#so many incomplete liveblogs. classic
tfw-no-tennis · 2 years
lupin....part2 anime…is amazing
ep 1 - I love this already I love that the whole squad is here. why does this guy have weird superpowers. I love everything abt this
ep 2 - this was fucking WILD I feel like a lot happened in this short episode. they stole the jesus statue from rio?! bro
ep 3 - according to the lupin wiki ep 3 is about nazis and has hitler in it but I have no memory of this at all so I’m pretty sure crunchyroll doesn’t have this ep up LMAOOOOOOOO. EDIT: they DO have the ep up but its after ep 26. so yeah we ended up seeing it lol. it was wild, lupin and zeni both did like...nazi salutes or st which was UHHH a lot lmao. the hang-gliding part was classic wacky hijinks. the quality is noticeably worse than the preceding episodes since this ep is technically from the very beginning of the series - I hadnt really noticed the increase in quality yet here’s proof
ep 4 - I love how much casual supernatural shit is in these??? nessie is real and here. anyways back to lupin hijinks- lmao
ep 5 - I love how often (in this series and in the movies) fujiko just shows up w/some random old guy billionaire. and they always know her as fujiko, like, does she not have a reputation???? anyways the guys accent was awful vbkjadfjkasnbdfkjnl also the whole golden car thing was SO extra and wack I fucking love it
ep 6 - how do they think of these plots. the trained money retrieving dolphin is my favorite lupin character. goemons swimwear is fantastic 
ep 7 - this ep was WILD again w/the casual supernatural BS with lupin being POSSESSED? or something? ok so goemon and jigen being superstitious and not getting involved was hilarious. lupin and fujiko are so delightful when they work together. I was confused bc I really was expecting the whole possession thing to be a ploy by lupin and fujiko to stick it to the other 2 for not helping and being superstitious but nope apparently lupin really did get possessed? hilarious. 10/10
ep 8 - lbr lupin is a horse boy theres a lot of horse stuff in lupin. anything on a train is a lot of fun. wacky shit 
ep 9 - oh this was a lot of fun. I love that the old guy was duping them and it wasn’t revealed until a lot later. and of course fujiko was involved bc when there’s a rich old guy, fujiko can be reliably found trying her best to steal his money
ep 10 - this episode was fucking hilarious. the villain guy has my favorite dub voice so far lmao. the belt bomb was wacky fun. the boys dressed as zeni was HILARIOUS I love them all. this is the ep w/the ‘WHO WANTS CHICKEN NUGGETS???’ line iirc which is just amazing, possibly the best dub line.
ep 11 - lupin is so dumb I love him. the casino scenes were fucking hilarious, especially goemon LMAOOO ‘transcend...’ ‘I have no choice, I must kill myself’ LMAO and when they lose all their stuff and leave the casino in their underwear...we stan a dumbass polycule
ep 12 - oh this was fun. I love zeni. and also I love the lupin polycule (aka fujiko’s malewives). I loved that the end was that the fancy wine was gross af lmaoooo
ep 13 - fucking hilarious turn of events leads to lupin chasing zenigata around, 10/10. why is there so much Complete Bullshit Technology involving teeth (i’m looking at you, that one movie where lupin had that pill in a fake tooth or w/e? wtf was that). 
ep 14 - once again some supernatural BS w/weird green zombies. some part II eps are SUPER weird, others are particularly batshit/confusing - this was both. the swarm of evil hummingbirds was Sure Something. 
ep 15 - maybe the best title so far -  ‘the Case of the Risible Dirigible.’ It cracks me up that these eps have like 4 different titles each. ruth was very disappointed that he was actually called sherlock holmes and not herlock sholmes. which, same. I love how clever the lupin gang was in this, I love when they do bullshit disguises, especially when they all get roped in, not just lupin. 
ep 16 - THIS was one of those completely batshit eps that had ruth and I saying ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???’ many times. the entire premise is so fucking weird and I wasn’t even gonna be shocked if they played it str8 that lupin was werewolf-ing into a murderer at midnight lmao. I love how this played out tho, especially the scene where lupin is like ‘I guess you guys have to kill me’ and goemon and jigen are like ‘ok fine’ but then lupin defends himself instinctually and jigen says ‘kill your own damn self’ hbvhajkuhdfsahbsakdfk I love him I love them. 
