#so i'm in the middle of getting artem into the room and realized
samsspambox · 2 years
wait hello i just realized i can use artem's fucking tie clip as angst fodder (this has nothing to do with the realization but have something im still in the middle of writing)
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Hello. First of all thank you for the amazing Vyn content! Have a small request, maybe it'll inspire you to write another funny shenanigan. I'd like to see how would guys react if Rosa appeared in NXX hq in a sexy attire, specifically in a suit (there is only bra underneath the suit jacket), with make up etc. She droped by hq to leave some documents for example. She can meet all of the boys together or approach them personally as each of them is busy with their own stuff. Thanks!
NXX gets some service (NSFW)
Omg this is by far one of the most amusing asks I have ever gotten. Like, I just got up from a nap when I checked my phone and my jaw pretty much dropped when I saw this. Thank you for giving me a wake up nosebleed, anon!
I decided to really have fun here so expect everyone to be written a bit OOC or have their characterizations exaggerated.
(Goddamnit Artem. For a fictional character and even in this set up it's taken a lot of work to have you included in this. Fuck.)
I put in a bonus at the end all in good fun (also, as a shameless attempt at wish-fulfillment)! It's pretty long in itself but I wanted to append it by the end of this piece instead of making it its own post so people read it in intended sequence and aren't too....weirded out. It also ended on a questionable note, I blame it on booze
Warning: NSFW. Please do not interact if minor, etc.
You've always wanted to do something like this. Ever since you have been working with the eligible, unattached, handsome bachelors of the NXX Investigation Team, it has been one of your wildest dreams to get to know each of them on a more intimate basis.
You have never been given a good reason to, of course, until you have encountered one fateful moment wherein a brush with certain death has reminded you that yes, death may come at any time, that yes, increased chances of kicking the bucket comes with your profession, and yes, death will come probably when you least expect it.
Funnily enough, it is this realization that set your resolve to do that one thing you have always wanted to do.
A bucket list of a single item that you absolutely must do before you die.
Fuck each NXX member senseless. Go, you.
The first one on your list is your one and only best friend, Luke Pearce.
While you know that he always carried a torch for you, possibly since childhood, your friend Luke has always been so pure and so next-door neighbor friendly (never mind that at some point in your life, next-door meant next-door to your own room) that he does not seem to be hook-up material; certainly not someone who you would find hanging out in a bar that is not rife with hired killers, contraband, and information.
(Why Luke can be found in bars rife with killers for hire, contraband, and information is another matter entirely)
But one thing you could bank on though, is how easy it is to fluster him into doing things--especially if it is you doing the flustering.
The plan is easy enough: Wear something seductive, come on strongly, then profit off the rewards. Or something like that. You just know that once you get his cute, handsome face blushing you've already won half the battle.
- Where are you Luke?
- I'm fixing my bike here in the auto bay. I'm about to finish up though, where do you wanna meet Watson?
- Wait there. I'll come over.
The NXX Headquarters automobile bay located in the basement level is spacious, designed to fit around twenty vehicles, but always almost deserted by virtue of the NXX only having five active members at the moment.
And that among those five active members only one is knowledgeable enough about vehicle maintenance to have a legitimate reason to stay there for more than an hour - Luke.
Needless to say, if you were to do the dirty in the automobile bay, and the recipient of said dirty deed is somehow named Luke Pearce, then the location should be ideal.
So you strut along in your stiletto heels, and larger-than-usual suit jacket that covers you up to the middle of your thighs, almost up to the same length as your skirt--if you wore a skirt, that is.
Your heels emphasize your foot falls in the stairwell leading to the basement level, lending a certain feel of authority to the way you walk.
You bank on this temporary sense of dominance; you certainly need a bit of courage to pull off what you want to pull off today.
As you exit the stairwell and cross the threshold to the automobile bay, you see Luke nearby next to his motorbike, gathering his tools.
"Luke," you call out. You do not need to shout; the acoustics of the place carries your voice quite well.
"Heya, Watson," Luke says, preoccupied with loading the tools into his bike's top box to give you a look. "Why'd you--whoa."
Finally he manages to give you a glance.
"Rosa. Um. You look rather..."
"Uh. Nice? Um. Really nice...make-up."
You sigh. Of course he'd react like this. He never saw you in anything other than your standard work clothes except in those rare cases where you meet in formal functions, like a ball, and even that happened only once, when he infiltrated the formal event as a waiter.
"What's the occasion?" He asks, fumbling around for words. "Um...I could have picked you up where you're more comfortable, you know. You didn't have to go all the way here..." his voice trails off.
You have the feeling that you'd lose steam and go cold feet the longer you let him flounder about, so you steel yourself and cross the distance between you two.
And, throwing caution to the wind, so to speak, you reach for the collar of his outer jacket and pull him in for a kiss.
For a sweet few seconds you could feel him giving in. For those few seconds you could feel him tentatively return your kiss, his tongue mimicking the movements of your own.
Until he regains composure, when his NSB agent mode finally kicks in.
He extricates himself from your embrace, taking firm hold of your shoulders and pushes you away from him at arm's length. "Rosa," he says, tone grave. "Who put you up to this?"
You blink, totally caught unaware about your friend's complete change in demeanor: first he is your friendly, soft, easily-flustered best friend that you have grown up with, the next moment he does a 180 and you see him channeling that same coldness you would only briefly see from someone slightly unhinged like Vyn.
"N-no one," you say, but you are so unnerved you find yourself stammering.
"This is so unlike you, Rosa," his grasp on your shoulders tighten, and you can almost feel him resisting the urge to shake you into common sense. "Tell me, who put you up to this, why, and where can I find--"
"I said no one, it's just me, Luke," you repeat what you say, now grasping at what remaining courage you could still grab on to. "I wanted to surprise you, is all."
"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" Luke's brows furrow--nothing about this situation makes sense to him. Everything about this is totally coming out left field for him. Of course he will think something is suspicious.
What you decide to do next surprises even you.
"This kind of surprise," you say, and you shrug off your suit jacket, letting it fall to the floor, revealing your actual outfit for the day: lingerie, a lacy confection of bra and panties so sheer one could almost see through them. Which Luke is doing at the moment.
He then quickly gathers you into his arms and, running, carries you to a far corner of the automobile bay where Artem's SUV is parked. "Are you insane?!" he hissed. "There's security cameras here!"
"You act as if anyone else apart from the group can access the security cam footage," you say.
"What, you don't care if Vyn sees you pull off this stunt?"
You already thought about this of course. As long as you keep your antics within the NXX Headquarters premises, you are essentially ensuring that the owner of the estate, Vyn Richter, will be the only one privy to your misadventures.
And that is fine--you want him to know that you are coming for him, eventually.
"Of course not," you say. "It's just Dr. Richter."
"Alright." Luke says, clearly torn between taking your words at face value or cuffing you to take you somewhere for further interrogation--frankly, both options are welcome--and he takes a deep breath to compose himself.
Wordlessly he combs his fingers through your hair, touches your nape, briefly checks the jewelry you are wearing, and essentially pats down your underwear and even your bare skin. He also takes off your stilettos and peers at them closely.
"What are you doing?"
