#so it makes sense that we're approach a climax of sorts soon
beacon-lamp · 3 years
beacon. beacon. bdubs in on grian's list. but also. they are both red now. and joel calls them friends. also grian was thrown out of his friend group. bdubs in a similar situation. so. i don't know where i'm going with this. but. last life, am i right? -cat
cat im apparently not capable of being remotely normal about last life smp so as per tradition, i will be word vomitting my thoughts under the cut
grian fell for 4 entire seconds before he hit the nether roof. he fell for so long that the shock had already turned to realization by the time he died.
mumbo's little sign hurt me so much i've said it before and i'll say it again. because the Shock of turning red had barely set in and grian and joel are trying to turn it into a positive thing. like hey :) we can be friends now and cause violence :) and grian's also trying to explain the logistics about how all alliances are now cut once you're red. but then the southerlands officially exile him and he returns to the place of his death. and the little sign. "dont hurt me". and you're just suddenly yanked back to not even ten minutes ago when mumbo and grian were just dancing and joking around. and grian's little. "you can still be my friend". absolute pain.
etho being invisible in cleo's base as cleo respawns after being betrayed by her day 1 alliance. and he kinda comforts her? as he's trying to steal her valuables? that was really unexpected to me honestly i thought he'd just steal stuff and leave without saying anything. i loved that he put his armor on so she could see him. something something humanity of it all.
bdubs fucking died. he fucking died. like i thought we were in the clear, and the gremlin man had to go and fucking plummet from a high place. im gonna riot. and the end of etho's episode where he's just cutting the snow castle in half. not quite willing to evict him. but also definitely not willing to live with him either.
and bdubs pleading with etho at the end. trying to convince him that he wouldn't kill etho. he hadn't before and won't now. pain. agony even.
i gotta watch the fairy fort alliance man. i skimmed through cleo's episode because obviously she had a rough recording session. but her interaction with lizzie after bigb's betrayal left a bad taste in my mouth. like lizzie was more interested in protecting the lives of the fairy fort rather than how her friend felt? but that's the name of the game so i definitely gotta watch their episodes when i get the chance.
scar has 7 lives and lives at the top of a mountain in a dirt hut. an absolute mad lad. he's gonna win the whole thing i believe in him. i kinda want him to team with the red team. like one of those "im only using you and you're only using me" type alliances. but it just seems so lonely. someone wrote a post about loneliness on LL and it really struck a chord with me. the man has the most valuable resource on the server and not a single true alliance.
bdubs is the worst business negotiator hahaha. etho's little: i care more about bdubs than the enchanter, line got to me. etho being like a disappointed parent at some points with bdubs made me :) like they're friends :) it's the duo i've always wanted. which made the end of etho's episode so much sadder.
i just. the vibes of LL are so much more different than 3L. like lives are more valuable than alliances or friendships. it adds a sinister undertone about the world imo. like a greater force is at play. whereas 3L seemed more about human nature. there are more eloquent posts about this out there. i like it. but i'm also in pain.
impulse is gonna have a great time coming back on the server next week :)
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