#so idk if it's even guaranteed that i'd get the booking if i apply for something???????????
kirstielol · 11 months
so that tattoo artist that only does insects is dropping a bunch of flash today and opening her books for flash only....... soooooooooo if she uploads something i like i might end up booking tattoo #2 today
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plural-affirmations · 6 months
Heyo I don't know if this is a good place to ask, but. Our partner system has recently had alters born within their system (natalgenic) and we've been struggling to find anything about how other systems raise literal brain babies.
We've both been finding out as much as we can about childcare, but with the kids being born in-sys, there's just. Quite a few things that are different (like ya know, the whole different people controlling the body thing).
If anyone has any resources or advice of any kind, it would be greatly appreciated!!
— 🌳🐗🌸
This is a tough one, but according to the internet, here's some things I'd recommend. Under a cut for length reasons. Also, the advice about trauma is easy to skip if it doesn't apply to you. I'm not trying to assume anyone's origins, just covering all the variables haha.
Keep in mind that baby headmates can have severe trauma and trauma responses like any other system member. Trauma can happen at any age, any time. Also, what's traumatic to a baby is a much lower threshold than adults for obvious reasons. The body keeps score even if you don't remember the event.
Babies often have basic feelings such as happy, sadness, scared, etc., and they're commonly without speech. (They may or may not understand language on a conception level, but unable to express themselves through it for whatever reason).
You might need help taking care of them properly. I'd strongly suggest supervision during fronting, either internally (co-front) or externally (someone in the outerworld watching them).
I'm not one to promote forcing people to stay away from front since it's really shitty to do that in most cases, but if they genuinely have no way of guaranteeing the system's safety (due to the inherent vulnerability of an infant), it might be best.
If you CAN let them front though, try to set up the area around you in advance. Sensory items, blankets, a pillow fort, toys, somewhere to read or listen to music, maybe even some kid's TV, things like that.
Like you already mentioned, parenting books might be helpful. I'd personally go for things geared around newborns, or whatever age the headmate is.
Babies form for tons of reasons; innerworld pregnancy, being traumalocked, needing to have basic needs met more often, brain just decided "idk man why not", etc. It's in no way required to know (and certainly not worth stressing about), but if you happen to be able to figure out why they formed, you could change your approach to suit whatever helps them grow and heal.
Speaking of growth! They might not be babies forever. I unfortunately do not have a crystal ball, but some alters can age later on. The kids in your system might just be that type of brainmate y'know? So be prepared just in case.
Wow, this is entirely too long, but I've spent too much time on it so it's getting posted anyways 💀 Sorry for all the information, I hope I didn't overload you! Godspeed 🙏🏻
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blankticket · 6 months
7, 17, 19
7) If you could “borrow” one aspect of Vash and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
plant powers tbh. wrt the lifespan thing, for the record im pretty staunchly anti-immortality anti-singularity etc. bc as i've made vash say as much, none of us will need forever. plus any sorta tech like that if it's ever possible is going to prioritize, if not exclusively save, those who can afford such a thing. but anyway the idea that i would get to live for as long as i want is appealing.
i'm not thinking of a longer lifespan as a safety net for failures, cause i think i'd appreciate being imperfect with a longer lifespan, but rather thinking of it in terms of how i could then guarantee there's more good that i'll be putting out into the world. i'd probably have to take a page out of vash's book and travel around a lot so that people don't realize the same 20-something's been around for centuries but eh. idk maybe my feelings would change 300 years in, who knows
17) Why do you think you connect to Vash?
made a face like i licked a lemon reading this question bro i wont lie. the same reasons i connect to vash are the same reasons i avoided trigun for many many years. i was afraid (trigun maximum) vash's character would hit too close to home. particularly the twin stuff, even before knowing that vash would lose his own brother, too—being a lifelong lone twin myself. in comparison to maximum, stampede emphasizes much more on the twins, and even besides that, a lot of vash's deal in stampede feels uncannily similar to my own experiences. um you ever bump into a fictional character you feel completely #read by and just want to fucking run and leave and forget for as long as you can. well. yeah it was like that except now i'm much more able to handle this shit so i'm here now
sharing the same personality as him (in vash so far i definitely see a lot of who i used to be as well, when i was so much more of a self-deprecating people-pleaser bc i believed so much in my own worthlessness), the twin bereavement thing, wearing glasses (myopic deadeye), preferring revolvers (when he spun the cylinder while loading bullets in i was like omgg hes just like me fr), thinking nicholas d wolfwood is hot, all these connections definitely inform my interpretation and portrayal of vash. and i kin the guy but that's obvious enough
19) If you had to judge Vash and sentence him to a “fair” fate, what would your judgment be? Would you punish him? Reward him? How?
ok in my opinion. and also this is going to sound hilariously ridiculous without the context of trigun maximum but whatever. it looks like orange is ultimately going to turn vash into a giant apple tree or otherwise use the last of his lifespan to save his brother. i'm not completely set on how i feel about that, given that not even a little teaser for the final phase season is out yet! but for how i feel right now at least, i think that fate is pretty fitting. can't say whether that's exactly either a reward or punishment though
spirale-wise it's so much harder to say lol, i'm not writing vash keeping an ultimate endpoint in mind or ever considered one for him…
hm. well, if i come up with something, it'll be a hypergiant challenge deal. i have considered doing something like that for him 2 years after last year's giant challenge, to mirror how in-canon the timeskip is 2 years post-julai. but idek if i'll still be writing him by then. stay tuned?
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