astridbrylen · 4 years
-darklands somewhere since she can’t go too far
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Lydia poked at the plate of food and contemplated dumping it in the trash. She wasn’t really up for it after a hectic few weeks. She knew if she didn’t look presentable though it could cause her trouble. “Hm? Oh…uh no you can sit here. It’s fine. I swear the foods good. I’m just not up for it today.” Biting her bottom lip she decided to attempt what anyone would call normal socializing. “How are you?”
Astrid was trying to expand the places she went and the people she interacted with more than anything because the more she knew the more she felt she could be prepared for things that could come, maybe it was just a silly desire but she truly needed somethings to make her feel more in control after everything. “Thank you” she said “I am not used to this place so I guess I was unsure if it’s actually good.” She said looking around “..I’m quite well..you?”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
“Darling, people should care. Appearances mean far more than people want to admit. You’re not going to want to shop somewhere that looks like a dump are you?” Leo pointed out casually. Most people didn’t want to admit they were so self centred that appearances meant so much, but the truth was they did, Leo was just honest about his own fickleness at least. 
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“I do agree people should care, but is not the same about caring about places you consider your home to places where anyone and everyone go” She said with a shrug “I’m very concerned that any place that the fae frequent or we think of as our own is as nice as it can be, but here well not so much, maybe is not the best mindset but I think some don’t even care about their own homes so the bar is low.”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
“I suppose a trip to the surface every now and again is certainly refreshing though.” He mused, a small shrug on his shoulders as he looked over the female. “Well, pleasure to meet you Astrid. I’m Kondor.” The male wasn’t great at small talk, one of the reasons he didn’t venture out of the forgotten often. People on the surface were so often very chatty.
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“Nice to meet you as well” She replied politely. “Well how are things below the surface, there have been a lot of things going on lately so, is everything going better?” She asked, she just wondered how things were after the wedding and well everything that happened that day.
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astridbrylen · 4 years
“I suppose it does well to have things on hand so that I don’t have to come shopping every time something gets ruined.” Kondor mused, buying one of each colour and keeping the black shirt on, putting his jacket on over the top of it. “I appreciate your opinion. You got a name?”
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“It’s much more convenient yes, unless you can send someone to get what you want for you” She did sometimes do that, but then they would bring something she didn’t like or missed something and really she just preferred to do her shopping herself or get a tailor back home much easier really “Astrid, and you are?”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
Everything Astrid was saying was right, wise council. Then again, Waverley really shouldn’t have expected anything less from the woman. She nodded, truly taking into account what the other fae said. She’d have to work on figuring out what exactly she could and would do in the event someone wished to bring harm her way. She wasn’t a fighter; and she really wasn’t all that strong. But she was agile. And she was a fast flier. So that could be of benefit.
Brushing off the thoughts of her potential fight or literal flight response, Waverley tilted the bag in her hand just enough to show off the music box she’d purchased at the antique shoppe. “Found a new piece for my collection; so the day’s looking up, I suppose… How are you today? Enjoying the weather?”
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“Oh that’s lovely” she said getting closer to properly look at the music box, “A very good find, where did you get it? Most of the stores I’ve been lately have been rather disappointing.” She of course had a soft spot for pretty things but also what she deemed actually nice could be very specific at times which made her very picky “Yes, it has been one of the nicer days here, hopefully it will stay like this for a while.”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
open || neutral territory
Calamity. Oh how he never thought he’d see this bitch again. He could still remember the day his father had cursed him and thrown him out like it hadn’t happened ten years ago. Banishment hadn’t been all that bad, so he had rather mixed feelings about being back at all. He was really only here for one thing and that was his brother. Still Leo was curious if the city had changed much in his time away. It looked about the same as it ever did, maybe a few new interesting places but same old same old. “Really, they couldn’t have added a lick of paint here and there while I was gone. Terrible upkeep.”
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“I don’t think there are many that care too much about this places to keep them looking nice” She said replying to the passing comment, if it was a place for the fae she would probably make sure the place was nice and fitting for them but in neutral territory, who really cared. maybe it wasn’t the best mindset but it was how it was. “There are a few places that aren’t terrible.”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
It couldn’t be too tight, especially if he was going to be smart about things and put a protective vest on underneath. The next size up would have to do, and in black. “No occasion, I just ruined my other suit recently. Investing in a new one.” Kon explained simply, a shrug on his shoulders. He swapped for a black shirt, in the next size up. “Better?”
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“Well if there is no particular occasion then why not get more than just one in one color, plus it would be good if you go around ruining your suits often. Unless you want to go for the all black all the time thing.” she said before nodding “yes that looks better.”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
It was just Astrid. Phew. Waverely let out a sigh of relief and took a step closer to her fellow fae. “You’re right… I really should try and work on my intimidation factor.” Even before the added anxieties due to the aftermath of the Royal Wedding, the brunette had never had much of an intimidation factor or the ability to come off the least bit threatening. It was a skill she’d need to learn to harness.