ep 17 - I like how a lot of other IIIrd’s show up lmao. the scene where they’re all gonna be burned at the stake and fujiko is like NVM DONT KILL ME and the boys are like BOOOO U COWARDDD was hilarious lmao. 
ep 18 - this was another ‘WHAT THE FUUUUCK IS HAPPENING’ ep, maybe the Most one so far. bc WHAT THE FUCK LMAO that was fucking trippy. the nudist colony didn’t feature as heavily as I would’ve assumed lmao. even the one-off side characters were weird as fuck, what was up w/that. The ending where the boys sing happy birthday to fujiko was REALLY cute. 
ep 19 - wacky episode. the villain jotaro (LMAO) was especially weird. goemon failing to cut stuff is one of my favorite things. 
ep 20 - when I saw that there was an ep called ‘hell toupee’ I was like oh lmao that sounds hilarious can’t wait. little did I know this would be by far the most serious episode so far LMAO. I certaintly didn’t expect pseudo-nazis. I liked this one a lot, part II truly has the RANGE to do hilarious, weird bullshit, but also heartfelt serious stuff. lupin and fujiko were so so good, and so were jigen and goemon lmao the convo where goemon says ‘are we too career oriented?’ cracked me up. they’re all dating tyvm 
ep 21 - goemon episode!!! I love him sm. I love that this was like a more PG version of goemon’s bloodspray, where goemon must face a foe and fujiko is like ‘lol bye’ and jigen and lupin stay to watch/cheer their man on. the conclusion where goemon uses his sword to strike the dude w/lightening was fucking epic 
ep 22 - this is the episode that answers the age old question “does daisuke jigen is gay?” the answer is yes, that man is full limp wristed. it was so funny that jigen showed literally -100% interest in the women and was mostly concerned about his husband getting roped into a weird cult. and then he left to hang out w/his bf, and jigen and goemon were really cute and fun this ep. also lupin and zenigata hanging out was great lmaoooo
ep 23 - this one was fuckin weird. basically nothing happened in the first half of the ep LMAOOOO. lupin just got horny and jumped out a window. what the FUCK was up w/the tech this ep, w/the weird chess playing robot that never got explained, and the weird hologram fujiko that also never got explained??? hello?? isn’t this set in the 70s???? okay then! I can’t believe there’s continuity, they actually referenced the Egypt episode from earlier in the show. I'm impressed!
ep 24 - this ep had some fucking FANTASTIC quotes lmaoooo ‘that’s grandpas suppository holder!’ ‘goemon ishikawa is in the house’ LMAOO goemon was iconic this ep. the ending was cute. that rat guy made some WEIRD fuckin noises. zenigata was str8 up MANIC this ep lmaooooo
ep 25 -  so many wacky hijinks! I love how the lads spent half this ep running around in various states of undress, panicking. The balloon at the end gave me team rocket vibes lol. I always love when goemons weird traditional underwear makes an appearance 
ep 26 -  in this episode, jigen catches a bout of heterosexuality. As Ruth says - ‘part 2 dub jigen is bi. Other Jigens are gay.’ It’s true tbh after this ep I feel like jigen is 95% gay 5% str8. Anyways jigen was smooth as hell in this ep...also this was way more serious/sad than I anticipated. The part when jigen hesitated before shooting the car’s tire out, knowing that he wouldn’t miss...augh. That was a bittersweet victory. Also wow they all str8 up died oof. Also wtf happened w/fujiko being held captive, that went entirely unresolved. Also jigen and lupin fighting each other and thinking the other was the bad guy disguised? Spicy. Then realizing and confirming their identities w/gay coin shenanigans? Even better. Aaaaalso lupin and goemon hanging out this ep was sooo delightful...they’re so cute. Also fujiko going all the way to japan to get Japanese food for goemon?! SO cute, I love this polycule sm. Great ep. 
