.
He calls you it one more time when he’s sick after filming is done.
As Elvis or in relation to something with the two of you on set, he’ll call you ‘Cilla.
In hindsight you should have put that in the same category as Birdie, but everyone else made jokes about the two of you being Baz’s Elvis and Priscilla and “I think we’ve only heard your actual voices at the beginning and through old interviews.” and “I am impressed with your vocal coach. You sound like I did back then.” So it didn’t seem like it’d be a problem.
It became one so slowly you didn’t even realize what was happening until it was too late.
Your nicknames for Austin consists of a shorter list that eventually grows to a longer one later. He is Daddy or he is Austin or he is Satnin. Aus is mostly when his own name is too hard to say.
My King is always used as a joke just to bug him, but one time you call him your Cali Sunshine and he laughs a laugh so bright you swear you’re in the actual presence of the sun. That happens much later. So much later.
Austin knows when he has fucked up when you call him Butler. It’s said when you’re mad or when you don’t want to call him anything that implies you have a hint of affection to him.
During Quarantine you realize that maybe this is the first actual Daddy worthy of your time. It’s not that all your previous ones weren’t but- between his incessant (Seriously, Daddy, I’m fine, I’d have told you if you went too far. But darlin’ you’re shaking so bad. You made me come five times in less than an hour, if I wasn’t I’d be worried.) need to make sure you’re alright and checking in that you’re good and that he’s still managing to give you the best aftercare despite not being there in person it’s hard to ignore.
When both of your Quarantines are over you knock on his door and jump in his arms the second he opens the door.
You’re my Daddy if you’ll have me.
Only if you want to give yourself to me.
I wanted to a week ago.
He gives you a necklace with a Dove and his initials engraved on the back when you're on your knees in front of him.
He ordered it the night after the table read just in case.
That is not your collar, and that’s why it comes with you when you break up.
He knows your cycles which should be creepy you think and you tell him as much but as time goes on and he takes care of you every single time you’re on your period? You find it to be the hottest and sweetest thing another human being has done for you.
You’re on the patch because you had a scare one time on the pill at 18 and another on the implant at 20. You’re religious with making sure you change it but stress always makes your body a little late.
Austin gets his hopes every time you're late up because he wasn’t thinking about kids since he had broken up with Vanessa but then you came along and somehow having a kid with you seemed so right. 
You’re usually only a few days late. One month you’re 2 weeks late. Austin buys an Elvis onesie that he hides the moment you get your period.
You break up after filming ends and it’s not because of just one thing.
It’s how you start to recognize that Austin can’t separate himself from Elvis. 
Lil Dove, if I ever push you that far you gotta tell me, I can’t lose you. Not after my mom and Nessa. I can’t lose another-
I will, Daddy, I will. But you won’t ever do this to me.
You don’t and isn’t that the funniest lie you’ve ever told that someone believed.
It’s how your mom asks you how you are and you tell her how Priscilla is feeling in the scene you just filmed that night.
Are you sure you’re okay, sweetheart? Are you sure that boy is good for you?
You have the best daddy in the world but he’s not just your Daddy he’s Elvis and you’re not just his Dove, you’re Priscilla. 
It’s how Austin is sick and you hate hospitals and you can’t bring yourself to go into it even for him so you call him over WhatsApp. He calls you Cilla twice.
"Austin, what’s my name?" “What kind of question is that, I know your name.” “Then tell me what it is.” “Y/N, my little dove, my baby girl.”
You start packing the second you hang up.
You find the ring he bought you and an Elvis onesie hidden together. Never in your life have you sobbed as much as you did that night. Before or after it. You’ve come close a few times, but seeing those broke you. 
You don’t hide it back properly. He finds it after you’re back in New York and he’s- going back to LA. 
He calls you 10 times and leaves 2 voicemails.
“If this is what this was about, Lil Dove, I can explain, please let me explain. Please.”
"Why didn't you ask me about them?"
