#so just add /about /byf /archive to myhouse-pk3.tumblr.com in your browser
myhouse-pk3 · 2 years
🫀 daniel + hjärta 19 he it xe swede-american. undead thing. aspiring forensic pathologist. #1 daniel matthews knower and truther. icon @ tedzillow_ twt ꩜
about ꩜ what i like ꩜ ask ꩜ archive ꩜ byf under the cut
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basic dni go away if you like south park a lot, or if you like genshin flopact + omori. dont follow if 15 or younger; if i follow and you dont have your age listed and you are 15-, either lmk or sb me. nothing personal; you're allowed to come back once you're older (if you feel so inclined to)
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