#so it isn't really porsche's forte
Chan: Do you know the ABCs of first aid? 
Porsche: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
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liesweliveby · 1 year
♫ + kinnporsche
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okay okay. so. imagine post-canon. kinn and porsche are still under korn's control. Everything™ is getting to porsche. "you're losing me" by taylor swift
"do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
I'm getting tired even for a phoenix
always rising from the ashes
mending all [his] gashes
you might just have dealt the final blow...
...do something babe, say something
lose something babe, risk something (you're losing me)
choose something babe
I got nothing, to believe
unless you're choosing me"
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laurenkmyers · 1 year
okay i'm weirdly intrigued by this idea you mentioned about your ship pairings and i want to know about a few you mentioned in particular, vegaspete/kinnporsche, bellarke (girl u good?), fortpeat/prapaisky, firstkhao/raysand and if you wanna explain a few others feel free
HA! I really thought that post was just gonna float off into the tumblr ether never to be addressed again.
okay, so. i don't really know how to explain it in further detail other than to say that pete can go off and make out with porsche, or arm, or some rando and i'd be like, cool, go baby, you do you. but if vegaspete were even just a thought in vegas' head and he goes off and fucks someone else i am claws out, will fight you to the death motherfucker. anyone comes near vegas and i will literally poison them myself. it makes me jittery knowing he was such a slutty slut before pete. it's almost like i'm jealous on pete's behalf. but i guess it also doesn't help that i know probably half the men he fucked before he probably didn't even want to fuck. and that makes my head hurt. i know it's not rational. but it's where my brain goes sometimes.
and yet kinnporsche is the complete opposite. kinn is a slutty slut before porsche and i am all here for him slutting it up even when kp were getting their flirt on and trying to 'forget about their night together' i was all for him trying to rough up that little twink. but if kp is just at the looking but not touching stage and porsche goes off with someone else i'm gonna rip the other person to shreds. male? female? idgaf, i'll come for you.
bellarke. HA. am i good you ask? oh. i'm barely clinging onto my sanity. but bellarke was so much fun before it all went to shit. my bisexual queen clarke could fuck whoever she wanted (except finn because ew girl) and it did not bother me one bit. i shipped the fuck out of her and niylah, oooft. but the moment bellamy got with someone else i wanted to rip their throats out with my bare teeth. do not get me started on blecho.
fortpeat and firstkhao (i view these differently because they're real people and not characters so it's not necessarily about them being a couple, more who they are partnered with)
fortpeat. some BN and FP fans might have me destroyed for admitting this, but i would fucking murder to see peat and boss being paired up for at least one project. i think they'd work so fucking well together and their chemistry would be FIRE. but the thought of fort being paired with someone other than peat makes my tummy hurt. prapaisky might actually be my only exception actually. i don't like the thought of either of them being with anyone else.
firstkhao are the same. i've seen first paired with multiple people and i am OBSESSED with that boy. he has chemistry with literally everyone. he could flirt with a tree and i'd ship it. but the thought of khao and anyone other than first makes me sad. but their only friends characters have already started having the affect on me. i want to see sand being a slutty slut and making his sex money and making ray jealous. but the thought of ray and anyone not sand is making me antsy.
i dunno. it's a weird thing my brain does with ships/pairings. there are no rational thoughts behind it. my brain just decides one of you is okay to be a massive slut and one isn't allowed within ten feet of someone who isn't the person i want them to be with.
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Meow Ears Up Review ✐∗  ˖࣪ ༻
Same review on MDL!!
Rating ~ 7 - Weird, yet I couldn't stop watching. Other than some random filler moments, and a wasted ending, this was a delightful watch.
Spotlight Aspect of MEU ~ ˖ ࣪ 𖥔 Actors' Chemistry ˖ ࣪ 𖥔
Recommend? Only for the ones that can handle the content of this show. Not explicit or sexual, just very odd and over-the-top sweet, plus extremely PG.
MEU Info ~ Company: Artop Media - Episodes: 8 - Duration: max 45 mins - Known actors? James as Meow (The Effect), Mark as Porsche (Love By chance, Bite Me) - Where did I watch? Dramacool.
