#so it basically sounds like Donna in some american accents
chaosintheavenue · 3 years
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When I say I have a lot of OCs, I am not in any way exaggerating...
I’ve wanted to make my whole OC cast in one Picrew for a long time, and I finally spent a whole day making almost everyone on this Picrew! I also included a few previews of characters I’ve discussed but never shown before (and one who’s never been mentioned anywhere until now), and a handful of non-Fallout OCs that I’d previously made.
Only major OC I left out was Chel, simply because I made Charlie on this Picrew over a year ago and really like how it came out, and in the time since the options have changed in a way that I can't get Chel looking the same. Believe me, I tried!
Top row: Ashlen, Brutus, Catherine, Charlie, Cody, Dana, Decima
Second: Elyse, Ezra, young Grace, older Grace, Jacob, James, JJ
Third: Kae, Lunya, Natalia, Ness, Quin, Red, Sabina
Bottom: Sid, young Sigrid, older Sigrid, Tibbs, Victoria, pre-OWB Violet, post-OWB Violet
(Tumblr is probably going to destroy this image, but I have each individual Picrew saved if folks want to see anyone in better detail!)
And finally, a quick meme in case anyone is eagle-eyed enough to notice Nina’s absence in the collage...
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breakingsomething · 4 years
Dawn Station - Pilot
Basic summary: Video game developer Jack Mcloughlin is finally releasing a new game after a ten year hiatus.
Content warnings: Murder, dismemberment, body horror
It comes as a shock to everyone, including you, when Jack Mcloughlin announces the release of a new game at the start of the second week of October.
There are several reasons why this is such a big deal. One: Jack Mcloughlin has been making games since he was twenty seven, and has released only five of them in the thirty years he's been doing it. Two: Jack Mcloughlin is world renowned for his fantastic horror games, all done in wildly different styles, but still notably his own. Three: Jack Mcloughlin has not, up til now, so much as mentioned working on a new game. The only social media site he's fully active on is Twitter - which you check regularly for any updates - and before the release of his last game, Ehrmann Lab, he had left a series of cryptic clues for two months leading up to the announcement. Those had been probably the most fun two months you'd ever had in your life, and even helped you make new friends. But this time around, there is no warning. The trailer is dropped at Purina Expo, one of the biggest American gaming conventions of the year. You were incredibly lucky to be able to snag tickets. Usually, this convention is where the hottest games that would be coming out the following year would be announced, trailers would be played, and developers would discuss - so everyone there on October 10th is shocked to not only be the first to see the trailer, but to hear from the man himself. Jack Mcloughlin takes the stage, gleefully announcing the release of Dawn Station on October 31st this year.
Now, the release of a new game from Septic Games - Mcloughlin's own software company, which he founded after his second game's release - is a big enough deal. But this… this is something else. Mcloughlin explains it before the reveal of the trailer, and you listen with great excitement.
"Dawn Station," says the man, practically bouncing across the stage with glee and shouting into his mic with a hoarse Irish accent. "is a feat of modern gaming. Now, I understand that when you play games, it can get boring to replay them later on after you've finished, because - well, you know how it goes! You know all the twists and turns, all the jumpscares, all the fights, all the spooks. But what if I told you that there was a way you could play where things were different each time?"
Behind the man, on a large screen, an image comes up. This is the first promo image for the new game to be shown to the people. The image is of a tilted hallway in what looks like a complex, broken down space station, overgrown with unusual plants that glow and spark. In the centre of the image is an astronaut. His helmet is on the floor, blood soaked. His face is half in shadow. All that can be seen is curly olive hair and neon green eyes - two on his face, and one embedded in his neck. The suit itself is torn, ripped open with a mouth and a dripping tongue where the being's stomach should be. A torch is on the ground behind him, attempting to cast light on the room. The words "Dawn Station" come up in solid, bright green font next to the being's face.
"This is Dawn Station!" cries the developer, over the many excited murmurs of the crowd. "The first ever virtual reality game with a fully developed artificial intelligence antagonist! An antagonist who learns from the players movements and choices, who grows and changes based off of what you do. You control the game, now more than ever! He's clever, he's learning, he knows where you are, and his objective is to kill the player - introducing... Alien X, otherwise known as… the Anti!"
Everyone cheers. Mcloughlin steps aside, a beam splitting his pale face, and allows the room to darken, and the trailer to play.
You're in awe. The trailer shows that you play as a character named Drew Oliver, an astronaut in their mid twenties who's aboard the Dawn Space Station, which has fallen to the planet you seemed to have been monitoring - the Othohiri 5RM. The game seems to revolve around attempting to explore the little bits of the planet that you can while repairing the ship and dealing with your descent into madness, all the while being chased down by the Alien X, a shapeshifting monstrosity who's eager to end your life before you can finish your goals. After watching it… well, everyone is absolutely blown away, especially you. This is unlike anything Mcloughlin had ever produced, especially to this scale. It's no wonder he hadn't produced a game in ten years if this was what he had been working on. You're practically vibrating with excitement at the breathtakingly beautiful scenery and realistic yet perfectly stylistic graphics, and the 8D sound design that seems to echo from all around you. It's incredible. The second you get back to your hotel room that night, you're one of the first to preorder the game.
Your week at the convention ends, and you go back home, counting down the days to the game's release. However, even more exciting things are happening. On Twitter, a few of your favourite youtubers are acting rather cryptic. KrisDoesGAMEZ and rrroadblock, two streamers you like, retweet Mcloughlin's announcement tweet with eye emojis and promises of the game being good. DUSSST, visualthursday and BroAverage make their own posts about it. PeachCheerio and TheSkinnerr upload short update videos promising exciting things to come.