ep 27 -  lupin gets a kid against his will lmao. a lot of this ep was just lupin + jigen gay fatherhood adventures which was fun. the part where they rob a bank like classic robbers/thieves was novel lol. the part towards the end when things get all trippy briefly was unexpected and wild. also NEW OPENING HOLY SHIT i fucking ADORE the new op, it's so artsy and FUN in the exact way that I love, so much cool dynamic movement and action, amazing colors, fun transitions...plus this version of the song is GREAT. i love it sooo so much
ep 28 - oh man this was fun. I love when things get really law-focused, and we get occasional eps like this where we see a lot of it from the law enforcement perspective. I love all the trickery and melon was awesome and cool, epic girlboss right there. 
ep 29 - have I mentioned yet how much I love all the ridiculous pun titles for the dubbed eps? bc I love them. anyways, I have been waiting SO LONG to see the context for the clip of lupin and jigen floating around w/weird sound fx vbajkdshjfbakhshf and it’s FINALLY HERE im so glad. also tbh context doesn’t help much bc they just start talking about how lupin and jigen can levitate now and never really show us any backstory on this LMAO I wouldn’t have it any other way. I liked this ep, the trickery was top notch. I like how we as the audience were pretty easily able to clock the fake lupin and jigen in that one scene where they torture the guy even tho it wasn’t previously revealed bc the fact that they’re torturing some guy is pretty out of character for them. and also all the floating stuff was fucking hysterical
ep 30 - oh man I love any instance where lupin and zenigata are forced to team up, it’s so much fun. this was great, even though the entire premise was barely believable in the first place and just kept getting more absurd
ep 31 - this ep wins the award for the most confusing and batshit episode so far, by a large margin! we spent most of this ep saying WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??? and that feeling didn’t really lessen as the ep continued. I feel like the pacing was completely insane, and there was so little setup that I had zero idea what ANY of the characters motivations were the entire time...
ep 32 - this ep was GREAT oh my god. I love a good ole presumed-dead trope and I ESPECIALLY love when the death is played mostly for laughs lol. everyone’s reactions to lupin dying were hilarious, yet also sad, but still hilarious? it was a perfectly balanced line, basically. like, the part towards the beginning when jigen tells lupin not to even joke about dying made me sad, and same w/the part when jigen says that the doctor has to try to fix lupin...and then it was SO fucking funny when jigen and goemon just run out of the room and jigen starts shooting random streetlights and goemon starts cutting down trees, both while crying, and then the camera pans out to show a bunch of random people watching in confusion vbkjadbhfkhsnbdfhk that was peak comedy. same w/zenigata slapping cuffs on that officer and running out of the room while firing his gun and making Zenigata Noises(tm). like, it was :( to see them all reacting so strongly, but we all know lupin isn’t really dead, so that just helped to make it hilarious. also the part where lupin is underwater and dumps those pills in his mouth? complete bullshit hvahbjsdkfbks lmao. 
ep 33 - this was a fun ep! the cold open was great. I love when there’s emphasis on the scheming and sneaking around aspect of the thieving. I love how fujiko is usually the one to win big in the end...most of the time. the japanese guy having a brooklyn accent was hilarious. 
ep 34 - this ep was AMAZING lmao oh my god. I automatically love any ep that has weird supernatural BS w/little fanfare, like the zombies ep and the one w/the egyptian spirit possessing lupin. this was amazing, vampire lupin was a delight, I love the dumb way he talked and how he kept doing the ‘nyaaaah!!! }:)’ thing. the ‘jesus christ’s secret evil vampire twin sister’ plot twist was fucking WILD I literally am still reeling hbvjadksfksl. the part where fujiko was disguised as a random elvis impersonator was equally wild and had me reeling too, this ep was just...A Lot (but in the best of ways). I love the return of jigen and goemon being superstitious. also it was really cute when they were like ‘no, we have the help lupin, he’s our friend!’ awww they all love each other <3 unlike the ep where he got possessed, lupin actually WAS faking being a vampire, and clearly having a great time doing so. they seemed to imply that she actually WAS a vampire tho, which is wild. again, I adore how this show barely touches on these weird supernatural occurrences, and just kinda trucks on w/the plot lmao. anyways I loved this ep 10/10
ep 35 - I feel like every ep of this show starts out w/me and ruth going ‘what the fuck is happening!??!’ and this is no exception. this ep was very wack lmao, I feel like fujiko was more of an enemy here than usual, the whole ‘dress up as gorillas’ thing was wild, like...2 of the gorillas were dudes in suits but there was one actual gorilla in the mix?? for some reason?? what...
