#so it’s possible ive said something Actively Wrong in which case. my deepest apologies
catalinaflores · 2 years
hiiiiii so i was wondering do you have any comics/movies/etc you'd recommend to like... get to know characters other than batman? i read robin/batgirl year one... currently i am trying to find comics with jason in them other than the one where he dies :') (btw i cannot believe they decided that based on a vote???)
so the thing about jason is he’s incredibly inconsistently characterized and 80% of his comics appearances just straight up suck. i cannot in good faith tell someone to read rhato but like. for all of its flaws (and there are SO many) red hood and the outlaws IS where youll find the most consistent modern characterization of jason (especially in volume 2. you just have to like. ignore the plot and accept that these characters do not exist elsewhere). depending on how you like jason characterized, you might like the titans tv show (i love the show but titans jason is not my cup of tea)
his story in urban legends was alright and is a quick read. im (somewhat controversially) a fan of his countdown appearances but i would hold off on attempting to read countdown until you have more foundations just bc of All The Characters Every Where All The Time. chris odonnell’s dick grayson (as seen in the movie batman forever mostly) is also a lot closer to jason than to dick so you might like that even if its not particularly aligned with any actual version of either character. ive heard the same thing about tim in. uh. i think its batman the animated series? idk i wasnt allowed to watch tv as a kid whichever one tim is in
other characters are a little easier! one of my favourite comic runs to start with is stephanie brown’s 2009 batgirl run. its a good start if you arent used to comics—its a relatively self contained narrative that works with a lot of television tropes (the writer also worked in the smallville writers room).
speaking of smallville, thats my top tv rec. its good. it holds up (mostly). it’s fun. theres not really any batman characters (its a whole thing no one wants me going into it) but you do get early days justice league shenanigans. moreover bart allen must be resurrected
idk if any of this is helpful in any capacity but let me know if you’re looking for a different kind of answer or if this does in fact help. oh! and if u have more experience w comics than i’ve assumed, cass’s batgirl run is also solid—it’s just ive found its a little harder for new readers to get into 90s/early 00s stuff. umm. what else am i missing. batman and the signal is a quick self contained miniseries so thats a fun lil intro to duke thomas. someone chime in if im missing something blatantly obvious
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