On October 15th, it happens - ten youtubers each upload an early access demo of Dawn Station, having been chosen and given the code to play it by Mcloughlin himself. You don't watch the videos because you want to play the game yourself with no spoilers, but from what you've seen, it's fucking amazing. Critics are already calling it the game of the decade. The internet is thriving, and a few people have already cosplayed Drew, the main character. Your best friend uploads a joking cosplay of the Anti and walks around town with it on. He gets over a thousand likes and teases you about being too good for you now that he's internet famous. You're living for all of this.
On October 16th, youtuber PeachCheerio is murdered in his own home.
Everyone is shocked, rightfully. Here is a man who had streamed just the day before, chatting with his members and looking at Dawn Station memes on Twitch. Today, he was discovered by his girlfriend in his own home. Leaked police reports tell you that the man, whose real name was Ronald Murphy, had been messily dismembered, his organs removed, half of them missing. You're in shock. He was one of your favourite streamers, and maybe it's silly to mourn someone you've never met, but you're deeply, deeply saddened by the news.
However, it doesn't stop there. The very next day, youtuber DUSSST - or Louise Greendale - is found the same way Ronald had been. Louise's girlfriend apparently called the police in hysterics before panic tweeting about the incident. The posts were taken down an hour later. The screenshots of what she'd said trend of Twitter and Tumblr anyway.
This is when the conspiracy theories arrive. Two youtubers dead in two days, both brutally taken apart and missing organs? Some people mock the theorists for it. Who had even said Louise had been killed the same way as Ronald, anyway? That is, until more apparent police reports are leaked revealing the details of Louise's death. The internet goes wild. The Los Angeles police department posts a video begging whoever's causing the leaks to stop, to think about the families of the deceased. All this does is prove that they're true. This video, too, is later taken down.
You log off in disgust. Some people have no fucking shame.
Things heat up the next day, on October 18th, when user rrroadblock, or Aryan Jha, dies as well. The death is covered up for the first few hours afterwards, but eventually is leaked in the same manner as the last two murders. This time, the theorists are no longer labeled as crazy. In fact, everyone's getting in on this mystery now. Three popular youtubers dead now, each found in bloody states in their own homes, three days apart? No one knows what's happening, but that doesn't stop people from guessing. And while you refuse to involve yourself in any of this, you also find yourself wondering who or what - not what, of course it's not a what, that's just ridiculous - who is killing all of these people.
Day four. The internet is silent, waiting. And yes, sure enough, youtuber KrisDoesGAMEZ, or Kris Velvet, is dead.
This time, someone realizes something that makes everyone pause. Each of the dead youtubers are all the ones who were given the free demo of Dawn Station, and are even dying in the order that they played it in. Everyone goes insane. Even you're suspicious - of what, exactly, you don't know, because why would someone murder someone else so brutally over a video game? Despite that, this can't be a coincidence. People place bets on whether youtuber ducksontheroof, or Donna Campbell, is going to be the next one to be found dead. Donna herself makes a statement on her Instagram, expressing disgust at all the people who were spreading such information around. She then deactivated all her socials apart from her YouTube. The people who had been making bets were shamed, and you have to log off yet again. This is getting to be too much.
You stay offline until nearly four pm the next day. Your friend calls you up to give you the news, but you already know what they're going to say. Let me guess, you start, voice flat and tired. Donna Campbell's dead.
They confirm it. You don't know what to say.
Her family put out a statement asking people not to theorize about her death. People do it anyway. Reports state that the remaining five youtubers who had played Dawn Station, along with, surprisingly, Jack Mcloughlin himself, had been taken into police custody. For protection, you assume. Once again, the internet goes insane. This proves their theories about the game connecting all the deaths, and a silent dread and buzz of twisted excitement hangs over everyone. You're just disgusted. People are treating this like some kind of murder mystery game, like this isn't real, actual lives.
Two days pass without news. At the end of the second day, there's yet another leak. Youtubers Doomandgloom - Persephone Henry - and TheSkinnerr - Rodney Pratt - are dead. You're just numb. You're just so fucking numb.
This reveal, of course, inspires yet another debate. If the youtubers had been under police protection, how had they died? Had the police seen anything? Why hadn't the leak said anything about it? Who was killing all these people in so little time, how hadn't they been caught? Had, really, no one seen anything at all?
There are now three youtubers left who'd played the game. Hothothotstanley, or Stanley McIver, visualthursday, or Khia Herrera, and BroAverage, or Chase Brody. You met Stanley McIver, once, at a convention in London three years ago. You have a picture on your memory board of you standing in the convention hall, him with his arm around your shoulder, you with a grin and sparkle in your eye. You can see the picture from your bed. You turn away from it.
However, the next day is a surprise to everyone. A video is uploaded to someone's Twitter - a full, uncensored video of the murder of Stanley McIver inside the government safe house he and the others had seemingly been kept in. The video is immediately taken down and the Twitter deleted, but everyone has seen it. Including you. The video is… horrifying. Of course it is. Why did you watch it? But you do manage to see who it is that killed him. Everyone on the internet does. And this - this video, that's maybe five minutes long - is enough to make everyone go silent.
The killer looks exactly like the Anti from Dawn Station.
No one knows quite what to make of this.
Even less so when Jack Mcloughlin dies the next day.
He's murdered. Same way as all the rest of them, in police custody. Now this is enough to shock everyone into mourning silence. Only a few pricks are left, and their accounts, channels and blogs are swiftly deactivated. Nine deaths in nine days. Nine deaths. Nine. Jack Mcloughlin.