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“It would be good” She said with a soft smile “though also work on the actually doing something if needed part” She sighed “things aren’t safe at the moment it seems... not to mention is always good to be able to take care of yourself if needed” Although everything that had happened lately was more complicated than some ruffian thinking they could hurt them, still it was best to be prepared “How was your day?”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
Open Location // Neutral Territory
Waverley had a long day; and while she’d planned on returning home to tend to her gardens and simply relax, something in the window of an antique shoppe had caught her eye, leading to an impromptu browse and a bit of an unnecessary splurge instead. She really didn’t need another music box; but this one was far too lovely to pass up, even if the old silver box turned out to play quite the distorted little melody. In a way, the eerie distortion added character, charm even. Besides, she had the perfect place for it in her bungalow. So after purchasing said music box as well as filling a small bag with assorted colorful gemstones, the young fae made her way back outside into the crisp wintery air. 
Even though she’d not been in attendance, she could sense an uneasiness about the city since the events of the Royal Wedding. There was more than just a crispness in the air; and it was that something more that had Waverley slightly on edge as she exited the shoppe, especially as she spotted a figure looming in the nearby shadows. “So here’s what we’re gonna do. I’ll give you until the count of five to show yourself…” She called out, an uncertainty to her voice, her words trailing off as she didn’t exactly have a plan if the shadowy figure turned out to be harmful. 
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“I am just going back home” She said as she got closer to the other fae, Astrid of course wasn’t following the other one or even payed much attention to her until she began to talk, still she couldn’t blame her for being on edge a lot had happened lately, way too much and even she was starting to feel slightly more jumpy the past few days. “I do recommend threatening people without your voice faltering, I know is not easy but is for the best.”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
@calamitousstarters​ Location: Can be anywhere; if outside of the Forgotten he’s likely in neutral territory buying supplies
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He was getting ready for his first day as Greyson Zander’s guard, and though he was sure he was more than capable, for some reason he found himself nervous. Kondor had finally given into one of the wishes his parents had for him, and hopefully that would put them off the whole marriage thing; especially now it wasn’t possible for him to marry Saylor (thank god, he knew he would’ve made a shitty King and not be what the Queen needed him to be). Still, it was time to get geared up. After all, his charge was a prince and he was taking absolutely no chances, especially with what happened at the wedding. That reminded him, he needed to check on Andrew. He added it to his list of things to do which seemed to be ever growing. “Hey. Is this shirt too tight?” Kondor asked the nearest persons opinion. If he was protecting a prince he had to look good doing it. He wasn’t about to embarrass royalty with his shitty style. “Or do I look alright? Maybe not something white…” 
“Just a little” She said turning to face the man, she usually wasn’t someone that went of of her way to buy clothes, preferring to have her outfits tailored but she was passing through and some of the things the place was selling wasn’t that bad and she supposed buying things would distract her for a second. “Well what is the occasion?”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
“Thank you.” Saylor said with a smile as she glanced towards the Fae. She only knew the woman because of her status. Saylor always made sure to know who was in charge of the lesser Fae. Especially since they needed them in order to gain legs. “Did you come here with anyone?” Saylor was trying to avoid anymore dull conversations about herself and her new husband.
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“No not really.” She said with a small shrug “You know I actually like going to parties and the like alone, that way I can do whatever I want and leave whenever I feel too. Of course is different if I was in a relationship but just a date for one occasion? Or if it’s a bad date? No I rather be by myself.” She honestly found the whole dating thing more tedious than anything.
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astridbrylen · 4 years
“I am, it’s my sister’s wedding.” Grey answered not wanting it to be believed he wasn’t happy for his sister, he was he was just also jealous and okay, not happy about it too. “I just…feel kind of sad things are changing you know? My sister’s married, maybe Quin will next, we’re all growing up now, not just kids any more.” He lied, rather convincingly which he was quite proud of. A believable story for something he’d come up with on the spot. 
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“I see” She said nodding though she couldn’t quite relate since she didn’t have any siblings, but still she could try to be  understanding she supposed. “Change is always a scary thing, and I think I can imagine it’s hard to see you and your siblings go live your lives not spending as much time together but well is not like it means you won’t be there for each other or anything like that.” she said trying to be sympathetic  
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astridbrylen · 4 years
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again. These were the words that were repeating over and over again in his head as Tigger nervously fidgeted with the tie that Aiden had helped him put on. It would have been too easy to blame the mans poor tie tying skills, but Tigger knew the truth. The words Don’t touch it. Leave it alone! Came to mind and clearly he hadn’t listened. Who could blame him? How was he supposed to know that any moment whatever they’d been given to drink wouldn’t wear off and the entire weight of the ocean wouldn’t come crushing down on him? He wouldn’t be the first piece of plastic to wind up drifting through the wind if the wind was the bottom of the ocean. 