Luke remains silent until he is satisfied with what he sees. "Just a standard check if you're bugged," he says. "It's a bit easier with you since you're wearing next to nothing."
"Okay, since you saw nothing. are you satisfied now?"
Luke shakes his head. "You're not in the clear yet," he says.
"First, do you know what you are doing? Tell me."
"I'm trying to seduce you, Luke."
You can see him gulp nervously, but only for a split second. He quickly regains composure.
"...Fine. Second, why?"
"Because I want to have sex with you?"
Luke groaned. You're almost winning.
"Okay, but why now?"
"Because if you guys weren't able to save me the last time, I'd be dead, and if I am dead I couldn't fulfill my selfish wish of having sex with the handsome, unattached men I work with every goddamn day?"
Luke only stares at you wordlessly, his expression incredulous, his mouth opening then closing as if he couldn't find the words to reply with.
Instead, he just pulls you in and kisses you roughly, his breathing hard and fast as his tongue explores your mouth haphazardly.
You give in to his unrestrained handling, making yourself pliant to his hands roaming the soft skin of your body, the same hands that eventually settle on cupping your ass.
"Is this...is this what you want?" Luke whispered. "You could...you could have told me during one of your visits at my place, you know."
"I actually tried, Luke," you say--which is the truth--"but you are so pure and cute and wholesome whenever I come over I couldn't find a good opportunity to say 'hey, wanna make out' or 'hey, lets have wild sex?'"
"Goddamnit. This is crazy," Luke muttered as he lets go of your ass to grope your breasts. "I swear, Rosa, we really need to talk about this next time."
He dips in to take a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it as a hand fondles your other, neglected breast. You find yourself squirming a bit; each time Luke flicks his tongue on your nipple you almost feel similar phantom sensations on your sex.
"Let's do a quickie," you say, your words coming out in a moan. You are finally getting impatient--you need him inside you, now, immediately, posthaste.
With nimble fingers you pull down your own panties. It is already apparent how wet and horny you already are, based on how much the crotch of your panties are soaked.
"Fuck. Sure. Fine," Luke says breathlessly as he quickly unbuckles his belt, working on the buttons of his jeans, letting them fall to the ground. He then grabs you by the waist, and sets you up against the rear door of Artem's SUV.
"Ready for it, Rosa?" his words come urgently, his hand hooking one of your thighs around his waist, his other hand rubbing the tip of his cock against your wet mound, and with one hard thrust he rams into you hard--you wanted it quick, you are getting it quick--and he pauses to relish the feel of being fully hilted inside you.
"Damn it," he whispers against your ear. "I came here to fix my bike, not to get fucked. Haha."
"Haha, Luke." you quip drily. "Now move."
"Well," he says as he starts thrusting, holding you firmly by the waist. "Aren't you feeling bossy today, Watson?"
At that point you find that you cannot retort, you are so engrossed with losing yourself to the sensation of getting fucked by your best friend, hiding behind the car of your senior partner's, no less, and the only sounds coming out from you are moans and your fast, shallow breathing.
There is no one else in the automobile bay, nor is anyone expected to drop by, so Luke does not care that his thrusting is hard and fast enough that it makes Artem's SUV rock slightly back and forth.
If Artem finds out--he probably wouldn't, he wouldn't know what signs to look for, anyway--it would have made for a good drinking story.
Up next is Marius.
Marius, you think, would be easy. He has been all over you every chance he can get, and next to Vyn, who himself is the most shameless of the bunch, Marius is the next flirtiest.
So for Marius, you try putting a bit of a playful twist on things.
You wait until the NXX meeting ends; you tell Marius that you need some help with setting up remote access to NXX files in your personal laptop, complete with security access protocols.
"Huh?" Marius looks at you, perplexed at your suggestion. "Missy, not only is it bad news security-wise, but do you really want to take your NXX work home?"
While you appreciate his thoughtfulness at this particular moment, you are also cursing him inwardly because you do not have a lot of excuses you can use to keep him from leaving the headquarters along with the others.
"I just want to--um. I have this tendency to remember things and if I can't cross-check my ideas with the facts of the case, it'd be a brain itch and I'd lose sleep," you say to him, hoping against hope that he would just take your word for it.
"Ehhh...Missy, I--"
"Just indulge her, will you, Marius?" Vyn cuts in as he passes the both of you on the way to the door. "If nothing else, hash out with her the pros and cons of whatever she wants done. She will not let you go otherwise."
You give Vyn a glance, and he flashes you a brief, knowing smile before he exits the conference room. Damn. Does he know?
If yes, then...maybe he'd watch the security camera footage later?
The idea gets you wet already.
Thanking Vyn profusely from the bottom of your (degenerate) heart, you quickly check if all is in the clear: Luke has already left, and so has Artem. Vyn just left as well, leaving you and Marius as the only ones in the conference room.
All clear.
"Anyway," you begin. "Yeah. I actually placed my laptop in the server room, could I bother you to get it for me, pretty please?"
"Why is it way back there in the server room?"
"I had to charge it. Sorry!"
"Okay." Marius pushes out his swivel chair from its comfortable position deep under the glass conference table and stands up to pad his way toward the NXX server room, whose entrance is located in the far end of the conference room.
Having bought yourself some time, you quickly shimmy out of your one piece dress, revealing a high cut satin bunny suit, sans ears, which you fish out from your purse.
Having put on your bunny ears you make your way towards the server room yourself, and upon reaching the door you feel immense cold wafting from inside the room--the temperature inside the server room is several degrees lower than the conference room's air conditioning.
The hairs of your bare skin stand on end upon touching the cold air, but nothing too uncomfortable to daunt you from your task.
Inside you find Marius turning over almost everything in sight just to try and find the laptop that you actually left at home.
"Hey, Marius."
He grunts, having bent over to peer at one of the lower pedestal drawers in an attempt to locate your machine. "Missy, I can't--whoa."
For in front of him, blocking his path back to the conference room, stands you in your bunny costume outfit.
"Um. Missy?" Marius von Hagen for once finds himself at a loss for words. "Ah.
"...What game are we playing tonight?"
"Oh, I don't know," you tell him, clearly playing coy. "Maybe a game of you and me staring at each other?"
"Miissssy~" he begins, then immediately drops the act. "Come on, tell me what the hell is going on here," he continues in his normal voice.
So aside from Luke, even Marius is not easily convinced that I just want to fuck them? Damn Rosa, you are such a good girl.
You almost fear how much difficult dealing with Artem would be when it is his turn, but you shelve that thought for now.
"I just want to get in your pants, Marius," you say, "is that so much of a difficult thing to understand?"
"Uh-huh." Marius is clearly unconvinced. He crosses his arms, yet his eyes gobble up your svelte form clad in a bunny suit anyway.
"Okay. Any...ulterior motive I should know about? Anything at all?"
Ah damn. You didn't think about triggering his massive trust issues. You only banked on Marius acting like a fuckboy, so you thought he would think like a fuckboy. Clearly, it is all an act--he has been nothing but prudent and thoughtful ever since you started trying to get into his pants.
"Nothing, Marius," you say. "I just want to fuck you."
Marius runs a hand through his hair, breathing deeply, trying to think on his feet regarding the weird situation you're putting him through. "Missy...um. Look, I know I've been sending you mixed signals but--"
Goddamnit. You cross the server room to close the distance between you and Marius, your heels clacking authoritatively. When you finally reach him, you slam your hands against the server rack behind him, trapping Marius in your arms.
