#so like we need to rent out Felipe’s room or just move and I don’t really like this building so we should probably move
oscars-wifeyyy · 4 years
Never Gonna Fool Me Again
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Time had passed and you had moved to San Diego with a good enough job to get an apartment with a roommate, but you got a call from your parents telling you that they needed you back as their health declined. They told you that they were leaving you the house that is already paid off and all they really wanted from you was to spend their end on Earth with them. Immediately, you apologized to your roommate and packed all your belongings and gave her the remaining half of your rent for the rest of the lease time.
The next day you were in Santo Padre and parked in your parents driveway with a smile. Santo Padre was and will always be your home as much as you wanted to say no it wasn’t. You finally opened the car door and grabbed your bag full of clothes, leaving the rest of your stuff to bring in later. The moment you went inside the house your parents smiled at you from their usual spots on their loveseat as they slowly got up from their seat, but you rushed to them and set them back down.
“Hey, ma, dad,” you kissed both of their cheeks and set down your bag, “did you guys eat?”
“Not yet, we were waiting for you, sweetheart,” your dad said.
“Oh ok,” you went to the kitchen, “what are you guys feeling like eating?”
“Make our special food, yeah?” your father’s voice rang from the other room
“You got it!” you cheered and checked in the fridge for the meat, but didn’t find any, “I need to get meat so I’m gonna walk to the carniceria, do you guys want anything?”
Your parents said no so you left the house and to Felipe’s carniceria, but before you could enter you took yourself down memory lane and thought back to the times that you and Angel had come in to help Felipe with his shop. You shook your head free of those memories and walked inside, catching the sight of the one and only Felipe Reyes and golden boy, Ezekiel Reyes behind the counter.
“Hey, boys,” you grinned, “look who’s back and staying,”
“(Y/N)!” EZ’s eyes were widened and went around the counter to give you a hug, “Geez, how long has it been? A year now?”
“Something like that, Golden Boy,” you turned to Felipe who made his way around the counter as well, “hi, Felipe,”
“Hola, mija,” Felipe held a small smile, “how are your parents?”
“They’re ok. I just came to pick up the best meat in the state,” you winked as Felipe chuckled and packed up twice more meat than you asked, but with the price of one, “Felipe, charge me for both,”
“You’re family, (Y/N). No,” Felipe grumbled.
The three of you were interrupted by the bell going off and heavy boots hitting the floor, but it went to a complete stop. You turned to see the one man that had broken your heart.
“Oh...ummm, hi?” you said in a question form.
“Querida,” Angel breathed out before clearing his throat, “w-what are you doing here?” you held up the pack to show him, “Oh, right. Yeah, so how long you staying in Santo Padre?”
“I’m staying for good. Parents want to spend time with me and left me their house so..” you trailed off.
Angel’s lips went up in a small smile, “oh, nice. Hey, do you think maybe we can catch up?”
You shrugged, “sure, why not? You free today?” Angel quickly nodded, “Ok, cool, cool, cool. Meet me at the mountain in 4 hours then,” you kissed EZ and Felipe on their cheeks for a bye and patted Angel’s shoulder on your way out.
There you were, in the same exact spot you were at when you had left Angel in the dust, but now you had your burrito and one thing to do when Angel got there. You took another bite of your burrito when you heard the familiar sound of Angel’s motorcycle so you neatly folded the aluminum foil over the half eaten burrito and set it on the hood. Angel quickly pulled up next to you in his infamous red and black flannel shirt, kutte, jeans, and boots and dismounted. He walked to you with a smile, but you needed to let the last bit of anger out on him so you pulled your fist back and punched his stomach since his face was too pretty.
He groaned and leaned down as you let out a breath, “ok, now I’m done being angry,”
“I deserved that,” Angel stood up with a wince, “you want more hits, Rocky?”
“Nah, I’m good,” you sat back down on the hood and unwrapped the burrito again, “how is everything? MC? Adelita? Your baby?”
