#so like. yeah hes better than everyone else lmao. idc. he made the morally correct choice and thats just. objectively true
transfootsoldier · 9 months
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taylors-karma · 2 years
BB Rankings: My Favs Are Flopping Edition
Here’s my weekly ranking and thoughts on the houseguests, and boy am I just severely disappointed in so many people at this point. I’m actually sad because everytime I try to find people I like or think I can relate to they end up just sucking and idk what to do about it hhhhh
1. Taylor (Prev 1)- Idc how stressed out she may have made anyone, I’m still glad she’s HOH and she’s still a queen.
2. Turner (Prev 3)- He is quickly becoming my favorite. He’s hilarious, he hates Jasmine, he’s real and down to earth, and he’s playing a fine game in my opinion. The only one to directly question Kyle’s alliance idea and he gives zero fucks so....yeah he’s got me .
3. Joseph (Prev 4)- Moving up bc the others were letdowns. He and Taylor are super fun together and seeing them handcuffed with the accents has been very fun. I need him to stop playing the other side too much though because his game could be in jeopardy very soon.
4. Monte (Prev 5)- Moving up for the same reason as Joseph, but I’m starting to actually like and respect him. I have no idea what fucking happened week one but this Monte is so incredibly different than week one Monte lol. It took me a bit to start trusting him again after that, but I think I’m ready now. 
5. Brittany (Prev 2)- She is now sinking down with Michael because what the fuck girl....you’re playing into this shit with Kyle? Really? For what reason? She’s just a huge follower which is a red flag for me because not standing up for your morals is just pathetic and you can tell she really just wants to be liked and do I feel kinda bad? A little bit, but also.......idk I just wish she played her own damn game and stood up to whatever the fuck this race war bs is. 
6. Michael (Prev 6)- He stays here bc he’s still proving to not really care about what’s morally correct, and also it’s for an alliance with a showmance that sucks at the game? I don’t get it, and good for you for acknowledging that what’s happening is fucking wrong after production probably alluded to it but you’re gonna have to do a lot of work to get yourself back up on my list. I’m just super disappointed. 
7. Indy (Prev 10)- Hasn’t done much other than whine and complain like she usually does, but she’s leaving soon so I can tolerate it until then lmao. Still though, you can’t just say you don’t want to go to jury lol that’s not how the game works. 
8. Jasmine (Prev 8)- Like Indy, she hasn’t done much other than have a birthday and ask for a balloon to be put up. She’s annoying but hasn’t been hateful recently so I’m still just whatever with her. 
9. Alyssa (Prev 7)- Her game is just sad at this point. She would rather stay with the man who lasted 10 seconds with her than do anything game wise, and now that people actually want to work with her I’m starting to get pissed. I’m sick of people who don’t do shit making it far bc they’re young, white, pretty, and single. Alyssa needs to go.
10. Terrance (Prev 11)- Fuck Terrance. That is all. 
11. Kyle (Prev 9)- This guy sucks. He’s still pushing the all white alliance, he’s crazy over this woman who probably doesn’t even like him all that much, he betrayed his alliance for her, he keeps making racist remarks and comments, groups minorities together, stereotypes them, what else can he do? Never trust a white mormon boy from Utah who lives with his mommy and makes tiktoks. Jesus.
Now for my evicted houseguests, nothing changes other than me adding Daniel into the mix: 
1. Ameerah
2. Nicole
3. Daniel- I don’t think anything he has said has been genuine in anyway, and it’s giving me huge coward who knows he’s wrong but doesn’t wanna admit it yet vibes. Vague “I’m sorry” posts aren’t going to fix things homie. Do better. 
4. Pooch
5. Paloma Everyone else hasn’t done anything since last week to my knowledge, so they stay the same. 
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