"...What the fuck Missy? Those are server racks behind me!" You can see that Marius is actually sweating bullets from his brow, and the server room is actually very cold.
"I know what they are Marius," you say coolly. "And if you don't give me what I want, I'm going to kick one of them down."
It is at that moment that Marius actually composes himself. "You are actually serious, huh?"
"Whatever makes you think otherwise?"
"Because you're my nice, prim and proper Missy Lawyer?" Marius cocks an eyebrow. "I mean, if you were another girl I'd be down with it, scandal be damned, but if it's you..."
"If it's me...?"
"Well, you certainly deserve better than getting fucked on the floor of this horribly cold server room."
"What if I want to?"
Marius actually looks as if he is giving your question some thought. "Hmm. Well..." he makes a show of scratching his chin.
Finally, he leers at you.
"I want to see you beg for it." He licks his lips. "Come on now, you can do it Missy, can you?"
"Beg?" It is your turn to cock an eyebrow, then reach down to cup his hard on through his pants, your fingers caressing the bulge--you can feel his cock twitching with your touch.
"When you're the one who's clearly turned on?"
Marius writhes underneath you, lying down on the cold floor of the server room on his back, pawing at your bouncing breasts as you ride his cock.
The costume you have prepared for him does not even get worn for more than fifteen minutes, and those fifteen minutes were spent trying to convince the boy that yes, his Missy Lawyer wants to fuck him.
"Shit...haha, I totally can't--ahh--believe this is happening," Marius says in between gasps of breath. "What the--nngh--hell came over you?"
You do not reply, as you concentrate on moving your hips, letting his hard cock slide in and out of your hungry slit. The sensation is turning you on so much that you feel you could almost come from it alone, but you still find your fingers wandering to your clit to give yourself release.
"Aah. That's it, rub yourself--hahh..." Marius lets out a breathy laugh at the sweet absurdity of his current situation. "Damn. This is so good..."
Eventually your thighs feel too burned for you to move, so you slump over him finally, his length slipping out. "Ugh...Hey Mister I Do Extreme Sports, think you can do the work?"
"Aww, poor baby got too tired," Marius whispers as he moves to sit himself up, taking you along with him. "Fine. I got you babe."
Soon enough he has your back pressed against a bare wall, both your thighs wrapped around his hips, him effortlessly bouncing you on his cock.
You desperately cling to him by his neck, stifling your loud moans against his chest. The utter sensation of getting fucked helplessly while your feet dangle in the air has you whimpering--you're so aroused that you know the moment you reach down your clit you'd just instantly unravel around his shaft.
"Well, Missy?" Marius says, then grunting as he adjusts his arms grabbing your thighs. "Like this? Huh?"
"Ahh--yes--God, please," you plead, your words slowly become incoherent. "Fuck me more--ahn, Marius...!"
"Shit." Your cries are sending him over the edge. "Missy...I'm coming--I'll need to come inside, is that okay?"
"Yes," you breathe, your fingers finally reaching down between your bodies slamming against each other to rub your now sensitive bud. "Can't have you spilling on the equip--ment--ahh!"
A second later you feel bursts of his come spurting deep inside you, with Marius pushing his cock deep inside as much as he can.
"Goddamn, Missy," he pants as he starts to recover from his orgasm. "That was pretty...hot..."
He slumps onto the floor, bringing you down with him.
Both of you are sitting up on the floor and holding onto each other, catching your breaths. As your breathing starts to calm down, Marius touches your chin, guiding your face to look at you in the eye.
"Hey, Missy," he grins. "We haven't kissed yet."
So saying, he captures your lips with his, and both of you spend your heated afterglow cooling in the server room while your tongues acquaint themselves with each other.
Now, Artem.
Mr. Wing--Artem--is a special case. You absolutely cannot hope to take him in the workplace, or in the NXX Headquarters; you know he'd just clam up and scurry away faster than you can say "I want to fuck you".
So for him, you are willing to make special concessions in order to have him feel comfortable, then escalate things accordingly. Don't worry. You got this.
Good luck.
"Thanks for dropping by, Mr. Wing, really appreciate you helping out." You greet your senior partner as he arrives by your doorstep. "I'm really, really sorry for the short notice."
"Not a problem." Artem excuses himself and makes a beeline towards your kitchen. He already visits your place frequently enough that he knows where to put away the groceries; he knows where to find any specific kitchenware, dinnerware, or whateverware that you own.
Artem is intimately familiar with your home. He even knows the passcode of your main door.
All things considered, Artem is almost acting like your boyfriend at this point. He chalks it up to taking care of his junior partner, sure, but he has been hovering around you protectively so much that you'd think he has been actively warding off any overtures made by other men towards you.
Even Dr. Richter cannot get near you or talk with you at length whenever Artem is around.
So, you are left wondering why the two of you haven't fucked yet.
"What's the screenplay about?" Artem asks you as he opens your overhead cupboards to stow away the bag of uncooked rice he brought along. "Do you think it is any good?"
You settle yourself on a stool by the dining table, watching him as he works in your kitchen as if he belongs there. I don't mind being exclusive with him, is your thought as you idly stare at his broad shoulders, but at the moment that the both of you still aren't exclusive, all bets are off for now.
At least, until you manage to cross out the illustrious Dr. Vyn Richter off your list.
"Not really. It's very campy," you answer him. "The script is undoubtedly B-movie camp."
Artem then looks at you over his shoulder questioningly. "Then why do you want to act out the screenplay?"
"Mm. I always thought that there's value in delving into camp from time to time."
"Yes, but..." Artem takes out a ladle from a rack, and pauses thoughtfully. "You want to act out a B-movie script?"
You give Artem the most dazzling smile that you can muster. "Yeah. It's going to be really, really fun."
You lick your lips while he isn't looking.
"This is the screenplay that I am talking about, Artem," you flick on your phone's screen to initiate file sharing. "Or at least, the first half of the script."
"Just the first half?" Artem accepts the file, and quickly gives the text a scan.
"Oh, just so we aren't overwhelmed," you tell him. "It's easier to focus on the screenplay bit by bit, I find."
"Mhm," Artem makes a non-committal sound. No doubt he does not need such methods in memorizing scripts, as the man's memory is almost photographic. "We can work with this first then."
The script only has two characters for the entirety of the screenplay: an unnamed Executive and his also unnamed Secretary. The screenplay is set in the Executive's office at night.
The first part of the script is basically the Executive growing increasingly tired after spending several hours on overtime. The clock on the wall indicates that it is already approaching 10 o'clock at night.
The Secretary, faithfully supporting her boss the Executive, has decided to stay despite him giving her permission to leave the office ahead of him. She adamantly refuses as she has seen him work tirelessly day in and day out for the betterment of their company, and she wants to support him as much as she can.
The first part of the script cuts off where the Secretary offers to give the Executive a massage on the shoulders.
"It's fine if we read off our phones, Artem," you say after you have changed into your office clothing.
To fully immerse yourselves in the screenplay, you also had Artem bring along the usual suit that we wears to the office, down to the tie. Artem has already changed, and like always, the sight of him donning his work clothes takes your breath away.