“Oh…” Angel chuckled humorlessly, “turns out the baby wasn’t mine and I wasn’t in the least bit in love with Adelita. It was a stupid trap that I fell into and am paying the consequences for. MC is fine, but everyone misses you,”
“What? Backtrack a minute before we discuss the guys. The baby wasn’t yours?” Angel shook his head negative, “so you cheated on me with a whore, that’s great,” you laughed, “I mean, I wanna say thank you first because without that heartbreak, I finally loved myself. However, I am sorry that the baby wasn’t yours. I know how much you wanted to be a dad,”
“Yeah, but Adelita wasn’t the person I wanted to have a kid with,” Angel looked at you, “as unbelievable as it sounds, I’m in love with you still and I still want everything with you from marriage to kids, everything,”
“Angel-” you got cut off by him, “I know I fucked up and I know we can’t start from where we left off, but I’m just asking for a chance,”
You sat there in silence as you took another bite off of your burrito before nodding your head, “sure, but I swear if you fuck this up again, I will hurt you and never talk to you again,”
“Ok! Great,” Angel smiled so big as his eyes crinkled and his cheeks started hurting, “I don’t need any other chances except this one,”
He stared into your eyes and laid a hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes for permission to do what he wanted to do since he first saw you.
“What are you waiting for, Reyes?” That’s all that Angel needed as he immediately kissed you.
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mrsamaroevans · 5 years
Two Mended Hearts
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Uptown Girl Series.
*This must be read after Two Broken Hearts for you to understand the context*
Fandom: Mayans M.C.
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Female Reader.
Words: 1,647.
Warnings: Emotional, lots of fluff and some swearing.
A/N: English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor. *Gif is not mine*
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You looked around the room.
In the two years you dated Angel, you were only on his childhood bedroom a few times. His relationship with his father wasn’t the best and only and he visited him regularly only for you. You used to tell him that Felipe needed him. He lost his wife and one of his sons too quickly, and Angel lost his mother and brother. They both needed each other.
Felipe came to your apartment as soon as he knew you were moving out.
When your parents knew you were pregnant, they were furious. Your mother was about to set a doctor’s appointment, but when you told them you were keeping it, they decided to not support you. They didn’t want to know anything from you or your baby, and they canceled all your credit cards. Luckily, you were legally the only owner of your apartment and car, so you decided to put your place for rent to gain money for all the baby and you could need.
But Felipe didn’t let you rent a smaller apartment. He offered you his house and he wasn’t going to accept a “no” as an answer.
“Angel and I are no longer together, sir” you had said to him trying to reject his offer.
“I’m still the granddad of that child” he pointed to your belly “Your parents left you alone and even my son did the same, but I won’t”
Coco offered you his place too but analyzing the situation, you realized you would be better at Felipe’s house. Coco was always with the club and sometimes he had to go for days and you needed company. There were nights when you were scared. What if you had an accident? Or if you felt something was wrong and you needed to go to the hospital?
You’ve been living on Angel’s childhood house for about three weeks. Having Felipe’s company, it’s been great for both of you. You two had someone to talk to and the Reyes house was starting to feel like a home again.
You turned to the window when you heard a motorcycle. Of course, Angel was there to see his father, but he’ll know you’re there. Your car was parked outside the house.
“I knew this would happen” you heard Angel say a couple of minutes after he got into the house. You got closer to the bedroom door and tried to hear “I knew her parents wouldn’t be happy”
“You left her alone, though,” Felipe said and you felt your heart stopped for a second. Angel left you alone but he did it ‘cause you asked for it “Why didn’t you come back before?”
“I don’t know” Angel whispered so low that you barely heard it.
“You know that’s not an answer, son”
“I know”
There’s a moment when you couldn’t hear anything. You didn’t know if they were talking too low or if they weren’t talking at all. Then, you heard a sob.
“I’m not like you,” Angel said. His voice broke just like your heart “I’m not Ez, pa” he added and that’s when you knew he was crying.