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
Sorry if these are weird. None of my friends care about tg and I have no one to discuss fictional testicles with lol
1. How did he survive the castration in those circumstances? Did anyone take care of him afterwards?
2. Were his testicles smashed or completely removed?
3. How did the ccg know about it? Nobody mentions anything in the anime but i've seen some manga spoilers and it's obvious they know. Like what, did they randomly decide to strip him off and check just in case? Lol
4. Is there any info on how he feels about his masculinity basically being stolen from him?
These might be answered in the manga and i plan on reading it soon, but till then i'll rely on u.
Alright let’s talk nuts! These are all Headcanons since it isn’t really talked about in the manga. Also under the cut because Balls Lore
It was far from well done, Big Madame’s only concern was preserving his doll-like appearance, so she just went at it with a mallet. It ruptured them but didn’t completely sever them, they’re still there but just damaged
He survives thanks to Big Madame at least rinsing the blood away and giving him antibiotics, she didn’t want her favorite pet to die. She saw it as the same thing as neutering a dog or cat. Plus it would make other aristocrats less likely to steal him (it’s not unheard of for petty rich ghouls to steal desirable pet humans) since being unable to breed and loyal to her (well, at least she thought he was) would make him useless to anyone but her. His beauty and training is hers alone
When the CCG found him, it took awhile for them to give him a full physical because he freaked out and fought anyone who tried to look him over. After enough doctors being bitten, they were able to get the hint that this child raised by ghouls is feral and sedated him. During this they gave him a complete physical to see what damage the ghouls caused him, and found the damage to his genitals
As Shinohara befriended him and acclimated him to human society, he agreed to talk to doctors on the condition that they don’t grab him with rubber gloves, apparently he’s fine with being touched but the gloves were just a Sensory Eew. They asked him about how it happened, and horrified at the story they assured him that they’d fix it
Juuzou doesn’t know what people are talking about, what is manhood and why should he be mad that it was taken from him? Why do people think he wanted such a useless part? Whenever he was sent to fight the humans the males always doubled over when he kicked them there, this is CLEARLY an advantage! He doesn’t really get gender since he was raised by ghouls and as far as he or anyone else can tell he’s asexual. Though the doctors wouldn’t take him seriously and prescribed him testosterone
He used to take it sometimes, but it’s so pointless that he sorta just forgets. He doesn’t care about whatever it’s supposed to do since it’s not like it’s gonna make him faster or stronger, he’s fine being nut free
He probably wouldn’t care enough to even attempt to get it fixed, not on his own anyway. However, something comes up. Once the quinx squad make it clear that they can regenerate like ghouls, the CCG wants to experiment with the extent of what it can heal. Well, Juuzou is asked if he wants to be a quinx to test if the regenerative abilities will extend to injuries sustained early in life and potentially repair his testicles. All he hears is “hey you can have a sick ass kagune” and agreed right away. See, he’s very secure in himself and the only thing he ever wanted to change about his body was Getting A Kagune. He saw how other ghouls could fight with them and use them as another limb, and the idea of having one is too cool to pass up
He gets the surgery and he’s just happy to have a cool ass ukaku that he can stab things with. Of course the doctors aren’t done but he’s cool with whatever as long as he can keep his new stabbers, so he doesn’t bat and eye when they say they need to remove a nut to see if it will jumpstart the healing. He cares less than anyone else so he’s cool with it, they remove it carefully, and in minutes a fully functional one heals in its place. Happy with the results, they go on to remove the whole ass genitals so they can regrow right, and it’s a complete success
Juuzou is still asexual, that won’t change with a penis repair, but now he knows what horny is and can see why people like it. Oddly enough, he still doesn’t feel bad about being neutered, he sees this as an upgrade rather than a repair since it’s the first time he’s had the function, same as the kagune. His voice gets slightly deeper but aside from that there isn’t much change in the rest of his body, he’s just vibing
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