Now that you have him in the privacy of your own home and not in Themis Law, it takes a lot of effort from you not to pounce him or come on to him too strongly like you did Luke and Marius. Everything you have prepared would be for naught if you did.
"The set up is actually just an executive table and an office swivel chair," you tell Artem as he gives the script one final glance before he slips the phone into his pocket.
"We can use the table and my chair here," you point at the desk and chair set against the wall.
"Ready, Artem?"
"Yes. I have the script in my head already," Artem smiles at you. "It's simple enough."
It is already ten at night. Executive glances at his wristwatch, then as if trying to validate if he really did spend so much time in the office, looks at the wall clock as well. Both tell the same time: it is already ten o'clock, and once again he has spent a full day of his life working in the office.
He hates it. He feels underappreciated by everyone despite the hard work and the gains to show for it. Everyone except the Secretary, that is.
He gathers his papers and arranges them in a pile; the sound of which prompts his Secretary to peek into the office.
"Sir," the Secretary calls out by his door. "Are you already done?"
"Not yet," he says, quite irritated. "I'm almost done but I'm still waiting for someone's input to be included in the shareholder report."
"So you've nothing to do while you wait?" asks the Secretary.
"Nothing. And it drives me mad. I want to go home."
"It's not much, but let me give you a rub on your shoulders at least to help you relax," says the Secretary.
"Ah, don't worry your pretty little head about me, dear. You best go home. Everything is over and done with except for that damned report."
"I insist, sir," the Secretary walks over and stands behind the Executive's chair. "I owe you too much to just leave you here."
"If you insist, then. I appreciate it."
"Please take off your jacket then, Sir."
You take the suit jacket off Artem's hands and drape it over the sofa. With that taken care of, you turn towards Artem's back again, and whisper directly into his ear "Sit up straight, but lean forward a little so I can give you a massage?"
Artem looks up at you, this is not part of the script. You are adlibbing at this point, and you carefully place your hands on his shoulders.
You pretend not to notice his initial confusion, and begin by pressing both of your thumbs by each shoulder, and slowly, with considerable pressure you move your thumbs toward Artem's spine.
You hear him groan softly in relief, before he catches himself and clears his throat.
This cute reaction from him makes you smile a little.
You repeat the motions, loosening the knots on his shoulders through the fabric of his shirt.
Then, your hands wander down ever so slowly to his chest, you bending over closer to him from behind, so close so he can smell your perfume...
You hear his breathing hitch. You see his ears burning red. Even his skin turns warmer to the touch through the cotton.
Artem is getting flustered.
This is no longer part of the massage of course, but a bit of the sweet poison that you lay out for him so that he slowly sinks into your trap.
Just a little more. Just a little more.
One last push.
"Let me forward you the second half of the script." Your left hand does not leave his chest--you make sure that he is not distracted away by your touch--and so you are left with your free hand to fish out your phone and, with an awkward fumble, transfer the file over to him.
It only takes less than ten seconds to register the gasp coming from Artem's lips as he finally reads the second part of the script.
"Rosa? T-this is..."
"Hm, Artem?" You want the words to come from him.
He gulps. "This is. An erotica."
"Yes it is, Artem," you whisper sweetly to his ear. "I picked it for the both of us to perform."
You see his hands grip the armrests of your chair tightly--he is clearly getting wound up. You need to act now, before he wrests away from your grasp.
With one swift motion you turn the swivel chair so he faces you.
You bend over, bringing your face right next to his. His lips are now millimeters away from your own, and it is taking the strength of your entire being not to capture with your lips those stern, yet soft ribbons that you sometimes catch yourself fantasizing about.
If fear has a scent, you would be saturated with it by now--Sweat is beading across his forehead, and you could even spy his lower lip trembling slightly--and yet his cerulean blues strive to hold your olive gaze in a valiant effort to safeguard his pride.
You place your hands on his knees. "Artem." His name comes sweetly upon your lips.
"Yes," he manages to reply, trying his hardest to keep himself from falling apart in front of you.
Your slender hands slowly glide across the herringbone fabric of his pants, stopping just nearby his crotch.
"I've wanted, wanted you for so long," comes your confession. "Can I..."
"Can I taste you?"
This is now or never, then.
And then you bring your lips to his for a kiss.
When you feel his arms finally pulling you even closer to him, you can only sigh in victory.
Eventually he parts his lips, and you close your eyes, softly nibbling on his lower lip with the tiniest of kisses. Then your tongue slips in, and you allow yourself to moan as Artem sucks on it quite needily.
Softly you caress his cheek with the lightest of touches. "Artem, relax," you breathe softly on his lips. "Let's enjoy this."
You carefully straddle his lap so as not to startle him too much; as you do so your skirt hitches up, and your little trick is finally revealed: you are not wearing any underwear.
Impishly you take his hands, and guide them to your bare bottom.
"Rosa...?" Artem's eyes widen slightly, then once again the crimson blush overtakes his face. "W-what are you doing..."
"I did say that I wanted to taste you for so long, Artem." You smile at him; and you slowly undress while still on his lap: you shrug off your blazer, letting it fall off to the floor. Your blouse comes next. And your skirt, you only gather up to your waist.
You are left naked on his lap.
But before Artem could do anything yet you climb down from his lap and kneel in front of him.
"You're too nervous," Your fingers undo his belt buckle and the buttons of his pants. "Let me help you relax..."
When you finally pull on the zipper, Artem's breath stops--until you give a tentative lick on his raging hard on through his underwear.
"Ssh. Just lie back and enjoy, okay?"
"Rosa, I..."
Your fingers slip into the band of his underwear, grabbing the base of his cock and freeing it. "Let go, and enjoy."
Slowly you lower your mouth around his shaft, the tip of your tongue teasing that sweet spot underneath the tip. You start sucking gently, making lewd, wet sounds as you bob your head up and down his cock.
"Damnit. Rosa--" you can feel Artem writhe in his seat. You try humming in the back of your throat, letting the resulting thrum cause tiny vibrations as you massage the shaft inside your mouth with your tongue.
Soon his hands thread fingers through your hair--holding your head in place as he starts thrusting into your mouth, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat over and over causing tears to run down your cheeks.
"Mmph--" You grasp at the shaft that could not fit into your mouth, helping Artem along in achieving his release.
"Oh god, oh god," Artem moans, teeth gritting. "Rosa, I'm sorry, I--"
Before he could finish what he has to say, his come gushes into your mouth, shooting directly to the back of your throat.
Wanting to make Artem's first blowjob one of the best he's ever had, you eagerly take in as much of his cock as you can, as his shaft spasms inside your mouth.
"Let me clean you up," you murmur as your lips and tongue lightly suck on the stray drops and traces of come.
Artem slumps deeper into your swivel chair, an arm covering his eyes. "Hahh...damn...that felt...good?"
"Doesn't it?" you ask as you once again climb onto his lap. Artem is a bit overwhelmed by the release, however, so you just hold him close, cradling his face next to your breasts. "Do you like it?"
"Mm. Yeah." His lips feel warm on your skin. "I like it."
"Think we can do that in the office?"
"Hell no."
"...but...maybe...I don't know. We'll see."