ep 36 - I love when the english dub npcs have the weirdest fucking accents lmao like the flashback of that japanese couple and they just sound like white bread american greek life college kids hvhbjkhsdbfksn. anyways I thought it was cute that lupin did this whole job for goemon even tho he clearly wasn’t that into it but he loves goemon so he’ll do it anyways aww. poor jigen didn’t have a good time. the ninjas were fun
ep 37 - lupin and jigen are so married I love them. also I loved goemon and fujiko doing a job together, they’re so cute. and I really liked when the polycule came together at the end and all teamed up together aww. it was wild that they accidentally robbed a bank lmaoooo.
ep 38 - this was wild lmao, zeni was so good...hes such a good dad awww when it seemed lupin died and he swam over like ‘doesn’t anyone else here care about him!?’ DAD....also towards the end I was thinking ‘this is an unusual lupin ep, they haven’t even alluded to stealing anything yet’ and then like 2 seconds later it’s revealed that the whole thing is a ploy for them to steal something, which figures lol. the polycule was cute af at the end
ep 39 - this episode was fucking weird lmao. but also I feel like that’s true for every episode. every good anime needs a chicken episode. lupin and jigen in disguise at the beginning was cute. 
ep 40 - this episode had such an intense back and forth between the gang and zenigata tbh? zeni was on top of his game for sure, but the squad still managed to come out on top. that's the power of the polycule baby. I liked that the stakes were so high/intense in this, and that the whole episode was basically the heist. a lot of eps have a bunch of weird goofy stuff at the beginning before the actual thieving starts but this one didn't. also some great polycule content 10/10
ep 41 - THE GENDER EPISODDEEEEE as ruth calls it. I love this one lmao. Its not really up to the modern standard of progressiveness but it also wasn't as bad as I thought it would be tbh. some really funny scenarios, and I loved lupin and fujikos dynamic lmao. It was so fun seeing lupin playing fujiko’s game. also lupin is Big Gender tbh, especially in this ep. I enjoyed the references to ‘some like it hot’ too lmao. 
someday we will watch more and ill continue this. til next time!
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well, today i figured i didn’t have anything better to do & liveblogged the pingry ep. it’s probably a better stepping stone further into the tally void than incomplete demos, coming right off of complete demos, at least.
-from what i know this one basically includes all the mmmm songs that weren't on complete demos (andrew singing ones wahoo) & the expected demos that didn't end up anywhere else + just a friend. i also believe this one was recorded similarly to complete demos so i really have no clue what to expect for taken for a ride's vocals. anyway here i go
-the bidding sounds impressively professional to start things off, but i suppose humming isn't a terribly complex technique anyway. the intro feels a little longer th
-whoah there if that aint a marked difference in audio quality here we go
-guitars also sound different & i don't remember if this album has steve or ross on it i now realize
-goodness the mixing is wonky for rob's segment. the backing vocals do not need to bounce between channels
-why do they have kinda weird voices for the chorus. sounds like they're trying an accent or something. i can barely recognize who's singing
-the keyboard backing in zubin's segment sounds the same as usual, as in, it sounds so stupidly similar to the questions answered backing music that i'm offended i couldn't pick up they're the same for so long
-less echo on disappear actually. at least they still had the brass section
-still a weird sound on the chorus but maybe i can chalk that up to different mixing & more red
-outro sounds not super different. still very good drumming on display which will give me the push i need to decide it's ross drumming
-however i don't hear him shouting out the auctioneer stuff, and given that it was presented as a video during the mmmm recording, i might assume it was done specially for the mmmm releases, so maybe he didn't drum for this album after all
-it does have a greater similarity to the live performances even if the keyboarding is using a different synth
-well now. that's a real piano
-and as any piano will be when played that low, it's out of tune. very
-and everyone's singing? i can't hear andy in the slightest. this is interesting
-i mean i can certainly hear him doing plenty on the piano. but. it's interesting
-i suppose given the ep's hallmanac description, as a compilation of acoustic/one-take recordings i shouldn't be surprised taken for a ride is this different. but boy is it jarring. sounds incredibly different without the heavy synthesizing and complementary instruments
-barebones certainly. not much more of a way to describe it. that's what i expected just not in this way. i like the sound of this bridge though
-do very much wish i could hear andrew's actual voice. even at acoustic live performances he would sing at the very least. then again, that was years later i suppose.
