#so imagine this silly little friendly fight leads everyone to. just being trapped.
the-acid-pear · 1 year
Love thinking of the implications giving up on Deltarune have, because unlike in Undertale you aren't some lonely human in a hostile world, you're a silly little kid going on a silly little adventure with their silly little friends. And then you get accidentally killed. Straight up dead. No reset no anything just the black screen. And sure the world is doomed with the prophecy having been unfullfilled but i don't care about that. I care about the inbetween. Because Kris dying also means everyone gets trapped in the Dark World (i guess?), so what then? What IF Kris fucking dies? It's so fucked up and sad all around. I love it.
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notjuststardust · 6 months
One Piece Monster Trio +Law and Ace: What kind of dog breed would they be?
Monkey D. Luffy
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American Pitbull Terrier
-In general terms american pitbull terriers are often misconstrued as something they aren't because people want to sugarcoat what their original purpose was, dog fighting.
-Just means their inner goofball comes out when they are doing terrier things.
-Though they're silly, loyal and more intelligent than people give them credit for, a purpose driven life with people that understand that insane drive and appreciate a velcro dog are best for these dogs (ahem, Zoro, ahem)
-Also their big gaping smile reminds me of Luffy too.
-Above pictured is Dino, a dog at my local shelter who has been looking for a home all his life. I have hung out with him and can vouch he is dog friendly, people friendly and an overall great pup. He is now with a foster home to care for his very specific allergy needs. I would take him home and rename him Luffy if I could, please check out his adoption page and share so he can find a good home!
New Bern, NC - American Pit Bull Terrier. Meet Dino a Pet for Adoption - AdoptaPet.com
Roronoa Zoro
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-Yall thought I'd say pitbull.
-Absolutely not because Zoro has PRESENCE and that comes with a livestock guardian breed.
-These dogs are intense.
-Bred to take on wolves and coyotes and to be willing to die for their families.
-The Anatolian shepard specifically is a very quiet livestock guardian dog hence why I chose this over the great Pyrenees.
-Though they're MASSIVE they have athleticism similar to big cats because they were originally bred for the fields of Turkey.
-Y'all can't tell me that the level of athleticism Zoro maintains while being built like a tank doesn't make this match.
-Good head on their shoulders to access threats and work well within their job and independently.
Vinsmoke Sanji
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-Dachsunds are go getters, HOUNDS.
-They're independent, drivey and WILLFUL and like who they like.
-They're meant to work alongside terriers (Luffy) to trap the badgers so the terrier can take the threat out.
-Literally the goat of hound dogs.
-Distinguished little velcro dogs who will recklessly fight for their person despite the threat to themselves (SANJI'S SELFLESSNESS??)
-Not actually breed specific but literally every dachshund I have ever met has a love for women.
Trafalgar Law
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-Siberian husky
-I'm going to get really specific and say a husky that pulls lead on the sled.
-These dogs will work themselves until they die.
-They're so stubborn that their drive and need to work literally has altered their metabolisms to adapt.
-Thats definetely what happened to Law's brain.
-ACTUALLY (Their metabolisms are biologically different than other breeds, able to practically slow and speed up at will)
-Not to mention they are meant to be working together at all times BUT are incredibly independent unless forced to work together.(LUFFY AND LAW).
-Smarter than you.
-Also, the markings on them just look so Law to me.
-Don't do well when they aren't working.
-Will easily fall back on anxious behaviors when separated from their jobs.
-Also, I can so imagine Law doing the quiet grumbling that these dogs do when they 'complain'.
Portgas D. Ace
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-It is in their blood to be silly (not a fact, just speculation pls don't cite me for a college paper)
-Drive for food and play is high.
-Originally bred as herding dogs but due to unforseen circumstances of their size and perception were forced to become protectors of the families of sheep they herded (ACE WITH LUFFY AND SABO).
-Smart but dumb.
-Threat perception and self preservation is skewed just because of the herding breed in them so it can make them a little too brave sometimes.
-Originally bred to be a family herder and fated to be an independent guardian, close to work but far from family.