For Vyn, you slip into his office in the NXX Headquarters wearing nothing but your lacy black lingerie and stilettos.
There's no need to for further preparation when it comes to him--judging by the incessant overtures Vyn always throws your way, you know that he would probably just welcome you to his bed should you explicitly ask him to pretty please fuck you.
When you enter his office Vyn has his back towards you, him staring out through the windows overlooking his garden outside.
Then, noticing your presence, he turns around and gives you a cordial smile, as if he has been waiting for you all these time. "Ah, Rosa, our little hardworking succubus," he says with his gentle voice. "Is it finally my turn now?"
He has been watching my security camera footage. You briefly wonder if he even saved the video files into his phone for...personal use.
"Take a guess?" You return his smile. "Or are you too busy, Dr. Richter?"
Vyn walks over to you, his arms open wide to receive you in a warm hug, like greeting a close friend. "I did tell you, dear Rosa, that you can call on me anytime, and I will come for you."
He then touches you chin, guiding your lips to his in a soft, tender kiss.
"How I have longed for you," he says as he pulls away from the kiss, his gold eyes misty with need.
"Dr. Richter?"
He only smiles at you, wordlessly.
Then he takes off his white laboratory coat, and drapes it over your shoulder.
"I'm not really cold, Dr. Richter," you say. "Why are you covering me up?"
Vyn allows himself a soft laugh. "My dear Rosa, I am not covering you up," he says as he takes you by the hand towards his executive chair; as he sits down he invites you plant yourself onto his lap. "Sit here on me?"
Settling down on Vyn's lap like a good little succubus that you are, you ask, "what do you mean, your coat is not for covering me up?"
Vyn then idly lets his index finger toy with the edges of your bra, running the fingertip underneath the garter and the lacy edging. "It is not to cover you up, yes," he repeats himself.
When you look into his eyes what stares back at you is no longer the the genial smile that he is well known for, but rather the wolfish gaze that threatens to eat you whole.
"It is to mark you mine."
Then the sparkle once again returns to his eyes, Vyn's lips curling in that usual poker smile of his.
Despite yourself you find yourself blushing, and a bit nervous--you have willingly perched yourself in Vyn's lap, his arms now around your waist, and there is nowhere left to go. Like a snake coiled around his prey.
"Well, Rosa," Vyn now undoes his wine red necktie, slipping it off his collar and gathering the silk strip in his hands. "You will find me quite easy. Or," he tips his head to one side, as if to inquire, "Do you want me to pose a bit of challenge too, like Luke and Marius did?"
You shake your head. "No, thank you, Dr. Richter," you stretch out your arms, wrapping them around his neck. "No. I'm actually glad you're letting me relax this time around." Your lips meet with his, your tongues entwining with each other languorously.
"Artem required a bit of work, most especially," You say as you resurface from the lazy kiss. "Took a lot of preparation."
"Oh? And here I thought I am not the last one in your list." Vyn's thumbs hitch up you bra to finally free your breasts. "Where did you fuck your senior partner?"
You proceed to tell him the basic details of your conquest on Artem.
"That is most impressive," Vyn murmurs before he dips down to let his tongue traces the edge of your areola. "He is very lucky to have a good first sexual experience." His lips then gently bite on your nipple, eliciting a soft moan from you.
"He should be so lucky to have you."
You feel Vyn's mood going a bit too somber, so you say "Well, I did save the best for last."
"Flattery will get you nowhere, my pet," but despite his words Vyn smiles a little. "So, before we formally start...do you have any unresolved issues that you may want to discuss with me first?"
"You," your reply comes quickly. "You are my unresolved issue, Dr. Vyn Richter."
(Then it hits you, the reason why you always thought there's something different about Vyn Richter that you couldn't quite pin down. The most plausible explanation that you can come up with is that Vyn is like one of those magic pictures you had as a child--lenticular images--where one image when looked at from a different angle becomes a different image. This realization unnerves you a little.)
"Really now," Vyn smiles rather greedily this time. "Let us play, then."
"Vyn! Aah, please...!"
Both of you are still in Vyn's executive chair, you bouncing on Vyn's cock while blindfolded with his necktie and hands bound to your back by his handkerchief.
You are still wearing his lab coat--he has been adamant in having you wear it during your entire play.
Vyn grunts quietly as he thrusts underneath you, his cock meeting your hard descent with his own rough thrusts. His hands do not touch you--he makes it a point to have his cock and thighs your only point of contact.
His hands will only reach out to catch you if if you go too far off the edge towards his knees, in danger of falling off your lap.
"Please, Vyn, let me touch myself, I want to come!"
"Hahh--no, not yet," Vyn says in between thrusts. "Not yet."
You can only whimper in reply.
Your head feels a little lightheaded, and your repeated up, down movement jostling your head and insides are threatening to drive you utterly mad. If you could bend just a bit, if you could make Vyn's cock hit you at a certain angle, maybe it could rub against--
"Ah...!" You feel yourself tilting far too forward, but before you fall off Vyn catches you with his strong arms, pulling you back towards him without missing the rhythm of his thrusts.
"You should be more--ahn--careful--" Vyn hisses as he corrects your position. "You could hurt yourself."
"I want to come, please, Vyn." This is the first time that you feel like you are on the verge of vaginal orgasm, however you cannot quite reach it yet--a maddening sexual version of the sneeze that never comes out--and you want something, anything to rub at your clit to grant your release.
The blindfold is also making things worse--your sense of touch is amped up to such a degree that the simple touch of Vyn's fingertips on your skin is guaranteed to cause goosebumps.
"Please, I'll do anything, anything....Just let me come!"
This catches his attention. "Anything?"
"Yes!" you hiss, no longer caring that your words will have consequences, and that you are around the worst person when it comes to letting their words hold power over you. "Anything...!"
"Then tell me--hahh--that you're only mine." Vyn's thrusts become even more forceful, and at a faster cadence. "Mine!"
"Yours, I'm yours Vyn, no one else's!" you cry out loud. "Please--"
"Say it again."
"Yours, yours, Vyn Richter!"
And then you feel Vyn's fingers reach over to brush at your now begging nub, coaxing it into a explosion of utter pleasure further amplified by your lack of sight, making you cry out a high-pitched moan that you are sure would be heard outside Vyn's office.
"You are--mine, ah--!" Vyn cries out as his seed spills inside you.
Vyn watches you take a nap in his embrace, your face nestled in the crook of his neck.
Fingertips brush away stray strands of hair from your forehead.
You told him you are his, but he knows--as most do as part of common knowledge--that words said in the throes of sexual climax do not count for anything.
It was nice to hear at least.
Vyn plants a kiss on your forehead as you slumber. As long as he can touch you, he should be content.
Bonus: Rosa gets totally serviced
Unbeknownst to Rosa, NXX-OS has a folder hidden by an additional layer of encryption. Vyn had this prepared as part of a contingency measure for when shit has properly hit the fan, so to speak, like in situations where nobody knows who is betraying NXX, etc. Access to this folder is currently limited to him and those he invites on a per case basis.