Weirdly Entertaining, yet it Loses itself in the Middle (spoilers)
I'll start this off by saying this is NOT for everyone, and I mean that with everything in me. If you can get used to the fact that a grown man is acting like a cat, along with the most frustrating theme song ever known to man, then you might be able to watch this. Otherwise, you're wasting your time. And this is coming from someone who actually really enjoyed MEU. I've been in a pretty bad slump when it came to BLs. Things were starting to feel too repetitive and I needed a switch up. This was that switch-up. I can't explain why this show piqued my interest, or why every Tuesday I would genuinely be so excited to watch, but seriously, this series is nothing but buttercup-rainbow supreme. It's a catering worth of fluff, with some angst to wash down the spoonful of sugar you just swallowed. This is why I say this wasn't for everybody, because if a sweet tooth on crack isn't your forte then neither is this show.
Let's Dive in.
Meow Ears Up is the first (as I know of) in the on-screen BL community to showcase a metamorphizing cat that has the ability to turn into a human. During a bad storm, Negative Nancy Dermdew brings in a stray cat from the streets only to realize that that cat was a cat-human. They have their own story, and so do the other side characters, Faiyen, Evan, Jin, and Manni. From the first episode, I knew that this wasn't going to be easy. Learning how I was going to be able to watch James act like a cat and not cringe was difficult. And sure, there's cringe, but after a while, I got used to it, and it just becomes a part of the watch experience.
At first, the only frustrating thing was the fact that Meow seemed to be the only one that didn't know anything about the human world. His brother, who managed to make it to college, is intelligent enough to survive through adult-like activities, and so can Manni (although, she's a mouse, or a hamster, or a bear or dog, or whatever she was). They do explain that he was scared of humans because they were mean to him as a cat, but I think a better explanation of his and Faiyen's upbringing could've answered more of those questions. I can't remember if they even had parents, which I think was explained, but again, I don't remember.
What was helping me survive through this series was Dermdem and Meow's relationship, which I found very appealing and cuter than cute. Dermdem helped Meow with everyday activities, while Meow simultaneously taught Dermdem how to show love to another, and teach that life didn't always have to be about work. And this was probably the best thing the show did, show development between the two of them without anything moving too fast, or seemingly too slow. And while I'm glad nothing extremely intimate went down between them (cause there is a part of Meow that still needs to progress before anything like that happens), it was a huge letdown that they don't end up together by the end. Maybe the creators left this open for a season 2, where we see a few years into the future when a much more mature Meow and Dermdem living together, but until it's announced, I feel like I was dillydallying in a bromance type series, and I try to avoid those at all cost.
I absolutely loved Faiyen, with all of me. I will miss his bright aura and darling smile. Bright (Faiyen) did a fantastic job at playing this character. He was sunshine times 10, and there was never a dull moment when watching him. I don't know how I feel about Evan, and I won't blame Bodo (Evan) for this since it was a part of his character, but god, did I hate this no-emotion syndrome he has. Bodo himself is a lovely-looking man, and the very few times he did smile, I caught myself doing the same. But for most of his story, he was just a talking robot, and it was upsetting. There was nothing there for me to actually appreciate the existence of his character, other than to make Faiyen happy. Their relationship was enduring in the beginning, but by the end, it fell flat. Evan did this weird lay-his-head-on-Faiyen's-head thing and it didn't feel natural at all. I think a hug or being close in proximity could've sufficed.
I originally started watching this series because the GL couple caught my eye, and since SCOY gave me nothing, I thought this series could at least bring something. And sure, they had a good amount of screen time, but none of it was to develop their relationship romantically. Jin's this stubborn woman and Manni is the complete opposite. There are some points that we see Jin soften up around her, but nothing's ever said to really make me think that they should go together. Other than a close-in-proximity trope, nothing happens between these two. If anything, they gave me best-friends vibes. I wanted so much more from then, really.
Some episodes were straight filler, but I didn't mind it because I sincerely liked pretty much every single character. But that time used to show random shit, or have Mark randomly appear for an episode, could've been used to further these three's relationships.
But overall, and like I've already said, I loved this series until the end. It could've been worst, like they could've all died or something, but leaving each couple open-ended sucked ass. I at least thought Faiyen and Evan would get an ending, but nope, none of them do. I think a second season would only work, for Dermdem and Meow's sake, if they do it years later, like 3 or 4 when Meow's had more time to learn about human characteristics and behaviors and act more appropriately to his age. I never really saw him as acting like a child until someone pointed it out, and yes, I can see it, however, I wouldn't go so far as to call Dermdem a "pedophile" or to say that them loving each other would be morally wrong. Meow is in full control of his feelings and emotions (who's also an adult), and in addition to that, Dermdem would just never do anything to Meow that he didn't have a full understanding of. There were PLENTY of times that Dermdem could've kissed Meow, and he doesn't. Also, these are just fictional characters, so I don't care enough to think that deeply about them. I just watch and have fun, exactly what this type of series is for; it's nothing to take seriously (and those wigs are great examples).