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wordcollector · 8 years
Animated Life Lesson #4: Growing Up
Growing up (verb phrase) - to be or become fully grown; attain mental or physical maturity
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Over the Garden Wall is one of the most bizarre, most brilliant, and most beautiful shows I’ve ever seen.  It manages in ten short episodes to convey more whimsy, danger, and dread than many shows do in an entire season, and the plot, while concise, is still wonderfully written.
The story follows half-brothers Wirt and Greg as they travel through a fantastical world trying to find their way home.  Along the way, they meet quite the cast of interesting characters, from the elderly Woodsman to the sarcastic bluebird Beatrice to the terrifying Beast.
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There’s also a town full of pumpkin-wearing skeletons, a singing frog, a young girl controlled by a magical bell, and an old woman who stuffs wool into peoples’ heads to make them her servants. And all of these characters live in the Unknown, which is almost a character unto itself.  Wirt and Greg explore the forest, visit the mansion of a tea baron, ride a ferry full of frogs, and spend a day in a school teaching animals how to read.
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If all of that sounds ridiculous, that’s because it is.  But underneath all the nonsense and eccentricity is the constant threat of the Beast, an ancient creature who uses trickery and terror to lead souls from their paths, keeping them lost until they give up and begin to transform into the Edelwood trees that the Beast needs to stay alive.  Over the Garden Wall is actually quite like a fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm, one that may seem fun and funny on the surface, but is actually quite dark and horrifying when you look a little closer.  However, it’s when we look at these deeper aspects that the true lessons of the show begin to appear, mainly lessons on maturity, responsibility, and finding yourself forced to grow up in a world and a place that you don’t understand.
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Wirt is the older of the two brothers, and although he may be dressed quite whimsically, he’s actually quite serious.  He’s your typical teenager that’s been thrust into a situation he doesn’t like, and his cynicism and stubbornness, while funny at times, end up causing problems for their group from time to time.  Wirt is prone to bouts of melancholy, and he’s in that stage of life when most things are embarrassing, and so he keeps a lot of secrets. In fact, trying to avoid embarrassment was what landed him and Greg in the Unknown in the first place, although I’m certain Wirt wouldn’t see it that way.  Wirt is also the type of person who doesn’t like to take responsibility for his actions, especially if he can conceivably blame things on his brother. To be fair, it is often Greg’s fault, but it’s Wirt’s responsibility as the older brother to be the mature one in the situation. 
Unfortunately, Wirt is initially too unsure of himself to even take advantage of being in charge, as most older siblings are fond of doing.  This begins to change, though, as Beatrice pushes him into taking action, whether it’s just to get directions or to play the bassoon to keep them from getting thrown off a ferry full of frogs.  Wirt begins to imagine himself as a hero and accordingly begins to act braver.  This act only works for a while, though, until Beatrice betrays them, and Wirt beings to give up hope, leaving him open to an attack from the Beast.
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Luckily, Greg is there to save him.  Greg acts like you’d expect a younger brother to act: silly, friendly, weird, and mischievous.  He wears a teapot on his head, has a pet frog whose name changes countless times throughout the series, stores candy in his pants (not the pockets, mind you; actually in his pants), and enjoys sharing ‘Rock Facts,’ which are false facts he makes up on the spot.  But Greg is also brave, thoughtful, and endlessly optimistic, and his weird plans usually work for getting them out of a tight spot.  It’s a stark contrast to his older brother, and while Wirt gets annoyed with Greg’s antics, Greg is never too bothered by his brother’s put-downs or stern commands.  Greg is the one that keeps things light even as the darkness grows near. 
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But Greg’s childish fun doesn’t mean he’s not smart; when Wirt decides to stop trying to find their way home, Greg works hard—or dreams hard—to be a good leader.  He’s willing to do whatever it takes to save them.  When he’s told that Wirt is lost and will never return home, Greg blames himself for being too busy goofing off to notice that Wirt needed his help.  Not that Wirt would’ve admitted to needing help, but it’s certainly not Greg’s fault that they’re lost in the Unknown. And when he has the chance to save them, Greg takes it, giving himself up to the Beast in exchange for Wirt’s freedom.