He does not expect that the first entry in this hidden folder will be the following:
Surprise Birthday Party for Rosa
Involved Parties: Adjudicator, King, Libra, Raven, Rosa
Handled by: Adjudicator
Case Details
We need not elaborate too much on the service that the male members of NXX have recently received from our dear muse. Given that we were immensely satisfied by whatever we have received, we should return the favor in kind for her upcoming birthday on dd/mm/yy
Some degree of planning is required to achieve the perfect return gift for our beloved muse. May I ask that each of us give a brief description of what he received from Rosa, so we can incorporate it into our plans. Of course, you may feel free to add your suggestions.
PS - None of your shitposts, King
Adjudicator: I shall start the thread. She indulged my predilection for uniforms. I am suggesting we incorporate an article of costume on our person while we service her.
King: What do you mean shitposting? I own the infra this entire thing is sitting on. Anyway she wore a little costume for me too. It's not just you Judge lol
Adjudicator: I meant my uniform. This is also what I meant by shitposting, King.
King: Your uniform? Man you are such an utter narcissist
Libra: Cut it out. We need to decide immediately, her birthday is coming up in two weeks.
Libra: She did not wear costume of any kind for me. I only received some...service.
King: You don't have to be shy about it.
Libra: I reserve my right to keep the details to myself.
Adjudicator: That precisely defeats the point of this secret chat, Libra.
Libra: Fine. She put on a little roleplay for me. It was based on a screenplay she chose.
King: And?
Libra: She gave me a massage to ease tension on my muscles.
King: "massage"
King: Anyway yeah for me I got her in a cute costume and we did it in the server room. Pretty hot.
Adjudicator: That certainly explains why we had an alignment problem with one of the server racks and damage to a blade server.
Adjudicator: We kept to ourselves in the comfort of my office. She was utterly delicious on my lap.
Raven: Don't turn this into a goddamn pissing contest
Raven: As for me, she surprised me in the automobile bay as I was doing maintenance on my bike. We did it there.
King: ...Wow. In whose car?
Raven: No one's.
King: Lol ok. Wish you guys victimized someone's car at least.
Adjudicator: We finally identify the main elements that we need to incorporate in our birthday surprise for Rosa: costume, roleplay, massage/stress relief, service.
Adjudicator: Basic but important nonetheless. King, do you have any ideas for a location?
King: One step ahead of you. I had a feeling this'll need a really private setting. So I just finalized arrangements to reserve an entire island off Nosta coast
Libra: Sounds about perfect.
Your head is throbbing slightly when you come to.
The sun feels too bright, even with your eyelids closed. Strangely enough...you are smelling the sea breeze, and the sounds you hear are the crashing of the waves and the occasional crying of seagulls.
You have not opened your eyes yet, but you already know you are somewhere not in familiar territory.
I must still be dreaming...
Then you open your eyes, fully expecting to see the familiar sight of your room's interior. But what you actually see--
When you look around, all you see is sand, and the endless blue sea right in front of you. This is when you notice that you are lying on a recliner underneath the comfortable shade coming from a sizable rainbow-colored beach umbrella staked into the sand beside you.
You move a little, and it is when you realize that you are no longer wearing the sundress you slipped into early this morning, but instead donning a cute little number in pink with white ruffled trimming; a beach dress.
What the hell is going on?
The last thing that you remember was meeting Dr. Richter for morning tea. You also remember finding it strange, that the psychiatrist infamous for sleeping in is inviting you to tea at exactly seven in the morning, but you had pegged it as part of something he prepared for your birthday--which is today--and happily obliged anyway.
Your memory cuts off when you took a sip of the tea he offered you--
"Are you comfortable, madam?" comes a very familiar voice behind you, interrupting your thoughts.
You turn, about to call his name, but what you see has your mouth agape leaving you quite speechless.
Dr. Richter approaches you, in a black button down shirt and casual slacks--nothing out of the ordinary--however, around his waist is a pure white frilly apron reminiscent of what French maids wear, with a matching lacy headband adorning his silver hair.
A silver tray bearing what looks to be a multilayered parfait is expertly balanced on his left hand.
"Um. Ah." Your mouth finally remembers how to make sounds, but your brain doesn't quite catch up to form words.
Dr. Richter, in a white frilly apron, and a lacy headpiece with black ribbons is something your brain wouldn't be able to come up with on its own, not even for a fever dream.
He sets the tray on a nearby folding table and unfolds a stool to sit beside you. "You must be getting thirsty on this hot day."
It is rather hot, but the sea breeze is refreshing enough to dispel the heat under the shade of the umbrella.
You look at Dr. Richter in his makeshift maid/butler outfit as he reached for a what looks to be a glass filled with parfait, and a silver spoon.
"Um. Dr. Richter, what...where are we?" You finally regain your ability to speak.
He only gently smiles at you. "Today, I am not Dr. Richter," he says in his gentle voice laced with an unmistakable seductive undertone. "Just call me Vyn, madam."
"Um. Sure." You totally don't know what to say to that. "Vyn."
He does not answer your question, but you are too flustered to insist. Dr. Richter in an apron, sure, but the headband?
"Let me treat you. I am sure you are...thirsty."
You gulped. Having just woken up, your throat does feel dry...and the multicolored layered parfait in Vyn's hands does look refreshing...
You lick your lips.
Vyn then spoons a bit of the parfait, including the cherry topping, but instead of lifting the spoon laden with delectable ice to your lips he puts it into his mouth instead.
Oh shit.
You know where this is going, and your heart races.
He coaxes you to lie back down, with one of his hands supporting the back of your head, holding your face to his.
His other hand wanders to your thigh, caressing your skin as he obviously indulges in you. His touch is electric--his cool fingertips makes the tiny hairs of your thigh stand on end, and wetness to slowly gather in your inner folds.
With a gentle touch of his fingertips he guides your lips to his. This time, you know what he is about to do, and you make sure your lips perfectly lock with his as his tongue pushes the refreshingly cold, sweet treat into your mouth.
A layer of orange sorbet, and cherry. The tart and sweet flavors melt perfectly on your taste buds bringing with it sweet, cool relief from the parched dryness of your mouth and throat. It would be so wholesome, if it weren't for the fact that a man is kissing you at the same time you enjoy the exquisitely flavored ice melting in your mouth.
Vyn still lingers in your mouth even after the successful delivery of the icy refreshment, and you eventually gulp down the treat even with his tongue entwining with yours--making you dribble a bit of molten sorbet down the corner of your lips.
It turns you on so much that you cannot help but moan as you return his cold, icy kiss.
He however resurfaces from the embrace, and flashes you that goddamn mysterious, Vyn-like smile that just sends your nethers gushing to critical levels. "We still have to finish your parfait, madam" he gently reminds you. "Or do you want additional...service instead?"
Vyn bites his lower lip seductively and gives you that small, mischievous wink. "Service," is all he says.
He is about to dip his mouth to your neck, when--
"Ehh, Vyn, are you starting already?" comes another voice from behind you. "You said you were just going to check on her!"
You spy a flash of annoyance on Vyn's gold eyes before you turn around to see Marius--in tight swimming trunks that show off his athletic physique. Including his abs.
And, on his head is a pair of dark purple-black cat ears.
Oh god. Too cute. You can't help but bring a hand to your face.
Marius is carrying a cooler, and when he turns to set the cooler chest beside your recliner you see that there is a cat tail attached to his trunks. You also notice that the Z pendant he almost always wears on his person is replaced with a tiny bell.