-and it's only now at the final chorus that i realize, somehow, this is a piano-only song. no guitar, no drums even. that's really interesting. even the album version had some drums & bass
-red's singing isn't as impressive here. not as many high notes. understandable. bitch
-different rhythm on the quick part! bet steve feels lucky he didn't have to drum this part although i am hearing some sort of. pants-slapping? now that would be a sight to behold irl
-and that's the end
-goodness. be born. considering how this song was always & every time performed acoustic live i really expect to hear nothing here i haven't from concert recordings
-we're missing whatever the hell that skittery little shaker is called. alas i am not a percussionist & do not know the name of every auxilliary instrument ever
-rippin it up on the melodica bay be. a suitable replacement for whistling considering that never was all that good live. nobody can compare to bora karaca at whistling
-there's extra bass harmonies on display here. swell
-also no percussion i'm realizing
-but yeah normally ross uses brushes on a box/seat drum (also don't know what that's called!) for some good gentle percussion & it's not here. really hoping this won't be a trend because i'm fond of drumming even if it's from stebev himself
-bah (chorus) bah
-wait a minute that's not a bah! that's a doo! big difference! what are you doing rob
-i can tell it's one-take because rob has to take a breath in the middle of that final long bah there
-ooh dropping off the guitar there real quick are you? and not even doing the full outro too. good way to spice things up at the end.
-honestly maybe the reason i & so many other th fans dislike be born so much isn't even the country sound and weird subject matter, it's the fact that this song lacks a whole lot of the variability that might separate it from other music. in the album versions there are violins/fiddles, and the live versions... don't have that. maybe some halfway decent whistling at best. it just is what it is. especially compared to the rest of mmmm- g&e could often be more faithfully recreated on stage, but mmmm got to mix things up most of the time, except for be born. food for thought
-anyway. of all the songs i would expect to be absolutely completely identical (other than be born) the whole world and you definitely takes the cake. a delightful song. i should listen to it more.
-but yeah it was a toy orchestra piece long before a tally hall piece, and toy orchestra was & is nothing but silly little live performances. how on earth could they make this one completely different
-other than. the "punk rehearsal" i've heard of from incomplete demos. that's just. a thing i think
-oh hold on i didn't even listen to the end of be born there was a tiny outro with chat at the end oh that's adorable
-hey i can hear andrew's voice! nice!
-starting off with a full ensemble vocals, all sorts of harmonies in action, and a normal piano instead of a toy piano, so already i'm being proven decently wrong on this song's inability to be greatly altered
-other than that. i kinda like how it sounds as if they're stumbling over their words at points
-boy has andrew's voice changed hasn't it. i know i haven't listened to the solo albums so i'm not exactly one to speak but he really developed his singing a lot over time
-clapping live & not in a studio sure sounds a lot worse, especially when it's like 4 people max doing it and not a whole crowd
-zubin (i'm pretty sure) flexing on us all at the end there. good for him
-it's the song that's sure to invoke an emotional response out of me >:}
-it's also the song i was convinced had andrew vocals in the background (the badadum's between verses) for a good while. still not 100% certain it's rob instead but it's not like i can ask them themselves
-yeah i'll admit it right here this is the song i listen to when i'm going through emotional turmoil. not this version of the song, and no, i don't mean i listen to i'm gonna win or even the tally hall rock version of this one. i mean i listen to the cover of it from we think we're playing in a band. and that's enough on this subject!
