#so many ppl seem to think the hound is just some random demon and not a part of guts??
nazorneku · 1 year
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finally i decided to amass my observations regarding distinctions in which MC with various backgrounds can pick up details 'bout Ais and his surroundings— along with screenshots, i will also provide my contemplation and hypothesis, until the full game is up such details are obv free to our interpretation
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we are going down the line, so the first one to interrogate will be The Unnamed - Oracle so far this background showed me that they literally sensed a whole lot of what happens around Ais, they sense the "heartbeat" of the spring, they sense that entity that lives there and commands that power, they literally sense that demon later whilst they inspect Ais, they also perceive a minor shift in tattoo and i dont think it's accidental, im p sure it's a brand of sort - and here i have two theories bout it, it either belongs to Ais himself and connected to his monstrous form or it's a mark of a deal struck (im more likely to lean onto the 2d option 'cause octopus being the demon of the spring is more fitting and likely to be, cause Ais' features are sharp and aside from tattoo he literally has no other motives or similarities with this leggy nasty) and later again they connect the dots to the spring, when Ais utters the name of a friend, who lives in his head— and that is beyond doubt at this point the demon he dealt with, i aint even gonna question it anymore
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the second one is The Hound the worth pointing out moment is when we mention the gang and MC connects the dots - Ais behaves and carries self as someone who used to be in a position of power and amongst many ppl, which also makes me wonder - what happened and it also brings me back to the question he asked MC later - THAT felt rly personal, not smth you will wonder out of the blue— so what rly happened 'cause it felt important to him, relevant of sort, mayhap the gang was affected by his deal or the Seaspring
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and finally The Alchemist - Mage the most prominent change is when Ais utters the name of the friend that lives in his head— MC muses that the name sounds familiar, but they cant put their finger on where and how they could hear/know it we can safely assume Ocudeus is the name of the demon with whom Ais made a deal and it somehow bound them (??) 'cause official info stated "borrow powers" and THAT means connection, so he doesnt belong entirely to himself whilst he has those powers... which also raises 333 questions, especially the one "what he got on his end of the bargain" or more like "what he actually surrendered for powers" and MC could read that name either is books or hear it from mentor
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i literally spent the entire day trying to get the blasted screenshot and im p much sure i fucked up with choices somewhere on the way, 'cause i cant lend this option with the Alchemist for some reason and im not THAT old, i totally remember that they stated such thing, 'cause i played demo a few times with this background till i decided to try others :| i have 30h on demo for a reason, 'cause im v particular to details, but my inability to get that screenshot now annoys me :| so i will add this one later
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here i will list other random thoughts, that dont let my brain rest, in no particular order:
the lady that led MC to the Seaspring— she seemed perfectly fine and in own mind and most of all she knew their name, which leads me to believe that it was intentional targetting, this person intentionally led MC to the Seaspring with aim for them to join the happy family, which also leads me to believe that the demon at the depths of the spring may intentionally collect ppl
and this prompts another suspicion, especially judging by how Ais with his question to MC just pushed the idea of drinking from the spring further away— you simply DONT ask such groundbreaking questions, if you support or promote the power of the spring, THAT is as i mentioned above Ais knows that spring intentionally collects ppl and he isnt fond of the idea subjecting sentient ppl, resulting in them loosing their sense of identity... whereas Soulless, on the other hand, obtain the modicum of intelligence and not driven by only murderous instinct, which he actually supports, judging by how he treats them fondly as pets
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