Too fucking cute!
"Um you two...what...what is going on?" you ask, this time demanding an answer from both tutor and student. "I'm really sorry and I really don't want to break the mood but--but--"
Words fail you yet again, because you can't even decide where to start questioning: the location, the costumes, and how they are acting, among other things.
"Relaaaax Missy," Marius purrs. "Today is your day, so just stretch out, chill, and let us..." he licks his lips languorously, "service you."'
You then turn to Vyn who says nothing, instead devouring you with lustful grin.
"Heehee. Missy, what do you think so far?" Marius grins as he kneels beside you and places his head on your lap. "Oh right," he says, as if he just remembered something.
"Nya~" Marius purrs, raising a hand with curled fingers in an imitation of a cat paw. "This sight is only for you Missy Lawyer, so you better enjoy it!" And he quickly appends, "Nya~"
Holy shit.
(At the back of your head you mentally jot down notes to remind yourself later on to come up with more swear words to shout inwardly. You are running out of them the more you spend time in NXX.)
You can feel so much heat flowing to your face that you start fanning yourself with your hands.
"Eheheh, you like me, don't you? Missy~" Marius gently bunts the top of his head to your cheek, exactly like how affectionate cats do. "Come on. Come on, give me a kiss, nya~"
"You are making madam flustered, Marius," Vyn chides him. "She is already overheated as she is."
"As if you weren't totally going all the way before I came here," Marius retorted, his arms now wrapped around your shoulders possessively.
"I was cooling her down with my parfait."
Marius makes a show of squinting at Vyn. "Riiiiight."
"Um. Ah...Marius? Vyn?" You say, but realize you do not have a reasonable way to put something like could you please be nice and share? without making you sound as if you are a toy being fought over.
"Very well then, I suppose I did have my moment already," Vyn concedes.
"Yay." Marius then proceeds to gather your face gently in his hands. "Hey," he purrs. "I know I'm not supposed to be a puppy, but can you tell me if I've been a good boy?" His purple eyes stare at you, quite needful. "I am, yeah?"
His lips briefly brush your ear. "Nya~" he whispers directly into your ear in a low voice, almost baritone.
"Hah--Marius, yes," Your hands shakily ruffle his dark hair, careful not to accidentally knock off his cat ear headband. "Yes. A really, really good boy." Oh my god. This is just too much.
"Hooray." Marius then gives you a childish grin, then in a split second the grin is replaced with a more primal, lustful expression. "Shit. I'm too turned on, sorry Vyn," he whispers urgently as his hands knead your breasts through the thin fabric of your beach dress--this is when you realize whoever changed your outfit did not replace your underwear--and your nipples turn to hard sensitive peaks against his palms.
"Hahh--Mariu--mmph!" Whatever you want to say can only wait, as Marius has started aggressively sucking on your tongue.
Not to be left out, Vyn takes one of your hands and slowly sucks each of your fingers slowly, putting them one by one into his mouth starting with your pinky. His free hand wanders to your naked mound, teasing your clit as he enjoys the show of Marius heavily making out with you.
Someone coughs from a few paces away.
"Vyn, Marius," comes a stern voice.
"Vyn, of all people I did not expect you to deviate from the program that we have planned," says another, one that you have known for most of your life.
Vyn takes out your ring finger from his mouth and just looks at Artem and Luke over his shoulder. "It is but a guideline, not a procedure," his words come out in an almost drawl.
Luke sighs, putting down the large box of various supplies that he had been carrying. "Oh well. Not like we can't still do it." He then cracks his knuckles. "I'm all good."
"Er...maybe we need to let Marius and Vyn...finish whatever they are doing, first?" Artem mutters in a low voice, obviously blushing. He then pretends to be busy putting away the things he carried to the site: chiller bags, most probably food ingredients for him to prepare and cook.
When Marius finally lets go of you you clearly see what the other two are wearing: Luke has board shorts on--with chocolate brown puppy dog ears on his head.
You fight the urge to extricate yourself from Marius and Vyn to throw your arms around Luke and smother him in kisses.
Artem is slightly different. He is wearing the same kind of swim trunks that Marius has on him, only in a different color--dark red--but he has no headpiece on, animal ear nor lace ruffles.
Instead, what he has on is his necktie around his bare neck, the strip of silk hanging across his bare, sculpted chest.
Shit. This is one of those things that I only get to enjoy only once in my lifetime, huh.
"Guys," The word comes out strained, with you overcome with emotion that you could not comprehend. "I'm not sure how I deserve this but...but...haha..."
You smile, the brightest smile you can muster, complete with the ear to ear grin. "Thank you!"
Somehow the lusty mood lightens up a bit with your words and, all four of them smile back at you gently.
"Happy birthday, dear Rosa," Vyn says, planting a peck on your cheek. Soon after the other three follows with their own well-wishes, last of which is Artem, who is holding a folded piece of paper for you to read out.
"Happy birthday, Rosa," Artem says, handing to you the slip of paper. It is folded, but you can make out that it is of legal size.
"That's my birthday gift to you. I hope...you like it."
You unfold the paper and give its contents a read.
The farther you go into the text the wider your mouth opens.
"Artem," you gasp, "I--I can't make you do this! You can't possibly shave my workload this much for a year!"
"Ah. I have gone over the details with Celestine for some time. It is all planned out." Artem grasps your hand, shyly planting a kiss on your knuckle. "Don't worry about it. The newer hires need the training."
You somehow blush at the gesture--it is the most chaste that you have received so far, and so cute.
"So, our little hard working succubus," Vyn says as he stands up from his stool, "Please enjoy your day today--I believe these two," he motions to Luke and Artem, "Have prepared themselves to give you a well overdue massage."
"Oh? How n--wah?" You are about to comment on how delighted you are at the idea of getting a massage, only to be interrupted by Luke and Artem taking off your dress, slipping it off your shoulders in a mere millisecond.
You do not have any underwear on, so you are now literally in your birthday suit.
Artem shakes a bottle of body oil in his hand as he takes over the stool that Vyn recently vacated. "Lie on your stomach, Rosa," he says, voice gentle. "I'm not really an expert on this but--" he clears his throat. "I know I'm mostly the cause of your back aches with all the overtime you have spent no thanks to the work that I assigned you.
"If it's alright, let me help ease your discomfort."
Luke, for his part, takes his spot by the other end of your recliner, getting ready to give your perpetually-tired feet a rubdown they finally deserve.
He stretches his fingers and checks if there are any knuckles left uncracked. "Lemme know if it hurts, I'll adjust, okay?"
Vyn and Marius settle themselves by the breakwater, Rosa's spot with Artem and Luke in full view, from a distance.
Vyn, still wearing his lace headband and apron, is drinking red wine off a paper cup, deep in thought.
Marius, fiddling his cat ear headband with his right hand, is sipping on a can of beer that is slowly growing lukewarm.
Despite the distance they could hear Rosa's loud moaning. Either Artem and Luke are doing too much of a good job with the massage, or they have now moved on to doing something else--it is hard to make out as the beach umbrella obscured part of the view.
"Wow, look at them go," murmured Marius as he takes a swig of his beer.
"Heh. Jealous?" Vyn coolly looks at Marius as he sips on his cup.