-however given the above information yeah i am pretty familiar with this song already. not a new experience right here
-i greatly appreciate the heavy piano work. it's one of my favorite parts about the song
-oh and i should stop talking about that subject right there as well. actually i think i should just say nothing about this song in general. you'll see why in about uhh pauses video
-this friday or so? damn that's sooner than i thought lucky me
-everything will be fine! i'll be making it through!
-oh hello there. "ALBUM" is not a word beamed directly into my brain with great volume thank you very much
-so. it's the outro to good day done with weird haste. looping. no actual chord pro-
-this is. is this some sort of radio performance? what the hell is going on
-steven!!! hello there thanks for the confirmation & god is it surreal to hear his name truly uttered in the context of red rob zubin andrew. wow
-pingry school spring fling. how the hell have i never heard about whatever the hell this track is before
-wait- is it over? song listed as good day but it's in fact the outro to good day done on. a radio program maybe. and now it's a really strange sounding performance of yearbook
-i genuinely can't tell if there's a filter on rob's voice or if the micro- shit that's loud
-what in the hell is going on is this another radio performance or something? like ok yearbook at least was on songs about girls by listedblack but i really want this to be made clear soon
-all i really think i need to know about yearbook is that it's another rob "heterophobic homophonic" cantor angsty boy band song and. listening to it for the first time her. that impression sure isn't going away
-at least i get to hear andrew twinkling those ivories in the back. got a good sound. even if the mixing here is all sorts of wack. a song this complex should not be performed live with only like one microphone
-alright rob i get it you were in love with a girl- and it's over? ok
-live performance of just a friend holy shit hell yes hell yes hell yes for some reason i thought this would be the studio version but no
-i cannot imagine what this song will sound like with steve on the drums hell yes oh will there be banter will rob forget his lines will red say some random 4-syllable phrase will zubin be the best singer in the whole damn band give me an answer now
-already hearing some banter :}
-they're moving weirdly fast and andrew's already got the piano playing even in the beatboxing part. wowie
-ooh kick it andy do those riffs hell yeah
-"that sounded fishy... zubin sedghi!" i'm in love
-and there's the drums! go stevie. go stevie
-good ness andrew just will not let up on the sick as hell keyboarding will he fukc yeah bro kill it
-rob sounds unbelievably tired for this i'm half expecting him to trip up the lyrics at any moment
-"i don't buy it" "don't gimmie that!" you say it boys. oh classic zubin line right there preserved on an official tally hall recording for all eternity, what a treasure this is
-hm isn't this a bit early to go into the pseudo-breakdown chorus? no it works. andrew still rippin it up of course
-and there's the tambourine bay be!
-buildup to the "oh snap" isn't as intense as it could get in later performances which i will gladly blame in its entirety on steve <3
-boy oh boy does rob's voice just sound generally different here. so young so so young
-shooby-doo-wah. well i had low expectations which were not quite fulfilled but it's technically more than what we got on the studio recording so. i won't complain
-what a fool i was to pause the moment he said it. silly old me <3
-no, no, thank you for coming! but hold on one second. is there not... one more track? technically not a song, technically something i think i've heard before, but if i take a step over to the tally archive...
-cell phone call.
-circus you say? if i had to guess it's the whole world & you given the 08 version of the song but that's a vague guess. can't think of anything better but my current answer isn't that good on its own
-ah! it's joey jo joseph. this wouldn't happen to be that phone call spoken of that, like, invited joe into the band in the first place, would it? i remember that story from an old bio or something, but it doesn't seem like the type of thing that'd be recorded & put on an album. hard to say
-pj? like a certain rob cator frat dude voice JP!?
-well well well now. i'm not sure what to say. i don't recognize that song they're playing as the outro. it could either be some vague listedblack or miscellaneous early tally hall song lost to the void or a demo. i wouldn't exactly know. anyway that ends the pingry ep. shorter than i thought it be, lucky old me. hope you enjoyed!
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