It’s interesting that Greg is the one to first show signs of growing up.  He is more than happy to interact with and learn to understand the people of the Unknown, he accepts responsibility for his antics, and he’s willing to face the consequences of his and Wirt’s actions in this strange world.  Although he still carries on and goofs off like a young child, Greg is maturing and growing in his own way, and it really shows when he sacrifices himself for his brother’s mistakes.  It takes bravery and love to give himself up to the Beast, especially since he has to at least have some idea of how terrible the Beast truly is, yet he is willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure Wirt makes it home. 
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It’s actually quite sad to think about, yet it’s exactly what Wirt needs to realize that he’s been the one acting like a child.  If he hadn’t overreacted in the cemetery, they wouldn’t have landed in the Unknown.  If he would’ve waited on the Woodsman, they would’ve had help finding their way from the start.  If he would’ve listened to Beatrice, he would’ve known she wasn’t going to betray them. If he would’ve trusted his little brother, he wouldn’t have lost hope and thus lost Greg to the Beast.  Wirt realizes it’s all been his fault, and now it’s his responsibility to make things right.  
Wirt fights his way through a snowstorm to reach Greg, and when he finds his brother, he apologizes for everything.  It’s a big step for Wirt, who hasn’t apologized for anything up to this point, and it’s a sign that he, too, has grown during his time in the Unknown, so much so that he is willing to make his own deal in order to save his brother’s soul.  But Wirt is smart, and he sees through the Beast’s trick before both boys are trapped in the woods.  With some quick thinking, he manages to free the Woodsman from the duty of the Beast’s lantern, help Beatrice and her family become human again, finish the Beast, and return Greg and himself to their world.
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It’s as if Wirt has been saving up all his potential during their journey through the Unknown, and suddenly he has all the bravery and wisdom he needs to help everyone, including himself.  If he had had to make a deal with the Beast when they first arrived, Wirt would’ve been too unsure of himself to question the Beast, too afraid to do something wrong, and both he and Greg would’ve ended up trapped forever.  But having seen the way the Beast terrorized the inhabitants of the land and how he had hurt Greg, Wirt realizes that it’s his responsibility to help, and so he manages to save the day.  
And the lessons they’ve learned in the Unknown aren’t forgotten when they wake up back in the real world.  Greg is just as goofy as ever, but I’m sure he would make the choice to sacrifice himself for his brother again, especially now that he knows that Wirt will come to save him.  And Wirt’s newfound bravery allows him to talk to Sara, the girl he’s been trying to impress, and invite her over to his house to listen to some tapes.  It’s a silly yet sweet ending, and it shows that although Wirt and Greg still have a lot to learn as they grow, their adventures in the Unknown showed them who they truly are and who they may grow to be.
Over the Garden Wall is weird, whimsical, and wonderful.  The art of the show is beautiful, evoking an old-timey feel even as the aesthetic changes between episodes.  The original songs are fantastic, ranging from hilarious to creepy, and they help to set the mood as the story moves along.  The whole atmosphere is that of an almost-recognizable world, one close enough to the real world to seem familiar yet different enough to make you question everything.  Wirt and Greg wonderfully represent their respective age groups, yet they don’t come across as stereotypes, and the ways they change over the course of the ten episodes is great to watch.  Greg is funny, and Wirt is moody, but they learn to appreciate one another, and it’s heartwarming to watch as their relationship goes from begrudging half-brothers to brothers who are also friends. 
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I don’t think I could decide which of them is my favorite, although I have to say I really love Beatrice and the growing up she herself does throughout the story. There’s just something about her sarcasm and older sister-like bossiness that I can really relate to, and I’m sure other adults can relate to her as well.  Both adults and kids will love this mini-series, although the things they like about the show are likely to be quite different.  But everyone can appreciate the lessons about relying on family, making the best of a bad situation, taking responsibility, and growing up in general that Wirt and Greg learn.  It’s a whimsical journey through the Unknown, but it’s one you don’t want to miss.
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