You had never seen him crying. In the two anniversaries of his mother’s death you’ve been with him, he was mad with everyone, he just locked himself on his bedroom and when he goes out, it’s just to grab some beers. You are the only one he allows to be close to him on that day. Angel takes you to bed, use your chest as a pillow and you get your fingers through his hair. That seems to relax him.
But he never cried. Not even once.
“I love her. I swear I do but… I’m not good enough for her, we all know that…”
“But she loves you” Felipe interrupted him. At that point, your cheeks were wet for all the tears coming out of your eyes “She chose you, Angel”
“But… how can I take care of a baby? Just look at me!” Angel raised his voice “I’m a mess”
“What’s happening to you, is that you’re scared,” Felipe told him and you almost could hear him smile “And that’s normal… you think I wasn’t scared when your mother was pregnant with you? Your mother was ready but I… I was fucking scared. It turned out fine, your mother was helpful”
There was another silence, but this time it was shorter.
“You both need each other”
You half-smiled and placed your hand on your belly that had grown so much in the last weeks.
“I want to see her” Angel said and you wiped the tears out of your face.
“She went to your room half an hour ago, maybe she’s sleeping”
“I won’t wake her. I promise”
You got into the bed and closed your eyes. You couldn’t pretend to be asleep and you knew Angel will know you listened to their conversation. For him, it was really easy to read you and that was something you loved and hated at the same time.
The door of his bedroom opened but you kept your eyes shut when you felt Angel coming closer to the bed. At some point, you could hear the cracking of the wooden floor for his footsteps. You felt his hands on the mattress and knew he knelt beside the bed.
“You heard everything?” He asked you, so you opened your eyes and nodded. The light of the street coming from the window helped you to see a little bit more than his silhouette.
“Rich people can be gossip sometimes… well, most of the time” you said and Angel chuckled under his breath, a little smile on his lips.
“I’ve heard” he nodded and now you smiled.
For a few seconds, neither of you said anything. Angel touched your cheek softly and you closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of having him near again after almost four months.
“I’m sorry” he whispered leaning to you and placing his forehead against yours, his hand on the back of your head “I’m so sorry”
“Me too” you answered placing your hand on his bicep only to be sure that he’s in there with you “Me too, Angel”
You felt his lips on your forehead and smiled at the moment your baby moved in your belly. Some people say it’s a coincidence, some people say babies can feel when their dads are close, and at that moment you decided to believe the second group.
You moved back and patted the space of bed for Angel to lay down at your side. He did it immediately.
“I found a picture of an echography at Coco’s place,” he said looking at you and grabbing your hand to intertwine your fingers with his “That’s when I knew how foolish I was”
“Well… I asked you to leave, so it’s not your fault”
“I shouldn’t have left” Angel shrugged “I should have fought against your stubbornness”
“You’re here, that’s all that matters” you smiled again and took his hand to your belly under the covers. Angel was surprised when he felt the movement of it and his eyes started to fill with tears “It’s a girl”
“A girl?” he asked looking up at you, a few tears coming out of his eyes “I’m gonna be a fucking nightmare for his boyfriends, I swear—she moved!” he said looking down to your belly again “You felt it?”
“I did” you chuckled, “I think she didn’t like what you said”
“I don’t care” he shook his head and then laughed a bit.
“You’re starting to sound like a parent,” you said and laughed with him.
You fell silent again. Angel just caressed your belly as you concentrated on enjoying his touch. You felt happy, you felt calm, you felt safe. You felt at home. And it was all because Angel was finally at your side.
“I can’t promise you everything’s going to be fine” Angel begun so you looked up to him. He was still looking at your belly “I can’t promise you I’m going to be the best father ‘cause I know sometimes I’m not the best man… but, what I can promise you is that I’m gonna try. I’m gonna give the best of me to be the best dad to you, and the best man to your mom”
Your tears started to fall and you take your hand to his cheek so he looked at you.