The next day, Khia Herrera - well, you know.
Chase Brody is the last one left alive. You never watched his channel that much - he's really into horror, and is known for his Walking Dead playthrough and his Undertale Genocide run - but you still already feel a strange sense of loss. A sort of emptiness. Something churns in your stomach that you don't understand. There's a lot that you don't understand.
The release of Dawn Station is cancelled.
You spend the night at a friend's house, and just bawl for hours. You shouldn't be so upset, you shouldn't! You never knew any of these people! But fuck, there's something about seeing all these people who you'd been watching online for so long, who have given you so many happy days, so many laughs and inside jokes… just die. How had this happened? Who was it who was doing this?
Your friend sadly suggests it's some sick Jack Mcloughlin hater who decided it'd be fun to cosplay as his newest character and kill people to scare everyone. But while you outwardly agree, you internally know it's not true. Because every time you watch that video, every time you watch Stanley die - and you watch it a lot, just trying to make yourself feel something, even if it's just sick - you can tell the person isn't human. You know that's ridiculous, of course. But there's something about its eyes. Its face. It glances up at the camera and makes eye contact, and grins with too many white, jagged teeth, like an anglerfish. The eye in its throat sees you too. It glows. You shudder every time, watching it shake with glitches and laughter.
You're scared. You feel sick and dizzy and you lock your doors out of fear. You stay inside and open Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram again.
Poor Chase Brody, says the internet. They're already mourning. Already accepted his death. Poor, poor Chase Brody.
You hope he's ok, wherever he is.
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carolinenicolettes · 5 years
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“ this is taking too long ! i’m going to miss the farmer’s market ! ” —scary terry or scary caroline? who knows
“ she liked messy beds and movie nights without any lights on. she liked the quiet company of a few good friends. her idea of love was gentle and silent, like a whisper of a touch. some things are magical and magic, contrary to popular opinion, is often found in the most ordinary of places. ”
NAME: caroline estelle nicolette NICKNAMES: n o p e it is caroline or NADA  AGE: 21 BIRTHDAY: may 1st SPECIES: starchild  GENDER: cisfemale PRONOUNS: she/her
MOTHER: amelia nicolette — born into money, massive name in the fashion industry, only wears fashionable power suits and celestial themed jewelry, drinks expensive whiskey neat FATHER: unknown PARENTS: raised by her mother, kind of. had a nanny named maggie growing up whom she loved dearly and was very good friends with a doorman named robert as well. it takes a village, you know. FAMILY: direct relation to the nicolette family that you all know and love aka odette. caroline’s mother is odette’s father’s sister. SIBLINGS: not at all.
FACE CLAIM: scarlett leithold NATIONALITY: american HEIGHT: 5′7 WEIGHT: 139lbs BUILD: slender, and a bit insecure about that HAIR: long with a subtle wave , nearly down to her waist for now  HAIR COLOR: golden blonde with a few summery platinum highlights EYE COLOR: baby bluuuue DOMINANT HAND: left ANOMALIES: during warmer months, and nearly year round since moving to california, there are little freckles dusted across her nose  SCENT: seasalt, cocounut, sunscreen . . . . and occasionally mon paris by ysl ACCENT: she fought against that new york accent tooth and nail so none ALLERGIES: cats but also bullshit DISORDERS: dbd — dumb bitch disorder FASHION: an odd mix of vintage. corduroy dresses, plaid skirts, ribbed turtlenecks, velvet headbands, doc marten boots. a lil 60s, a lil 70s, a lil 90s. despite having quite a bit of money, she’s always wearing at least one thing that looks hand-me-down and that’s because her mother never threw anything away, so it likely is.  NERVOUS TICS: rocks back and forth from her toes to her heels, death grip on a camera strap, tucking her hair behind her ears QUIRKS: collects enamel pins, always has a camera on her, closes her eyes when trying to focus on listening
RESIDES: east side, victoria BORN: new york city RAISED: new york city VEHICLE:  black 1969 chevy camaro, rarely ever drives it though as she bikes/skates most places PHONE: iphone 11 pro :\ COMPUTER: mac desktop collecting DUST PETS: too busy sneezing bc of odette’s cat
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: graduated COLLEGE EDUCATION: senior MAJOR: museum studies, photography MINOR: film studies CAREER: freelance photographer, current waste of space living off of that family $$$ EXPERIENCE: apprenticeships in fashion photography, internships in museum curation  TRAINED IN: photography and classical ballet (reluctantly) OTHER: literally just .... she’s had a camera of some sort in her hand since she was like 12
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: liberal RELIGION: worships the ground stevie nicks, cher, and debbie harry walk on but that’s about it BELIEFS: you have to be really careful when buying sweaters from thrift stores because 80% of them are absolutely haunted MISDEMEANORS: none FELONIES: none  TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: NONE  DRUGS: once or twice but she’s strung out enough on her own  SMOKES: weed, on occasion. cigarettes are gross. ALCOHOL: leisurely, mostly socially. Queen of Beer Pong™ DIET: fairly healthy, not at all picky, a little bougie.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: labels are stupid SEXUAL ORIENTATION: and sexuality is fluid MARTIAL STATUS: never going to happen CHILDREN: *nervous laughter* AVAILABILITY: not at all LOOKING FOR: she’s actually legally blind so
LANGUAGES: english, french
PHOBIAS: fuck spiders SPECIFICALLY. might cry but also doesn’t want you to kill it just... take it out and awaaaay HOBBIES: photography, film — the act of and the watching of, hiking, live shows, bothering odette. literally has/had 3294328049 of them but is really only good at photography/film TRAITS: + adaptable, loyal, charismatic, clever, playful, adventurous ; - flighty, forgetful, cynical, unforgiving, disorganized, impatient SOCIAL MEDIA: the works - snapchat, twitter, instagram
LOCATION: photo pit at small venue concerts, anywhere within 10 feet of the pacific SPORTS TEAM: whomst  GAME: playin w people’s HEARTS ...... jk ....... kinda MUSIC: haim, fleetwood mac, the aces... any band with a female lead singer SHOWS: ghost adventures, big little lies MOVIES: frances ha, almost famous, bob dylan: don’t look back RADIO STATION: anything that strictly plays oldies FOOD: loves baked goods BEVERAGE: cold brew coffee, cinnamon spice tea COLOR: a nice dusty rose :\
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good MBTI: isfp — the adventurer ENNEAGRAM: type 7, the enthusiast  ZODIAC: taurus HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff TAROT CARD: the empress TV TROPES: max mayfield, serena van der woodsen, ainsley howard, donna sheridan and honestly? eloise  SONG: summer girl - haim
IDEOLOGIES: shove it down shove all the emotions DOWN do not feel. you can tell a lot about a person based on the music they listen to when they’re sad. three is the luckiest number.