Tigger wasn’t the type to skip out on a party, especially one with an open bar, but dear god did he feel out of place in a suit. He’d barely convinced himself to let go of the tie, seconds away from ripping it off when the bartender returned with a drink he could distract himself with instead. He tipped him with a few loose kochba he’d slipped into his jacket pocket before turning back towards the party and taking a long sip. “I don’t know why I assumed this was gonna taste saltier.” Tigger said casually to one of the few bi-standers who stood among him. Perhaps black on black suit had been a bad idea. Wasn’t the most standout of colors, if that was even what he was going for. The bride and groom may have been real royalty but even they hadn’t royally fucked up the way he had in not bringing a date to make this easier. “Actually it might have made it better. I’m not really a big beer fan.” He added, in a tone that he could only assume was smoother than the cream cheese spread on a bagel. 
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“beer is disgusting” She said simply and she truly believed that, only drinking that when it was necessary. she had heard his comment about him expecting it to be salty which she actually found very amusing “Why don’t you ask for something else?” In fact drinking beer during this wedding seemed a little weird especially if you didn’t like it. 
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astridbrylen · 4 years
Saylor picked up her skirts and moved around the room, trying her best to stay out of the way of those that she felt might be less nice to her. She still couldn’t believe that they had invited every single species, and every single person in Calamity, to the wedding. But, there was nothing she could do about that now besides smile and nod at those around her.
Her stomach grumbled from hunger, practically begging her to eat something. Instead, she grabbed the nearest glass of champagne that was being passed around and downed it before quickly grabbing another. She turn turned to the person that she heard walking towards her. So many people to greet, so little time. “Thank you for coming.” Saylor offered them a smile. “I do hope you are enjoying yourself.”
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Astrid actually really liked weddings, she had never given hers much thought, those weren’t things she ever really gave much thought but other people’s weddings she enjoyed -for the most part.´And this one was particularly important, she saw the bride near her and without people around for once, so she got closer  Astrid smiled “Everything is lovely” She said with a quick glance around “Congratulations, I wish you the best on your marriage” she said honestly “And you look lovely too” 
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astridbrylen · 4 years
[ open to anyone | Royal wedding ]
Greyson was supposed to happy for his sister, it was her wedding day and yet, he wasn’t. He felt guilty about it, about having a crush on her now-husband. The wedding was beautiful, the ceremony too but Grey just wanted to be anywhere else. Perhaps he could use the sickness as an excuse to leave early. He kept to the back, by the bar, not usually one to dink but he needed it. “Can I get another?”  @calamitousstarters​
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“You certainly look happy” She said as she waited for her drink, the man next to her looked all but happy to be here, maybe he was on edge because the last few parties that had been thrown in the city turned out not to be so great in the end. but this time she was hoping that a wedding wouldn’t go sour.
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astridbrylen · 4 years
“ You are not the only one. Darcy expressed similar concerns as well. “ What could any of them do really. There was no telling who orchestrated this night. Surely not the people hosting it. It rarely was ever that simple and it had the oddest feel that it could be the same person that held them all in those fun little escape rooms during Halloween. Giselle kept this speculation to herself. There was no point making a fuss. Especially since they were given order to enjoy the night. “ The night might move along faster if you tried enjoying what you can of it. No point of worrying about every little thing. You’ll drive yourself crazy doing that.” 
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“well I am trying” she said and she actually was trying though it was hard while also having an eye on someone she had never even properly met, she just hoped he wasn’t the type to get in trouble, “but still maybe later in, a more private place and time we can discuss some  things too,”
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astridbrylen · 4 years
“ I will be,” Already feeling herself regain her center of balance. She knew that this would happen. Magic wasn’t endless, especially Fae magic. At some point, she would be spent and would have to take her to leave, however, for now. Her task for the moment was complete. This was the critical part. Smoothing out the front of her dress, Giselle gave Astrid and nod of thanks. Noting the worried look on her face, she let out a sigh. “I’ll be fine, no need to worry, darling. Soon the night will be over, and thankfully we’ll all be far from here.” A hope anyway, whether it came to fruition, remained to be seen.
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“Right, well if you’re sure.” She said still a little concerned but dropping it, “I keep watching the clock hoping is time...I am a little on edge with everything that has happened lately and this party just doesn’t sit right with me” She admitted, if she could she probably would have stayed home, she was fearing some type of thing would happen when they least expected it
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