“I’m fucking scared” he whispered and you just nodded.
“I’m scared too” you whispered back as your thumb caressed his cheek “But at least now we can be scared together…”
Angel chuckled and kissed your nose “We can”.
“There’s something I didn’t tell you the day I asked you to leave” you looked him in the eyes and he tilted his head being curious about what you’re gonna say “There’s no one out there better for me than you… no one, Angel… I want you to be damn sure about it… ‘cause I am”
He smiled at you and got closer to press his lips against yours. Nothing had changed in the way his kisses made you feel. This time he was being sweet and gentle, Angel was trying to make you feel how much he loves you and how sorry he was for leaving you alone these past four months.
“I love you” He whispered once you broke the kiss “So, so much”
“I love you too”
He kissed your nose, the smile never leaving his lips.
“You should sleep. It’s late and you need to rest” he left a peck in your lips after caressing your cheek.
“Are you gonna be here in the morning?”
“Yeah” He nodded and pulled you closer to him “Always” he kissed your cheek and you kissed him for the last time that night.
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Hey, it’s me again!! Thanks for reading Two Broken Hearts, it makes me so happy to know that you liked it! If you have any idea for me to write about this couple, let me know!!!!
Thanks for reading again!!
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the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
Dumpster Alternative Dumpster Rental Alternative - Junk Removal Service And Cost | Albuquerque NM | ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/dumpster-alternative-near-me/
Dumpster Alternative: Looking for dumpster company in Albuquerque? ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving is an eco-friendly junk removal company. We are the dumpster rental alternative. Dont Rent A Dumpster, Rent Us. Call  for a free estimate and pricing! Should you use a dumpster or dumpster alternative to get rid of your junk. Junk removal specialists can make your clean up a breeze. Plus, we take junk the average dumpster rental company won't, including appliances, scrap metal, donation pick up, refrigerator, Dumpster Rental Alternative. If you're considering a dumpster rental for your junk removal needs, you might want to be aware of a few things. Cost of dumpster alternative? Free estimates! Call today book online or email us for a quick estimate!
Dumpster Rental vs Junk Removal Company Albuquerque NM
Need dumpster to get rid of junk furniture construction waste trash? Whether it’s your town, city ordinances or the rules of your garbage company, there is always a list of items they won’t take. They won’t take old computers, electronics, furniture or any other junk you may have accumulated. However, we are a full service hauling company that provides a garbage removal alternative; not only will we take the items they refuse, we’ll also clean up the area afterwards. So long as it’s not hazardous materials, we will do all the dirty work and you can consider everything else gone! Your trash company will leave you with extra work… we pick up their slack! Our company sets the standard for quality customer service so give us a shot and we will be your go to company for the future when you need a garbage removal alternative!
Dumpster rentals may seem like a good idea for your construction or home remodeling project, however they can come with a number of problems. First, you need to be the one doing all the heavy hauling. You risk injury to yourself and damage to your home trying to haul heavy items down the stairs and into the dumpster outside. Dumpsters also are unsightly eyesores that sit in your yard for days, attracting unwanted animals and glares from your neighbors. Finally, you often will be charged separately for any labor that goes into a dumpster rental.
ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly dumpster rental alternative - junk removal - to make the whole process easy for you. Book a one-time appointment or series of appointments for the length of your job. We will come to your property, remove your junk or trash, load it into our truck and dispose of it in a safe, eco-friendly manner. No unsightly dumpsters that your neighbors glare at or animals may decide to look through at any hour of the day or night. No hauling stuff to the dumpster and struggling to get it in. No extra fees for labor.
Ready to get rid of that junk? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. You make an appointment by booking online above or by calling 1.956.587.3487 for free estimates and cost! Our professional and insured trash removal team will show up at your home or office; we call 15 minutes before we arrive on site and we’ll give you a free estimate based on how much room your items take up in our truck. You point and we haul your items into our junk removal trucks, with no hidden fees.