amelia nicolette never intended to be a mother. she was freshly 21, inches from a moment that could launch her career in the fashion industry, and she hadn’t been in love or even interested in the idea since she was seventeen. so when a one night stand with a wealthy older man, left her with morning sickness and an odd appetite for two, she was less than thrilled. 
he was even less thrilled, insisting that she terminate the pregnancy. i’ll drive you, he’d said in a hushed tone. only then did she see the tan line wrapped around his ring finger. a married man. a one night stand. and a complete bastard . amelia decided, then and there, to carry to term and then put the baby up for adoption.
until may 1st at 3AM on the dot when the most obnoxious scream split through the air. a baby, just slightly too small, kicking and screaming relentlessly was born in manhattan. a baby who wouldn’t shut up until she was placed in the arms of her mother, where she fell quiet and calm and she slept. 
amelia nicolette never intended to fall in love, but holding her tiny baby girl, she knew then and there that she was a goner. caroline, as a song that sounded like joy played from a radio at the nurse’s station. estelle, for the stars. nicolette, the only family name she’d ever need. 
for three years, it was just the two of them in a new york penthouse, and amelia learned quickly that she was good at being a mother. but that didn’t change her free-spirited nature or the way her heart had a tendency to yearn for more. she had the resources, and caroline was old enough — . . . and she’d been sketching for years, sitting on top of a portfolio that piled a mile high.
along comes nanny, maggie, and thus began the life she’d lead for the rest of her childhood. mom spent a lot of time at work, building a fashion brand that went international by the time caroline was 6. because of this, she was gone more often than not, leaving caroline to grow up under the watchful eye of a nanny.
but she called every night. made it home for every big holiday, every recital, every birthday. in the summers, caroline would spend her time split between visiting her mother, visiting odette, and visiting a beach house in victoria. there was a certain lack of permanence that caused her to be adaptable, allowed her to be comfortable with change and give into the whims of a free spirit like her mother’s.
but people filtered in and out, came and went, and on the flip side of the same coin, there was a sense of detachment , a fear of getting too close to people who would move out or move on.
despite this, caroline never found herself to be lonely. she was a friendly little thing with bright eyes and a sparkling curiosity, picking up hobbies instead of toys, but never quite being exceptional at any of them. she made friends with doormen and caused problems for the people behind the desk. she became good, early on, at keeping herself busy, making her own fun – . . . all things that have very much carried into adulthood.
she was lucky, and she’s fully aware of it which is why, from a young age, she always did her best to find ways to give that luck to people who seemed to need it. 
things had a tendency to be tumultuous, what with her mother coming and going and her very best friend being in and out of the hospital, but she tried to go with the flow as best as she could. things were good but never truly exceptional.
until she met jude. he’d been in the same children’s wing as odette, and they’d known each other for a little bit before caroline met him. the three of them were inseparable, at first, simply best friends. but as they got older, feelings shifted and two friends became more than that.
our girl was in love for the very first time. and it was sweet and gentle and everything a first love is supposed to be. over time, that love grew, just as they did, and it was visible to anyone with eyes that they were in love. for two years, it was good, he was good. 
and then he wasn’t. despite two years of remission and a healthy life, he fell ill again. there was nothing to do but stand by and watch as six months passed by, far too quickly, and he slipped away into nothing. ultimately passing away just a week before his 20th birthday. 
caroline didn’t allow herself to feel it, for a while, lingering in the denial stage of grief for far too long. new york felt empty without him, without odette, without her mother, and it didn’t take much for her to pack her things and join her mother overseas, taking a gap year from school and focusing on herself, on her photography.
she spent a lot of time with a press pass around her neck. fashion shows and fashion shoots. major events and sports games. concerts and festivals. but there was one thing she loved more than anything else, and that was capturing the off-guard joy of life in candids of strangers on the street or in the crowds of bars and concerts. she found her own style, her own way of storytelling through a lens, and slowly but surely she began to heal.
still, there was no way around the way her heart felt a little heavier, a little darker, and how smiles from strangers at the other end of the bar made her stomach churn. she developed an aversion to new relationships of any sort, anything deeper than surface level becoming a bit too close for comfort. 
and while life traveling was fun, she missed having a sense of home, so she went to where the only other person who felt like home was, finding herself moving into a house with odette in victoria.
she’s been around for a couple of months, coming out of a gap year and looking to finish her degree in the spring. victoria, for now, is home.
these days she’s a little bit more cynical. a little bit less likely to let people too close. a little bit lost but also who isn’t when they’re 21
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douxreviews · 6 years
The West Wing - ‘Bartlet's Third State of the Union’ Review
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"That's all that tonight's speech was about!"
