#so many different ways to tag funger LOL
ahabsleg · 10 months
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Tanaka just seems like that kinda guy
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Hiii! Love your works a ton <3 Can I request a yandere concept for my boi Levi from fear and hunger?
Looking into his lore is sad because all he's ever known is war/trauma and now he has to deal with... the festival- What's worse is he is only about my age too :( But yes, I'll see what I can do for him! I enjoy writing Funger despite how dark it is, lol
Yandere! Levi Jořdán Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Trauma, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Drug use mention, Violence, Murder, Stalking, Mentions of war related trauma, Blood, Apathy to death, Corpse mention, Death, Overprotective behavior, Dubious companionship, Jealousy mentioned.
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I already feel like, regardless of his intentions Levi is going to come off cold and distant in his obsession.
He is one of the youngest contestants of the game and most of his life was literally as a drafted soldier at a young age.
Not only that but his father killed his mother and he was put in an orphanage before being drafted.
He actually grew up where the Termina Festival takes place, too.
Levi is a character I imagine would come off rather broken.
It would take time before he could cling to anyone, be they friend or romantic partner.
However he isn't going to be as hostile as Pav, just distant and out of it.
The drugs running in his system all the time doesn't help either.
Although at the same time he's just so scared.
You're most likely a contestant too and find him cowering in a house, expecting you to kill him.
Yet once you show you have no intentions of harming him he'll decide tagging along with you may be for the best.
While I do think Levi is distant at times, trying his hardest to ignore the voices in his head like you, he wants to be able to rely on someone to get through this.
He's solitary but appreciates the company... safety in numbers.
He struggles with friends and struggles to talk with others, including you.
Not only that but he has some self worth issues to top it all off.
Levi wouldn't understand why you pay attention to him.
He appreciates it but doesn't get why you try so hard to protect him.
Although he is happy he doesn't have to attack you.
In terms of the type of yandere Levi would be I can see him as clingy, paranoid, and protective.
The moment you become party members he feels obligated to keep you alive as long as he can.
With his skills in firearms it shouldn't be too difficult... hopefully.
Levi struggles to hold long conversations with you but slowly gets better at it as you encourage him.
You would obtain his obsession by slowly encouraging him out of his scared shell.
You're both scared, yes, but finding comfort in one another soothes you both.
This connection as teammates would cause Levi to view you in two different lights, depending on your preference.
Levi can either see you as a partner to fight alongside and a friend to aid him in hopefully surviving this festival (Platonic).
Or Levi can see you as a romantic interest, someone he didn't think he'd ever have the chance of having.
Levi also appears to be someone who has a chance to be a horrific threat when he finds his obsession.
I imagine before he even met you he felt drawn to you and followed you before hiding away to be found.
Plus with the constant mental strain of the voices, his trauma, and his fear... he'd be desperate to keep the one he loves safe and may even hurt other contestants.
He says he doesn't want to hurt anyone.
But he won't hesitate as much when he sees another contestant try to take a shot at you.
His response is simple.
The blood doesn't affect him, the corpse doesn't either.
All he knows is you could've been torn from him like so many others.
The voices only encouraged him to stop that from happening.
Levi is ashamed when you catch him try to... "relieve his withdrawal symptoms"
It's just that he's had no other way to cope with his pain-
Although... you don't judge him.
Based on what he's told you, he's been through a lot, especially now.
You instead try to help him through it.
His urge to take the needles lessens when you distract him.
But he can't give it up completely.
As a romantic yandere I imagine Levi struggles with affection.
Yet like a drug, when he first hugs you he craves for more.
When you're alone and safe, Levi encourages you to hug him.
He doesn't really to let go... ever.
Levi would also be hesitant to kiss you but would do so for the same reasons.
If he just sees you as a friend he's less affectionate but certainly still enjoys hugs.
Killing for you to protect you soothes the voices in his head just a bit.
The Festival makes him yearn for the death of his fellow contestants.
Protecting you... satisfies such an urge.
Plus, it keeps you and him safe...
So he'll head into battle if it means the survival of both of you.
Losing you in the Festival may break Levi.
He becomes overcome with the urge to avenge you and the voices become too strong for him.
It wouldn't be that surprising if he got rid of the rest of the contestants if they took you away.
Another thing to think about is if you became Moonscorched.
Levi would struggle with the idea of that... he'd also struggle with the idea of himself becoming Moonscorched in front of you.
Levi doesn't want you scared of him.
You trusted him enough to accept him into your party.
He's going to try his best to prove his worth to you because of that.
Plus... he loves you, one way or another.
If you had other party members then Levi may cling to you more.
Even more so if you picked him as your first party member.
He doesn't trust them but will fight beside them because they're following you.
Levi is loyal to you.
He'd kill to defend you as an ally and would do anything to see you trust and smile at him.
He hopes you'll reciprocate how he feels towards you.
Be it his feelings of companionship or romance.
If not... then he can hope that changes, right?
You don't have much time in this festival... so maybe make the best of it? With him?
Levi would never want to turn his guns on you.
He doesn't want you to hate him, either.
Levi would be a yandere who feels he should give you everything he has to offer.
It means a lot to him that you haven't decided to kill him... instead choosing to help him through everything...
In return, he'll kill for you like he's your weapon... because in the end he feels he's yours to use.
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