As your dumpster rental alternative, we specialize in all sorts of hauling, including:
• Appliance Removal • Furniture Removal • Yard Waste Removal • Hot Tub Removal • Trash Removal • Mattress Disposal • Television Disposal & Recycling • Refrigerator Disposal & Recycling • Construction Waste Removal • E-Waste Disposal • Foreclosure Cleanouts • Garbage Removal • And just about anything else you don't want!
Page is related to: • Albuquerque NM Dumpster Rental Prices • Dumpsters Albuquerque NM • Dumpster Prices Albuquerque NM • Dumpster Albuquerque • Dumpster Bellevue • Dumpster Elkhorn • Dumpster Papillion NE • Dumpster Ralston NE • Dumpster Gretna • Dumpster Albuquerque • Dumpster Blair • Dumpster North Albuquerque
For many people, simply choosing between the various dumpster sizes is the first challenge to getting started on their clean-out or remodeling project. Experts at Cork'd help you with any size dumpster from small 5-10 yard all the way up to 40 yard dumpsters for big projects. The starting point is always the same, asking yourself "Which dumpster size should I rent?" What are the actual size differences between each type of dumpster? What dumpster sizes am I allowed to place on a residential street? Read on below for an easy to use guide on getting the best dumpster rental.
Dumpsters come in many sizes, with the standard being 10 yard, 20 yard, 30 yard and 40 yard. What does this even mean? We used a standard pickup truck as a reference to how much each roll off dumpster size can hold. These dumpster allow you to not waste time by having to load up a truck and drop off to a dumping facility. Regardless of size, roll off dumpsters have an open top, which makes it especially easy to throw in large or bulky items. Simply load up a roll off dumpster and once it reaches maximum capacity, a service truck picks up and removes the dumpster from your
Smaller dumpster sizes below 10 yards are perfect for residential use so homeowners can fit them on their driveway or on the street in front of the home. Having a dumpster on your property during a move out cleaning, renovation or simply wanting to finally de-clutter your entire home and/or garage allows you to clean and trash anything and everything without having to worry about hauling it away multiple times during the process. Tip: If you are ever unsure of how much waste you have, always get the larger dumpster size so you do not have to deal with overflow. This will save additional delivery fees. Below are some examples of what can be placed inside of a dumpster rental.
   CONSTRUCTION/RENOVATION DEBRIS • drywall • wood • roofing scraps • concrete    YARD WASTE • wood from fencing • old lawn furniture    RESIDENTIAL DEBRIS • clutter from a move out • old furniture • trash from attic or garage, etc
While it may be easy to just toss everything into a dumpster, there are several items that cannot be placed in them. Due to city and/or state regulations, these items all require a different method of removal:
• Hazardous Waste Material: Paints or other toxins (such as asbestos, insecticides) that specify they are hazardous waste. Oils and grease also cannot be put into a dumpster. • Electronics: appliances such as refrigerators, washers or dryers, TVs, computers, monitors, etc all require to be e-recycled. • Household or Green Waste: trash from food or yard waste such as grass, leaves or dirt, should be disposed separately utilizing your municipal provided trash and recycling bins. • Others: car parts such as tires, batteries all should be disposed of separately.
You can always ask what items specifically can or cannot be dumped inside. Keep in mind that the size of the dumpster does not determine what can be thrown away, it is decided by local landfill regulations. Some companies allow items that others do not, so it is best to always ask for a list of items to be safe.
Avoid having to make unnecessary trips to a local dump site by renting a dumpster to be at your disposal 24 hours a day. Regardless of the length of your project, renting a dumpster can be an efficient and cost effective way to stay on track with your project and your budget. We can quickly match you to the roll off dumpster size that meets your criteria and falls within your budget. Contact us today to find out how much time and money we can save you!
#1 DUMPSTER ALTERNATIVE COMPANY IN ALBUQUERQUE NM ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico #junkremoval #hauling #moving #trashremoval #cleaning #newmexico #Albuquerque
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