"You're one to talk." Marius throws the now empty beer can into the air and tries to catch it in a turning kick. He misses spectacularly. "You haven't been saying anything ever since we left our spot."
"I am just working out the...schematics of our relationships in my head, nothing more." Vyn turns to reach for the bottle of red wine and refilled his cup. "Have you figured out how her parents may possibly be related to the NXX case?"
"I only have fuzzy facts at best," Marius shrugged. "Hell, even Luke's parents had their data scrubbed off and the NSB can't do anything to trace whatever it is they were really working on."
"We may need to keep an eye out." Vyn says as he takes another sip. He does not elaborate.
"Mhm." Marius then faces his tutor. "Still, you are jealous, aren't you?" He grins, looking down at Vyn's face--he easily towers over him in height.
Vyn only gives him a side-eye in response.
Rosa's moans have now turned into almost sobs, and if they strain their hearing hard enough they may hear both Luke's and Artem's ragged sounds.
"Ehehe." Marius smirks at Vyn, slightly bending over to look at him squarely in the eye. "I'm here, you know."
"What are you insinuating, Marius."
"You know what I mean."
"Heh. So we are going to play this game?" Vyn then faces Marius and, for good measure moves even closer to the other man, so close that he could smell the alcohol in his breath. "Again?"
"I think not, student" Vyn murmurs quite menacingly, a cold glint in his eyes. "Know your place."
Vyn then lets out a laugh and pulls away, making his way back to Rosa and the others. "I am going back there to reclaim my place as Rosa's diligent whipping-boy."
Marius kicks the sand, clearly frustrated.
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anime-allover · 3 years
Hi, can I request the tot boys finding their s/o just in the rain, crying. Thanks, everything has been stressful and overwhelming. You don’t have to do this if you want though! Thx again
Finding you in the rain| Luke, Vyn, Marius, Artem
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Artem exited out of the store and let out a sigh. He saw the rain is pouring. He opened his umbrella and start to make his way to his car.
He opened his phone, his face turned into a sad expression.
"Why haven't they texted me?" He mumbled. He put his phone away. He saw his car, he was about to go to it until he saw a person walking in the rain.
He look closely to who it was, his eyes widened and he hurried to that figure. It took him a minute for him to realize.
He took his jacket off and put it over you. He even put the umbrella over you.
"Y/n, what are you doing out here in the rain? Why haven't you answered my calls or texts? Are you ok..?" He have a hundred questions to ask you, but he can see that you're shivering and your eyes look red.
Instead of asking questions to you, he brought you to his car and drove you to his house. He can hear you sniffling and hipccuping.
He feels terrible right now, he feels like it's his fault for not being with you.
He picked you up and unlocked the door to his house. He put you in his room and gave you a towel to dry up.
"Everything is going to be ok, I'm going to get the bath ready." He explained to you. You nodded you head to him a little. He was hesitant to leave you alone but he don't want you to get sick so he went to go get your bath ready.
When the bath was ready, you got in. Artem was putting your clothes on the bed. He got your wet clothes and start putting them in the washing machine.
You got out of the tub and walked out with a towel around you. You saw some clothes on the bed, you didn't question it so you just put it on.
Artem walked in the bedroom. He stop when he saw you wearing the clothes.
"Are you ok?" He asked. You walked to him and hugged him.
"I'm ok, I was just stressed out. Thank you for taking me in,"
Artem face turned a little red, but he still wrapped his arms around you.
"It's ok, besides this is your home too"
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Luke was tapping on his desk in a fast manner. He called Rosa and your friends, but they all don't know where you were.
He's getting worried by the minute, when the rain start to pour hard, he couldn't wait anymore. He grabbed his jacket and head out.
It was really dark and it's raining hard. He was scared he couldn't find you, but he was also more scared of the worst case scenario.
He can't think like that, the only thing that has to be in his head is you. He needs to find you.
About 4 minutes in, he have found you sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. It look like you were crying.
He start to run towards you, he slipped a little but he caught himself.
"Y/n!" He yelled out to you. You didn't looked up to him, you just stayed in your position.
Luke took his jacket off and put it over you. He immediately got soaked in the rain but he didn't care, he only cared about you right now.
He picked you up and make his way back to his place.
When you got there, he immediately start up a hot bath. When the bath is done he took you into the bathroom and help you take you clothes off. Once he was done with you, he start to take his clothes off.
The both of you got in the tub. Luke was behind you, holding you by your waist, he head was resting on your shoulder.
It was silent in the bathroom. Luke will usually blush at this, but the situation that the both of you are in has a different atmosphere.
"What happened..?" Luke broke the silence.
"The stress got to me..." You mumbled but he can still hear you. Luke turned his head and stare at your face.
"Are you feeling any better?"
"Yes, because you're here with me." You made a small smile. Luke blushed at this and turned his head back.
"O-of course..."
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Vyn had a strong feeling that something happened to you, you didn't answered none of his calls and texts.
He's already outside looking for you. It feels like the rain will worsten by the number of times he hear the thunder rumble.
When the lighting struck, he saw a glimpse of you ahead of him. He start to head towards you as fast as he can. It feels like the wind is preventing him from going towards you.
He finally grabbed your arm and hurried you out of the rain. No words need to be exchanged. You know what's running in his head.
When the two of you made it home, Vyn had let out a breath. He start the bath water. He helped you dry the rain off of you.
Still no words exchanged.
You went in the tub and Vyn went into his kitchen to make tea and desserts.
You got out of the tub and wore your pajamas. You walked downstairs to look for Vyn, once you turned the corner.
You say a table set up with tea and desserts, you saw Vyn sitting on the couch. You went to sit next to him.
You picked up your cup of tea and drink it. You can feel the warm liquid running in your body. You placed your cup down and looked at Vyn worriedly.
"I'm ok, I was super stressed and I forgot where I was. I'm sorry that I worried you." You looked at your hands.
Vyn placed his cup down and smiled.
"Its alright, you was stressed, but please don't do that again. Answer your phone so I can pick you up. I don't want to see you like that again,"
You smiled and you leaned your head onto Vyn's shoulder. "Ok"
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Marius is in his car, trying to look for you in the rain. He been calling your phone countless times but you're not picking up for some odd reason.
As he was looking around, he saw a familiar figure walking the opposite direction. He stopped his car and looked at them closely to make sure its really you.
It turns out that it is you. Marius got out if his car and ran to you. He gently grabbed your arm but you snatched it away.
"Y/n! It's me, Marius!" Marius yelled over the rain.
"Leave me alone! I want to be alone," You start to walk away from him again but he grabbed you.
"But it's raining, let's just go back home and I'll run you a hot bath." Marius tries to convince you to come home with him but you're still not going.
"I said let me go!!" You struggled in his gripped.
Marius tries to think another way to make come home with him, he thought about it hard but he only got one way.
He kissed you. He kissed you long enough that made you go into a shock state. He picked you up and hurriedly takes you to the car.
He start to drive home. The car was silent until he broke it.
"What happened?" He asked you but he kept his eyes on the road. You stayed silent for a moment.
"I was stressed out..." You mumbled out. Marius let out a sigh but he have a small smile on his face.
"I think I got something that will relieve you"
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