Story: 6.5 - Some bits were really enjoyable. Seeing Dermdem and Meow's domestic relationship was probably my favorite part, along with Faiyen and Evan. Manni and Jin were cute, but the whole work thing was kind of boring. Their individual backstories were fun, Evan's though a bit annoying. But for the most part, I enjoyed the story until it got kind of filler-y and had no good ending.
Acting: 8.5 - James and Bright were hands down the best. It was weird watching James act like a cat, but he does put on a really good performance. And Bright is just memorizing. I really hope to see him again. Po, Gap, and Kris were good too. I think Bodo could've been good, but he was given the blandest character to portray, so I hope I see him again with a more complex person to play.
Music: 2.0 - Fuck no. and I would give a 1 star, but I feel bad giving it anything lower. I don't know who came up with that theme song, or who even green-lighted it to go on air, but I hope they're in jail now. A MUCH better uplifting song could've worked 10 times better.
Rewatch value: 5 - As I said, I really enjoyed that I just got to sit back and really just watch this for what it is, and didn't feel the need to analyze anything. I would for sure have this one while doing homework or working.
Overall, I really liked this show (even though I complain more than I applaud). But I'll say again that it's NOT for everybody. Watch the first episode and see for yourself. I would definitely tell the few of you that like intimacy in a BL to go ahead and drop this because the most you get is a kiss on the cheek. I could recommend this to CHILDREN. That's how PG it is. But I don't mind PG, which is why I enjoyed it.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
12 reasons driving a supercar isn't as cool as you think
Ah, supercars! They are the thoroughbreds of the automotive world. They can cost millions, they go very fast, and they attract plenty of attention in traffic and when pulling up to valet lines.
People dream about owning a Ferrari, a Lamborghini, a McLaren, a Pagani, or a Bugatti all their lives, from a tender young age right up until they experience that third or fourth midlife crisis. And though these storied brands make more domesticated, "practical" machines, it's the super-sexy supercars that capture the imagination.
But ... are they really all that?
Well, they are. But they're also, on many levels, beautiful, exotic, alluring, exciting total pains in the ass. Here's why.
SEE ALSO: I checked out an Aston Martin, Maserati, Mercedes, Porsche, Lamborghini, and Ferrari — all in the same day!
1. They're LOWER to the ground than some reptiles
Ground clearance isn't a supercar forte. It can't be — these high-performance machines are supposed to slip though the air, cheating the wind, and their aerodynamics are designed to keep them glued to the road.
This of course means that a modest blemish in the roadway can result in thousands of dollars in damage to the car. America's crumbling infrastructure is an ever-present, high-stress foe.
It kind of sucks the pleasure out of driving your Lamborghini if you have to keep a constantly watchful eye out for potholes and speed bumps and if you can't even really navigate your own driveway.
2. They have WAY too much power.
What do you do with horsepower in excess of 600 ponies? Who knows, because in 99.99% of driving circumstances, you're not going use it.
But you will still incinerate gasoline at an alarming rate. 
If you do try to tap into the power, you run a gamut of risks. You could lose control of the car and have a very costly accident. You could pay no attention to your actual speed and endure a very costly speeding ticket. 
You could also just get depressed. Nothing is sadder than a supercar stuck in traffic, looking gorgeous but with no hope of unleashing its potential. You paid for that power! But you'll rarely get to experience it.
3. It costs a fortune to buy one — and another fortune to FIX one.
The cheapest supercars are still quite expensive, and you always face the question of whether your sub-$100,000 "supercar" is a true supercar. So you feel the pressure to man up for the pricier shiny metal. 
And then you will invariably:
1. Bang into something and need to get your investment repaired.
2. Have to get something fixed that goes wrong with your ride.
In either case, you'll be parting with huge sums of money — eye-watering, staggering sums, in fact, if you're used to dropping your Lexus off at the dealership for a brake job.
You may also have to wait months to get the car back.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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