Bartlet gives his third (or second – see below) State of the Union speech, but Abbey is not impressed that serious issues concerning domestic violence got bumped for school uniforms. Very sensibly, she deals with this by going for food.
There's a lot going on in this episode. Bartlet delivers the State of the Union speech, obviously. As a result, Abbey is mad at him. Joey Lucas is here (yay!) and polling responses to the speech. CJ has to break bad news to a guest honoured in the speech. Five DEA agents have been abducted in Colombia, an ongoing thread to be resolved in the next episode. And there's a bench covered in wet paint in the rose garden that people keep sitting on.
This is basically the first part of a two-parter, so most of the storylines won't be resolved until the next episode. However, it still works as an individual episode, partly thanks to a really strong final scene. The core of this first part is a brilliantly tense scene between Mr and Mrs Bartlet which forms part of the ongoing story about preparing to run for a second term and is especially memorable, partly because it's so strongly acted, and partly because this is the first indication the audience gets that Bartlet running again may not be a done deal.
Leo and Toby formed their little committee to re-elect the President and didn't tell anyone else, but Abbey Bartlet is perceptive and brilliant and can see a political campaign coming a mile off, and she is Not Happy. She and Bartlet made a deal, which he has apparently broken if he is running for a second term. (Bartlet himself appears to have been letting Toby and Leo do their thing and deliberately not thinking about it – he knows Abbey's right but doesn't want to face the issue). Stockard Channing can do righteously pissed off like no one else and the weirdly domestic-but-not setting of the argument, in a kitchen while eating a sandwich (very domestic) but it's a huge kitchen with staff milling around (less so) really highlights the nature of the problem. This is a dispute between a husband and wife, but played against a background of high politics, and the outcome may affect the whole country. (I also love Abbey saying she'll stay up with him when he goes to deal with the whole drugs-kidnapping situation. You can see how much they love each other, no matter how angry they might be).
With the major storylines in this episode being pretty heavy (the kidnapping plot involves Bartlet asking how many enemy casualties there will be, to which Leo responds 'Do you care?' and Bartlet says 'No' – understandable, but heavy stuff), it helps to have something to lighten the mood, and the lighter stories in this episode are brilliant. Everything between Josh, Donna and Joey Lucas is hilarious and adorable (I especially like Joey's exasperated explanation that she just didn't pay enough attention in airplane mechanics class when Josh complains because she was late) and while CJ sitting in wet paint is funny in itself, the joke it's setting up is genius. Ainsley has never met the President, so Sam decides to set up a surprise so she won't get nervous, unaware that she is drunk and wearing a bathrobe, dancing around her office in the Steam Pipe Trunk Distribution Venue. It is joyously ridiculous and wonderful.
It's hard to sum up a Part 1 without reference to Part 2, but the final scene between Jed and Abbey really does pull this together so that it leaves a lasting impression on the viewer by itself, even as most of the stories carry on into Part 2.
Bits and pieces
- This episode introduced the secret 'come to the situation room right now' code that has ensured if anyone ever tells me they want to introduce me to an old friend, I am likely to panic immediately.
- There's a lot of exposition in the cold open of this episode. Some of it is reasonably elegant – Josh complaining that Joey Lucas would have no way of knowing if anyone had an accent sounds offensive but is actually pretty funny. Some of it – Bartlet saying 'is Abbey in her seat?' and immediately following it up with 'I say, my wife's in her seat?' – is less so.
- I love Sam and Toby still writing the speech as Bartlet walks towards the room.
- The shipping news: Donna is trying to get Josh to ask Joey out, which it seems he still hasn't done even though she dumped Q ages ago.
- The further shipping news: Sam refers to Ainsley as a 'blonde Republican sex kitten'. I'm choosing to see this as a cute indication of the fact he clearly has a crush on her, rather than a horrifyingly sexist way to describe a colleague.
British people problems: I had no idea, before seeing this episode, that school uniforms were such a moral issue in the States. They make some good points. (I did go to a school for a while where you didn't have to wear the actual uniform as long as you had the right colours on, because some parents couldn't afford the uniform, but I have no idea if that helped the kids in that situation).
- Further British people problems: I am extremely grateful to this episode for explaining to me what the State of the Union is. (We have no such equivalent. We have the opening of Parliament, which probably comes close. The Queen also gives a three-minute speech after lunch at Christmas, but even the people who bother to watch it are in a food coma by then).
- Having said that, I have learned something of American politics over the years, and this should surely be Bartlet's second State of the Union, not his third – his first January speech would have been his Inauguration speech, not a State of the Union.
Joey/Kenny: Joshua Lyman, you have the cutest little butt in professional politics. Josh: Kenny, really, that better have been her talking.
Sam: Where'd you get the bathrobe? Carol: The gym. Sam: There are bathrobes at the gym? CJ: In the women's locker room. Sam: But not the men's. CJ: Yeah. Sam: Now, that's outrageous. There are a thousand men working here and fifty women. CJ: Yeah, and it's the bathrobes that are outrageous.
Mrs Landingham (looking at a perfectly normal image on TV): Charlie, is it possible that CJ isn't wearing any pants right now?
Sam: Why are you moving like that? Ainsley: I'm blaming it on the Bossa Nova!
Tense and funny in all the right places. Four out of four bathrobes from the women's gym.
Juliette Harrisson is a freelance writer, classicist and ancient historian.
