#so it’s still Nagasako but unedited and yet also really similar to his edited OoT voice. is this confusing yet agdkhakfhs
kagoutiss · 3 months
i actually really like OoT Ganon’s unedited/unpitched voice,,, for ppl who haven’t heard it, they recorded his raw voice clips from Takashi Nagasako and then later pitched his voice down to sound more menacing, and that’s the version you hear in OoT. but his unedited voice is very cute imo and i almost prefer it for him, for when he’s young anyway
SSBM Ganondorf happens to use his original, unedited voice from OoT (unsure if Nagasako also had to record any new clips for melee. well i guess he would’ve had to since they needed sounds for Ganon snoring really hard agdkfhskhf), so it can sound jarringly high-pitched if you’re not expecting it. but yeah lol
…part of me wonders if this is a better representation of the voice direction originally given to Nagasako during OoT development, to make Ganondorf sound less like a straight up demon and more ‘cool and dangerous,’ ‘a voice like cheap wine,’ etc. though i suppose they could’ve already been intending to pitch it down during recording, so not 100% sure
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