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donna-darkstar · 6 years
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Full name: Donna Troy
Nicknames: n/a
Age: 28
Date of birth: June 10th, 1991
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Gender identity & pronouns: Female/She/Her
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Faceclaim: Alexandra Daddario
Relationship status: Single
Place of birth: Central City
Birth order: Unknown - orphaned.
Spoken languages: English and Italian.
Accent: American
Parents & siblings: Unknown - orphaned.
Hometown: Gotham City
Key relationships: Her longest relationship has been her long standing relationship with @dickxgrayscn. The two met when Bruce Wayne donated to her orphanage with the young boy in tow and the two hit it off immediately. They have kept touch pretty regularly, despite their different social standings. Besides some foster parents, he is her most consistent friend. [open to more connections, please message me for more!]
Positive traits: Honest, Responsible, Loyal
Negative traits: Self-Critical, Impatient, Stubborn
MBTI type (x) -  ENFP - A
Moral alignment (x) - Lawful Good
Enneagram type (x)  - Type 2 - The Helper
Temperament (x) - Sanguine
Big Five personality type (x) - Factor I, III, IV
Hair color & style: Black. Typically kept down and naturally curly.
Facial hair: n/a
Eye color: Blue
Complexion: Fair
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5′8″
Weight: 140 lbs
Physique: Lithe and muscular, but more toned than built.
Great physical shape - athletic build and high stamina. Has the prowess of a professional athlete, despite lack of training.
Has always been adept in leadership and negotiation skills due to ger even-mindedness and stability.
Unknown to her:: superhuman strength, endurance, speed, and flight. Will find she is a quick learner of various weapons and martial arts styles.
While overall stable in her emotions, Donna always has had a sense that she could be more - do more. Due to these thoughts, she sometimes is a little too harsh and critical on herself, unable to leave a task until she feels like she has done her absolute best.
While gifted with superhuman abilities, she is not completely invulnerable and can be defeated by simple weapons such as guns and knives.
Movement: Very fluid and graceful, but strong and calculated.
Mannerisms & habits: When thoroughly stressed or frustrated with something, Donna plays with her hair and paces absentmindedly. Her arms are typically kept close or wrapped around her body as if guarded.
Tattoos: She has the words “Stay Wild Moon Child” on the front/inside of her thigh, along her underwear line.
Piercings: Ears are pierced.
Scars & birthmarks: None.
Clothing & style: Donna’s style is very casual and modern. While all of her clothes are trendy, she would quickly choose comfort over style. In regards to her super suit, she will soon don a sleeveless sparkly and star covered black body suit with zip up v-neck. She accessories with a silver utility belt and wrist guards (much like Wonder Woman), tall silver boots, and a black choker.
Personal habits/addictions: Perhaps it comes from numerous hours in a coffee shop, but Donna has sort of become a caffeine addict which isn’t ideal due to the fact that it takes quite a few cups to actually take effect.
Morning routine: Takes time to read and drink some coffee before getting to the coffee shop for opening shift. If she doesn’t have the opening shift, she sleeps in till nine or ten.
Afternoon: These are typically quick and on-the-go as she’s heading to work or the gym for a quick workout before or after work.
Evening routine: On Fridays and Saturdays, Donna DJ’s pretty regularly for a club downtown. Evey other evening she switches off from chores and errands to evening shifts at the coffee shop.
Sleep habits: She is typically so exhausted when her head hits the pillow, she doesn’t wake up till her alarm sounds. The only weird thing is she never dream - or at least she never remembers them, any of them.
Does this character snore? Nope!
Any special talents or skills? Donna always had a knack for learning. She always enjoyed new ideas and more knowledge, especially history. But the one topic that she always excelled at was language - she has always been quick to pick up the language of others. She never pursued any in depth, but she knows enough basics of most languages to continue a conversation.
What is s/he particularly unskilled at? Donna is very bad at saying no, especially to a challenge. She was always competitive as a kid and it got her into trouble quite a few times. While she likes to think she has gotten a handle on it and can think more rationally, she can’t deny the innate desire in her and the need to succeed.
Does s/he have a supernatural ability? If yes, describe it. No
Current address: Single loft in downtown Central City.
Does she rent or own? Rent
Does s/he live with anyone? If so, who? No one.
A brief description of home: Donna’s loft is very minimalist as it was all she could afford after the move to Central City. It’s a single space, with her bedroom and kitchen in the same room. It’s not much and it’s not fancy, but it suits Donna and what she needs for now. There’s all the necessary appliances - toaster, coffee maker, fridge, microwave - along with a small kitchen table with two chairs that also serves at a desk from time to time.
What is their bedroom like?: The only way you can tell where the common area ends and Donna’s bedroom begins is the simple divider screen and small dresser pressed against the wall. Her mattress is on the floor and pressed against the window that she routinely keeps open for fresh air and views of the city. There is also a small tv and bookshelf in her place, with the books getting more use than the tv due to no cable.
FOR FUN: What side would they land on?
Morally grey
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lucozdes-blog · 6 years
finally !! here’s the intro guides to my children !! blease....plot with me. 
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jeongmin is a fashionista, from designing original pieces to styling. 
his current aesthetic: goth street looks. think seoul fashion week. 
he loves nothing more than styling his friends or anyone who asks for help; he works within your budget and closet. he knows how and where to find deals and just overall very resourceful. 
he’s all for the environment too, the studio is filled with a variety of recyclable bin from plastic to old garments. 
he works as a part time visual for a retail store, it’s only a couple hours three mornings a week when he doesn’t have class, it’s good to have some sort of income. plus they pay him well considering his major and eye for new campaigns. 
he’s the guy with a variety of hook up numbers on his phone, never by name but with an emoji and number next to it. he’s a hoe (no jk i love him) and finds validation with the amount of people he sleeps with honestly it’s sad i don’t think he’s ever been in a genuine relationship. it’s just angst n heartbreak so he’d rather just sleep with ppl. 
anyways, his goal? design for the met gala and BE IN the met gala to show all those celebrities how it’s TRULY done. 
hic current look: taeyong in the chain mv. 
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my son whomst i BIRTHED 
part of the fuccboi squad...SHOUT OUT..shout out..aahhhh..was popping ooooo
he’s obnoxious and loud and dramatic and YET people love him thank you very much. doesn’t know when to stop honestly someone kick his ass. 
he’s been to school everywhere, studying abroad for high school, doing a year in england, a year at julliard and finally amsterdam, i’m just going to say he’s been here for 3 years and he’s going to graduate next semester. 
he’s a performance/composition major and the LEAD of the orchestra because he’s just that talented that vivaldi is shaking in his grave. a prodigy if you will because it’s not the only instrument he can play but his favorite. 
he comes from a home of socialites back in busan, his family dabbles in the arts. his family also decided his fate: arranged marriage. it’s a secret though, only haebin and haneul know about it. 
cue why he’s part of the squad, he went through people so fast, indulging himself in variety knowing that after he graduates he’ll be tied down and he hates the very idea of it. which is why he’s an ass and wont accept that he maybe really likes misun more than a hook-up, also the reason why he’s BEEN OUT OF THE GAME that the lads are noticing lmao 
anyways he’s a disaster but he loves his friends so much he just wants to Protecc
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he is the mom friend probably idk he’s always dd when the lads go out and does a run down of who’s where and if they’re ok before calling it a night when they go out 
he doesn’t party often, it’s honestly rare for him to go ALL OUT unless he knows he can handle it and he’s with minji who knows about his chronic fatigue syndrome 
it’s back and forth, getting rest doesn’t help him at all and so he’s taken up dancing as a hobby again, just one class where he can a good amount of exercise without stressing himself too much when he has too much on his plate
he’s all good now though, it’s part of him but it wasn’t as bad as when he used to be a trainee; daehyun was gonna become an idol if it weren’t for his health issues.
he moved to cali for a while to go to school there and check out an american industry but decided that entertainment business might be better for him, less stressful and he gets to manage and help people who wish to be part of it. 
anyways he sounds like a monotone dad when he texts but in person he’s more into conversations, a good time, and he really loves the lads. 
he’s also lowkey dating taemin’s sister but no one knows that lol.
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he’s from san francisco, ca. comes from a wealthy family, his dad was the ceo and founder of a large company ( dont ask me abt what yet tbh i’m thinking about it ); however the company only became big because they launder money. maybe deal with extortion but you know. 
jisoo had it all though, he had the luxuries, he had the city, the parties, everything. only child, he was next in line to take over and actually? he didn’t mind at all if he kept living the way he was, and bonus points? his dad didn’t give a fuck about his sexuality. it was a dream. 
until his crazy ass mom destroyed everything. she killed his dad but was found innocent in court because she bought the judge, and the jury? all hired by her. he was in that very courtroom when she was found innocent and before he knew it, he was being dragged out by his dad’s old lawyer and best friend. he needed to get out of there fast. 
jisoo is the only one who’s allowed to touch his inheritance, his dad made it very clear that everything was to go to him. his mother still had a joint account and she still has enough to live off until she’s dying from old age but her new boy toy, 10 years younger than her kinda wants the company. 
jisoo knows his mom killed his dad, he doesn’t have the evidence but he’s going to bring her down through the law or without the law because she took everything from him and he’s still reeling over it, he still has nightmares of finding his dad’s body. 
and also, choi jisoo is an alias. no one knows his real name. (lol not even me, i’ll get back to you on that). 
he’s in witness protection right now, undercover as a student from florida. he figured he might as well take some fun classes aka acting, dance, and studio arts. he doesn’t care for it knowing his life is set out but might as well. 
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well, well, well if it isn’t the jack kerouac wanna-be. jk. he’s really not a bad person. maybe.
zander is a photographer, never staying in one place too long. he actually just arrived from mexico city and amsterdam is going to be the place he finishes his second degree. 
he’s basically that indie boy from all the coming-of-age films, an enigma if you will. simply because they way he presents himself is charming, fun, friendly. he’s the type of guy you get a crush on just because of how attentive he is, how he makes you feel so interesting, how he looks at you and touches you. and he knows it. 
he can read people’s emotions, he knows exactly how someone will feel before they feel it simply because of logic and tactic. 
he’s incredibly smart, pretentious even but that’s part of the charm. he talks about music, books, movies. his travels. he makes people fall for him because it’s fun, it sends a rush through him knowing someone is willing to do anything for him and then...he’s gone. because he can’t do the same for you, he doesn’t feel anything for anyone. he likes the concept of being with someone, idolizing them and then leaving them and he does it in a way that you can’t really point your finger at him and blame him. 
he’s really good at pretending to be someone he’s not tbh. like i want to emphasize that because i want to play him in a way that you really fall for it you know. anyways YEAH. 
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remember what i said abt a drunk josefine fc who ends up ranting abt how toxic capitalism is and why communism isn’t the answer like all those tumblr folk like to say? WELL HERE SHE IS 
she’s not a drunk lmao but if she’s at family dinners with the conservative side of her family, she GOES OFF she probably wouldnt go off at parties here unless she bumped into some asshole who wanted to mansplain something to her or whatever 
she’s no poli-sci major, she takes a class but it’s only for her to get educated and accumulate more knowledge to back her up in her actual major and just to be prepared for arguments 
i hate to say this bc wow cliche ! but....definitely noora vibes akhkjh i’m SORRY 
she really enjoys going to the weed cafes though, catch her in there with a book just enjoying her free time 
she has an accent !! considering english is her third language and french is secondl german obviously being the first. it’s cute rlly i was watching accent videos akljdhfj
still shes fluent in all three because it’s leonie why not 
her aesthetic would probably be better described by donna tartt but i’ll give it a go: cigarettes in her own special metallic case, long coats, boots, very formal/casual, billie holiday records, period drama movies as well as empowering movies, beige/dark browns and black, the smell of coffee beans, aesthetic instagram 
anyways uhh idk what else to add tbh if i think of anything i’ll mention it in the hc server on discord aklsjhdk
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absentkidposts · 4 years
The life of Disco
Disco is probably one of the most recognizable and historical music genres of all time and has the most inteteresting rise, fall and rebirth that society has ever seen.
Disco has been out there since the 60′s, as a way of self expression, many black and latino gay men in the US started mixing their culture and gave it an american/mainstream twist, not with the intention of becoming superstars or any above those lines, but to give themselves a place and enviroment to dance freely. Disco takes african and caribbean melodies and combines them with electronic instrumentation and pop lyrical structure, the vocal side was later added when black women started becoming a part of the genre, since most black artist at the time had a gospel background, they brought soul which caused male black artists to come in the mix and add a Jazz/Soul/R&B to the whole thing. As a result, Disco became the genre for minorities in North America, it became a musical home for all of this artists who kept being ignored and pushed to a side for their accents and skin colour, the culture that was once demonized became the standard, ever since Disco we also started seeing women being sexually liberated, Disco gave women a platform to sexualize men the same way men over-sexualize women. Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Little Richard, etc. all of these black artists took control over their careers and identities by the late 70′s; of course, white entertainers took a deep dive on the genre, Saturday Night Fever is a prime example of white washing, even the director and producer of the movie has accepted that he had no idea of the background of Disco and percieved the genre as music only for the cool (white) kids, however not all the whites were fads, the legendary Cher started bringing many black artists on her show to share duets and mix their music, she didn’t steal, but was a a part of it and even introduced The Jackson 5 to the mainstream! 
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The night of the 12 of July of 1979, although deleted from history, was quite impotant for the genre, that night, over sixty thousand white americans went to a baseball match, they watched the first part of the game while playing frisbee with Disco records (they say Donna Summers’ albums were the most thrown around) when the halftime came, half of the public slid down their seats to the field and started throwing all the records to one big pit that was later set on fire, leaving one big hole on the field. 
But why did they do it? The whites organized this whole event claiming that Disco was harmful to America’s ethic and moral values, but the actual motives are incredibly rooted on racism, sexism and xenophobia, before Disco, mainstream music was basic Pop and Rock n’ Roll manufactured by white artists, in fact, big names like Elvis stole most of their discography and style from black and latin artists, but after the Motown phenomenon and the rise of Disco, white artists started being pushed to the side and sexual and racial diversity was becoming a norm, turning mad all of white America. After this event Disco started slowly drifting and we started seeing more white artists rise to fame, and even though the 80′s carried some influence, Disco never came back to its original form. The media also started a whole “Disco sucks” campaign, many tv shows started putting the genre on a bad light, pushing the idea that it was hideous and annoying. However Disco didn’t go anywhere, it found a home at Chicago’s night clubs and was pretty much an underdog that heavily influenced the 80′s. 
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As I said, Disco nver left, but it took a step back, ever since the 70s, Disco has never left mainstream, synth, alternative, pop, lofi, electronica, french house, etc. Every deacde has severe Disco undertones that mantained the genre alive; on recent years Nostalgia has become the overall market biggest trend, the 80s are right now the ultimate aesthetic, we can see it in fashion, cinematography and of course, music; mainstream artists like Dua Lipa or The Weeknd have succesfully brought very solid, trap/pop infused sound to mainstream. Artists like Daft Punk and Tame Impala have also maintained the synth/funk genre alive throughout the last decade and helped it get to the general public once again on a more organic form.
I’m not the biggest fashionista, I’m aware of the trends but I don’t wear them, I don’t have the cash and the physicality to pull them off, however I observe ‘em and I’ve noticed that up from early 2018 the 80′s have come back, and with the 80′s come the 70′s, although i feel that a hybrid between the 70′s and 00′s will be the definitive fashion trend; so expect everyone to look the same way Elton Jhon, Diana Ross, Grace Jones and Cher looked on the late 70′s (this also goes along with the resurgance of Camp fashion). 
What’s incredibly fitting is that, as of right now, the music industry is pretty much being dominated by black and latin artists, everyone all over the world is listening to Reggateon, Lil Nas (a gay black men) has the longest running #1 hit (Old Town Road) on the billboard charts (the most prestigous chart in the music industry), for the first time ever the Superbowl Halftime Show was headlined by latin artists, Shakira and JLo (both mothers over 40, ignoring the exotic youthful stereotype of latinas in the US), and for the first time in history, four black women have being at the top of the billboard hot 100 (Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Meghan Thee Stallion and Doja Cat). Of course the industry won’t duplicate the 70′s as a whole, but we are getting, let’s say, a more progressive and even more diverse decade full of tasteful up-beat music from all over the world so even though I’m not gonna dance for sh*t for the next decade, the energy will be enough to keep me vibing and enjoying . 
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